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Arin woke... body stiff, aching head to toe... and memories of the night before came flooding in.

"Oh fuck!" She looked at the two dragons she was currently between... then followed Falnirth's form down toward the tail... she Shuddered. "How the FUCK did that Even FIT? OH FUCK..." she tried to move... and pain shot through her Hips. "Fuuuuuuuck..." teary Eyed, she hadn't noticed That Both dragons were awake.

"Heh. Looks like You have a favorite word."

"Oh dear, are you in that much pain? Give me a moment." Tyrlith Lowered her head and breathed out a puff of Pink Dust... and Arin felt the pain ease. "It won't remove the pain, but it should dull it."

"Umm... what exactly was that last night? I can't really remember much, just... I was burning up. And flashes of what happened afterward."

"Falnirth. Go fly or something."

"Why? Oh wait. Okay, yeah, I don't wanna hear this." The larger dragon stretched... then looked around. "Aw man. My Armor! And some gold! It's Slag! Sigh..." He took off through the Roof-hole... which was a bit melted. "Man, what did I do last night... oh. Right. That was fun..." The voice faded as he flew off.

"Does he always talk to himself?"


"Y'know, for powerful Dragon Demigods, you guys don't seem very... godly. More like Teenagers."

"Well, that's essentially what we are. Dragons mature slowly, and us slower than that. We may be over 100000 years old, but we are still barely Adult, by Dragon Standards. Now... about last night. First off, can you try to stand?"

Arin tried. She really did. But her body said no, and when she insisted it replied with pain.

"That's a no."

"Okay. We'll need a Healer then. Sorry."

"Not your fault. If anything it's the gods who are to blame."

"Indeed. And I have some words for my father. But we've gone off topic again. Arin, do you know about dragon-kin Mating Cycles?"


"I thought not. Well... When our bodies are ready, we enter an animalistic state. The Dragon-Heat... the body of a female gives off a pheromone that makes the male lose control, and enter a Mating Frenzy. Close relations are immune to each other's pheromones. But given your unique nature, well... you Scented me. That caused your body to enter Heat, because of the Half-male part. Which in turn triggered the Female Part, and those pheromones Triggered Falnirth... none of us were in control last night. And Fal almost Ate Someone afterward. He wasn't awake, but his body was in 'protect' mode... defending his Mate from Rivals. And your body has been altered by the Gods, to be able to fill that role."

"So why do I still hurt so badly?"

A voice spoke from behind.

"I can answer that." A blonde woman with ears like an elf, but Scales on her face was standing in the doorway to the temple... a pair of maids behind her, with what appeared to be clothing and a washbasin. "I'd like to examine you, while these two do their job of bathing and clothing you."

"Sigh. Am. You forgot introductions again."

"Well, shit. I'm Amy, Light Drelf. And I am the closest thing to a holy cleric these two have got. Now..."

She walked over, and the maids started Fussing over me. I'd never been bathed before. The giggles at my Draconic Penis were unnecessary though.

"Now then. Young Lady and or Gentleman, Your Hips were literally out of alignment. According to a Magical Scan, Every bone and muscle in your lower body can shift out of alignment as well. Like a snakes Jaw. They're also much sturdier than they seem to be, or you would have been paste. Also, and don't ask me how, you are already pregnant from last night's event... as is Lady Tyrlith."

"OH DEAR! Truly? Incredible. Oh, Arin, are you not Excited?"

"Im... Im..." The idea of pregnancy terrified her, yet also... made her happy. She then smirked, an idea in her head. "Lady Tyrlith, I'm Egg-Static!"

"Arin, dear... that was horrible."

Soon... the two females would be quite gravid...