Kimiko Hasegawa
Lvl 968.
Job: Primordial Sword Master (lvl requirement: 950)
( STR,CON,VIT,DEX) all +50 Per level
Title: The One (Immunity to ailments below Divine tier)
( Given to those who pursue the path of truth above all)
HP: 3,514,500 (1/2 CON*VIT).
Recovery: 1% of HP PER MIN
MP: 2,239,456 (1/2 INT*1/2 WIS)
Recovery: 1% of MP PER MIN
STR: 3950 ( How strong)
CON: 2556(Endurance and defense)
VIT: 2750(Life force and recovery)
DEX: 4579 (Speed)
INT: 2978 (intelligent+Mana cap.)
WIS: 3008 (problem solving power+Mana recovery)
CHA: 67 (inspire or influence other)
LUC: 1002 (luck)
World of Vesperia, How is it?
I think her skill list will be long.
Yes, keep it that way Votes: 455 92.7%
No, change it Votes: 36 7.3%
Would be nice to know what is average.
Sad life for her charm xD
I guess she is guna get into so much trouble in so many ways xD
Nope they cannot equip more than one but they can swap if they have another in reserve, you know effects of the different titles can be used for different situation.
Thank you for this chapter!
Not op enuf
( STR,CON,VIT,DEX) all +50 Per level
Lvl 968.
STR: 3450 ( How strong)
There is something wrong here... I think at least..
No it is just that she got this job way way later. She started out with a normal job, gained mastery and updated to a new one. This one is her latest one.
@ArticHaze Means that the bonus is 18*50=900 stats pts ?
@EleanorVanRosaelle yup but before that she had also other jobs that gave way less bonus than the current job
@ArticHaze huh huh - didn't expect you to answer me that fast ! Should i feel honored ? mmmh...
I haven't been reading here for long so, what's the deal with the comment that are referring to non-existing things ? Is it related to deleted account/content ? Shouldn't the forum keep an archive of those ?
[edit]..didn't realize that ... maybe you got notif on your phone for being tagged ... my bad. >_<
@EleanorVanRosaelle Nope sometimes I check from time to time