Chapter 1-Waking up
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Where am I?

In front or me is a collection of dull colors and strange tables...Tables?

Where an I getting all this information?

I moved my head aiming to get a proper look at my body and surroundings.

Below my head is the body of a large crudely made puppet. It looks oddly human despite its deformities.

This puppet why do I feel a connection?

When I commanded my arms to rise so did the puppets.

Our movements seem linked...Am I the puppet?

I began to move my head around trying to find anything that can bring a conclusion to my many questions.

In front of me is an empty wheel chair.


Father who is my father?

My father is my creator...Where is my sister?

Lying on the floor facing the roof in front of the wheel chair is my sister.

I commanded my body to move so that I may check my sister's condition but the many cables connecting and surrounding my arms are severely restricting my movement.

I cant move them they are simply too tough.

Sister are you fine?


"Sister are you fine?"

Where did that voice come from?

"Hello father is it you?"

That voice is it me?

"My voice?"

Suddenly everything went dark my body shut down. I cannot feel, see, or hear anything.

Where am I...Father? 


Within an infinite darkness I felt something.

What is this feeling why do I hate it.

It's strange I know so little yet my body automatically responds to this strange feeling called fear.



That's right I am a puppet no a golem...father wanted me to choose a face.

I remembered my father's and sisters face.

A son must look like his parents...I dont have a mother...Sister I wish for a face like yours and fathers.

Suddenly the darkness dissapeared. I gained my sight once again, I see that I have not moved.

<crack crack crack>

That noise...I moved my sight to my arms.

I see my arms shrink and expand the round balls making up my elbow joints combining with the rough oval wood that seems to make up my upper and lower arms both becoming smoother taking on the the shape of a human arm.

It's strange my wrist and hand only seem to be more refined changing from blocks connected by spheres to perfect wooden hands.

The connecting joints in each finger are clear but protected and my fingers are smooth with no nails.

I looked at the rest of my body to see similar changes happening as well.

my chest and stomach are becoming less round with a more defined shape. 

In a couple seconds it seems something similar to muscle clusters has appeared on my chest and stomach.

I cannot see much of my legs since I am on my knees so I can only assume that they are going through a simalar process.

My body is that of a healthy young man except it seems I lack genetalia?

After the process seemed to be complete a strange white substance flowed through my joints and muscles wrapping every part of my body.

In a couple seconds I seem to have gained a layer of skin similar to my sister.

I attempted to move once again succeeding with little effort.

Some of the cable's fell off my body as it changed and the ones that remained are incredibly thin and small.

I stood up banging my head on what I believe to be the roof.

I Ignored the noise and possible damage I've caused and immediately grabbed my sister.

"Sister are you fine?"

Her chest is expanding and contracting. She is clearly breathing so she is fine she must just be lacking mana.


I suddenly feel the need to go through all that is in my head to see what I know.


My vocabulary is extensive but rather simple.

I posses a certain level of knowledge on the anatomy of several creatures as well as a small database on plant life.

I can move my body though it is a small bit difficult.

I also seem to understand several different languages with a basic understanding of accents and lesser known dialects.

But what is mana?

I don't know yet I feel that I know it.

It appears that I have some instinct.

Maybe I should follow my instinct.

No I lack any proper understanding of mana.

Within my mind there appeares to be a list of rules.

1)Be carefull when manipulating mana for any purpose.

2)Be kind to your sister but do not be afraid to punish her.

3)Keep your sister in check.

4)You are to live as you please as long as you do not intentionally endanger the lives of the innocent.

There are many other, seventeen actually but these appear to be the most important.

I shall wait for now.

-After An Unknown Amount Of Time-

As I continued to search through my head I felt my sister shake my arm.

"Good evening brother."

"Actually sister it's night time right now."

"Good night then...Oh wait no umm I forgot what to say."

"Let's leave it, I just ask that you don't sleep yet."

"Okay then how do you feel brother?"


"So brother where are your eyes?"

I opened my eyes and looked at my sisters face I think?

"My face is mine so don't even try to mimic me o k a y."

"May I have your eyes then?"


She has such a fine face. Perfect eyes with a golden center and cute round cheeks with a nose bridge that's neither too round or too curved.

Her lips are rather pale though?

"Sister are you fine?"

"Well now that was rather fast. Are my eyes really that round?"

"No sister the shape if my eyes is that of fathers and the color is yours...ours."

".....Brother please let me rest. I need to absorb more mana from the air."

"There doesn't appear to be much here should we move?"

"Father it seems you succeeded."

"...Please tell me more."

My sister gave me a sad look and put on a weak smile.

"Let's go to fathers old pet room."

"Okay please guide me sister."

I stood up this time not banging my head on the roof and placed my sister on my shoulders.

"Go ahead and sit."

"...Brother why don't you crawl. With a back as long and wide as yours I'm sure I could sleep peacefully if I used it as a bed."

"Okay sister if it will help you recover."

I carefully removed her from my shoulder and placed her back on the floor.

"I can stand brother."

I let her stand as I layed on my stomach my back facing the roof.

"Hop on sister."

She layed on my back. After making sure she was safe I began to do a wolf walk.

"Sister there is no door where do I go?"

"Door open. Password is A flower's wither is no different from a souls burning."

Suddenly in front of me a large stair case leading down wards appeared.

"Go ahead brother."

I began to wolf walk down the stairs.

This is rather uncomfy.

"Just loosen up your joints a small bit brother."

Loosen up my joints?

Suddenly a feeling of extreme comfort spread throughout my arms and legs.

I began to move faster for some reason.

I looked at my arms and saw as I wolf walked they would rotate at a diffent direction and angle as I moved turning stiff and stabilizing as soon as my hands made contact with something.

After two minutes of running down we eventually made to a large curved hallway

"Okay go left and cross the bridge."

I obeyed my sister and began walking to the left.

The carpet feels rather nice on my palms and feet.

"Sister do you know what this carpet is made of?"

"Just some specially made cotton father worked on."

"Father made cotton."

"Yes father whenever he was stressed he would work with plants trying increase their longevity or beauty."

Her voice keeps on breaking.

"Hey sister are you sad?"

"Be quite and go through that door on the right. The large red one with the bronze frame around it."

I obeyed my sister once again.

I opened the door with my right arm and wolf walked right through it.

"Hey sister what does a wolf look like?"

"...You will see soon enough."


After a couple seconds of walking we made it to the bridge.

As we crossed I looked to my sides taking many peeks out the windows.

I lost focus as I looked at my fathers kingdom.

"...Sister what happened to fathers home?"

"Do you want to know, are you sure?"

"Yes sister."

"I shall tell you after we visit father."

"Yes sister."

After three minutes of wolf walking we eventually made it to another door similar to the one we entered.

"Just open the door and I will open another special entrance."

And so I obeyed.

We walked into another curved hallway.

"Open door. Password is A wooden golem is made of multiple lives ending's."

"What does that mean sister."

"It is nothing, father would sometimes act like lifeless things lived."

"Okay sister."

<Tick Tick Tick>

A staircase leading upwards began to slowly descend from the roof.

"Sister how many hidden rooms are there?"

"It depends on how many passwords you were told."

After a couple seconds the stairs made a complete descent.

"Just go up."

I began to climb the stairs slowly.

"Sister why did father make me so tall?"

"Brother why can you speak so clearly?"

"I don't know."


After five minutes we made it upstairs.

There is no door upstairs just a hole which leads to a large room.

It's full of small and large wooden dolls. Some are human or look human and some I feel I know but the majority are mysteries.

In the middle of the room surrounded by all these dolls is a large stone with writing on it.

"You may let me go brother."

She hoped of my back and walked in front of the stone.

"Here lies our father. Edward Delva Boroues."

-Authors note. I'm bad at decision making so heres a poll-

Alright what extra should I start with
  • 1)Animal Journal-Once a week a random fantasy animal will be described Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2)Puppet Citizen Journal-Once a week Ill just write a short story about a random citizen. Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3)Edwards Diary-Once a week some of edwards diary will be released Votes: 2 100.0%
Total voters: 2 · This poll was closed on Feb 24, 2020 05:16 PM.