Ch. 7 “The death of peace of mind” (part 3)
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Because Oriana didn’t return to the dining room, Valeria started feeling that something bad could have happened.

She apologized to the Queen and the guests, and rushed out after the Princess.

She found her in the hallway as she was walking back.

— Are you alright? Did he do something to you? — The Commander asked, seeing Oriana walking in a daze with a forlorn expression.

— No. He didn’t do anything. I’m fine. — she answered.

There was a part of her that felt happy, seeing that Valeria was worried about her.

After all, it meant that she cared about her, even if just a little bit.

But that wasn’t really ever a question. Oriana knew very well that no matter how many times she argued with her, and how many differences were between them, Valeria cared about her.

This was simply who she was.

Under that stern expression and cold attitude, was someone who was always willing to help and care for others, no matter where they came from.

Oriana was no different to her in that regard, and that’s why knowing so was so bitter-sweet. She was just another person in need of her assistance.

At the end of the day, she could no longer be satisfied with being one of the many.

— Mm. If he ever tries anything, just tell me. I’ll…

— You’ll protect me. I know.

With the way that the Princess was acting, Valeria couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something burdening her. She was hoping that after their conversation the other night, Oriana wouldn’t worry so much anymore.

Unfortunately, it looked like there was another reason behind the Princess’ weird behavior.

I guess it was presumptuous of me to assume that this had anything to do with me, Valeria thought, surprised by how uncomfortable that realization made her.

Whatever dormant feelings that were awakened from their slumber in her heart, and whatever was weighing on the Princess had to wait, as one of the guards rushed inside the Palace, desperately looking for someone.

Seeing the Commander standing in the hallway, he sighed a breath of relief.

— Commander! I finally found you!

— I’m here. What’s wrong?

— You’re being called to the city! It’s about Felix…


— Someone found him like this in the slums where the old warehouses are. At first, they thought that he was just some drunk, but then they saw the uniform, so they approached to see if he’s alright. And… this is what they saw…

— Captain Abner gestured at the still body of the young man.

Deathly pale, Felix was laying on a bed in the Temple’s healing house. A net of dark veins ran under his skin, covered in droplets of sweat.

If not for the slight movement of his chest, one could think all life had left his body.

— Do you know what he was doing there in the middle of the night?

— I’m not sure. I asked him to investigate a lead regarding the caravan attack. I think it might be the reason he was in the area.

This was the only thing that Valeria could think of. From the looks of it, Felix found out some information about the coin, which led him back to the warehouse area.

She felt guilty.

If she didn’t ask him to look into that for her, if she took care of it herself, he wouldn’t be fighting for his life.

— What kind of lead?

— A coin. The type that cartels and gangs are using. It had a symbol depicting a snake wrapped around a dagger.
Captain Abner tried searching his memory for any organization known to him that would use such a mark. The town guards had to deal with the criminal underworld of Lucetta on a daily basis, so there was a chance that he could have had a run in with the symbol. He couldn’t think of anything on the spot, however.

— Doesn’t ring any bells, but I’ll ask if any of my men have seen something similar.

Valeria thanked him, then asked one of the healers more questions about Felix’s state.

Having all the information that she could gather in that short visit, she returned to the Palace.

The whole way back, she couldn’t shake the foreboding feeling that this was just the beginning of a greater trouble.

While in the healing house, Valeria noticed a unique scent lingering on Felix’s body. She had encountered it before, when she was investigating the place of attack on the caravan, meaning that whoever put him in this state was also involved in the theft of the weapons.

If someone was purposefully targeting the Palace, it was unlikely that they would stop at almost killing Felix.


The night was calm and quiet. Unfitting for the events that had occurred during the day, or the things that were yet to happen.

Valeria was taking a break from the pile of work waiting for her in her office. Despite her best efforts, she was unable to focus on anything. Everything that happened in the recent days were weighing on her mind, so eventually, she admitted defeat and decided to get some air.

Walking through the dimly lit Palace hallways, she kept replaying all of the information she had about Felix’s condition, looking for something that she could have missed.

It was uncertain what put him in this state, as well as how long it would last. The healers at the Temple weren’t even able to say if he would ever wake up.

Ever since she left the healing house, guilt had been slowly swallowing her whole.

She never considered herself a good leader, and after seeing what happened to Felix, even less so.

How could somebody like me in any way help to rebuild an entire kingdom, not to mention leading it. I can’t even keep my own troops away from harm…

She thought about the conversation with Lin Xuelan.

A chance to bring back Faolán. When she was younger, she probably would have jumped at the opportunity without hesitation. The possibility to put things the way they used to be was the only thought that kept her going for a long time.

A lot had changed since she met Kyra and came to the Palace, however.

Valeria decided to leave her past behind, and forget that she was once destined to rule Faolán.

Even if she didn’t want to admit it outright, she grew attached to Aelius and the Golden Palace. It wasn’t long ago that she was still considering leaving the place and going her own way with Kyra, but thinking about it in the present, it felt wrong.

“I would be sad if you left.” she recalled Oriana’s words.

A vague sensation pricked her heart.

Valeria wasn’t lying when she told her the same. It was hard for her to imagine being anywhere else but by the Princess’ side. After all, it was her place for many years, even before it was made official.

Being with someone for such a long time was bound to create a certain connection between them. Valeria always considered it a normal bond between mistress and servant, and saw nothing out of the ordinary in it.

However, recently she started wondering if only that was the extent of the feelings she had for Oriana.

Feeling her heart grow heavy from the strange emotions that she wasn’t familiar with, Valeria walked out on the balcony and leaned over the railing.

The night’s pleasant breeze caressed her face, providing a slight comfort.

Most of the people living in the Palace were long asleep, so the only sound interrupting the silence was the rustling of the curtains coming from the Princess’ room.

Valeria took a deep breath, enjoying the fresh summer air.

Ever since she came to Lucetta, she didn’t have many opportunities to spend time outside of the city. She missed the peace and quiet of the forest and nature, but she didn’t regret choosing this life in the Palace.

Aelius had inadvertently become a part of her, and with it, a certain princess sneaked, unnoticed, directly into her heart.

Valeria sighed, slumping over the railing, under the ever growing conflicts inside her.

Unexpectedly, a vague, almost unnoticeable scent caught her attention.

She didn’t recognize it at first.

It was a dark, vile, repulsive smell that she encountered, at that point, two times before.

First, it was where the caravan was ambushed.

Second, was just a few hours ago, when she visited Felix.

To her horror, whomever was the source of the scent, seemed to be in the Princess’ chambers.

— Oriana!