Chapter 8: Medusa’s Rage
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Medusa let out an earsplitting hiss as her body began to absorb the dark light around her. She felt her cremated flesh reforming around her figure. Her flesh began to heal and her snake hair hissed again with renewed life and vigour. She slowly began to get back up and examined her body. Not much had changed her tail had slightly gotten longer. Her nails were sharper and her breast had gotten slightly bigger as well. Her outfit had changed as well, the loin cloth became shorter and her leather bra was replaced by a purple corset. 

She also now wore golden bangles on each arm and golden earrings in her ears. Her left eye was teal in colour and her right eye kept its pink colouration. Medusa reared up and hissed menacingly as she flexed her new body. “Prepare to die mammals” she hissed as she slithered out of the cocoon of dark light. Jack, Dick and Martian Manhunter prepared themselves. Medusa shot forward and swiped at Jack who dodged swiftly. Dick leaped forward and smacked both of his iron poles into her head. This didn’t even garner a response from Medusa who just swatted him away with her left hand.

A black snowflake and black flame shot towards Medusa ice and fire enveloped her. She just smiled as her Lesser Elemental Immunity protected her from all elemental attacks of a Tier Two or lower. “Become heavy as stone and let thy movements be as stiff as a statue, Tier One Curse Magic: Slow Curse” a purple aura enveloped Medusa.

She just laughed as she smashed Jack out of the way with her tail. Martian Manhunter sunk into the ground before reappearing behind Medusa. The Gorgon was unfazed by this and ducked underneath his strike and countered with a blow of her own. She cackled slightly and reared up to a reasonable height nearly one and a half times bigger than Martian Manhunter. “Hear me remaining Naga rage and destroy our enemies!” Medusa screeched loudly. Red aura waves amplified and traveled via the sound waves. 


All across the city battles were raging between the cultists and monsters. The cultists were gaining ground but not for long as a red aura wave travelled past them in the sky. This carried a message that everyone heard it ordered the Naga to rage. The Naga’s eyes began to glow blood red as a violent red aura enveloped them. The Naga charged forward with renewed vigour one of the cultists laughed and tried to block one of their blows. His sword snapped in two as the Naga’s mace turned his head into mush. 

The cultists began to fall back as more Naga’s charged forward. A small group of police officers spotted this and began to open fire on the Naga. Their bullets didn’t even scratch the creatures scales, the Naga slowly turned their heads and hissed at the officers. The officers screamed and kept shooting at the charging serpents. The Naga slashed, bashed and crashed their way through the officers. Their blood dripped off the serpents scaly skin as they redirected their attention to the fleeing cultists. The cultist stopped halfway up a road where police cruisers had formed a blockade.

“Close Ranks” yelled one of the cultists and a thin line of ten cultists with shields braced themselves behind the police cruisers. Five cultists with long spears waited behind them waiting for an opportunity. The group of thirty Naga slithered towards them at an alarming pace. “Archers ready” three cultist with bows notched their arrows and nodded. “Ready, Aim and Fire!” The cultist barking the orders brought his hand high into the air before swinging it forward.

“Armour Piercing Scatter Shot” the three bow men yelled and their arrows glowed blur as they flew into the air. The three glowing arrows seemed to multiply in the sky until three hundred arrows came down upon the Naga like the rain from a furious storm. The thirty Naga cried in agony as the blue glowing arrows hit them. As many Naga crumpled to the floor the blue glowing arrows dissipated until only the three normal arrows remained. The police officers looked on in a mixture of horror and amazement as the small dust cloud settled down. 

The road had suffered extensive damage and twenty four Naga now laid there dead and disfigured. Out of the six survivors only one of them wasn’t heavily injured. The Naga’s eyes looked on in defiance as the Cultists began to slowly advance the heavily injured Naga were easy to slay from a distance with the spears. The lightly injured Naga charged forward in a blind rage swinging its mace wildly. This was easily deal with as its head exploded from a punch covered in a golden aura. The Cultist that was barking orders was the one who threw the punch. His head was bald and his caramel coloured skin covered a well built and muscular frame. 

“What are the reports brother?” He turned to one of his fellow cultists.

“Out of our group only two dead but group two and three need assistance as we’re the closest Arnold.” Arnold spat on the ground and grumbled slightly as he cracked his knuckles. 

“Tell group two and three to join up here” he pulled put a map and showed it the cultist that had the radio. “Tell them we will assist them here and to hold until them” Arnold turned to the rest of the cultist. “Our brothers and sisters need our assistance forward march!”


Wonder Woman killed another of the Titanoboa’s as she lunged towards the Naga holding the stone form of Superman. The Flash was distracting the Naga holding the hero with little effect. Batman was struggling because he had no powers also his no killing policy was in the way. The Naga they were fighting seemed stronger since that loud shriek. But they couldn’t dawdle as the Naga got closer to the portal. 

Batman used his grappling hook to reach the roof of a building. He then glided down using his cape and drop kicked one of the Naga holding Superman square in the jaw. The kicked Naga let go of Superman’s left arm and slithered back slightly. The Naga hissed angrily and swiped at Batman with its tail. Batman back flipped out of the way and the Naga was quickly domed by Wonder Woman. The Naga’s brain spilled onto the stone Superman, the three other Naga Brood-guards holding him just dropped him. They held their weapons proudly as they charged Wonder Woman. 

A fierce wind blew towards them and the Naga Brood-guard only saw their decapitated bodies hit the ground. The Flash stopped just beside Batman, his hand slick with their blood. “Lets hope Martian Manhunter and the other two can defeat the snake woman otherwise we’re done for”


Dick and Jack both panted and Martian Manhunter breathed in slightly heavier than usual. Medusa just glared at them in distain she had been ordered by Keres to not damage the two humans before her. She had to die and if she did Keres would reward her but she needed to make sure the two humans ended her.

Medusa glared at the two humans they had survived longer than she had expected. Maybe she could make one of them her slaves. “Brother we need to wrap this up quickly” Dick said as he felt his bloodlust beginning to rise. He shot forward “Dissect!” his batons seemed to injure Medusa slightly. Dick quickly licked the blood off his batons “Blood Paralysis” Medusa felt her blood run cold and she couldn’t move. The cuts the human had given her were on both elbow sections of her arms and where her human torso met her serpent tail. 

Dick used this momentary paralysis to get close to Medusa’s throat. “Vital Strike Lethal!” The baton in his right hand moved on its own and struck Medusa in the middle of her throat. She coughed up a large quantity of blood and left her mouth ajar for a split second. This gave Jackson enough time to place his hand near her open mouth.

“Lets see how tough you are on the inside monster burn and cider foe of mine your screams of anguish will signal your demise, Tier One Demonic Flame Magic: Hellflame Flare!”. The black flame flew down Medusa’s throat, there was an eerie silence for a few seconds before Jack and Dick leaped back. Medusa began screaming clutching her stomach and clawing at it wildly. Smoke began to rise from her mouth as her innards began to cook. 

“Curse you humans I will have my vengeance!” Medusa screamed as the fire inside her over took her and cooked the insides. Her corpse hit the ground hard and Dick breathed a sigh of relief. Jack just had a sickening smile on his face as he received the loot. 

“We have prevailed brother Juria, come take some of the spoils of our victory” Jack showed Dick a list of the items he could receive from Jack. Dick looked through them and knew what he would pick.

“Could I have Medusa’s Head please brother Jack” Dick did a small bow to feed the ego Dick thought Jack had.

“No need to bow brother if it wasn’t for you we couldn’t have been victorious” with a smile Jack gave Dick the item in question.

Medusa’s Head

Medusa’s head is the head belonging to Medusa a fearsome and powerful Gorgon. One gaze can petrify many a creature and can just as easily unpetrify them.

Durability: 1 use

Level: Trained

Properties: Petrify (Medusa’s head can petrify one target at the Trained level or lower. The user can determine if this is lethal or not. To invoke this property just yell Petrify and point in the direction of the target to avoid unintended victims have a mental image of intended target in your head.)

Unpetrify (Medusa’s head can reverse the petrifaction of a target as long as it is still alive. To invoke this property just yell Unpetrify and point in the direction of the target to avoid unintended victims have a mental image of intended target in your head.)


Medusa awoke with the Naga patiently waiting in the main cave of their compound. Keres in her shadowy smoke form stood in the centre tapping her left foot slightly. “You’re awake Medusa” her smile was large and unnerved the Naga in the room.

“Yes I am Keres I have completed the mission you had entrusted me with” Medusa bowed her head slightly as she spoke. Medusa heard a ping sound and a black portal began to open up. People and items began to pour out of it into neatly arranged piles.

“I collected your spoils so they wouldn’t have been stolen divided them how you please” Keres waved her hand and Medusa and herself were in an isolated bubble. “Now onto your reward Medusa I will tell you about a special form you can evolve into”. Medusa looked at Keres with glee “conquer five of the other Gorgon’s on this world and you will obtain power”.

Keres snapped her fingers and disappeared, the black bubble disappeared as well leaving Medusa alone with the rest of her Naga. Keres watched her smile menacingly as she slithered towards the human captives. With a menacing smile she turned to the Naga “here are your spoils go and take what you want if there are disputes strongest one gets it” she cackled. She gazed at one of the captives and winked slightly before grabbing him by the throat “you’re coming with me”.


Keres rested in her realm with her feet on her fancy table. The points that Keres gained from empowering Medusa were good. Her SP now stood one million one hundred and forty six thousand six hundred and twenty. She had learned from here system that because she had constructed a world the creatures would retain their experiences. They could learn and grow and as such she could make a custom condition for race evolution. These would cost trice the amount of what ever level they would be but the benefits would be they would have experience.

Unit name: Gorgon Queen
(Unlock conditions: A unit of the Gorgon species must make 5 other Gorgons submit to her)

Level: Trained

Racial abilities: Stone Glare (Stone), Stone Glare (Paralyse), Stone Glare (Restore), Granite Skin, Poisonous Snake Hair, Venomous Nails, Complete Poison and Venomous Immunity

Items: Queen Gorgon’s Head, 3 bottles of Gorgon Snake Hair Venom, Venomous Gorgon nails 1~10, Jewelled crown, Golden Sceptre, Core stone (Trained Level)

Skills: Greater Naga Command, Lesser Gorgon Command, Lesser Elemental Immunity, Melee Weapon Proficiency, Unarmed Combat Proficiency

Martial Skills: Hypnotic Stare, Inescapable Constriction, Venom Spray, Naga Enragement, Gorgon Enragement, Tail Cyclone

Tier 4: Mass Cure Wounds, Mass Strength Bestowal, Mass Durability Enhancement, Mass Curse
Tier 5: Poison Mist, Poison Wave, Poison Curse, Mass Rot

Keres smiled and couldn’t wait for Medusa to achieve this type of evolution. Keres spent one hundred thousand points to upgrade her world invasion skill to level two and her trial creation skill to level two.

Skill: Trial Creation LV2
Keres can now create more complex trials that can have monsters up to Veteran Level. Keres can now create a maximum of six trials and each trial can have three levels. 

Cost to create basic Trial: 20,000 SP
Cost to create more advanced Trial: 40,000 SP

Cost to add level to basic Trial: 10,000 SP
Cost to add level to more advanced Trial. 20,000 SP

Skill: World Invasion LV2
Keres can now send a medium sized invasion to anywhere in North America and Europe. This invasion can have five types of Uninitiated level monsters. Four types of Rookie level monsters, three types of Trained level monsters and one Veteran level monster.

Uninitiated Level: Unlimited
Rookie Level: 1,000
Trained Level: 10
Veteran Level: 1

If the Invasion comes from a world or other permanent structure a portal will remain. A portal to a permanent world will act as a gate to that world. Humans of any level can enter these portals but only powers and abilities from a player can work in them. If the permanent world is hostile to the current world a timer forms above the gate. When this timer hits zero a free attack of a random scale will happen. The units involved will be chosen by Keres and the scale can only be one of unlocked scales.

The cost of a small invasion is 400 SP
The cost of a medium invasion is 4,000 SP