Leaving the Hospital
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I smelled the air and sensed a few zombies staggering in the halls.
After making short work of them, I climbed out of the hole in the wall and climbed down to the ground.
I looked up and realized I couldn't see the stars or anything in the sky for that matter, the moon wasn't there, nor was there clouds, the sky was just a black void.
'Damn, the world really has gone to shit, what should I do now? Find some humans? No, I'll probably just get attacked, I'm not gonna be like those nonhuman main characters that try to meet humans the first chance they get, maybe I should find some bandits or something? Or maybe some other xenomorphs...'
I stuck out my inner jaws and smelled the air, then stalked off and climbed over a chain link fence, avoiding the zombies and cars that littered the parking lot.
I launched myself off the fence and into the forest, delighting in the feeling of the wind rushing past as I ran.
Then I heard a growl and a whimper, and I slowed down and looked around.
I saw a dog, if you could still call it a dog as it was several times the size of a normal dog, and had bright silver fur.
Then I saw a bear, with orange fur and flames streaming from it's claws as it swiped at the dog.
I leapt over and climbed into a tree above them and waited for the opportune moment when I saw the bear sniff the air.
I jumped from the branches and slammed my tail into its neck, however it felt like my tail hit metal as it bounced away and the bear growled at me.
I landed in between the dog and the bear, mouth open spitting out hisses while my tail swiped the air behind me.
For a moment we both regarded each other, then it probably decided that o wasn't worth it, because it started to step backwards, trying to leave.
'Holy hell, I just found something why looks delicious and you want to leave? You must ask me first!' I leapt at the bear, my nails extended and slashing the fur apart as we rolled on the ground, red blood splashing everywhere.
It raked it's claws along my head, however other than a shrill grating noise, I was unharmed, so I bit down on the bear's throat.
Wrapping my tail around its head, I tried to grind it's face to bits, however it grabbed me and through me against a tree.
The tree cracked in half as I was slammed through it and was sent rolling into the forest.
Pushing myself to my feet, I shook my head and leapt at the bear, determined to end it soon.
I leapt onto a tree and threw myself at the bear, opening my jaw, my tongue shot out and pierced through the bear's throat.
The bear staggered, then let out a low hoarse roar, then collapsed to the floor, red blood pooling beneath the body.
'Shit, who knew my ultimate attack was so op?'