Volume 1 (END) – Imperfect Parents
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Appraisal Magic. A magic skill that sacrifices mana to have the world's information within the skill user's mind.

Of course, because it's a magic skill that uses mana as payment to get the information that you want so the limiting factors surrounding <Appraisal> depends on several factors; innate level of the object you're appraising, your <Appraisal> ranking, mana control, the intricacy of the information you want to access, the appraised subject's resistance, and the MP and INT of a person that's using the skill. 

The more levels you have, the more powerful your skill is. The more control you have over your mana, the more you'll have a way to fight against appraisal. The more knowledge you have, the lesser mana is required for you to spend. 

There are several ways to do so, but there's only a few ways for anyone to evade getting appraised. Have more levels than the one that's appraising you, have your MP and INT more than the appraiser's, have a concealment magic that has a higher-grade than the appraiser's, and have more overall resistance to being appraised.

But all in all, <Deep Appraisal> is an innate skill of the Hero, and is a different skill than the <Appraisal> that can bypass all of the restrictions of the aforementioned skill since it's the world itself that is willing to show you the information that you need through the use of the skill.


Inside the apartment building... 

"Emi-chan, please open the door..." Auntie Clara knocked the bathroom door for more than 3 times already as I still didn't answer the door.

I've been calming myself for a while now, but I still got this disgusting feeling now after arguing with Mama Diana. 

To think that I've let my anger do its thing after being frustrated by what Mama Diana did by appraising my status without my consent. 

I haven't felt this feeling in quite a while now, ever since I had argued with my parents back on Earth when I was around 10 over not being able to go to the train by myself back then.

I really missed my parents since they died in a car accident when I was 13. 


My reminiscing moment got distracted by a cracking noise coming from the door... 

'No way?!?! Auntie Clara's forcing her way in!!' I exclaimed in my mind as I quickly opened the lock on the door and exclaimed. 

"You didn't need to destroy the door for the 3rd time now, Mama!" I blurted out in exclaim, which got my right ear softly pinched by Auntie Clara as she said to me in a nagging tone.

"And what are you trying to achieve by saying all of those hurtful things to your mother, huh?!"

I looked down on the floor as my brows furrowed. 

"I didn't mean to do that, Mama... It's the way Au—Mama Diana said those things to me while I got my status appraised without my consent that I snapped at her..." I explained to Auntie Clara with a meek voice. 

I know my faults this time, and I'm sure that Mama Diana is hurt by what I said out of anger...

"Hah... You bet you are, Emilia-chan... Can I ask you as to why you knew the truth?" Auntie Clara sighed as both of her hands are holding her waist at the moment.

"It's quite obvious to me after observing you three..." I said nonchalantly as I shrugged. 

"Since when exactly, Emilia-chan?" She asked as her brows furrowed. 

"Since the beginning. I'll tell you more about it once I've talked to Mama now..." I replied as I sluggishly went to bed with my face facing the pillow while groaning a loud sigh. 

That's when I heard a chuckle from Auntie Clara, in which I had my head turn around to face her and asked. 

"What's funny, Mama?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"Fufufu~ your Mama Diana used to do that when your Mama and Papa have an argument. 

Your Dad used to run like hell when he tries to escape the argument until almost all of his stamina, and by definition, his stress has been depleted. 

Your Mama meanwhile often locks herself behind a bathroom, or groan like an old lady while having a pillow on her face back then." She chuckled a little bit after saying that before adding. 

"You're their child after all. It's natural that they'll be this stupid once in a while." She shrugged as she sat on the bed in front of me as she pats on my head and said this to me softly.

"Emilia, whatever you have that's burdening you, you have to share it. No one can do anything alone, so trust your parents even if they're imperfect as parents. 

Trust them because they're doing their best to protect you from the scary place called 'the outside world' until you're ready to face it." Auntie Clara said softly as she added.

"Of course, you can smack the sense out of them once in a while if they're hindering your own choice that you think would benefit everybody." She said as her other hand made a swinging motion to simulate someone smacking another.

This made me chuckle quite a bit as I sighed in relief.

After thinking for a little bit and deliberating my future plans from this point onward, it's probably time for me to prepare myself with the inevitable fate of me facing against the Demon Lord.

And of course, I'll be utilizing everything that I have in my disposal at this point. 

But first... I'll have to talk to my parents first. 

"Thanks, Mama... I think I know what to do now." I said as I stood up from the bed and changed my attire to that of my normal attire consisting of a one-piece long-skirt that has similarities to what female children used in Victorian times.

After that, Auntie Clara and I went back to the mansion. By that time, it was already approaching nighttime since the appraisal happened during the afternoon.

We arrived back on Mama Diana's study room where her and Papa Edmund were sitting on the couch near the coffee table as if they were waiting for me to arrive.

Once Auntie Clara opened the door, the  nervous couple quickly stood up from their seating.

"Diana, I brought out Emilia. She wants to say something to the three of us." Auntie Clara said with a slight smile on her face.

Seeing the smile that Auntie Clara has on her face, the couple calmed down from their nervous expressions.

"Umm... Mama, Papa... I'm sorry..." I said in a truthful manner while looking down on the flooring. This is no mere acting, but only true words spoken from my heart.

"I'm sorry for raising my voice and say those words in anger..." I added, in which 

"Look at me, my daughter." Mama Diana said as I looked at her, revealing to her a pained expression that I can't control right now. 

"I'm sorry too, my daughter... Your frustrations were valid, and your Papa and I haven't explained to you as to why we weren't by your side all the time while growing up." Mama Diana said while her voice is quivering. It seems that she cried after I left the room.

I quickly shook my head and slightly smile as I said that. 

"Your reasons are really understandable, Mom... But, to be frank, the plan is quite stupid." I chuckled a little bit as I tried to ease up this awkward situation, only to see more awkwardness in the atmosphere at the moment.

I sighed in exasperation from the awkwardness that I felt as I added.

"But it's this plan that have saved me from being screened by the Holy Empire earlier on. Thank you, Mama, Papa." I smiled as the two of them brightened from what I just said.

After this, I immediately went to the two of them and went for a hug, in which my parents reciprocated properly. 

This warmth... It's this feeling that was absent from before...

I missed this...


After the four of us calmed down completely, Mama Diana had Auntie Clara out for a moment to get our dinner readied by Uncle Lois and his staff while Papa Edmund went to check on Clarence who wasn't with him earlier due to this little guy not letting go of his toys. 

It saved me from showing trauma to this kid from what happened just earlier. 

Meanwhile, I'm currently sitting on Mama Diana's lap as she asked me.

"Emilia-chan, I've been wondering for a while no—" "Mama, let's wait for Auntie Clara and Papa Edmund. I'll tell you all everything. This time, it's the truth." I interrupted Mama's question with a smile as I planned on telling these three people.

After a little while, the four of us have assembled once again, now with food on our plates as the four of us ate in silence for a while. 

As I got my fork down, finished from eating my fill, their attentions immediately went to me as they've seen me finished eating the dishes on my plate.

It's time to tell them the truth. 

"It seems that we're good to start... And so, for a complete introduction...

My name is Emilia von Celestia. I'm the True Hero, and I'm also a person that has been reincarnated into this world."


Author's Note:

And there we have it! Volume 1 has come to a close! 

It's quite a fitting end to close this volume, but we will still have the 2nd Volume's 1st chapter to pick up from this last chapter anyway.

Expect a more slowed down release until the Christmas vacation starts where I'm free from these responsibilities called "school". 

As an added bonus to celebrate the end of this chapter, these pictures below are the faces of our cast! 

Volume 1 Characters:

Clara Meire Schultz

Diana Margaret von Celestia

Edmund Ryze von Celestia

Hansen Moloch (Younger) 

(I can't make a good picture of this guy. So just imagine his younger self instead, or do imagine his current age as some sort of a younger Monopoly Man dude.)

Chef Lois

Main Protagonists:

Emilia von Celestia (Present) 

Nakamura Kurayami (Past) 

Kokonoe Shirokusa

That's all for now folks, see you guys at Volume 2 with a new cover art!