Chapter 6 ‘First day’
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<Nasuki Uzumaki>

"You better not be stalling Suki! Hurry up already!!"(N)

Naruto stood over Nasuki who was sat and about to put on her shoes.

'We didn't have to wake up early for this...'

Nasuki glared at Naruto and... slowly started putting on her shoes.

"Oh, come on! I thought you said you wanted to be a shinobi? Why are you doing this now?!"(N)

"When did I ever say that?! You're the only one who harps on about it all day!"(N.S)

Nasuki was still very much on the fence about being a shinobi. While it might make them more capable of defending themselves, it also invited more troubles. Troubles, that from what she overheard, were likely to get them killed.

"I still very much want to open our "lame" restaurant and live comfortably! Being a shinobi is too much..."(N.S)

"And how are we going to do that?! Everyone hates us! No one would come!"(N)

Nasuki could only grit her teeth at Naruto's words. He did have a point.

"Let's become great shinobi... so that when we do open the restaurant, everybody has no choice but to show up!"(N)

The twins had been told they were now old enough to enrol at the ninja academy by the old man. Nasuki was very opposed to the idea but when she tried to voice her concerns, the old man said they didn't have much of an option. It also didn't help that Naruto said he would convince her to come around to the idea. Naruto then claimed he only said that as to not anger the old man, but Nasuki didn't believe him much.

"I-I'll figure out another way to make people like us... but for now. I guess we can be shinobi..."(N.S)

"Thanks sis! I knew you would come around!!"(N)

"It-it's only for now! The moment I find another way we are quitting being shinobi!"(N.S)

Nasuki gave Naruto a furious look, daring him to counter.

"Sure, sure..."(N)

From the way Naruto said that, Nasuki knew this conversation wasn't over. After finishing putting on her shoes, she let out a tired sigh.

"Let's go grab some ramen"(N.S)

"Eh? We're going to be-"(N)

"I wouldn't need ramen if someone didn't wake me up so early. We have an hour until class starts. I think we can afford to make a quick stop, right?"(N.S)

Nasuki words may have sounded sweet, but they were anything other than that. Naruto had woken her up by choosing to leave the bed at 6:00 am to get ready. Nasuki had spent the first 15 minutes of the day trying to fall back asleep alone when he left and another 15 trying to convince him to comeback so she could sleep. Naruto had denied her request essentially forcing her to get ready earlier than she thought necessary.

"Ah, fine"(N) 

It sometimes felt like Naruto was abusing the fact that Nasuki was unable to fall asleep without him. Her frustrations with Naruto aside, Nasuki clutched her hands as she  thought about what she was going to do today.

'I hope he accepts my offer...'

Nasuki also had another reason to visit the ramen shop. She had a mission.


"Ah, Naruto, Nasuki. Welcome back!"

It's been two months since the twins first visited the ramen shop. The shop had become their little haven in that little time. It was the only shop they bothered visit. It had greatly helped solve their food problem. After the incident regarding the last shopkeeper, they came up with a workable food plan. Instead of buying groceries, they spent all their money on ramen. Three days a week they would have one meal at the shop while the remaining four days would be spent forging for food. The meals were filling and damn tasty. They didn't need to buy ingredients or spend time making the meal. No need for matchsticks or any of the extra stuff required to make a meal.

"Hey! Old man!"(N)

"Hello, Mr Teuchi!"(N.S)

Their frequent visits, coupled with how much they spent at the shop, had very quickly made them into Ichiraku Ramen's best customers.

Nasuki kicked Naruto's shin as the two walked in.

"Ow! What the heck?!"(N)

In a low, quick whisper Nasuki chastised Naruto,

"Show some respect! He's a really nice guy ya'know?!"(N.S)

"Yeah, yeah..."(N)

'Why is he like this!'

This wasn't the first time she was asking him to be polite. He always agreed then proceeded to do the exact opposite.

As the twins took their seats, Mr Teuchi spoke,

"You guys are really early today, haha! You must really be excited to go to the academy?"(T)



Mr Teuchi passed them two bowls. One with chopsticks another with a fork. He spotted a surprised face.

"Oh? Not excited Nasuki?"(T)

"No way! Being a shinobi is too dangerous! It's just that... we don't have much of  a choice"(N.S)

Nasuki stared at the bowl in front of her. It suddenly didn't look as good as before.

"What are you saying sis! Being a shinobi is the best!! You get to learn cool jutsu and, when we finally become the greatest. Everyone will love and respect us!"(N)

"You're going to be the greatest, Naruto?"(T)

"Believe it!"(N)

Mr Teuchi let out a short laugh as Naruto started on his food.

"Oh gsh! Thersh sho mush!?"(N)

"Well, I can't have my shinobi going in on empty stomachs now? Can I?"(T)

"Thanksh you!"(N)

Just as Nasuki was about to start on her food, Mr Teuchi addressed her,

"Don't worry much, Nasuki. I just know that you and Naruto will make it"(T)

The small, warm smile that played on Mr Teuchi's face got Nasuki feeling all sorts of odd. Comfort from adults felt almost wrong.

"O-oh, thanks"(N.S)

Finally starting to feel the hunger eat at her stomach, Nasuki started on her food.


"Let's get going already Suki. I won't let you make us late"(N)

Nasuki glared at Naruto for a couple of seconds before answering,

"Alright, fine... I just gotta do one thing"(N.S)

Digging into her pockets, Nasuki pulled out a wad of cash. It was the cash for the meal, plus a little more.

"No need. Today, food is on the house! Think of it as a good luck wish"(T)

Nasuki froze.

'Oh no...'

The first part of her plan was already coming undone.

'Calm down, it's not over yet'

"W-we can't possibly take the meal for free. Here's the money, I insist"(N.S)

Nasuki could feel Naruto staring at her with incredulous eyes. They were not in the habit of declining free offers.

"It's my treat. Please, I insist"(T)

"I-I know... but still. Let us pay"(N.S)

A back and forth started with Nasuki trying to push the money into Mr Teuchi's hand while he declined.

"Okay, okay! Stop!"(N)

An accusatory finger was pointed at Nasuki.

"Since when did we start refusing free stuff? This could grab us another meal ya'know!"(N)

'Why did you have to say it like that?!'

Now they looked like the bunch of cheapskates that they were.

Nasuki reluctantly put the money away. Bribery was not going to work.

'Come on! Just ask, the worst he can do is say no'

That "no" though, would be quite disastrous in itself. After a few quick seconds of hyping herself up, Nasuki mustered all her courage in order to talk.

"M-Mr Teuchi, I was wondering... I was wondering if you could take us on as apprentices?"(N.S) 



Nasuki said she would try and find a way. This was her way.

If she could get Mr Teuchi to agree, they may have a possible in, in the restaurant business.

"W-we can work the dishes, do deliveries and even clean the shop! Y-you don't have to pay us. We'll do it all for free!"(N.S)

"Nasuki?! What the heck?! We never talked about this!"(N)

It was true. They had never talked about this. Nasuki didn't bring this topic up because she knew how Naruto would get. It may be selfish for her to push his dreams off, but if it meant they could live a nice, peaceful life, she didn't care. He would forgive her with time once he understood, she was sure of it.

Mr Teuchi gazed at Nasuki and Naruto before letting out a deep sigh,

"I'm sorry Nasuki. I'm not really looking for apprentices at the moment"(T)

'I guess I got too hopeful...'

Mr Teuchi was the first person they met that treated them like people. It may be for this reason Nasuki got ahead of herself. Mr Teuchi was still just a villager. He had a business to run. Him treating them was already putting it at risk. Asking for more was too greedy. Nasuki started rubbing the back of her head while donning on an apologetic smile.

"I-Is that so? Sorry for-"(N.S)

Naruto raised his bowl before harshly setting it down on the counter.

"See you at the academy then"(N)

He hopped off his seat before proceeding to walk away.

"N-Naruto?! Wait!"(N.S)

He ignored her as he continued to walk away.

'Was that too far? Ah... he seemed really mad'

Nasuki stared at her empty bowl as she nervously started playing with her hair. Naruto was really mad.

'I'll just talk to him...'

"You know, I'm not looking for apprentices, but a little help around the place wouldn't be so bad"(T)

Mr Teuchi gave Nasuki a meaningful look,

"But such things should be agreed on by both parties"(T)

Nasuki's joy quickly morphed into guilt.

"I-I'll talk to him.... Thank you for the food, Mr Teuchi. See you soon"(N.S)

With those final words, Nasuki got up from her seat and ran after Naruto.


"Just listen to me and say something! Stop being like this Naruto!"(N.S)
Nasuki was starting to get fed up. Naruto had ignored her the entire walk to the academy. He was being annoying.
Finally having enough, Nasuki grabbed his hand and tried to force him to stop.
He swatted her hand away.
'Okay then! Be like that!'

Nasuki stopped trying to appeal to Naruto, instead choosing to follow him silently from the back.

"All first years! All first years! Please gather over here!"

Classes were about to begin anyways.