4-A Sword Against the Rules
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"Are you sure, sir? This weapon could corrupt its user." he said. A giant of three meters tall. This giant's head was bigger than the rest of his body.

Actually, this person was not a giant, this person was a dwarf. Eitri, the best smith and the chief dwarf of Nidavellir. Dwarves were relatives of giants and they looked like them. But dwarves were smaller and smarter than giants. Dwarves had a unique talent in metalworking and they made the most beautiful weapons in the universe.

"Just do what I tell you!" Odin said. He had come here to make a weapon for his child who was about to be born. There were only days left for his first child to be born and Odin had come to Nidavellir to make a weapon for his child.

The weapon Odin wanted to make was a sword, a sword that existed only to kill. His first child's weapon had to be magnificent and Odin would have a weapon made that was even more powerful than his own weapon Gulgnir.

He wanted to make a sword that was 170 cm long and curved. Odin cast a spell on the iron that the sword would be made of and strengthened the "uru" metal, which was already the hardest metal in the universe.

The legendary weapons made in Nidavellir had souls. The soul of a sword that was made only to kill would normally be evil and could affect its user.

"The will of someone who is descended from Asgard is greater than that of normal humans, so don't worry." Odin said, with confidence in his voice. Asgardians were superior to normal humans not only physically, but also mentally. Asgardians were a race descended from the gods and were among the most powerful beings in the universe.

"As you wish, sir." Eitri said and started to make the sword. The only thing that could melt uru metal in this universe was the heat of a neutron star. Nidavellir was a ring built around a neutron star. There were a total of three hundred dwarves living on this ring.

Under the heat of the neutron star, the magical uru metal melted quickly. Eitri poured the molten uru metal into a mold and waited for about ten seconds. After ten seconds, he broke the clay mold and took out the iron piece. The iron piece had taken the shape of a sword. Eitri took the sword and put it on an anvil and started to hammer it. He said a spell with each strike to make the sword sharper and stronger. The marks on the sword represented the soul of the sword.

The sound of a hammer hitting iron echoed throughout Nidavellir. This sound was a sign of the dwarves' diligence and skill. Dwarves used the heat of the neutron star to make the most beautiful weapons, jewels, and items in the universe. Eitri was hitting the black iron piece in front of him with all his strength and trying to shape it. This process lasted for three days. At the end of three days, Eitri finally completed the sword.

The sword was 170cm long and bright silver in color. The hilt of the sword was black and shiny. The hilt had golden details and gave the sword a good look. When Eitri finished the sword, he took it to Odin. As Odin examined the sword in his hand, suddenly a dark energy began to gather around the sword.

Odin threw the sword away in a moment of surprise and took a defensive stance. Surprisingly, the sword did not fall to the ground and stayed in the air. Under the astonished eyes of Odin and Eitri, the bright silver color of the sword quickly darkened as it absorbed the dark energy around it. After only ten seconds, the color of the sword became so dark that it did not reflect the light around it.

The stone on the hilt of the sword that looked like obsidian disappeared and gave way to a long hilt. As the dark energy flowed into the sword, skull shapes appeared on the black surface of the sword, as if someone was trapped inside. These skull motifs were golden in color and seemed to be moving.

After the sword changed completely, the dark energy around it gathered and formed a scabbard for the sword.

The scabbard of the sword was the darkest shade of black, with skull shapes that looked very ominous on it. These shapes reflected the evil and power of the sword's soul. The sword's soul was a soul that existed only to kill. The sword's soul wanted to take over the sword's owner and pull him into the darkness.

On the top of the scabbard of the sword, there was a dark-colored sword buckle embroidered with gold. Finally, golden details appeared on the scabbard of the sword. These details showed that the sword was commissioned by Odin and carried the symbol of Asgard. The scabbard of the sword completed the beauty and nobility of the sword.

After all these changes on the sword, the dark energy around the sword dispersed and the sword fell to the ground. There was a shocked expression on Odin's and Eitri's faces. They had been living for a long time and they had never seen anything like this. This sword was unlike any sword they knew. This sword was a sword with its own will.

Odin waited for a while and then went and picked up the sword from the ground when he saw that the sword did not move. When he examined the sword closely, he saw that the sword did not absorb the divine energy, instead the sword had its own energy but no matter how hard Odin tried he could not activate this energy.

"Are you sure you used uru metal? this sword does not absorb divine energy" Odin said, frowning. Odin could not believe that the sword was made of uru metal. Uru metal is the hardest and most divine metal in the universe. Uru metal is used to make the weapons of the gods. Uru metal reflects and increases divine energy. But this sword had changed the divine energy and created its own energy. This sword was a sword that was contrary to the nature of uru metal.

Eitri, who heard Odin's words, first thought that Odin was joking but when he saw that Odin's facial expression did not change, he realized that something was wrong. He quickly walked to Odin's side and took the black sword from him and examined it. Just as Odin said, the sword seemed to be not made of uru metal. The surface of the sword was smooth and matte. When he swung the sword, he felt no vibration.

"It's impossible! I'm sure I used uru metal." Eitri said with a puzzled expression. Uru metal was known as the most durable and powerful metal used by the gods. Eitri was an expert in processing this metal and wanted to make the best sword for Odin's son.

Eitri quickly recovered from his astonishment and looked at Odin's face. Odin had been here for four days and was eagerly waiting for the sword to be made, but the result was a failure. There was disappointment and anger in Odin's eyes. Eitri had never seen this look before.

"I failed in a tattooing process a few centuries ago. I will make another sword for you." Eitri said. There was an apologetic expression on his face. He knew that Odin would not accept this sword.

Odin heard these words and nodded. At first he thought that this sword would be an amazing weapon, but he was disappointed. The sword's self-transformation was unexpected, but the sword was useless because it could not hold energy inside. Odin believed that this sword would be more powerful than his own weapon Gulgnir, but now this dream was shattered.

"I will take this sword and give it to my son who is about to be born. When my son grows up enough, I will come back to make a new weapon." Odin said and raised his left hand.

A rainbow beam came from the infinite space and swallowed Odin. When the beam disappeared, Odin was gone.

Odin said he would come back to make a new weapon for his child, but he never came back. After all, his son was a demon who had no divine energy.

Today Odin and Eitri were disappointed, but there was something they did not know; that this sword would be the most powerful weapon in the multiverse in the future. The sword was sleeping and waiting for its true owner. The true owner would reveal the hidden power in the sword and use the sword to destroy Asgard.


"I'm really... very unlucky" Swain said with difficulty. Blood was coming from his mouth and his left leg was torn apart. He had claw and bite wounds all over his body. He saw some hallucinations due to blood loss when he looked around. His wounds were so severe that he couldn't even stand up, let alone walk.

Swain dragged himself and leaned against a wall. He left a large blood trail behind him as he dragged. Even the first level Hollows were causing him trouble with his current power.

Swain took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He had never been so close to death in his thirty-five years of life. He had large wounds all over his body and his left leg was unusable. Swain slowly opened his eyes and looked at the Hollow corpse on his left. The Hollow's corpse had no head. It was easy to understand that the cause of death was his head exploding.

The Hollow attacked him as soon as he saw Swain and was physically much stronger than Swain. The Hollow made Swain helpless with its large teeth and claws. The Hollow bit his leg and started to tear it apart after knocking Swain to the ground. Swain resisted the intense pain and realized that this was his last chance. He poured the demon energy inside him into his left leg and poured it directly into the Hollow's head from his left leg. There was an explosion when the demon energy touched the Hollow's head and the Hollow fell to the ground lifeless and headless.

When Swain transferred the demon energy to his left leg, the demon energy quickly inflicted heavy damage on his left leg. Even if the wounds on Swain's left leg healed, the damage caused by the demon energy from within would never heal. Swain's demon energy was like a foreign power that did not adapt to his body.

Swain reached out and touched the Hollow corpse next to him. When he did this, the demon energy inside him activated and sucked the Hollow's soul power. After the Hollow's soul power was completely absorbed, the corpse quickly turned to dust and disappeared. Swain could increase his own power by sucking the soul power of others and Hollows were beings made entirely of souls, which made them a great meal for Swain.

"It's not as much as Roland's soul energy, but it still works" Swain said to himself. Although he had returned from death, he had a big smile on his face.

This feeling, this adrenaline felt very good. Swain had been trained since childhood, but he never fought for his life. This was his first experience and the only thing he could say:

"Addictive!" Swain said with a big smile on his face. After Swain said this, his eyes began to darken. He had suffered heavy wounds and used the demon energy inside him twice in one day. This put a great burden on his body.

"I can't fall asleep here!" Swain said and slapped himself. This slap made Swain a little more alert. Swain dragged himself and went behind a large stone in the corner of the cave.

Swain couldn't stand up. He had no time to look for a shelter. Even crawling was hard for him.

"It will take me about a week to heal. I have to avoid danger during this time" Swain said.

He was helpless now and even a normal human could kill him. Swain listened nervously to his surroundings as his eyes slowly closed and he fell asleep.

Swain had a dream in his sleep. In this dream, he was in a dark world. The sky was pitch black and there was no sun. There was a dried soil below him and countless dried trees around him. There was only death in this world.

"Where am I?" Swain asked himself. He remembered sitting behind a rock in the cave.

"Did I fall asleep?" he added.

Swain bit his lip to confirm this. His lip hurt and bled. Swain couldn't believe it and touched his lip with his hand. He saw a blood that looked real. When he saw this, he was filled with a great shock and fear.

"Impossible!" Swain shouted.

Swain remembered something very important. He was standing now and he felt no pain.

"My wounds are gone. Am I under a spell?"

Swain saw many spells when he was in Asgard and there were also very powerful illusions among the spells. Swain had been trained to resist these illusions, but his resistance was broken in his current situation.

Swain had many questions in his mind and he could not answer any of them. As he was thinking about them, he heard a tearing sound. It was like the sound of a paper being torn and it inevitably created a discomfort. The sound was very disturbing.

Swain looked at where the sound came from and he could not believe his eyes. The space in front of him was torn and it was spreading a great pressure around. He could easily see the endless darkness behind the small tear. Before Swain could recover from his shock, a large and black hand grabbed the torn space and pulled it to enlarge it.

Swain was shocked by this sight. He wanted to turn around and run away but he could not. The energy around him was so high that it prevented him from moving.

*I'm definitely going to die!* Swain thought. This thought increased his fear even more. Swain felt the cold breath of death on his neck.

Actually, the energy coming from this dark entity was much more than Odin's energy. This entity was spreading such a serious pressure even though it did not focus its energy on him. This pressure made it hard for Swain to breathe and caused pains in his body. Swain felt fear and admiration when he felt the power of this entity.

The space in front of Swain quickly grew and after it widened to twenty meters, an entity came out of it. This entity was twenty meters tall and had a very dense dark energy around it. The face and body shape of this entity could not be understood because of the dark energy around it. The entity had only two visible points.

The first thing he noticed was his eyes. His eyes were bright purple like Swain's and had white sparkles that looked like stars in their depths. These eyes penetrated Swain's soul and increased his fear. The being had a katana at his waist. The sheath of this katana had gold embroideries and looked very good. This katana was of a beauty that Swain had never seen before. This katana was the weapon of Swain's dreams.

This being did not care about Swain and looked around. After looking around for a few seconds, he lowered his head and looked at Swain. This image was the last thing Swain saw. The moment the being looked at Swain, Swain's body disappeared. Swain could not forget the cold and deadly look in the being's eyes.

When Swain opened his eyes, he saw a stone ceiling and quickly lifted his head. When he did this, pains came out all over his body.

"So it was a dream!" Swain said as he put his head back on the ground. His body was soaked with sweat because of this dream. Swain knew that what he saw in the dream was not real, but he was still very impressed.

When Swain looked at the hairs on his arms, he saw that they were all erect. Clearly, the being he saw in his dream was very scary.

"Even though it was a dream, this was very scary" Swain said.

The glory and pressure of the dark being was still in Swain's mind and he would probably never forget this dream. His mother used to tell him that every dream had a meaning. Swain wondered who or what this being was and what it had to do with him.

Swain fell asleep again after looking at the ceiling with his eyes open for a few minutes. This time he did not see any dream or nightmare. His body's healing would take a week and the only thing he could do during this week was to be careful. Swain would be careful to keep himself safe during this time.