The past and door [ Ch 2 ]
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"Hello everyone my name is Aldani Ansori, I'm from Jakarta, nice to meet you"


It's 4:57 PM, a cloudy evening.

I'm practicing to introduce myself in front of class.

Hmm... I think it's too awkward, let's try a lighter tone.


"Hello everyone, my name is Al-"


"Stop it, Dan, you've been repeating the same line since like half an hour ago! Do you even need to practice to introduce yourself?"


"I'm trying to not be awkward"


"You're making it more awkward by introducing yourself like you're in a corporate interview. It's not like, plain 'Hello everyone blah blah, my name is blah blah, yada yada..

It's like this, ehem, Hello everyone! My name is Aldan, and I will be the next Hokage!"


"I rather break my ankles than saying that, now shut up..

Hello everyone, my name is-"


"blah blah, I'm from blah blah, nice to meet you yaay"


"Stop fucking bothering me"


"I will stop if you don't fucking repeat the same line"


The person who can't stop bothering me is Rudy, he is my friend who was with me when I was inside that door in the past

Rudy and I have been friends since the first day in kindergarten when the teacher told us to shake hands after we had a little fight.

Our house was not too far, even when both our families moved from our village to a city, our parents bought their house in the same housing complex.

And unfortunately, Rudy's house is now right beside mine, so avoiding this weeb is nearly impossible. 


"Anyway, are you sure is this the right way? There's nothing but more bushes here, do you bring the map?"


"It is the right way, and I don't need the map"


"Just in case you forget, we don't know where we're going if you don't remember"


"I never forget Rudy, you know it"


We've done so many things together, like run around, doing some shenanigans, stealing mangos, or beating other kids.

Now, a decade later, were now on our way to attending an academy in another world.


Things went from 0 to 100 real quick.


So, here is another flashback on how the heck we can get into this trouble.




One day, A month, and 3 days ago to be exact. Rudy found a link to a mysterious school registration website, being the curious ass he is he decided to enroll himself along with me.

He thought it was just a fake website because it doesn't ask for important documents so it's not a harm to do so.

He took a photo of his monitor and shared the link to the website. Just like him, I also think that it's nothing and just a website for fun.

I scrolled through the web with my laptop, and I found some interesting questions.


[ What is your race? ]

[ Do you have an elemental affinity? ]
Leave it blank if you're not a human 


[ What weapon do you prefer to use? ]


What does it mean? Reading these questions feels like registering myself in a magic school...

Heh, what do you think this is, a fantasy world?


And in that moment, I remember the time when I was a child,


The old memory that I had pushed to the back of my brain,


The time when we found a door that led us to a place...


A place that only exists in a fantasy story


I texted Rudy and asked him if he remembered about the past when we were lost in the forest, but he said he didn't.


I told him to remember again, and he said he would try to.

And five minutes later...


He had a nosebleed.


I quickly called him and explained everything that had happened that day.


We were lost, we found a door, we entered it and it took us somewhere, we had fun and then we went home.


He said everything felt familiar, but he just couldn't remember why.

I don't know Dan. I think I know it, but I really don't remember.

The door, the place, it felt like I was there before but I couldn't recall any moments you said.

It's weird but uhh, it felt like there was this one huge wall that blocked me from remembering it.

Hey, you're not doing some psychological tricks on me right? My head hurts alot because of your question.


Just like me, something is preventing him from recalling that moment.


The same wall that I had tried to climb, tried to destroy and nothing happened but more pain.


But isn't it weird? I remember our first time there, but why can't Rudy recall it at all?


That night neither of us can sleep because of it.


A few days passed, nothing much happened and just regular school days, until we went home.


Two unknown black cars parked in front of our house.

"...smells like burnt rubber..." Rudy said.

Thinking it was just a guest we ignored it.


When I went inside, I was speechless.

People with weird clothes, no, people with outfits and kinds of stuff that probably doesn't feel strange if you're in an anime con.

There are three people, one, there is a guy with grey hair in a robe, holding a beautiful stick with a big shiny pearl.

The second is a dark skinned woman with minimum clothes, pointy ears and white fire as her hair, yes, fire. 

And lastly, a bald old man in an old suit, with a couple of flying books around him.

They wear different stuff, but two things are the same in their style.

They had a white color pallete and a golden logo.


It turns out that the website isn't a joke, its a real website for a real school.