Volume 1 – A Sudden Visit (1)
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As Moloch-san was about to leave the mansion, he approached me and made a signal to the subordinates that are with him at the moment to go to the carriage.

"Emi-chan, there's also a piece of news from the capitol." He said as I was confused as to what he's about to say to me. 

From the capitol? Is the news quite important that even Mama Diana and Dad went there themselves? 

"Seems like you haven't been updated by your Mama Clara, huh? Anyway... The Paladins from the Holy Empire has arrived at the capitol in order to continue their search for the Hero." Moloch-san said as he pats my head and added.

"Emi-chan, do you perhaps know..." "Yes, I know, Godfather. I already knew." I stopped him from telling more of what's in his mind, which made my godfather smile in a genuine manner.

"As expected. It doesn't really take a genius like you to know the actual truth. Since when?" Moloch-san asked while smirking.

"Before the time we met, Godfather. I have <Appraisal>, after all. It's easy for me to know." I said with a light smile on my face, while lying as naturally as I breathe. 

Moloch-san was shocked for a moment since the<Appraisal> skill itself is an S-Ranj skill. Only one in a million people would probably have the skill itself. This made Moloch-san smile again as a godfather. 

What he doesn't know is that, I have the improved version of that skill and it's at an SS-Rank.

Well, technically, I still told him the truth... 

"Then when are you going to confront them?" Moloch-san asked as he pats my head again.

"No clue. I guess when the time is right, Godfather." I shrugged before chuckling a little bit.

Moloch-san nodded as he bid goodbye to me for now. As expected of Moloch-san's 3 A-tier skills (Keen Observation, Predictive Analysis, and Supreme Calculator), he has probably observed everything and deduced everything.

But the news of the Holy Empire's Paladins arriving to the capitol is worrying to me since they're coming for me, the Hero.

I'm pretty sure that they're going to look over the entire kingdom just to find me. 

I'm still not ready yet... but I have to make some plans for it. 


A week has passed since Moloch-san visited me, and both my parents have returned from their trip to the capitol.

Meanwhile, I have been staying at the apartment for these past few days to meditate in order to control my mana's malleability. 

Why? I have learned from reading magic books that elemental attributes are based on the malleability of someone's mana itself, which is usually hereditary in nature. 

For example, if the father has Fire and Water affinity and the mother has an Earth and Fire affinity, it follows the principles of heredity in which the child would have a chance to have a 25% chance of a Fire affinity, 25% chance of a double Fire-Earth affinities with both affinities being dominant in nature, 25% chance of a Water-Earth affinities with Earth affinity dominating the other, and 25% chance of an Water-Fire affinities, which are both recessive in nature.

It may sound like too much, but it's quite surprising that it's quite easy to integrate science and magic in this world. It means that there would be a dominant traits that I have, which would also be the case with elemental affinities of a person. 

For example, I have my Papa Edmund's red hair but I got Mama Diana' s golden eyes. My hair is straight, which is the same from Mama Diana's, but my eyes are shaped like Papa's. And the shape of my face is a combination of both my parents' face shapes. Everything has its own variations. 

And with that, although mine's already mitigated with my <All-Nature Attribute Elemental Magic>, it is really dependent on my genetic information that I could make these elements more prominent than the other elements, just enough to fool any appraising equipment short of Appraisers with an actual Appraisal skill. 

I still don't have any capability to change my status without a <Status Concealment Magic> skill just yet, but that can wait.


Viewing <All-Nature Attribute Elemental Magic>:

  - All-Nature Attribute Elemental Magic (SS)

    - Water-Attribute Elemental Magic (C) <Dominant>

    - Earth-Attribute Elemental Magic (C) <Recessive>

    - Wind-Attribute Elemental Magic (C)

    - Fire-Attribute Elemental Magic (C) <Dominant>


It's these three elements where I've veen focusing my mana control training recently. 

It was until I perceived using my naturally-sensitive ears heightened by my mana control training technique that there's someone coming to the room, along with many footsteps running around the apartment building. 

When I turned around, I saw Auntie Clara opening the door. 

"Emi-chan, Lady Diana is calling all of the children to the backyard immediately. Let's go." Auntie Clara said with urgency. 

"Alright Mama, I'll get my work clothes." I sighed for a moment before standing up from sitting on the bed to follow Auntie Clara. 

'It seemed that the time's up now.' I thought to myself as I immediately wore my maid outfit and went downstairs along with the children of the staff that stayed within the mansion grounds with their families. 

As the two of us went to the backyard of the mansion, I've seen multiple people in gold knight armor, along with a few people in gold and white robes akin to what Christian priests wear from Earth, tending to the children who were already arrived there.

Along with the flag that was raised from one of the paladins, which is awfully similar to the flag of the Vatican with the exception of the Papal Coat of Arms inside the white side of the flag changed to that of a silver sword in front of the golden sun.

It seems that it's not just the Holy Empire who came here, but the actual Sirius church itself. 

Like, would the Hero Sirius himself feel comfortable that there's now a religion worshipping him 5,000 years into ths future, a guy from another world?

"Alright, everyone. We've gathered everyone today to test out your affinities today." A bald priest said to all of us with the fakest smile I see.

I can also see Mama Diana and Dad with a nervous look on their faces and Auntie Clara who's sternly observing all of us. 

I rolled my eyes from the bald priest's remarks as everyone were instructed to fall in line in front of a table with a crystal ball and another priest manning the instrument.

By the looks of it, it's a magic tool that appraises elemental affinities and using the ball itself as a medium to view someone's mana up close.

I would've used my <Deep Appraisal> skill to see what's inside it, but it requires me to channel my mana to my eyes which would get me busted as long as my levels are lower than them.

And so, it took a little bit for the children in front of me to get appraised. At the same time, I have been tempering my mana channels to present only the mana affinities of the ones I want them to see. 

Now, it's my turn...

"Hello, child... Please put your right hand to this glass ball. It'll automatically suck your mana to see your basic status such as your name, age, and your mana affinities to this small magic parchment paper underneath this magic tool." The priest manning the table said to me with a soft voice. 

Oh shit... They also record my name too?! 

I immediately summoned my status screen, only to be shocked even more of what was shown. 

After sighing a little bit, which seemed to be me readying myself in the eyes of everyone else, I've put my right hand to the crystal ball, which shone a bright red, blue, and green. 

"3 elemental affinities! Fire, Water, and Wind affinities. This child is quite a heavensent! Now let's check her status..." The priest said with a smile on his face.

After taking the paper out from under the magic tool, I'm already relieved with what was shown there. 

I've won... 


Name: Emi Meire Schultz

Age: 5 years, 0 months, 7 days old. 

Elemental Affinities:

- Fire-Attribute Elemental Magic (C-Rank) 

- Water-Attribute Elemental Magic (C-Rank) 

- Wind-Attribute Elemental Magic (C-Rank) 


Author's Note:

Sorry for the late release. Because of the changes that the last chapter have, I've decided to move forward with the progression of the next few chapters to be quite different from my previous work. So expect the release to be slowed down. 

And the reason as to why Emilia will have to be her little brother's personal attendant will be mentioned in future chapters. 

That's all for now. Thanks for reading!