Chapter 13: The Path Forward (Part 1)
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Chapter 13: The Path Forward (Part 1)

[Part 1 of the Double Chapter Release for reaching 150k views on WebNovel🥳]


As I’m walking down a random bustling street, I review what happened two hours ago, after Rumi got so high that ROB could look down and see her just below his golden gates.




After Rumi fainted, I had Sage enter her body and fix her up. The drugs were eradicated from her bloodstream and the damage to her heart, lungs and other organs which occurred from swallowing instead of spitting, were healed and fixed.


Using the opportunity, Sage had fully scanned and analyzed her body. Her quirk now sits snugly next to the rip-off muscular guy’s quirk (Similar to how Rimuru got the [Skill: Veldora] after scanning him without eating him). I lay her down in the side and make it so that after the investigation, it’ll look like she fainted from a cheap-shot to the back of her head. The bruise I made, ensured that it was convincing.


Now that that’s done, I should think of a way to escape the police encircling the warehouse. I obviously can’t kill them. If I burst out and run for it, it’ll make a scene and any future plans of laying low would go up in smoke even before they are formed.


I bang my head on the floor as I realized that there is a very simple solution to my problem. 


(Two Minutes Later)

The police in-charge gives the order to storm the place due to the lack of any activity being sensed and the failure to contact the hero who went in. With no other hero in the area and fearing for the worst, the police broke in, luckily they did so through the door and not the other ‘entrance’ Rumi had created.


When they entered, all they saw was a pile of broken crates with white powder all around, the hero they sent in lying down in a… compromising position and an oddly face-shaped indent in the floor near her.


‘Muahahahahaha!!’ I cackle madly in my head as I sat on a roof overlooking the warehouse in the form of a crow. Of course, it was being controlled by Sage but that doesn’t mean that I’m not conscious of what’s happening.


As I flew away from the scene, I find a spot on the other side of the city, near the harbor, where I can change back into a humanoid form. (A/N: All the cities/places which are stated in this fic are geographically accurate.)




After wandering for a while, I was looking for a place to have lunch and I found just the place. Tagonoura Gyokyou Shokudo is an eatery with an outdoor seating area which faces the ocean. Although the food is nothing fancy, it’s food.


And as I sit there eating my bowl of cold bukkake-udon, I was contemplating my future course of action. The atmosphere of the eating area fits perfectly with the deep dive into the realms of contemplation which I’m about to do.


The warm breeze blowing on my back. The glimmering rays of the sun reflected off of the ocean water. The sound of the waves crashing against the rocks below. The faint cawing of seagulls in the distance. The shade of the awning providing me shelter from the blazing afternoon sun which coupled with the breeze, made the area feel cool despite the mid-summer heat. 


It was perfect. Down to the most minute detail. And it made for the perfect scene to have deep philosophical contemplations and conversations. It also gave me a moment to acknowledge my reality in the world of My Hero Academia.


In this new, vibrant world of My Hero Academia, the dynamics between heroes, villains, and the intriguing addition of anti-heroes form a complex piece of art that adds depth to the narrative of the story depicted in the manga and anime.


The hero-villain conflict is at the heart of the series, but the nuanced presence of anti-heroes introduces shades of gray, blurring the traditional lines between good and evil.


At its core, My Hero Academia explores a society where individuals possess extraordinary abilities known as quirks. Heroes, sanctioned by the government and affiliated with hero agencies, use their quirks to protect the public from villains who misuse their powers.


This stark divide sets the stage for a contrast that mirrors classic comic book tropes but is elevated by the series' unique storytelling.


Heroes, adorned with flashy costumes and committed to upholding justice, serve as symbols of hope and inspiration. They undergo rigorous training in hero academies, learning not just combat skills but also the moral responsibilities that come with their powers. The hero society places a strong emphasis on public image, emphasizing the importance of maintaining trust and admiration among citizens.


And I understand that without a good public image, a victim might even refuse to be saved from a situation from which they could be easily rescued from. An example of why Nezu and All Might keep the truth behind Endeavour’s relationships a secret is because the people might not want to be saved by him and rather wait in a dangerous situation for another Hero, hampering their efforts in capturing the villains.


And speaking of villains, they are individuals who use their quirks for ‘nefarious’ purposes. Whether driven by personal vendettas, a desire for power, or resentment against the hero system, villains pose a constant threat to the societal order.


The League of Villains, led by AFO’s disciple and future host, Tomura Shigaraki, embodies the darker side of quirks, seeking to dismantle the hero society and plunge the world into chaos.


The conflict between heroes and villains unfolds in grandiose battles, where quirk abilities clash in spectacular displays of power. At least that’s what the anime and manga portray. Reality might be different since they aren’t worried about viewership and ratings.


If it was just that, the life would be simple. However, My Hero Academia doesn't settle for a simplistic hero versus villain narrative; it introduces anti-heroes, characters who prefer to stay in the gray areas of morality.


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