Mother’s Day!
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We spent the rest of the day just talking, about all the little things that somehow never came up over the last eight hundred years we've known each other.


Currently, we were sitting on the sofa in the living room, huddled up under a warm blanket as we sipped on mugs of tea. With a comfortable silence hanging in the air, we just enjoyed each other’s company.


“You know, there is just one thing I don't get.” She said, between sips. “If Kid Chaos sent the plushie in the mail, how did it end up in your bag? I know she is a goddess, I could tell by the magic when she teleported it back to us, but she said she mailed it to you.”


That just made me frown. “That’s… a really good question…” But the frown melted, as Silver pulled me deeper into the hug under the blanket and we fell back into that comfortable warm silence.

It lasted for a good while too, we long finished our drinks and just enjoyed each other’s warmth and company.


All that came to an end, when my phone went off with the alarm I set earlier, to remind us that it was time for the main attraction, I’ve been working towards over the last year. Turning off the alarm, I switched on the TV and switched to a specific news channel I tipped off, and we were just in time too. So I dialled one of the contacts I already had open in preparation for exactly this.


After just a few rings the line connected, and a deep raspy voice answered. “Daughter.”

“Mother,” I answered, as I put the phone on speaker. “Do you have time to come over a little?”


“Of course I can!” he replied in an upbeat, cheerful tone full of mischief. “Anything for my favourite fox! But only for a little bit, I have a meeting in half an hour.” The line disconnected and in a swirl of golden light, he appeared in the living room, just out of arm’s reach.


He was wearing an outrageous-looking red tuxedo with a gold leaf-like pattern, that somehow managed to look entirely acceptable when combined with his bushy beard and curly hair.


“That's… Certainly a look.” I said as I took in the sight. “How is it even possible that you could wear literal rags and it would still look good on you?”


“It's not the clothes that make a man. But who you are underneath.” He said as he took a seat next to me. 


At that, I let go of Silver and gave him a warm hug. “It's good to see you again Mother.” Then I added with a smile as I unmuted the TV. “And you are just in time.”


“-ning. I'm Debra Brown and this is the evening news at 6 pm.” The well-dressed reporter said, then the camera shifted over to the left a little and an image of the British Museum appeared while the headline at the bottom of the screen read,” Break-in at the British Museum” and we all sat up a little straighter, paying full attention now as she shifted her papers a little, and continued. “In the early hours of the morning the London Metropolitan Police received a call reporting a break-in from the British Museum. This came as a surprise to the security personnel who reported nothing out of the ordinary, but after a thorough search evidence of a breaking was found.”


The screen switched to a camera's footage showing a doorway, and a brilliant green, purple and cyan light, glowing from one of the display cases just out of the viewing angle of the camera. 


The image shifted again, to show a reporter standing outside of the museum's front entrance where a male reporter was standing by the gates. 


“As you can see, this is no ordinary break-in. While we were told, no items appear to be missing, they will conduct a full audit. One question remains, if someone breaks in, and doesn't take anything, why do it in the first place? That is the question many are asking as it appears to be another act committed by the now infamous ‘Silver Fox’. In the previous two cases linked to them, they left something instead of taking anything.” The image shifted to show the remains of Queen Cleopatra, covered in fake cobwebs with a greeting card decorated with pumpkins and bats reading ‘Happy spooky season, Queen!’ and a picture of a T-Rex skeleton with a Comically small Santa hat on its head, and a card reading ‘Happy Yule, my boney friend’. “This time around the display to receive the Silver Fox's attention was an idol depicting the Norse God of Trickery, Loki.” Then a new photo was shown on screen, depicting a display case with a small statue in it, and an open hand-made greeting card at its feet, decorated with silver imprints of a wolf, a snake, a humanoid figure, an eight-legged horse, and a fox. With the text reading ‘Happy Mother's Day, thank you for being there for me, Silver Fox.’


The feed cut back to the male reporter, who continued. “That's all we know for now, but we will keep you updated. This is David Vagner, reporting from in front of the British Museum.”


After that, the image cut back to the studio, where the well-dressed woman looked back up at the camera, and continued on with the news. “Thank you David.” she paused briefly before starting on the next news price. “Oil prices continue to cli-” at that point I just muted the TV since the show was over. 


With a wide grin on my face, I turned to Mother and said “Happy Mother's Day!” Hugged him and quietly added, “Even if it's a few hours early.”


He just laughed at that and returned the hug. “So that's what you've been up to! I have to say, I'm impressed!” Then he laughed again. “Then again, they said nothing is missing, and that doesn't sound like you.”


I just giggled at that, and replied in a mischievous tone replied “Sure doesn't. I mean one would think that The British Museum would keep a better track of their semi-precious gems, I have cupboards full with the stuff at this point!”


“I was meaning to ask, what were you planning with that anyway?” Silver asked. 


“Honestly? I have no idea, I might just sell it on the Internet or something.”


That got a good laugh out of everyone, and we continued to chat until Mother had to leave. And when he did the only thing left behind was a small piece of paper. 


Frowning, Silver picked it up, then started cursing. “Oh, I knew it! Next time I see him I will strangle him myself!”


“What are you talking about?” I asked as she showed me the paper.


It had all the warnings that Kid Chaos told me about. “No… He didn't…” I could not help but laugh. 


Seeing that, Silver just let out a sigh. “Well, at least things turned out fine.”


“I don't know,” I said, letting a little teasing into my tone. “I think things turned out more than just fine.” and I whispered Into her rapidly reddening ear. “Don't you think?”


That earned me an even deeper blush as I pulled into a warm hug. And we spent the rest of the evening like that until we drifted off to sleep, safe in the knowledge that we can overcome things like we always do in the end.


~The End~