A New Home – 1
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Be Quinn, really empathizing with Anakin Skywalker right now.
“Eugh, Thand on mah ptongue.”
That hurt.
A lot.
You rip off the burnt remains of your outfit, the fabric fading away into black smoke. The back seems especially burned. How something made of magic has turned into a physical, burning tar-like substance is beyond you. You feel the itching sensation as your skin heals, and you limp over to the water. You dip your tongue into the water to rid it of sand, and fish downstream start spawning. Fish sex is unsexy as all hell.
The aphrodisiac.
Checking yourself for injuries, everything seems to be healing nicely except the—
It’s snapped into place, so everything’s good. Looking around reveals nothing except a long beach and a forest of mangrove trees. There’s a faint presence, though. You frown as you change. Something’s off about this one. Before you have a chance to think over it further, you notice the presence is a lot closer than you thought.
You panic a bit as you try to ‘un-demonify’ your appearance, even summoning a pair of yoga pants and tanktop fitting your new short, thick frame. Until the presence makes its way through the foliage.
It's humanoid, which is good because being something like a harpy is hard enough. It’s green and small, with bright blue eyes, and big pointy ears. Atop its head is some sort of crooked cone shape. Is this perhaps a trilomorph?
“Oh, hello! What is a woman like you doing out here?”
He takes the cone off the top of his electric blue hair, which just appears to be some sort of hat.
“My name is Spark, Grounded Spark. And I must say, you are maybe one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen.”
This is weirding you out. He’s a goblin. The green skin, the short stature, the pointy green ears twitching with curiosity, cute little button nose, it all points to goblin. But his DESIRE is…tiny. Quiet.
Aren’t goblins supposed to be super horny? You’ve been robbed of a great time by this goblin not conforming to stereotypes! Curses!
And those words just now…
He wasn’t even trying to get in your pants, that was he meant from the very core of his soul.
“Oh, thank you, Spark. My name is Quinn.” Telling him your name will have no consequence, surely.
Very few people actually know it, and they’re pretty far away. Plus, you’d be caught in a lie if you didn’t respond to the pseudonym.  You’re glad you had a chance to change, it would have been risky if you were in your demonic form.You’re sure the curved back horns, black sclera and snake pupils would have given poor Spark a heart attack. But as Quinn, the goblin woman with a messy black hair, he couldn’t suspect a thing.
Now to give him a sob story. You rub your wrist against your eyes.
“It’s so nice to meet someone nice after the shipwreck…I was lucky to have been blown away before the waterspout hit…”
“Oh, you poor thing! Thankfully, you landed in Prillia. Follow me, I can bring you to the town I’m working in.”
“Thank you very much. Can you tell me about it?” Both of you hopped into the forest and took care not to trip over the roots.
“Well, it’s still growing, but a couple hundred thousand people live there already.” You almost tripped.
That’s a city! A real, honest to gosh, city. Not a bunch of huts, or scattered tents, or a cozy cave.
“I’m pretty much in charge of leyline setting, so everyone has power. I’m covering for my friend, Trailblazer.” You look around and notice little flags nestled between the roots behind you. So they have ‘power’. Electricity? Magic? Magitech? “It’s okay though, I’m way ahead of Leaky Faucet, who needs to set the pipes for us.”
“I’d like you to lay my pipes.” You blurt that out without thinking.
Shit. That explosion has left you drained and cock hungry.
“What?” He turns around.
“I said ‘I’d like you to tell me more.’”
“Oh, sure!” He hops over a fallen tree and you follow. “We just finished construction of our first twenty-story building, and we’re still going strong. Of course, we may have more dwarves than anybody else, but we still have about forty-thousand elven mages!”
He looks at you.
“But there’s only a couple thousand of us goblins. It’s nice to see we’ll have one more joining us. You any good at weather magic?” You shake your head. “Darn. We need atmomancers. Doesn’t help that the clouds around here are a bit more feral…”
They can control the weather? Feral clouds? What?
“Of course, the hard work we put into the town is only a part of why it grew so quickly in only twenty years. We’re south of Bouldermore, and on the prime location for trade between the minotaur tribes of Vulcan across the sea, bloodsucker nomads of the west, and the dragons south of us. We give Prillian gems to the dragons, who give us precious metals, which we trade a portion to the minotaurs, who give us crafted materials, which we give to the vampires, who pass on herbs and medicines.”
Wew, that exposition.
And why does ‘Bouldermore’ seem like a bad pun of Baltimore? But that doesn’t seem like a solid reason to insist on building somewhere where those from this ‘Bouldermore’ would only need to travel a bit farther to accomplish the same goal.Even then, 200,000?
“That seems like a great idea, but is there anything more than trade for why there’s such quick growth?”
Spark nods and smiles.
“You’re pretty sharp! Yeah, some folks a few years back discovered that there was a high chance of there being high-purity mithril and adamantium veins in the swamp nearby. We’ve found a few small veins while digging the infrastructure, but nothing enough to explain the massive thaumaturgical readings.”
Mithril and Adamantium. Fantasy super metals are bound to be expensive...is that the only trouble they bring?
“What’re those?”
“Oh, you don’t know? Well, you know how gold is used to conduct mana and works fantastically as a conduit for glyphs and runes?”
You know too well.
“Gold is pretty amazing for that, but mithril absorbs and releases mana under certain conditions, while adamantium is like gold, except a lot harder, and more tuned towards magic. Problem is, it’s super rare, and the dragons that do have it, won’t trade it away for gems because they consider it far more valuable. I’ve heard some brainiacs up in Camelot have been able to make some very powerful circuits by using adamantium and mithril together.”
Why do have a bad feeling? Like some sort of tingling down your spine?
You turn around and spot a mosquito the size of your hand on your back, trying to puncture your skin. Your tail whips up and smooshes it against your back before Spark can notice.
Thank goodness it was just a mosquito. The size of your hand. That’s nuts. Speaking of nuts...you eye Spark between his legs. He's a bit skinny, so you can easily imagine a handsome pair dangling between his--
“Oh, here we are!”
The forest clears and a city unfolds before you. It’s far more alive than any you have seen in this world. Buildings everywhere, and more being constructed as you watch. Not stone buildings or huts, but actual high rises with iron struts and rebar. The roads are cobblestone, but considering the few carriages you see don’t even need wheels to move around, it makes sense.
Airships unlike any you've seen before glide seamlessly through the air. They're neither made of wood nor do they have balloons or sails. They seem to be carved from stone, with one or two rings floating around them magically.
You stare as a pointy eared woman passes by, levitating pallets stacked with bricks behind her. You push away the urge to transform and a stout man with a long red beard approaches. A dwarf. Behind him is a more feeble older goblin with less hair and deeper crow's feet.
“Spark! You got done quickly!” The other goblin crows.
His gaze and the dwarf's drifts to you and his DESIRE blooms. Insignificantly. Is this a land of monks? Grim had DESIRE, but it was pushed down by discipline. Glasgow's DESIRE was broken, probably from the ol' snip-snip and a general bad attitude. Aevum had none, and he was an elf. From what you can tell.
But these guys...These guys aren’t even trying!
“Hello, ma’am. Where are you from?”
“She’s a shipwreck survivor!”
Is he going to buy it?
“Ach, you poor thing!" The dwarf rumbles. "Spark, you’ve covered enough, so you can show her around. And ma’am…Welcome to Hacksonville.”
Wait what? Isn’t this plagiarism? You know what, fine. You don’t care.
Spark leads you deeper downtown as higher buildings surround you.
Women and men alike turn their heads as you walk past them, but the result is the same with them. Minimal DESIRE. You’re attractive enough to turn heads but not enough to spark much DESIRE? What is with this place?
Do they have porn? Do demons already have this place under their control?
“This is Hacksonville! It’s a really nice place, and I’ve got a feeling it’s going to be a plentiful, populous, pleasant, peaceful, perfect place!” If it’s anything like your Jacksonville, Spark is going to be sorely mistaken.
Spark continues to jabber on as you pass by numerous buildings. A post office, a bank, a school, and other modern amenities. Public bathrooms, water fountains, street lights, hoverbikes...maybe more modern than modern. Everything is coherent, street names on every corner and the city itself is set in a grid format with plenty of sidewalks. There’s even a helpful map every few blocks.
It’s almost like the civil engineers were sane. Or, and this may be blasphemy, not pure evil.
“So where are you from, Quinn?”
Oh, shit. You don’t want to get caught in a lie.
“I’ve been wandering around a lot. This is my first time in Prillia since I was very young.”
That’s plausible, right?
“Wow! So you’ve seen a lot of the world, huh? Oh look, there’s the hotel!”
Spark, as ecstatic as ever, sprints to the hotel with his stubby little legs. Not that you’re much better. The peak of goblin attractiveness seems to have an ass and thighs that make it hard to move very fast.
The hotel has a little over a dozen floors, looming over the buildings nearby. You walk in to see the receptionist, a bored human woman, and wave as Spark says his goodbyes. Shit, what type of money do they use? Also, is this the first human you’ve seen here? She is, isn't she? What the hell, why is this first human so anticlimactic?
“Hi I would like to rent a room for six days, please. No room service.” When you talk to her, the blonde woman has a spark of DESIRE…but it too dies. She looks you over with her honey-colored eyes and sighs.
“That’ll be sixty small crowns.” That must be the money they use.
“I have gems, is that okay?”
“Honey, you’re lucky this is a trade town. I’ll give you the change.” You summon a few of the gems from Chanam and pull them out of your hair. The woman raises her eyebrows in surprise, but shrugs and accepts them. “Good enough. And here’s the extra twenty-two crowns.”
You collect your change and the room key, making your way to your room and collapsing on the first real bed since you’d…Well, since you’d died.
“Muuuuuuugh. So comfy.”
You magically close the door and lock it shut. You’ve got space for yourself for six days. First things first, check up on your hell. You should really come up with a name for that. You pull yourself in your dimension. A feeling of weightlessness overcomes you, of freedom…
Because you’re falling.
Your red wings burst from your back to stop you midair and you widen your eyes in surprise. Little less than a square mile unfolds below you, and a dark sky above you. Everything outside that radius is shrouded in fog.
Grassy plains without trees, only marred by a single white cube in the center and a few moving dots around it.
So, this is the difference between three imps and thirty-six demons. As you get closer, you pick out the features of your children milling about. They notice your presence and stare dumbfounded as you land.
Right, they’ve never seen you transform. You will yourself back into your original demoness form.
“Of course Lady could shapeshift; she’s the most powerful of us all, after all.”
“No doubt that our Lord is as mighty as she is sexy and kind.”
You manifest your suit back on, and you feel it hugging your tight curves.
“How’s everything going here?”
Your demons barrage you with the problems they’ve been facing. Well, not so much they’ve been facing. Like you, they don’t seem to waste mana here, but they can still accumulate DESIRE. But the harpies were hungrier than normal and ate all of the rations. They were also forced to burn the wood of the crates for warmth.
There seems to be an invisible wall up high, and the fog simply teleports them to the opposite side of the realm. Saw was able to subsist on the grass and has yet to be able to remove himself from the chains. The books haven’t been burned for warmth yet, and they found a bunch of hidden packages in a few of the crates.
Honestly, this is probably going to take a long time to fix.
“Alright everyone, gather everything into the cube! We’re going to make this place more livable.”
“Thank you, Lord. Haven is meant to be a place where all can be safe, correct?” Valentine asks.
“Yes, you said this place was a safe haven, so we decided to call it Haven.”
There’s got to be multiple layers of irony here.
“Fair enough. This place shall now be referred to as ‘Haven’.”
You smirk and try not to guffaw out loud. The women follow you and your demons into the cube and as you telekinetically float the books, strange packages, and Saw into a familiar room. As you thought, it’s the same room you entered during that necromancer bullcrap. You magic up some sofas for everyone to sit on and sit down at the desk.
Thankfully there’s enough books to distract everyone while you work. The screen pops up and you open the app titled ‘OCCULTpants’.
There’s a personnel tab to manipulate the bodies of the residents. Enlarging, shrinking, erasing, adding body parts…
But the general tab is more suited to your needs. And immediately you see the problem. All of the defaults are aimed towards inflicting pain.
Heat and cold sensitivity is at 250%.
Hunger at 200%
Metabolism at 300%
And so on…
You start to fix things. Sensitivity was set to normal, and although you considered rising libido from 10% to 300%, you leave it at 100%. You even manipulate the stats so the harpies wouldn’t need to eat as much. Ease of living, amirite?
And just because you’re nice, you reduced aging to 50%. Now that the harpies can live comfortably, it is time for you to become the very thing you’ve hated. A civil engineer.
You sigh.
Opening the app ‘ENDvironment’, you start with the simplest thing. A holographic projection appears before you and you touch the room you’re in. You raise the room you’re in by about a kilometer. Everyone cringes at the G’s but they remain calm after you tell them everything’s fine.
So, everything happens in real time?
Okay, first real thing, now that there’s no obstacles. You set up about twenty meters of soil and earth. Your demons could survive here easily, but you want to make it comfortable for everyone. You smirk.
Because you intend to bring forth more demons to fight Aevum. And gain supporters among the non-demon populace, so a comfortable place for them as well. So, for carnivores like harpies, you need a source of food.
You split the area in two and begin working on the east half. A misshapen  arc is taking up the south part is made a forest, that bleeds into the southwest. With the teleporting fog, the forest may seem separated, but it's actually connected.
Except there's something strange.
Yup, all those trees are poisonous. Suicide trees, manchineel, European yew, oleander, hemlock, and all sorts of ivy.
And apple trees.
You leave the apple trees and replace the rest with conifers and oaks. Luckily there’s a wide variety of non-deadly bushes available, including spices. As for water, you drew in a river splitting into two before going underground and heading back to its source.
Now comes the tricky part.
Setting up an ecosystem.
Thankfully, the hell’s catalogue as filled with creepy crawlies of every category from mollusk to arthropod.  The trouble’s setting up the next level on the food chain.You remind yourself to keep a population with a total biomass reducing by 10% by each level. But there isn’t a lot of variety. You decide to use demon rats, helldeer, mini-kitsune, and abyss wolves. You managed to manipulate the rats enough to take on omnivorous tendencies, eating only insects. If they ate seeds and saplings, this place would get deserted in not time. You couldn’t remove literally every disease from them, so you made it that everyone entering Haven would be immune to those diseases.
Of course, it’s a small forest, so there’s only about a dozen helldeer. It’s difficult to get them to keep at such a population, so you made them ageless, and only capable of reproduction when one of them dies.
Inversely, there’s about fifty kitsune, hunting in three separate packs. You set up the same conditions as the deer, but allowed more to be born since they needed to team up to take down a single beefy deer. And that’s after you turned off the deer’s affinity to flames. Shooting fire out of their antlers is a sure way to get a forest fire. Of course, there’s only one apex predator. An ageless wolf that’s only strong enough to take down a deer or a pack of kitsune. Helps you reduced their strength as well.
You don’t want any of the harpies to die, after all.
Even if they adhere to a strict diet, they might kill one in self-defense otherwise. Of course, these conditions apply only in Haven, but you don’t intend to let them out. You look at the wolf’s specs and an evil smile grows on your face. Despite looking old, he’s fast and he’s got a lot of endurance.
His libido is at 500%.
Your children will know the second they see him. You wonder who will be the first to let themselves get ‘raped’ by the wolf. You feel yourself getting wet at the thought before concentrating on your duties.
In the northern part of the east half, you draw in a lake of a euphemistic shape, leaving plenty of space between the more western parts of the forest and the lake. And a small island in the middle. It’s only ten meters deep, but there’s a lot more fauna and flora to put in there. The idea is that as the population increases, the forest will grow in size, dominating most of the northeast and southwest quadrants in wild forests.
Now for the urban part. The harpies need a home, so you open the building design tab. You frown as you realize that just meat isn’t a healthy diet.
You use most of the southeast quadrant to set up some fields. Tomatoes, potatoes, wheat, sugarcane, corn, basil, garlic, and other herbs were put in. They wouldn’t perish, and you didn’t even use preservatives.
Take that, hippies! Fuck you and your cancer and GMO fear-mongering! You don't know what they have against horoscopes and genetics, but you feel satisfied with pulling one over on some grudge you're pretty sure stuck to you despite the soul-fuckery. Did you swear vengence against hippies in your past life?
You’ve got an area that’s 700 by 750 meters. To make it accessible, you add a single road down the middle from east to west. Not even pavement or cobblestone, just a smooth stone slab 1.3 kilometers long.
Main avenue looks pretty. You put a smaller one intersecting it at the center of Haven.
An apartment complex, ten floors high, is set up northwest of the central intersection. You let out a sigh of relief as the rooms within organize themselves accordingly. Each floor has four rooms, each with their own balcony, modern bathrooms and beds. The seven harpies are set up for now, and you have room for more.
What else is necessary? A general store for furniture, tools, and other stuff. June and July, the androgynous twins, seem keen on becoming doctors. Or nurses, seeing what they’re wearing.  Maybe putting that sexy spin on medical officials was a bad idea.
But…A hospital would be a good idea. But you have no idea how medicine works. All you’ve got is penicillin and bandages. Besides the beds and IV’s you set those up. For now it’s a glorified first aid building, so you’ve got to get our hands on medical textbooks, pronto.
You place the hospital further northwest of the apartments, and the general store right next to the apartments. They’re both 175 by 100 meters, with the hospital having five floors. But your succubus and incubus children don’t need general supplies. There's still plenty of room around for more buildings, but you leave most of the northwest quadrant empty.
Fuck it, a sex shop next to the general store works. Obviously Valentine and Friday will be in charge of that. As for those most suited for working the general store…
Although they hate being together, Equinox is a warm face for every customer, while Solstice is pessimistic and tenacious enough to keep inventory. And out of all of your children, they’re least likely to have a customer walk in on them having sex.
The harpies are still prudish after all.
You’d think that you being gangbanged and then giving birth in front of them a dozen times consecutively would cure them of that. They even have DESIRE for you, but they’re not accepting that part of themselves. Whatever. You'll work on a way to censor people's vision so your kind can feed easier in public.
As for other things that could help, Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday, September, New Years, and Labor all have the seed of curiosity within them. Such a thing should be grown.
Time to make the biggest building yet! 20 stories!  
You plop down a school near in the southwest quadrant near the center. You’re a bit optimistic about the future population, but hope springs eternal. One floor for every year of education, with another eight for further education. Complete with a massive library accessible through a main hall.
The top floors are soundproofed for roleplay. Cater to the population, after all.
You put in a gym as a tribute to the /fit/izens you left behind along the edge of the farms in the southwest quadrant. Between that and the school is a massive tower, reaching to the upper limits of your realm. Suck it Dubai, your tower may be big, but yours is 1.29 km high. And 50 meters wide, because physics is ya bitch.
The first thirty floors are reserved for when you get enough of a population to warrant a media, so the tower could also act as a radio tower. Until you figure out how radio works, it'll sit pretty. Everything following that is just a series of empty rooms with a view.
You set up a large storage for anything else you might bring back from the outside, and a few pre-fabricated houses for your spawn lining the edge of the forest in the northeast quadrant. Nice to see the prefabs under the ‘luxury demon homes’ tab.
Now the west side…
Facing the school, you set up a government building shaped like the Capitol. With some space for gardens. The dome would represent the executive branch, the western wing the judiciary, and eastern wing, legislative. Surprise, you’re the head of all of them.
Elections are a great illusion of choice.
The dome will lead to a throne room. Floors of marble, red silk carpet, various statues of you masturbating or having sex. Normal stuff. Though maybe you should give up windows, since it's facing a school. You sigh and move it to the west of the school. And just because you can, even though it’s only in this world— Aww, there’s no adamantium or mithril… Whatever, a throne carved out of a giant pearl with rubies and emeralds studded in gold, platinum, onyx and bits of sardonyx.
That should make it very clear who’s boss.
For the judiciary branch, it is also a single room, with a hole at crotch level in the judge chair for the accused to plead their case. You’re sure that if anybody were watching by now, they’d realize you’re bullshitting. After all, the legislative branch is just a filing room. And a court is pretty unnecessary, considering you can simply use soulsight to determine the truth. It’s pretty much a way for you to get some more action. Underneath the judiciary branch is a prison, and underneath the throne room is a perpetual motion machine and the center to all plumbing. You do know you can consciously choose what objects can work, when, but setting up an infrastructure is a lot easier in the long run.
Oh, the perpetual motion machine?
Okay, maybe it doesn’t fit the bill exactly. It’s basically a wheel powered by the ambient DESIRE of Haven. So long as your demons keep being sexy and the inhabitants feel lust, the wheel will keep spinning, powering everything that needs it in the realm.
Thursday, March, May, December, Halloween, and Emancipation really got a kick out of your telling of Gladiator, so you build a colosseum behind the government building. It has enough space to watch sports, fights, plays, public sex. Square because watching someone being railed in a corner is hot. What else?
Right, when one of the women in the brig started talking to Thanksgiving, she really got into the concept of food. Especially bakeries.
So close to the fields will be a bakery, operated by Thanksgiving. Here’s hoping she learns to get over your lack of taste…What about milk? Your eye wanders to your busty minotaur child. How you have breast and ass envy, you don’t know. Thanks catches you watching and cups her breasts, sending a jet of milk through her clothes.
Having only one type of milk wouldn’t exactly bring variety.
What if…
You set up a ‘livestock’ pen south of the colosseum, near the edge of the forest.
Incentive to not lose, else you’d be milked, and if someone pays, bred. There’s a lot of milking machines available to you. That’s pretty much everything, right?
As for money…A bank is unnecessary.
All your demons want is DESIRE. But only seven harpies paying with DESIRE, especially when they’re not ready? You hate to admit it, but you have to set up some sort of trade to get others in here so they can pay, spread word of you, and even settle down. But you must lure them with the promise of something.
You look over the odd packages. Levitating one over, you break it open and find a paper stapled to a tightly wound satchel.
“Hey, Ferrae? What does this mean?” You beckon one of the women, the de facto leader since they made their decision to join you. The one Valentine seduced.
“That’s an illegal drug in some countries. Well, it WAS illegal in the Empire, but I suppose it’s just illegal in Prillia.”
You open the satchel and find some cannabis. That was underwhelming, but pretty much what it said on the cover. You get the other packages and find five more bags of weed, three of something you can’t identify, two of some other blue thing, sixteen of clear liquid in bottles, three of which are clearly marked ‘POISON’, the rest ‘APHRODISIAC’.
All forty of the remaining packages contained alcohol. This was both enlightening and depressing. Ferrae helped you identify everything.
The various alcohols were class D tradable goods. Somewhat limited in some countries, and illegal in others. Class C was limited, only for medical purposes in most countries. Class B was for things that took away your sense of reason. Basically, shrooms and aphrodisiac.
Which is what the blue stuff and that other stuff was. The last three bottles are different poisons, in liquid form. Deadly or debilitating, they are classified as class A goods. Illegal in every country.
One was liquidized hemlock, which is apparently endangered on this world. The last two are ‘magicbane’ solutions, which robs you of magic and movement for  weeks.
Prillia has pretty much banned everything here.
Nothing here is addictive, except maybe through habits. You will feel no guilt in involving yourself in this trade, save for the class A goods. And you’re pretty sure that this isn’t an ‘evil’ thing to do since apparently J-Dawg is definitely real and he’s totally okay with people using wine in holy ceremonies.
Wasn’t there something about following the laws of the land? Well that’s stupid because according to Ferrae, homosexuality was illegal in the Empire. Despite females outnumbering males seven to three.
Stupid chickens.
Getting off track!
Now to set up a trade route…You shake yourself. You’re getting ahead of yourself. You’ve still got space for crops left. Weed can be grown easily, since you could spawn it in through the console. But this ‘Blue Moon’ and ‘Sillybilly’ aren’t things you can work with your console.
You concentrate on pure thoughts and will the products to come to life once more. In here, it’s actually a bit painful to use holy powers, but you grit through it. The leaves shrivel up and encase themselves in hard shells. Seeds.
You check the console, smiling. Blue Moon and Sillybilly are now there. A small part of the crops are put aside for growing the substances. You’ll build a distillery when you actually get people settling down here. As for the extra space you have in the urban area?
You pepper some prefabs from the ‘luxury demon homes’ tab across the open spaces.
One of them catches your eye.
Super Deluxe Mansion.
Five bedrooms.
Gold plated Jacuzzi.
Artsy shape.
Meh. Kitschy.
There’s not enough space for it but you put it down anyways, encroaching on the plains a bit. That’s fine, since it only takes about ten meters on land until two floors up, where it leans over with glass floors and windows. People in the plains would be able to watch the demons fuck each other against the windows. But since it’s directly beneath your cube, you suspect the main reason demons will want it will be proximity to you.
But now… You spare a look towards Saw.
Where can you contain him in all of his masculine glory? A devilish idea occurs. It all really depends on whether you can manipulate the teleporting fog.
And according to the console, you can. You test it out and mess with the parameters a bit. A few dozen rings with white and black fog are created out of your tests. Black side can choose which hole to go make a portal with, white is random, and parameters prevent squelching.
The real tricky bit is getting the console to make these without sucking up a bunch of DESIRE energy at once. You'll need to find a more efficient method, and one that could work outside of Haven.
Obviously, you have to pass these out. They are great methods of communication! Just think about who you want to talk to, and use the black side!
The fact it’s large enough for an arm to fit through is for other reasons. Namely, incognito sex. You’re going to keep a dozen for yourself, and then pass them out. Now for another application! You set up a thirty-by-thirty square of fog in a part of the forest where there are no animals. Making the fog dense enough that nobody can see through it.
And higher than the trees. Now anything that tries to go in by land teleports to the other side.
And anything that tries to get out…Can’t. Now to mess with Saw. You pause a moment when you’re about to manipulate him on OCCULTpant.
Do you really have a right to condemn him to this? Sure, through all that hunky muscle and titanic dick, he’s an asshole and brute through and through… But doing this to him seems like a bit much. You look at Saw in chains.
It’s sort of pathetic.
You look at him with soulsight.
No regret.
Is he too stupid for that? No, he just has the simple idea that might equals right. He definitely wants to rape all the females in this room.
You most of all.
You can see what he wants to do to you. You lick your lips. Your own lewd hole is wanting. You can do without all the blood though. You sigh. He’s incorrigible.
He won’t change. And with a flick of your finger, the details are set. He is now ageless. His hunger is set to the minimal so he can survive by grazing every hundred days. His lust has been maximized, but a mental block has been put in where he can’t masturbate.
Worst of all: his short-term memory will reset every twenty-four hours. He will forever wander the fog, ignorant of the time passing. And he will rape anybody that enters his pen. Of course, the only ones entering his pen will be looking for that.
Your perfect husbando is ready. More like your walking meat-stick; his lack of personality makes more a living fuck toy than anything else.
You giggle in excitement.
All that’s left is to remodel your floating place. You sit up and explain what you’ve done to the others. Except for the Saw thing.
You’ll pull Thanks to the side for her opinion on her father’s situation later. As you talk, you pass out the gloryfogs without explanation.  You even pass them to the women.
Stepping outside you realize you forgot two very important things.
And the sun.
You rush back inside and correct that.
Going once again for irony, you get yourself ethereal rainbow stairs that descend in front of the court. And you summon a sun to move in 24-hour cycles. The harpies leave first, eyes brimming in happiness at the prospect of their own homes. After your children are done praising your sun, they too, start to descend.
“Lady Quinn, thank you for doing all of this. You truly are magnanimous.” Sunday is the first to bow his head. The others bow in kind.
Where do they learn these big words?
“It was only my duty as a lord and a mother.”
Did that just come out of your mouth? Well, you did mean it.
“If you need anything, just tell me.” You hug him. You feel a length hardening against your thigh. You give him a coy smile and laugh. “You’re incorrigible. And as much as I’d like to have all of you run a train on me, we need to focus. Take some free time and explore the city and your own interests. You are more than mere demons, but my spawn. You should excel in more than just the arts of seduction and sex.”
A few of them give you disappointed looks, but your words resonate with them. They each pass you as they go down the stairs.
You can’t help imagine what it would be like to have that train run on you. On the list it goes!
All twenty-nine of your demons are at the bottom of the stairs, starting to get into the swing of things. You smile at the thought of a new civilization blooming beneath your feet. All the buildings have power, water, and amenities. You even snuck in some fake sewers with chains for those who are into dark, claustrophobic places.
Although you doubt anybody from this generation would like it as much. Unless it’s for the nostalgia factor. Only 90’s demons understand, you think to yourself and laugh.
You spawn in a black sports bra and short shorts. For some reason, although you’re completely fine with running about naked so the entire world can see you in all of your glory…
Clothes that make you look sexy make you happy. Is this a woman thing or a demon thing? You put those thoughts aside and walk back towards a growling Saw. You giggle and sit your plump ass on his snout.
“What am I going to do to you, Saw? You’re an asshole, but I love you in my asshole…Now that I think about it, this explains my high school’s dating system pretty well.”
You feel his nostrils rising and taking in the scent of your pussy, and you rub yourself against him. You still have duties to do. You pick him up by the chains and unfurl your wings. A short journey later, you dump him in his own little pen and break the chains.
He tries to swipe at you, but you’re too fast. You flap your wings until you’re midway up the fog. He growls and jumps but doesn’t reach you. There aren’t even any branches he can grab onto that could support his weight.
“I’ll be back, honey! Maybe our kids will come visit you. They're lucky enough to get the chance to overcome their sire, after all.”
You cackle and fly away as Saw bellows in anger. And now for renovations. You sit down at the console once more and— At this point you’d have a bag of chips and a drink, but you can’t eat those now. You add a note on the computer.
'Figure out how to make chips out of sexual fluids.'
Not half bad. Okay, now you can start building Casa del Quinn. A floating cube is pretty boring, and a cloud is too cliché. So a floating rectangular island is made. And the building itself…Is a parthenon too much? Actually, that would be too boring. Add some pizzazz!
The parthenon itself is made of pure white marble, with a slight luminescent effect. And the columns supporting it are all copper versions of yourself, symmetrically posing. From the center to the outside, there is:
Human you, smiling brazenly, as you hold the roof with one hand and use the other to cover your breasts as your tail twines around you and hides your nethers.
Minotaur you, posturing your ass out as you look over your shoulder, lifting the roof with both arms, your fat tits hidden behind your muscular back.
Equint you, sitting on holding up the building in a Jacko pose
Harpy you, lifting the ceiling with two outspread wings, a predatory glint in your aged copper eyes as you prepare to pounce.
Finally, goblin you has her horns holding up the edge as you pose, kicking the air. That’s the shortest version of you, so you even out her height with a massive dildo brace leading directly into your pussy.
Although, at first glance, this is just another monument to your arrogance, you know enough about how most countries are built and maintained on the illusion of security and power. Even if your power over your demons is a lot more concrete than that of a politician and his people, this isn’t just for your demons. This is for the harpies and any others like them.
You must appear as some sort of all-powerful being to secure both the safety of your demons and the sense of well-being among immigrants. Sure, you look like a bitch doing this, but it works.
Machiavelli made a few good points.
Back to the house!
The inside is massive, considering it’s only for one person. You don’t exactly need a kitchen. Yet.
But there are a few rooms you do need. The entrance leads into the foyer, complete with two fire places and an elevated path leading to a set of stairs. The elevated path separates the room, which has a fur carpet and a lot of big pillows covering it.
On the left of the staircase is a door that leads to a sauna, with a massive Jacuzzi. On the right of the stairs is another door that leads to your bedroom, with an equally massive bed. Harem sized, of course. The closet in your bedroom leads into the sex chambers. The original sex chambers. The one with all the toys.
And the room the staircase leads to is the room you’re currently in, the computer room. You lean back and beam.
You turn on the observer app to see how stuff is going outside. Rotating the camera, you see it’s night. You check outside your own house and sigh in relief as the sun starts to set. It’s close to being synchronized.
It’s all—There’s an orb in front of you.
You pick it up and move it around. It floats above your hand, but stays with it as you move it around. It emits a dull rust-red light, and seems to have a flickering bit on top. It’s like an orb of fire…
You fall out of your seat in surprise, peaking your head at the sight of a laughing Prince of Darkness on your screen. You scowl. This asshole.
“Before you get your pussy in a tussy, or panic your tits to bits, this is a recording. I don’t know if you’d gotten any others yet, but you’ll soon find out I left about a dozen of them.”
Nice warning, asshat.
“Anyways, congrats on your first soul. Knowing how non-aggressive--humbrum LAZY coughcough-- you used to be, I guess you must have gotten it by accident or after you made a contract or something. But don’t worry.”
He gets real close to the camera.
“Soon, you’ll be chomping at the bit to get more of these babies. Then, you’ll probably do things my way and rip the souls out of any mortal you meet.”
Hoh boy.
“If you want to use it, you’ll have to stick your dick in it.”
Lol wat.
Lucy, or whoever designed this weird system has got to seriously come up with different methods of doing things. Although you have nobody to use the DESIRE to change you nearby, you can pull some DESIRE from your succubi.
“Real demons do it like that. But since you’re probably still a prude—" You’re not, you're just not crazy. “Penises aren’t necessary, you can just stick your finger in it.”
Alright, thank goodness. In all honesty, you’re a bit thankful this isn’t completely sexual. Dicks and pussies just get a bit repetitive if that’s all demons deal with. Touching the soul, memories dance in your head.
Underpaying Venture seems to be the cause of this. Maybe you should have been more clear about the consequences.
“Pretty girl, the party’s just getting started! You can pinch out certain experiences out of the soul and make them your own. It’s how I learned programming from Jobs. Just grab ‘em and push them into your head.”
That…explains a lot. Especially the awful UI.
Observing the soul, you pick out Rusty’s skills in navigation, weapons, finances, and surprisingly enough, knitting. Rusty’s experiences rush into yourself, and you suddenly knowhow to do all of those things. Understandably, it makes things pretty easy, but you won’t really be going crazy for them.
No way that’s it, right?
“That’s only the first part. You get a massive boost in power from consuming the soul whole. It doesn’t matter from where.”
You’re feeling some trepidation, but you don’t really know what to do with the soul. So you do what he says and swallow the soul whole.
“For powerful demons like Fallen and Archdemons, they can consume the soul without any repercussions. Unless they want them of course.”
What does he mean by that? A sharp pain hits your gut as energy flows through you. You cringe at the pain but stay still. That’s quite a lot of power…
A lot…
Too much!
The energy that’s spread throughout your body sets in, but a good portion remains in your gut. Something starts to materialize.
“You know why Lust Demons are my favorite? Other than the facts that they’re sluts willing to fuck anyone in hell and fantastic spies? When you stick a soul inside a War Demon, shattered or not, they release the excess soul energy in a mighty beam of power. But Lust Demons who eat broken souls end up using that extra shattered soul force to make something new. These unholy abominations are called ‘shoggoths.’ What I usually do is set up a breeding pen with the Lust Demons and give them their own souls to nurture, day after day. If they’re lucky, they get to keep their babies long enough to get impregnated with Lesser Shoggoths.”
He tricked you. A recording of the Lord of Lies tricked you.
You grit your teeth in anger and pain as the heat within begins to settle down. You should have expected this. A small baby bump forms on your abdomen. Well, that doesn’t seem too bad.
As if reading your thoughts, the Devil smiles.
“Don’t worry, this birth actually takes time to come to term. About an Earth day. And now for the final bonus!” He claps his hands and smiles. “There’s a body out there, living, breathing as any other. But with no will of its own. You have to command it or take control directly. Just concentrate on those experiences you took and you’ll be off! Toodles!”
The screen cuts out. You grumble in your chair, patting your belly. From now on, you’ll take notes instead of doing what the recording says immediately. You’re a bit scared, but you take Satan’s advice and concentrate on the soul energy. Your consciousness is split and you’re seeing through someone else’s eyes.
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