Chapter 1 ‘The evening catch’
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<Nasuki Uzumaki>

In the lush expanse of the Lands of Fire, two young children could be spotted, a mere distance away from the bustling capital village of Konohagakure. They were huddled closely together; their gazes fixed intently on a small, gentle stream that flowed nearby.

"Naruto.... face it. There is no fish here..."

Nasuki Uzumaki watched as his brother- or should he say her brother- grimaced at her proclamation.

"B-but I swear I saw them just yesterday! You gotta believe me! They're totally gonna fall for it any second now! I know it!"(N)

 They had already been out here for hours. The sun was about to set. Nasuki was pretty sure if they were any fish in there, they would have already bit by now.

"Can't we just go home and try again tomorrow? Maybe today was just unlucky?"(N.S)

"No way! I'm too hungry for this not to work! Just... give it a little more time"(N)

 While the logic was questionable, the underlying statement resonated with Nasuki. The last time either of them had had a proper meal was over three days ago and to even call what they ate a meal was a stretch. Plain bread with water didn't really make much of a meal.

Two hands suddenly raised themselves and slapped Nasuki.

'He's right!' 

Going home with stomachs full of water again would feel nothing short of horrible. At least if they stayed, they might get lucky.
Naruto turned his head and gave Nasuki a confused look.
"You're right! We just gotta give it more time and believe!"(N.S)
Naruto's confusion quickly morphed into a grin as he watched his sister's spirit ignite.
"Alright, let's do this!"(N.S)
Both huddled tighter in their crouched position. Naruto's grip on the fishing stick held a little more firm.
This intense atmosphere lasted for all of five minutes before Nasuki gave up and fell onto her back with her eyes closed.
"What the heck sis?!"(N)
"I'm sorry okay! This is just so boring!"(N.S)
Nasuki could hear as Naruto sighed to himself and began muttering about why this is precisely why he was the older sibling. Calling her too immature and impatient to be his senior. Nasuki was too tired to argue. So, instead settled to rant in her head.
'Your one to talk'
To tell the truth neither of them knew who was older. After all, no one had ever told them anything but... by Nasuki's standards. She was sure it was her. She may have only made it to twelve in her last life but it's not like Naruto even had one. By any real method of measure, she was older. It was a shame she couldn't make such arguments against Naruto though without sounding crazy. It was not like she got the opportunity to learn anything that some would consider otherworldly knowledge to prove her claims. Hence, this stupid argument persisted.
"Suki, I think I caught something!!"(N)
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say"(N.S)
"I'm being serious here! Come on and help me before it gets away!"(N)
Nasuki looked up from her prone position with one eye still closed. Sleeping was the best way to combat the evils of hunger and boredom. Naruto better have caught something.
The sight that shortly greeted her took her by surprise. Naruto actually looked like he caught something.
Rushing up to go help her brother, the anticipation that grew in her heart couldn't be hidden. It seemed today was going to be their lucky day.
"Don't worry! I got you!"(N.S)
Joining her brother, who had made some space at the bottom of the fishing stick, they both begun to reel in their future meal. 
Their method to fishing was a bit unique due to the rod they used, or in this case. Stick. The stick was sourced from a random bamboo shoot they kicked down, the "string" was really just the chain of an old purse abandoned in the wood, and the bait was suspicious mystery meat found at the back of a butchery. The rod was junk, but it was junk that could get them a real meal.
The junk fishing rod was the reason they couldn't really fish normally. The bamboo shoot was not particularly strong and sounded like it would snap the moment it got just a little too much bend while the chain wasn't the most flexible string they could use. The only decent thing they had was the bait. The equipment they had challenged them, but they devised a plan to make it work.
Instead of tying the string to the bamboo, Naruto simply held the string to the bamboo. The idea was to get the string tied off to the bamboo by having the fish take the bait and moving the bamboo in a circular motion. This removed the strain on the bamboo while completely negating the inherent inflexibility of the chain. It was a perfect idea and one that seemed to be working.
"Almost there!"(N.S)
"Here comes dinner!"(N)
Both kids could see the ripples in the river near them. It was their destiny to eat well tonight.
The pull of the fish slowly got stronger and stronger the closer it was brought to  land. It got to the point that both Naruto and Nasuki had been slightly pull into the flowing currents.
"It's too strong!"(N.S)
"We can't give up now!"(N)
The determination to secure the food grew even greater within the twins. They couldn't let this thing get away.
The tug of war raged on for a few minutes. Eating away at the stamina of both of the kids whilst still pulling them in deeper. A breaking point was needed to be reached soon in order to break this stalemate. And soon it was reached.
The chain of the makeshift rod let a sharp metallic clap before abruptly exploding. This resulted in both kids tumbling into the cool fridged water. A meal had been lost.
Lamenting at their loss was the only thing the sad twins could do.
"I guess there was something worse than going home with guts full of water..."(N.S)
Nasuki could only mutter with a head hung in disappointment. Still doing all that but now a soaking cold mess was much worse.
"Come on Naruto, let's see if we can-"(N.S)
Before Nasuki could finish her sentence, a massive fish looking creature leapt at her from the shallow waters.
In a high voice that Nasuki didn't recognise as her own, she dove to the side in an effort to escape.
The beast sailed over and onto the shore. Effectively beaching itself. It then proceeded to struggled for a few tens of seconds before finally stilling.
Silence descended on the small creek area.
Nasuki slowly turned towards Naruto.
"That was so good!"(N)
"I know right, it's been ages since we last ate like that!"(N.S)
It had been long since the sun set. The pair of siblings were laid next to each other on leaves with full bellies gazing at the lovely night sky.
"Ahh, I can't wait until the day we finally grow up and get spices. Then we can have a feast, ya'know?"(N)
Naruto turned and faced Nasuki. A wide smile donning his face.
"Yea. Maybe we could even like... make food those shops sell. That stuff smells heavenly"(N.S)
Nasuki could only smile back when met with that look on his face.
"Oh, we can maybe even open a restaurant as owners and serve hundreds of people! That'd be so cool!"(N.S)
"What? No way! That sounds super lame. We should become Shinobi instead"(N)
Taking a fish bone, Nasuki proceeded to lightly stab Naruto.
"Ow! What was that for?!"(N)
"Owning a restaurant is not lame! It's easy honest work and you're surrounded by food. What more could you ask for? Plus, Shinobi die all the time, ya'know. Why even become that?"(N.S)
Naruto didn't answer immediately. Instead, he chose to turn and hide his face.
"Shinobi are respected and loved by everyone. If we manage to become the ultimate shinobi, no one will be allowed to hate us"(N)
Nasuki didn't have a response.
She just sat there unsure what to do.
"Ah, j-just forget I said that. Let's head to sleep"(N)
"O-oh okay, sure"(N.S)
The small fire they had lit in order to cook the fish still burned. It's warmth allowing them to sleep outside. It costed them their last matchstick. It appeared they won't be having any fish soon until next month.
"You coming?"(N)
Naruto had stretched out his hands in an invitation to Nasuki to come cuddle. One she prepared herself to refuse.
"I don't need that. I can perfectly sleep well on my own"(N.S)
Naruto lifted his eyebrows in surprise. Surprise which quickly shifted into disbelief.  Literal disbelief. As if to ask, 'are you going to be okay by yourself?'
"I can sleep just well by myself, thanks for asking"(N.S)
"Goodnight then"(N)
"Y-yea, goodnight"(N.S)
It had to have been at least an hour. Naruto must have fallen asleep by now.
Nasuki had grossly overestimated her ability to sleep alone. Since Nasuki could remember her time in this world, which was around three, she had always slept while cuddling Naruto. It was an embarrassing fact she sought to fix when she realized she couldn't even take a proper nap without him.
Nasuki slowly rolled her body closer to Naruto's sleeping figure.
'Just for a couple of seconds. I'll get a little tired then roll away and sleep. Naruto won't even know'
Finally, getting to her goal. She wrapped her body around his mid-section.
'Just a few seconds then I'll-"
Suddenly Naruto's arms awakened startling her and pulling her tighter in his embrace.
"Hehe, got you!"(N)
"I wasn't- I was just..."(N.S)
There was no excuse. She had been caught red-handed.
"You don't need to pretend sis. I don't mind even if it's a little embarrassing"(N)
Nasuki quickly glanced at Naruto who was wearing a cheeky grin before completely burying her face into his stomach. He had purposely set a trap that she had walked into willing.
Naruto let out a small laugh before happily stating,
"Love you too sis"(N)
"...Don't tell anyone about this"(N.S)
"Love you too Naruto"(N.S)
And with that the twins went to bed ready to tackle the next day.