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Odin, ignoring the curious and astonished gazes of the crowd behind him, slowly walked towards the bedroom. Odin did not regret what he had done. For Odin, who was now in the spring of his youth, only power mattered. If the child proved himself, Odin would accept him as his own child.

Odin looked at the baby in his hands as he walked and wondered what kind of being the baby was. There was no divine energy in this baby, so he was not a god. He also did not feel any magical energy from the child, so the child could not be a wizard either. The only energy he felt from the child was the malicious energy that gathered on the left side of the child's chest.

Odin clearly felt that this energy was much more dangerous and uncontrollable than divine energy or magical energy. The child would become a very powerful being if he learned to control this energy in the future.

Odin felt uneasy as he looked at this child. There was a spark of intelligence in the depths of the child's bright purple eyes. It was as if the child understood what Odin was saying.

"May the supreme fathers guide you." Odin said and stopped in front of the bedroom door.

Odin heard a crying sound from inside. This sound clearly belonged to Frigga and Odin's face fell when he heard her crying. Odin composed himself and entered the bedroom with determination.

"What do you think you are doing!" Frigga shouted. Tears were streaming down her face and her body was shaking with anger.

"My queen, your body is weak right now, please calm down." the maid said, with a worried expression on her face.

Frigga did not care about the maid's words and continued to scream.

"He was your child too. He was our child!"



Under Frigga's screams, Odin silently waited with the baby in his hand and waited for Frigga's anger to subside. Frigga was right, this was their child but there was something inside Odin that made him uneasy. Odin was sure that the reason for this uneasiness was this child.

As Frigga shouted at him, Odin just waited. The only person Odin could not resist was Frigga. When Frigga finally stopped and caught her breath, Odin spoke.

"Power is respected in Asgard. The child will earn my and my people's respect if he becomes powerful in the future." Odin said and gently placed the baby in Frigga's lap, then started walking towards the throne room.

As Odin turned his back and walked away, a pair of bright purple eyes followed him attentively. There were signs of intelligence in the depths of these purple eyes, albeit small. These eyes seemed to understand Odin's words. These eyes seemed to accept the challenge Odin gave him. These eyes seemed to change Odin's fate.


In a dark, spacious room, a man suddenly got up and held his left eye. The room was quite large and luxurious. The windows of the room were closed and the curtains were drawn. This caused the room to be pitch black.

"Damn memories!" the man groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

When the man opened his eyes, a pair of bright purple eyes appeared in the darkness. The purple eyes were so bright that they were very easily visible even in the pitch-black room.

The man cursed and got up and walked slowly towards the window. He parted the curtains and let the sunlight in. When the sunlight lit up the room, the details of the room and the man's face appeared.

The room looked like a royal room and was very messy. There were wine bottles and various clothes scattered in the corners of the room. The room looked like it had not been cleaned for a long time.

The man did not hurry and pulled the curtain completely and opened the window made of gold. The man stuck his head out of the window and looked outside. There was nothing outside, just a forest that had no end. The forest contained a thousand shades of green.

The man had snow-white hair. His hair reached his shoulders and he had bright purple eyes. The man had a large nose and a large chin. The man's cheekbones were very prominent and his lips were pale. His skin color was light and his purple eyes and white hair were very compatible. The only thing on the man's face that was not compatible was his eyebrows. The man's eyebrows were brown in color, unrelated to his hair.

This man was 35 years old and his real name was Jericho Swain. He was Odin's first and only child and should have been the heir to the throne under normal circumstances, but the circumstances were not normal. Swain was born without divine energy and his physical strength was very low compared to other Asgardians. In fact, Swain had no divine energy, but he had a very powerful and extremely destructive energy inside him, but using this energy was very harmful to Swain's weak body.

He was rejected by other Asgardians and his father Odin because his power was not enough. That's why Swain built a house in the depths of the forest and lived there alone. In Asgard, the only person who showed love to Swain was his mother Frigga. Frigga always visited Swain and supported him.

Twenty seconds after Swain opened the window, a crow with black feathers came and landed on Swain's shoulder. The only feature that distinguished the crow from other crows was its eyes. One of the crow's eyes was purple, just like Swain's.

"Tell me what happened in the last week." Swain said and walked towards the wardrobe with the crow on his shoulder. The wardrobe was the largest item in Swain's room. There were many clothes that Swain's mother had sewn in the closet. Swain admired his mother's sewing skills.




The crow was making normal sounds, but Swain nodded understandingly as if he understood the crow. Swain was the only person who could talk to crows.

"So I have magic and swordsmanship training today, huh." Swain said puffing. His mother gave him magic training and this training was clearly useless. After all, Swain could not use the energy inside him. Swain had the energy required for magic from birth, but he could not release this energy. That's why he couldn't do magic.

Sword training was very useful. In fact, Swain's skill on the sword was quite average, but he had to work hard on this if he wanted to get stronger. Swain wanted to get stronger and prove himself to Asgard. Asgard was a large and powerful country where Swain lived. Asgardians were very talented in sword and magic. Swain was an outcast among the Asgardians.

A commander gave him sword training and this commander was the most talented person in Asgard in terms of sword. The only bad thing about this person was that he treated Swain badly. In fact, everyone treated Swain badly, but this sword master was pushing his luck. Swain had to endure the insults and beatings he did.

Swain put on black leather pants, a black shirt and a black coat that reached his legs after leaving the house. The collars of the black coat he wore were long and reached his ears. There were raven feathers on the shoulders of the coat. The coat suited Swain very well. All of Swain's clothes were black. He didn't know why, but he loved darkness and shadows since he was born. He even felt relaxed in the dark.

"The sun is already at the top, it seems I will hear scolding from my mother again." Swain said, spreading his arms to both sides and raising his head to the sky. Just seconds later, twenty crows came to him and started spinning around him quickly. The crows spun around Swain for twenty seconds, then the ground Swain stepped on changed. Swain suddenly found himself in one of the outskirts of Asgard.

Swain lowered his arms and scattered the crows around him. With this skill, he could teleport over long distances. Of course, there was a limit. Swain could only teleport to places where crows could fly.

Swain had teleported to one of the outskirts of Asgard. In fact, he could have teleported to the center of Asgard, but that would attract too much attention and Swain did not want to attract attention. Especially in Asgard. Swain was a prince who lived in the palace in the center of Asgard, but the Asgardians did not accept him.

Swain walked through the streets and slowly headed towards the palace. The Asgardians who saw him on the streets looked at Swain with disgust and pity. Swain was not surprised when he saw them. After all, he had been living here for thirty-five years and was used to it. Swain quickly reached the palace using the dark streets. The palace was the most magnificent structure in Asgard. The walls of the palace were covered with gold. There were various plants and animals in the palace garden. When Swain entered the palace garden, a few gardeners greeted him. Swain smiled at the gardeners. The gardeners were one of the rare people who did not treat Swain badly.


Frigga was calmly drinking coffee in a room and waiting for her son to come. She was a little angry, to be honest. After all, her son was late for training again. Frigga wanted her son to do magic. Frigga had worked hard to teach her son magic, but her son could not do magic. Frigga could not understand why. She knew that her son had the energy necessary to do magic. But her son could not release this energy.

Frigga finished her coffee and gracefully got up from the chair she was sitting in and walked slowly towards a table. There was a picture of Swain's childhood on the table. Frigga looked at the picture and smiled. There was a crow next to Swain in the picture. Swain was the only person who could talk to crows. Frigga thought this was a very interesting skill. Frigga put the coffee cup on the table and turned around. She walked back to the chair. When she came to the side of the chair, a smile appeared on her face.

"If your eyes weren't so bright, you would definitely be a very dangerous assassin." Frigga said giggling.

In a dark corner of the room, a pair of purple eyes looked at Frigga. In the darkness, no detail was visible except the purple eyes.

"You caught me again." Swain said smiling and came out of the darkness and went to the chair in front of Frigga and sat down.

Swain had no respect in his movements. He sat in front of his mother and crossed his legs, waiting for her to speak. Actually, Swain was not disrespectful to his mother, the only reason he did this was that he was very close to his mother. His mother always treated Swain like a friend.

"As always, I ask again. Why are you late this time?" Frigga asked. The smile on her face had given way to a serious expression. Her son was late for this magic training every time.

"I had some nightmares, so I woke up late again" Swain said without thinking. In fact, he said this every time he was late.

"Again the same nightmare? My son, I was raised by witches. If you tell me your nightmare, I can tell you what it means" Frigga said with a worried expression. She did not want her son to suffer and believed that she could help him.

Swain was silent and avoided eye contact when he heard Frigga's words. How could he tell his mother that these were not nightmares but memories? What would his mother say if he told her that he knew everything that happened after his birth, and even that he was the cause of his mother's weakening? That's why Swain always remained silent.

"Magic training is useless" Swain said trying to change the subject.

Frigga understood that Swain was trying to change the subject and sighed with a defeated expression on her face.

"When you learn to control the energy inside you, all these trainings will work" Frigga said. She always believed in her son's potential.

Swain frowned when he heard her words.

"You know that using the energy inside me means getting seriously injured, even dying. I will never be able to control the energy inside me" Swain said. In fact, he did not remember how many times they had this conversation.

He tried to control the energy inside him many times, but they all resulted in injuries. Even if he used a very small part of the energy, this energy was harming his body. This energy seemed to not want his body.

Frigga looked at Swain with sadness when she heard his words. Feeling the atmosphere getting heavier, Frigga quickly decided to change the subject.

"How is the process of infusing your energy into words going?" Frigga asked. She asked this question, but she had no hope that this would happen. Infusing energy into words was a very difficult process. The energies inside the beings were hard to manifest outside the body, but if someone succeeded in this, their power would increase incredibly. This process was called "JUDGMENT", doing magic with words.

Surprisingly, a smile appeared on Swain's face when he heard Frigga's question. He pulled a glass on the table in front of him and looked at the glass ominously. As Swain looked at the glass, his purple eyes shone and spread an ominous energy around. This energy caused Frigga to feel uneasy involuntarily.


As Swain said this, his voice echoed because of the malicious energy inside him. As soon as Swain's word ended, the glass was surrounded by red flames and destroyed in seconds.

Frigga watched in astonishment as the cup turned to ashes and flew away in the grip of the red flames. The red flames were howling like a hell where thousands of people suffered, spreading fear around.

"How?" Frigga asked in wonder. Her son Swain had never been able to control the energy inside him since he was born.

"I release the magic inside me with my words instead of circulating it in parts of my body. This way I can give simple commands without putting a strain on my body. The only downside is that the energy that comes out loses a lot of its power" Swain said with a bit of arrogance. After all, he had performed a magic for the first time in his thirty-five years of life. The magic was very weak in its current state, but it gave Swain a great sense of achievement.

Frigga thought about his words and imagined what he had told her.

"Magic power and divine energy retain all their power when they leave the body. Your energy becomes incredibly weak when it comes out. The reason must be that you don't use any of your limbs. Without a tool to let your energy flow out, your energy may be weakening" Frigga said with a thoughtful expression.

Swain nodded his head when he heard these words. Swain was thinking the same thing as his mother. If he wanted to fully control the energy inside him, he needed a tool.

He had actually tried this method many times, but no tool could carry his energy. The only thing that carried his energy was his body. Maybe that's why his body was always bruised.

"Your swordsmanship training will start soon, you should go. Maybe the sword could be the tool you're looking for" Frigga said and hugged Swain with love.

Swain left the room after hugging his mother tightly and headed quickly to the training area. The commander who gave Swain swordsmanship training was named Roland.

He was actually getting this special training thanks to his mother. If it weren't for Swain's mother, Swain would have received a collective training like everyone else.

Roland was an experienced swordsman and the battalion he controlled was quite famous. Roland's only bad side was his personality. Roland always made fun of those weaker than him. No soldier could stand up to Roland, unless he was stronger than him.

It took Swain ten minutes to reach the training area. The training area was a hundred-meter area and in the center of this area sat a blond-haired and two-meter-tall, very muscular man.

Roland frowned when he noticed Swain and walked towards Swain.

"Hey you trash, you're late again" Ronald said.

Swain held back his anger when he heard his words. Actually, there wasn't much he could do even if he vented his anger. Even if he somehow injured Roland, he would receive a very heavy penalty for it.

"I had things to do" Swain said expressionlessly.

Roland looked at Swain with a disgusted expression on his face. Like other Asgardians, Roland had no love or respect for the weak, in fact Roland hated the weak.

"Your mother is trying hard to improve a waste like you" Roland said, with a mocking smile on his face.

Swain frowned when he heard his words.

"Be respectful! You're talking about the Queen!" Swain said angrily.

Roland ignored his words and took a sword from a shelf behind him. The sword Roland took was a normal knight sword and was specially prepared for training fights.

Swain also headed to the weapon shelf and took a samurai sword with a black sheath and a length of 170cm. Swain was going to do a training fight, so he didn't take the sword out of its sheath.

"Are you going to use this stupid sword again despite all my words?" Roland asked. It was clear from his facial expression and voice that he was making fun of Swain.

Swain, ignoring Roland who had told him to change his sword many times, chose this sword in every training because he felt more comfortable with it.

Swain did not answer and took a fighting stance after moving away from Ronald and looked at Ronald sharply.

"You are not a shinigami, so you can't use this sword well enough. I'll give you one more chance to change your sword" Ronald said, with a confident smile.

Shinigamis were a group of spiritual beings that emerged recently in this universe. Shinigamis had quickly gained strength in a short time and their mission was to kill hollows.

Just like shinigamis, hollows had also emerged recently. These beings were spiritual beings and they emerged from the corruption of the souls of dead humans. Shinigamis' mission was to cleanse them before hollows became stronger. Shinigamis usually used katanas that were special to them.

Each katana had different powers and abilities. It was not known how much a shinigami could grow in power for now, but according to Swain's estimates, a shinigami could reach the advanced level of divine beings if he was skilled enough.

Of course, these were just guesses, it was not clear how much a shinigami could grow in reality. Shinigamis were very weak for now.

"I will continue with this sword" Swain said determinedly.

Ronald smiled contemptuously when he heard these words and attacked Swain. Ronald swung his sword from above when he got close enough.

Ronald was considered strong even among Asgardians, so Swain could barely see his movements. Swain quickly lifted his katana to block Ronald's sword.

When the two swords clashed, Swain's hands trembled and he knelt on one knee. Swain's physical strength was nothing against Ronald. Roland gave more power to the sword in his hand and caused Swain's hands to tremble more.

"You are really pathetic" Roland said and kicked Swain, sending him flying.

Swain ignored his words and got up quickly and attacked. Swain knew that the power difference between them was too much and he could never beat Roland in swordsmanship, but he had to push himself to get stronger.

Swain swung his katana from the side. Roland easily blocked this attack and swung his sword from the other side. Swain was not fast enough to defend this attack, so he hoped not to be seriously injured by protecting his head with his arm.

Swain felt an incredible pain when Roland's sword hit his shoulder and the sword quickly changed direction and moved towards Swain's stomach. Swain resisted the pain in his shoulder and blocked the sword coming towards his stomach at the last moment and took two steps back to get away from Roland.

Swain couldn't feel his left shoulder and tried not to show it by frowning.

"You don't deserve to be Odin's son!" Roland said with disappointment.

"Even a normal Asgard warrior can easily beat you" he added.

Swain couldn't answer these words because he had no answer. Roland was right, even a normal Asgard warrior was stronger and more durable than Swain.

"Your mother tainted the Asgard bloodline and gave birth to a child like you. These are her fault" Roland said, with a great anger on his face.

Swain felt a great anger grow inside him when he heard these words. There was no problem with being mocked, but no one could say anything to his mother! Swain was born healthy thanks to his mother, even though he seemed to have no respect for her, she was the only person he loved in Asgard.

Roland saw a silver blade coming towards his face as soon as he finished his words. Swain and Roland had not used weapons that could inflict serious wounds on each other while training. Roland used a blunt knight sword, Swain used a katana in its sheath.

The sword that came to Roland's face had no sheath. Roland smiled when he saw this and blocked the katana coming to his face with a quick reflex.

"It seems you love your mother very much" Roland said chuckling.

Swain's anger grew even more when he heard Roland's words and he pulled back his katana and swung it quickly again. Roland easily blocked these attacks with his sword every time Swain swung his katana. Sparks flew and a disturbing ringing sound was heard every time the two swords clashed in the air.

"Weak and fast attacks. You really look like a shinigami now. And you are as weak as them" Roland said. He was easily blocking Swain's relentless attacks while saying these.

After a while, Roland stopped defending and started attacking too. The two swords clashed so fast in the air that a normal human couldn't even see the swords.

Swain's purple eyes shone with seriousness and he reacted quickly as if he could see Roland's attacks beforehand. But as the fight continued, Swain's hands holding the hilt started to bleed and his arms started to tremble.

"That's the limit of what you can do! You are a disappointment" Roland said laughing. He was clearly trying to provoke Swain and he succeeded.


Swain roared with anger and stopped defending and started attacking only.

"No matter how hard you try, you will never be Odin's child. You will remain helpless like your mother" Roland continued his provocations.

"I will definitely kill you!" Swain snarled.

Roland didn't say anything when he heard these words and just smiled. In his eyes, Swain was a trash that destroyed Asgard's honor and glory.

As the fight continued, Swain's whole body started to get tired and tremble. Swain was breathing hard and he could barely hold the katana in his hand. Roland looked like he wasn't tired at all. His sword countered Swain's katana harder every time. Swain felt the mocking look in Roland's eyes. This look hurt his pride and honor.

Roland decided to stop when he saw Swain in this state. He was not afraid of the queen herself, but he was afraid of the witches behind her. Besides, he would be killed by Odin if he killed Swain. Odin would not remain silent even if he didn't care about Swain.

"That's enough fun for today. Clean up the place and get out of Asgard" Roland said and threw his sword to the ground and started walking towards the exit.

Roland noticed a mocking smile on Swain's face as he passed by him. He felt a fear inside him when he saw this.

"You should never have let go of that sword" Swain said with a smile on his face.

"What are you talk-"


Roland heard a deafening and choking sound when a red energy surrounded his body and made it impossible for him to move. He felt an unbearable pain in his chest while he was frozen. He lowered his head and looked at his chest and saw blood spurt from his mouth. A silver katana tip was shining in his chest.

The red energy around his body suddenly disappeared and he could move again. He turned around with difficulty and saw Swain smiling at him with victory.

"How?" Roland asked with difficulty. Blood was pouring from his mouth and the light in his eyes was about to go out.

"I told you I would kill you!" Swain said and took the bloody katana from Roland's back.

With this movement, Roland collapsed to the ground and gave his last breaths. The only thing he said before he died was "you... demon".