1-Waking up
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Tim’s Pov


When I woke up I tried to open my eyes, only to realize that I don't have eyes anymore. Because I am now in the body of Rimuru Tempest, in other words, I'm now a slime. And the greatest thing about it is, that I can finally make my dreams come true, of having a harem of monster girls!


So now I'm thinking about what to do next. First I think I should get [Magic Sense]  somehow, because I don't feel like walking around in Veldora's cave blind. Wait, that's right, I have [Great Sage] now, so I should ask her to find out how to unlock [ Magic Sense] first and then how to use my other skills.


Tim: ‘Uhm, Great Sage, can you hear me?’


And then to my surprise she answered immediately.


Great Sage: ‘Yes I can hear you master.’ 


Tim: ‘Ok good that's good, wait shouldn't it take a while for you to wake up?’


Great Sage: ‘Normally it should, yes, but because of your ultimate skill [Infinite Magicules] I could wake up almost immediately.’


Tim: ‘So I really do have the skills that I asked for, huh.’


Great Sage: ‘Yes you do master, you have the 2 ultimate skills, [Create All skills] and [Infinite Magicules].’


Tim: ‘Okay nice, so now I can create any skill I want and not worry about magicule costs?’


Great Sage: ‘Yes, you can master.’


Tim: ‘Okay Great Sage, create Magic Sense] for me’


Great Sage: ‘Creating the skill [Magic Sense]. Creation complete, you now possess the skill [Magic Sense].’


Ooh, woah, I suddenly can see everything in a 360 degree radulius all of a sudden, and my head starts hurting. This is really disorientating, okay, I think it's calming down now, yes I can see  now. It'll take some getting used to, but I think I can manage.


I take a look at myself, and yup, i am indeed a slime. Wait, maybe I can make another dream of mine come true. Something i always wanted to become in my dreams, my ultimate form, let's try it.


Tim: ‘Is there a limit to the skills I can create?’


Great Sage: ‘No master, the only restriction is the amount of Magicules you possess. But the skill [Infinite Magicules] negates that restriction.’


Tim: ‘Can I create a new body for myself somehow? Or change my appearance otherwise?’


Great Sage: ‘It should be possible with [Creation Magic].

If you create a soulless vessel, you can use predator on it. It is possible to create anything you can imagine using [Creation Magic]. 


Use [Create All skills] to create the skill [Creation Magic]?’


Tim: ‘Yes.’


Great Sage: ‘Creating the skill [Creation Magic]. Creation complete you now possess the skill [Creation Magic’


Tim: ‘Great, now how do I use it.’


Great Sage: ‘Master, you should just imagine what you wish to create, and I will do the rest.’


Tim: ‘Okay here goes nothing.’


I start to visualize what I want to look like. I want to become a beautiful female. Yes i want to be a girl dont judge me, we all have our own kinks. Anyway I see a young girl with blue hair, blue eyes and overall a cute face. With a small nose and mouth, with full pouty red lips. She's about 1.60m tall, about average height in japan. She has an hourglass-like curvy figure with beautiful round and perky C cup breasts. Wide hips and a shapely round ass. But most important of all she has a 12 inch long thick and veiny dick. Yes, I want to be a Futanari. A Futanari with a monster girl harem. And then drown myself in carnall pleasure with beautiful females. But that's for later, first i gotta finish my body.


Tim: ‘Great Sage, I'm ready.’


Great Sage: ‘understood. Using skill [Creation Magic] to create soulless vessel. Creation complete.’


I'm starting to see it, my dream body. It's starting to materialize on the floor. It's beautiful in all its naked glory. That beautiful blue hair and short and curvy figure, I can't wait till I become her.


Great Sage: ‘Creation of soulless vessel complete. Master is now able to absorb it using the Skill [Predator], use skill [Predator]?’


Tim: ‘Yes’


Great Sage: ‘Understood using skill [Predator].’


Okay, now I'm starting to absorb it, like Rimuru always did. Yes, I ate it with my slime form. 


Great Sage: ‘Absorption complete, master is now able to mimic soulless vessel.’


Okay, almost there. Now I just need to change my form. Wait can i change my main form from slime to my new form, that way i'll not be genderless anymore, and can have sex with my future harem. Unlike Rimuru who didn't have genitals at all, that'll be hell, to not be able to divulge myself. And I'll have taste buds immediately so I can enjoy all kinds of new foods too. That'll be great. I'll ask Great Sage right away.


Tim: ‘Great Sage, can I change my primary form from slime to the soulless vessel?’


Great Sage: ‘It is possible master, but your race will still be a slime however. So only your default form will change, from slime to the soulless vessel. Thus you'll still be able to mimic other forms later.’


Tim: ‘Am i still able to change back to my slime form afterwards? Because I still want to be carried everywhere by big breasted women later.’


Great Sage: ‘Yes it is still possible to change back later, but masters gender will change from genderless to female.’


Tim: ‘Great, that'll be awesome, that way I'll still be able to do all the things I wanted. Great Sage, do it, I can't wait any longer.’


Great Sage: ‘Warning, this change can not be undone, do you wish to proceed?’


Tim: ‘Hell yes I do, this is the best decision I've made in my life.’


Great Sage: ‘Understood, the gender change will now begin.’


First a mist of magicules came out of me. Then my small slime form began to grow, the shape I imagined became visible and the curves started to appear. My beautiful bleu hair began cascading down my head, framing my cute face. And then IT appeared the 12 inch long, thick and veiny dick I always wanted. Gone was the small ball-like shape and in its place was a gorgeous blue haired Futanari.Yess!! I've finally become a Futanari! The best part of it all, is that I saw everything happen via my [Magic Sense] skill, so I admired everything in detail.


This is the link to the image of the mc


After it was done I started to move my joints, getting a feel for my new body. IT FELT AMAZING!! The way my hips moved, the way my breasts swayed because of the gravity, and most of all, my now limp 12 inch cock. I grabbed a hold of it. It was HUGE even in its limp form, compared to the rest of my small and delicate body. But it felt awesome, just feeling my hands on it . I can't even imagine what it feels like to have sex with it. But that's for later, first things first, i need clothes.


So I started to imagine what kind of clothes I wanted. But an important thing to note is that my cock won't fit in any of the clothes that exist, so I'll have to get creative. Maybe I should ask Great Sage: "  for ideas.


Tim: ‘Great Sage, do you have a solution to fit my cock into clothes?’


Great Sage: ‘It should be possible with [Space Magic] to create a pocket space in your panties.’


Tim: ‘Okay that is a great idea, but are you sure if anything goes wrong it doesn't cut my cock of?’


Great Sage: ‘Yes i'm sure, the only way of that happening is if you run out of magicules, mistress.’


Tim: ‘Okay great so i don't have to worry about that, wait hold up, mistress?’


Great Sage: ‘Yes you are now 100 percent female mistress. So I found it appropriate to not call you master anymore.’


Tim: ‘Yeah, that's right, I'm not a man anymore. Well I always wanted it to be this way, so I guess I'll need a new name now.’


Great Sage: ‘That would be appropriate mistress, but you cannot name yourself. Only other beings can do that for you.’


Tim: ‘Right, I forgot about that, well that sucks, I guess I'll have to find Veldora then.’


Great Sage: ‘That would be the best option, yes. Because of Veldora being a true dragon, he would be able to give you the best name. That way you'll also become a stronger mistress.’


Tim: ‘Great, let's do that later then, first I need some clothes. Great Sage create the skill [Space Magic].’


Great Sage: ‘Now commencing the creation of the skill [Space Magic]. Creation complete.’


Okay next i need to envision what kind of clothes i want. I see a leather jacket with a built -in bra. It wraps around my shoulders and neck, and has full sleeves with flaps on them. The bra and neck are connected in the middle, with a belt strap for easy access. The bra has blue fur in the cups for comfort. With some of it sticking out of the top, giving a nice contrast to the black leather the jacket is made of. The chest and belly area are open with only the middle covered by the bra. 


Then I see a light blue set of leather skinny leather jeans. Framing my round ass and thick thighs nicely. Just like my jacket frames my perky breasts and skinny waist. I have a light blue string sticking out of the top of my jeans with the straps over my waste. With [Space Magic] to hide my big cock. And its finish is beautiful, I know I'll look amazing in it. Now all that's left is having Great Sage make, so I'll do just that.


Tim: ‘Great Sage I'm ready, create the outfit for me.’


Great Sage: ‘Understood, using skill [Creation Magic] to make the outfit mistress wished for. Creation concept, do you wish to auto equip it?’


Tim: ‘Yes’


Great Sage: ‘Understood.’


Now I'm wearing my new outfit and it looks amazing. I'm currently using [Magic Sense] to take a good look at myself and I don't think I'll ever change it. I look so good that I'll fall in love with myself. I know it is egotistical for thinking like that but it's the truth. Maybe ill make a body double later and fuck myself? An idea for later first let's find Veldora.


 Tim: ‘Okay with that out of the way let's go to Veldora, but how do I find out which way it is to Veldora?’


Great Sage: ‘If mistress creates the skill [Auto Mapping], and then boost it with your [Infinite Magicules] skill, it'll be possible to map out the whole cave of Veldora.’


Tim: ‘Okay nice, do it Great Sage.’


Great Sage: ‘Now commencing the creation of the skill [Auto Mapping]. Creation of the skill [Auto Mapping] complete. Mistress is now able to automatically map everywhere you go.  So you'll never get lost. Use it to map the whole cave of Veldora?’


Tim: ‘Yes’


Great Sage: ‘Understood. Mapping the cave of Veldora. Mapping complete.’


I suddenly see a complete map of the cave in my head. It's weird suddenly knowing something, but hey it saves me a lot of headaches trying to find him myself. Now knowing which way to go I start heading out.


On my way there I came across my first hipokte herb and magisteel cluster, so I thought about the best way to collect them all, without me having to do it because I'm lazy. Because I want to collect as much as possible. That way I'll become rich immediately.


While thinking about it I came up with a great idea. What if I make myself some servants? With complete loyalty and absolute obedience, like the guardians from overlord. Yes, what a marvelous idea it is, but is it possible? Let's ask Great Sage.


Tim: ‘Great Sage, is it possible for me to create new lifeforms?’


Great Sage: ‘No it is not mistress.’


Tim: ‘Goddammit, it was the perfect plan to start my harem too. Is it really not possible?’


I ask Great Sage while thinking of a way to make it succeed.


Great Sage: ‘No it is not mistress. But it should be possible to make an empty vessel and then let a soul inhabit it.’


Tim: ‘O, ok i can work with that. But how do I get a soul for it though?’


Great Sage: ‘doesn't respond so I guess I'll need to figure it out myself.  What if I make a soul myself, and model it how I want? That could work.’


Tim: ‘Great Sage can I create a soul instead and put it in the vessel?’


Great Sage: ‘It should be possible if you try it that way mistress. But you'll need to make a new skill for it.’


Tim: ‘Okay, Great Sage make the skill [Soul Creation].’


Great Sage: ‘Understood, commencing the creation of the skill [Soul Creation]. Creation complete you now have the ability to create a new soul.’


Tim: ‘Great but how does it work, do I just imagine what I want it to be like or can I model it after someone else.’


Great Sage: ‘Both ways would work, mistress.’


In that case, what should I make? Wait a second, I'll make my bestu waifu, Albedo! Okay, but first I need a body for her, but what if I make 2 and make them twins. That would be the best duo ever!! Yes I'll do that, but they need to be a bit different from each other. That way I can keep them apart.


Tim: ‘Great Sage make the 2 bodies that im now thinking of.’


Great Sage: ‘Understood mistress. Using skill Creation Magic] to make the 2 bodies. Creation complete.’


There they lay the most gorgeous beings in the multiverse, 2 almost identical Albedo's. 


This is the link to the image of Albedo/Rubedo


Both look exactly like the original, with the only difference being that one has black hair like the original, and the other has black hair with red stripes. Yes, red, because I like it almost as much as blue, my favorite color. Anyway, as I admire them, I'm thinking of what kind of personality I want them to have.


I want them to be like the original, so I model them after her. But having a few minor changes in mind, I alter them slightly. They'll have me as the most important thing in the multiverse in their minds. So the only thing they care about is me and the people I care for. But they are not yandere like the original, though they still have an extreme love for me and care for no one else but me. I want them to ask me first for approval before they do anything. And as I made them so that they don't need to eat, sleep or clean themselves, so that is basically everything. The only thing they want is what I want. Essentially they are like dolls that follow my wil, but I like them that way. Because I'll have complete control over them. And they can't go against me, but they'll still have their own personality. 


You could say I'm paranoid, but It's because I like the idea of having them as my obedient little sex slaves. But not now, I first need a house and a room to do them in. I'll wait till I'm in the goblin village. I don't want to lose my first time in a cave. 


Tim: ‘Okay Great Sage i'm ready, create the souls for me

 And put them in their bodies.’


Great Sage: ‘Understood mistress, starting the process of soul creation. Process complete, transferring the souls into designated bodies, complete.’


 After Great Sage said that, the bodies began to shine brightly as the souls were put in them. And then their eyes began to flutter open. As they awaken for the first time ever.


Man i'm nervous, i finally get to interact with my waifu, and there's 2 of them! This is the best day ever!! 


Then they begin to stand, and as soon as they see me they kneel and say in unison.


Albedo’s: “Mistress, thank you for giving us life and letting us serve you!”


I just stand there with a huge grin on my face, as I admire my creations. They look gorgeous, and exactly the same as the original Albedo. Granted they have a bit of a different personality and hair color. But in essence they are still my waifus.


As I look alternatively between them I speak to them.


Tim: “Welcome my servants, I'm glad you're looking well, as this is the first time I tried something like this.”


Albedo's: “Yes mistress, we are wel, you did a perfect job creating us.” 


They say in unison.


Tim: “Okay, with that said you 2 need some new names. I'll call you with the black hair Albedo Tempest and you with the red stripes in your hair Rubedo Tempest. That way we'll all share our last name.”


Yes it's unoriginal but it works, and they were sisters anyway. Because there sisters now too. When i said that they started to glow brightly and from demons to demon lords.


Albedo/Rubedo: “Thank you for our wonderful names, mistress.”


Tim: “You're welcome, I take you now, why i made you?”


Albedo/Rubedo: “To be your perfect slave's mistress.”


Well, at least I don't need to tell them that. Phew, I didn't want to tell them I made them for that reason. Because they are still my waifu after all. But it's better this way, they know they are my slave's so I can make them do anything I want without feeling bad about making them do anything they don't want to. Because they want literally anything I want.


Tim: “It's good that you know. Now first I want you to equip your armors and weapons as safety precautions. The reason being that there are monsters in this cave. And we don't know how strong you are compared to them. While I know you're as strong as demon lords, it's best to take precautions for unknown factors. We'll find out later about your power levels after we meet Veldora. Afterwards i want you to collect all kipokte  herbs and magisteel clusters in this cave, don't miss a single one as they are extremely valuable. While you do that I'll go visit Veldora so that he can name me. You can find me afterwards with our soul connection so you won't get lost.”


Albedo/Rubedo: “Understood mistress!”


And began to do so. And after they were done gearing up they left to complete their tasks.


Yes, I gave them all the skills the original Albedo had. But adapted them to this world, and made them a 100 Times stronger, as that was the maximum. And they evolved into demon lords so almost nothing can stop them. So while i didn't lie as i said i don't know how strong they are in this world, i have a feeling they are stronger than most beings in this world. Maybe as strong as maybe a middle demon lord. At least I hope so, but they'll still grow stronger with me as they are bound to me.


But I still need to find out how strong I am, but since I can literally make skills I have a feeling I'll be stronger than Guy if given enough time. And after that I'll be the strongest in the world for sure, then it won't matter who opposes me, I'll just get rid of them all and maybe rule the world. But that's in the future, first I need to meet Veldora. So I start heading in his direction, it appears he is close by so it won't take long to reach him.


With that thought in mind, I went to my first destination in what would be a world changing conquest for my dream life.