Four – Dragon and Soul Match (End)
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[Name: Shkaya]

[Level: 107]

[Race: Earth Dragon]

[Age: 150]

[Sex: Female]


The dragon roared. I clapped my hands over my ears in pain. Then I heard a new voice.


"It's this way!" It said. Then a blast of lightning shot out of another tunnel and struck the dragon in the side. It growled, turning to face the tunnel as three people came out of it.


On the left was a blue-skinned man. In his hand was a single sword of bright light. In the middle was a strange-looking woman. On her back were two black and red wings, on her head were black fox ears, and she also had a black fox tail. To the right of the strange person was an older woman who looked normal. She held a staff with a red crystal on the end.


"The dragon is an earth type," The normal woman said. "Don't use your fire, Jade."


"Alright," The dragon-winged woman said. "Lightning all the way then." She summoned a ball of bright energy that sent electricity down the actual dragon's left wing.


Then the blue-skinned man's sword turned into a javelin. He threw it at the dragon's chest.


Then the woman with the staff held it up. A bolt of red lightning arced from the crystal at the end to the dragon's head. It hissed as the bolt grew brighter and brighter.


I decided to contribute to the fight. I cast [Magma Blast] at the dragon's ass. It roared louder than ever and turned around to face me, a glint of hatred in its dark brown eyes.


Then the dragon-winged woman fired another ball of electricity. The dragon turned to her and I fired [Magma Blast] again, hitting the base of its neck this time. I leaped forward, utilizing a skill that I just noticed.


[Versatile Scales]

  • Passive
  • You can change the size of the scales on your tail, but not the number. They can change shape a little bit.


I focused on the scales near the end of my tail. I changed the one at the very tip to a long, sharp spike.


"Die, bitch!" I shouted, driving my tail into the base of the neck of the dragon, where my earlier attack of liquid rock had melted through the scales.


It jerked its head up before slumping over, its nerves severed.


I looked up into the eyes of the dragon-winged woman. We both froze.


[Soul Match met]


And that's the end! Sashi's story is continued in the main story, Vamp Dragon Fox Girl.