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Swain threw his bloody katana into the air, flinging the blood droplets off it, and slowly sheathed the katana. He had killed a great commander and he knew very well that the punishment would be severe. In fact, under normal circumstances, it was impossible for him to kill Ronald.

Ronald was a mid-level divine being and if he had used his divine energy, he could have killed Swain with one move.

Swain was now at the very beginning of the low-level divine being level and had no divine attributes. The only thing that distinguished him from normal humans was his physical strength and evil energy.

"So, you are the Demon, huh. Well, I will call the energy inside me demon energy" Swain muttered and looked at the corpse on the ground. The corpse was soaked in blood and his face was frozen with a horrified expression.

As Swain looked at the dead body on the ground, he felt the demon energy inside him bubbling with greed. Swain looked at his left chest in astonishment. A few seconds later, he walked slowly to the corpse and leaned over.

"I must say, I feel quite hungry looking at this corpse" Swain said.

The hunger Swain felt was not physical. Swain put his left arm on the corpse's chest and waited for the energy inside him to react. Only two seconds later, the corpse began to dry up, and at the same time Swain could feel the demon energy inside him getting stronger.

Only ten seconds later, the two-meter corpse was left with only skin and bones. Swain examined the demon energy inside him with a smile on his face.

"My demon energy has almost doubled." he said with a smile on his face.

"It seems I can get stronger too!" he added excitedly.

"Odin must have already sent his soldiers here." Swain said and looked at the ceiling. When Swain looked at the ceiling, his purple eyes glowed and he could see an incredible divine energy directed at him from above.

"I know you are watching and hearing me." Swain said with a playful attitude.

When Swain said these words, he felt an incredible force crushing him. This force quickly grew and made Swain kneel down. Even when Swain was barely standing on his knees, the pressure did not decrease, but rather increased.

"ARRGGGHH! You old bastard!" Swain groaned. The ground was cracking and breaking because of the pressure and if this pressure continued for a little longer, Swain's neck would break.

This was the infinite power difference between a divine level divine being and a low level divine being. Odin could easily kill Swain with just a tiny part of his divine power.

Odin's divine energy was so great that it covered all of Asgard like an infinite ocean. Odin was at his peak power now and at this power level he could feel everything that was happening in Asgard.

Just as Swain thought he was going to die from the pressure, about twenty soldiers entered the training field and captured Swain and tied his hands. The rope they tied Swain's hands with was magical and had the power of energy sealing. The ropes prevented Swain from accessing his demon energy. If a person's energy was strong enough, they could easily destroy these ropes, but Swain's demon energy was limited and weak.

"You are guilty of killing an Asgard commander!" said the leader of the guards.

The guard leader did not need to do any investigation; because this report came directly from Odin.

Swain nodded and followed the guards without any resistance. The guards took him to a cell in the depths of Asgard and locked him up there.

"The father of the gods will decide tomorrow whether you are guilty and what your punishment will be." said the guard leader and turned around and left without wasting time.

After the guard leader left, Swain examined his cell. This cell was large and very luxurious. There were comfortable chairs in the cell. The walls of the cell were glass and Swain was sure that these glasses were reinforced with magic.

Swain sat on the couch and looked at the blood on his left hand. This blood had splashed on his hand when he killed Roland.

"I'm killing someone for the first time and I must say this feeling is quite good." Swain said to himself.

Swain had never killed any living thing since he was born. He was thirty-five years old now and this age was very low for Asgardians. Actually, he had to go to wars as the son of the king; but thanks to his mother, he was not going to wars.

The battlefields were very dangerous and destructive. Going to a battlefield with Swain's power was clearly suicide. Fortunately, his mother had talked to Odin and convinced him. Not going to wars was a good thing for Swain, but the Asgard people who heard this news started to despise Swain.

There was no place for the weak in Asgard; especially for those who were both weak and cowardly. Swain shook his head and got rid of these thoughts. He had committed a great crime and his punishment would be very bad. Even his mother could not prevent this; the only thing he could do now was to wait for tomorrow.

He lay down on the couch and closed his eyes to fall asleep. Actually, he was a little worried about tomorrow. Ronald was a powerful commander and led a thousand-strong battalion. Swain fell asleep while thinking about what would happen tomorrow.

Swain had never killed any living thing since he was born. He was thirty-five years old now and this age was very low for Asgardians. Actually, he had to go to wars as the son of the king; but thanks to his mother, he was not going to wars.

The battlefields were very dangerous and destructive. Going to a battlefield with Swain's power was clearly suicide. Fortunately, his mother had talked to Odin and convinced him. Not going to wars was a good thing for Swain, but the Asgard people who heard this news started to despise Swain.

There was no place for the weak in Asgard; especially for those who were both weak and cowardly. Swain shook his head and got rid of these thoughts. He had committed a great crime and his punishment would be very bad. Even his mother could not prevent this; the only thing he could do now was to wait for tomorrow.

He lay down on the couch and closed his eyes to fall asleep. Actually, he was a little worried about tomorrow. Ronald was a powerful commander and led a thousand-strong battalion. Swain fell asleep while thinking about what would happen tomorrow.


When Swain heard footsteps near his cell, he opened his eyes and looked to his right. When Swain looked outside the cell, he saw Frigga looking at him with a sad and worried expression.

"Why did you do this, Swain?" Frigga asked. It was clear from her tone of voice that the reason for this question was not anger, but concern.

"He said things he shouldn't have said." Swain said, with a flat tone of voice.

Frigga looked at her son's expressionless face. Frigga knew that Swain was very anxious for tomorrow.

"I will get you out of here." Frigga said.

Hearing Frigga's words, Swain couldn't help but chuckle.

"You know that Odin is watching us right now. So, these are useless. I killed Roland and I would do it again if I had the chance." Swain said.

"Now, go away." Swain added.

When Frigga heard her son's harsh words, she understood that he wanted to be alone and turned around to leave.

"I will always love you, my son. Know that." Frigga said before leaving.

When Swain heard Frigga's words, his heart tightened.

"I know." Swain whispered.

In this world, the only person who loved him was Frigga and he would not let anyone harm her. If necessary, he would use his demon energy. Swain got rid of these thoughts and focused on sleeping.


Swain woke up when the door of his cell opened. The guard leader who brought him here had opened the door and was waiting for Swain.

"Is it time?" Swain asked. There was no fear or worry in his tone of voice. This surprised the guard leader.

"I don't know how you killed Commander Roland, but I'm sure you tricked him. You will pay dearly for this. The father of the gods will give you a heavy punishment." the guard leader said, angrily.

"Do you think Odin will punish me severely just because I killed a commander?" Swain said, chuckling.

"Don't call the father of the gods by his name!" the guard leader shouted, angrily.

"Why? Did you forget? I'm not an Asgard god." Swain said. He still had a smile on his face.

The guard leader, hearing Swain's words, suppressed his anger and did not speak. He went to Swain's side, grabbed his arm and dragged him.

Swain did not resist and followed the guard leader. It took five minutes for the guard leader and Swain to leave the palace and reach the center of Asgard.

All the Asgardians had gathered in the square and were cursing and insulting Swain with one voice. Swain smiled when he saw this scene and did not care about them. In the center, there was an open area and in the middle of the open area, Odin was standing. Behind Odin, Frigga was standing with a worried expression on her face.

When Frigga and Swain met eyes, Frigga made a sign as if telling him not to do anything wrong. Swain gave her a meaningful smile and then looked at Odin.

Odin was sitting on a magnificent throne and was eating an apple as if nothing around him mattered.

The guard leader brought Swain before Odin and knelt down to greet Odin. Swain stood upright and did not salute Odin. The crowd, seeing Swain's movement, started shouting again.

When the guard leader saw the angry crowd, he got up and kicked Swain's foot to force him to kneel. When Swain knelt down, Odin raised his hand and silenced the crowd.

"I will not prolong this matter and cut it short." Odin said. His voice was spreading magically throughout Asgard. After saying these words, Odin lowered his head and made eye contact with Swain.

"Why did you kill Commander Roland?" Odin asked, curiously.

When Swain heard this question, he chuckled; then these chuckles turned into a big laugh. Frigga, seeing this, was worried that her son would say something wrong.

"HAHAHAHAHAH! Why did I kill him? Don't you know why, Odin? I thought you knew everything that was happening in Asgard. Or are you getting weak?"

The crowd, hearing Swain's words, got angry again. Odin was the protector and father of the gods for them. They saw someone mocking Odin for the first time and this made them very angry.

There was no expression on Odin's face. He raised his hand and silenced the angry crowd.

"I will ask you again, why did you kill Roland?" Odin asked, seriously. Odin's divine energy, as if angry, pressured Swain and made him bow his head.

"He said things he shouldn't have said, so I killed him!" Swain said, determinedly.

Odin nodded when he heard these words. Actually, he knew why Swain had killed Commander Roland. The reason he asked these questions was to inform the crowd.

"Is there anything you want to say before I give you your punishment?" Odin asked and got up from his throne.

Swain was silent for a few seconds and then started to speak.

"One day, you will regret all these wars! I and these wars will be hidden! You, on the other hand, will play the role of a wise king. As time passes, you are getting weaker, Odin. I can see that!" Swain said. As he said his last sentence, his purple eyes glowed; as if he could see everything.

Swain had been watching Odin's divine energy for thirty-five years and he could clearly see that Odin's divine energy was slowly decreasing. Actually, he did not know what was causing this; but there was one thing he definitely knew. In the future, Odin would regret all these wars.

Odin was shocked when he heard these words, though he did not show it on his face. The crowd, seeing that Odin's face did not change, laughed at Swain's words. Only one person could see that Odin was surprised.

"You can't hide secrets from me, Odin. I am the demon of secrets. One day, everyone will learn the truth!" Swain shouted.

Swain was releasing all the anger he had held for so long. Actually, he never loved Odin and the Asgard people. He just wanted to prove himself. He just wanted his mother's sacrifice not to be in vain.

"I am not an Asgardian! Just as you rejected me, I reject you too! I am no longer Asgardian Swain! I am only the demon of secrets Swain!" Swain shouted, angrily.

The crowd, seeing Swain angry, got angry and started shouting again. Frigga watched this scene with a surprised and worried expression on her face. Tears were slowly flowing from her eyes.

"You are the reason your mother was crippled! You should never have been born!" shouted someone from the crowd. He looked quite old and seemed to know what had happened at Swain's birth.

The man's words made Swain freeze. Swain felt a string inside him snap.

Frigga, seeing this scene, looked at Swain in shock.

"No." she whispered and ran towards Swain. She knew her son and was sure that he would lose himself because of his anger. If she could somehow reach him, she could stop him from doing something wrong.

As Frigga ran towards Swain, Swain quickly raised his left hand and pointed it at the man who had said those words earlier. Under the astonished and fearful eyes of everyone, a red energy covered Swain's left arm. The emergence of this energy spread pressure around and made the heads of the people nearby spin.

As soon as Swain raised his hand, his hand was surrounded by demon energy and a moment later, a beam of demon energy came out of his left hand, hitting the old man quickly and making a big hole in his chest. The beam of demon energy continued its way after piercing the old man's chest and slaughtered everyone in front of it, without exception.

Swain had an angry expression on his face and did not think about what he was doing. As soon as the energy beam left his hand, Swain groaned in pain; but he did not stop shooting the beam. In just half a second, his left hand was covered with wounds and was about to be crippled. When the energy beam suddenly stopped, Swain looked at his hand in surprise; but he had no hand, not even an arm.

Swain's left arm had been cut off from his shoulder and was now on the ground. The adrenaline level in Swain's body was extremely high; so he did not feel the pain in his shoulder. As he wondered what had caused his shoulder to be cut off, he noticed Odin pointing his finger at him.

"NOOOOOO!" Frigga shouted and went to Swain's side, preparing to do magic on his arm.

When Swain saw his mother preparing to do magic, he pulled back and moved away from her. His mother's life energy was at critical levels and if she did magic, she could be crippled or even die.

"There is no need." Swain said, gritting his teeth. His adrenaline level was slowly dropping and the pain in his shoulder was increasing.

"Your punishment is to stay in the Hollow Cave for 500 years!" Odin said and swung his hand.

Seeing this, Frigga gave Odin a look as if asking for mercy; but Odin did not care.

Under Swain, a black portal opened and Swain fell into the portal. After falling for about two minutes, he finally saw the ground.

"This is going to hurt!" Swain said, before falling to the ground quickly.

When Swain fell, the ground shook and cracked. A pit had formed where Swain had fallen and the surroundings were dusty. Swain opened his eyes slowly after being unconscious for an hour and using his only arm, he forced himself out of the pit.

His body was in pain all over and moving was a heavy burden for Swain. As soon as he got out of the pit, the first thing he did was to look at his wound. Swain's arm had been broken; that's why he had lost so much blood. The wound on his chest had stopped bleeding.

"Since the wound on my chest stopped bleeding, I must be at least half an hour unconscious." Swain said to himself.

The place where he was now was called Hollow Cave and before Asgard destroyed it, there was an underground empire here. In the war between Asgard and this empire, many people had died; that meant that there were many Hollows in this cave.

Hollows and Shinigami appeared suddenly about 35 years ago. Hollows were beings that emerged from the decomposition of dead people's souls and were divided into levels from 1 to 10. Actually, the strongest Hollow seen so far was level 4 and almost had the same power as an intermediate divine being.

A Hollow evolved into a being called Gillian on the fourth level. Gillians were not just spiritual beasts; they could also harm the physical world.

That's where the Shinigami came in. No one knew how they got their powers or where they lived; their only mission was to hunt down the Hollows on crowded planets. Shinigami usually hunted Hollows of the fourth level.

In this cave, there were usually Hollows of levels 1 to 3 and sometimes Gillians could be found in the depths of the cave.

"Even a first-level Hollow could cause me trouble." Swain said nervously.

Inside the cave, there were hundreds of Hollows and Swain would have to meet one of them; after all, he would be stuck in this cave for 500 years.

Swain was thinking about all this when he heard a rustling sound in front of him and in a second, he saw a white-masked bear standing in front of him. The bear was standing on four legs but it was two meters tall and had various wounds around its body.

"damn!" Swain said fearfully.