[2] The System isn’t my golden finger, I am!
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Arc's third life was the same as his previous two lives.

He learn, train and improve himself. To honor his new parents that was richer than his first life. Yet, a new change occur after he gained a new sibling from his parents.

"Arc, this is your new sister from now on. Be nice to her." His father talk about adopting his new sister, Claire, after his friend had an accident, along with his wife, orphaning the poor girl who suddenly became his new sibling after being adopted to the household.

While Arc was excited to celebrate to gain a sibling, his joy collapses after being given a stern warning from his system.

[Your Sister is part of the Harem. Cease trying to bond with her.] The System warned him to which he distance himself from her. Afraid of ruining the protagonist chances and failing to gain his peaceful life. It was hard for Arc to supress his feelings of having a sibling, having been the only child and orphan in his lives. But he favor the suspicious system that could grant his wish over his own sibling that he made it so to be hated by her.

He also acted like those useless rich assholes he heard from people by acting out how they do.

Drinking, causing trouble and sleeping with women.

Yet, he found a problem.

He doesn't drink, is uncomfortable to making trouble and especially doesn't like sleeping with women.

Drinking is mainly because he is afraid of ruining his intelligence and afraid of doing something drastic while drunk.

As a person who was raised with good values in life, he doesn't want to make trouble, trying to honor his first father's guidance.

For sleeping with women...

He still felt shivers on those Traumatic memories that haunt him even in his third life as he quickly shook those memories and began to think of a way to solve his predictament.

'I want to act like those asshole but at the same time, not be one... How can I do it...?' Arc didn't have any idea and decided to follow some groups that fit the role, trying to study and replicate their behavior.

While he lacks the knowledge, he strives to learn as he began to study the subjects he wants to copy and learn from them on how to become them.

He would follow a drunkard as he watches his behaviors, how he smells and how he can learn and become him.

He would also replicate it to a playboy and a delinquent to which he would develop formulas that replicate the smell of how playboys and drunkards while copying the agressive traits of a delinquent to which he grew up, becoming the useless rich generation in his third life, following the system's bidding.

Dressing sloppily while applying his scented 'Drunkard/Sex smell' perfume, causing problems in public then fixing them after the coast is clear, entering hotels with women, not only giving them money but counseling about changing their ways. He completed his role in being the 'Trash' son of his family, fooling everyone around him to which the System was highly impressed in how he was able to complete his role while not giving up the values he held unto.

[Host. You might be able to complete the mission and gain your freedom afterall.]

"I just hope so System..." Arc muttered quietly as he comfort the crying woman who he paid to 'sleep' with for today...


[Are you sure about this Host? After all that I've given you?]

"You never given me anything." Arc sighs. "The only thing you ever did was to supress my charm, my skills and even my strength." He sneer.

"Rey would never rise to the top if you had never restrained me, making him walk all over me and take those women for his harem. I only held myself back because of a promise we made which I now find it to be suspicious after thinking about it." The Protagonist wouldn't have risen to becoming a demi-god if not for the system and Arc's role in acting out as the stepping stone for his growth. Arc believes that if not for his help, Rey as the protagonist, wouldn't be able to climb up to be a demi-god and conquer those women without his help.

He never understands why was he doing this, questioning if he could ever complete his mission and live a peaceful life.

Yet it all changes after he was given a break to relax and stumbling upon a book he discovers after misclicking a link and was directed to a novel title he discovered while trying to relax.

He first read it out of curiosity, then out of shock, then finally suspicion, discovering how the plot had somehow relate to him, especially on the part where the Main character was slowly being manipulated by his own system.

The system, thinking that Arc, even after discovering that he was being manipulated into becoming a puppet, afraid of taking the benefits from it. Not worried about having decieve him, forget one major miscalculation...

Arc's Golden Finger isn't the system. It was himself all along!

The system didn't help him improve his learning capabilities, he never recieve any items from it. Hell, the system even supressess Arc's potential in order for the protagonist to shine in the spotlight!

Arc is his own golden finger!

So, the system didn't expect that Arc calmly quit and even begins to seperate itself from the system, seemingly giving up his wish as he felt tired of being a slave to the system.

"No hard feelings System. You can easily find a replacement since I can't seem to keep up with you anymore." Despite how he was being manipulated and tortured by it, Arc still held on to his kind nature, giving at least a peaceful break-up. Trying to understand and copy it if he ever runs into those girls in both his lives, and not be locked in a prison again.

[Wait, Host! We can-] The system finally disappears after Arc had known how to seperate himself from the system, after trying to look for loopholes or ways to complete his mission. It would be weird for him, smart as he was, not to debug the system and look for ways to skip the process to his wish but always end up in failure after failure, not being able to find a way to grant his peaceful life.

'At least I did get something out of it for the effort I put into by bypassing the system.' Arc sighs as he wasn't proud of doing something like hacking into the system and collecting information of it. Like learning things in the system, how to make one and even getting the rewards to which he only look through the knowledge of things from the system and not touch the items or those balls which contain 'Skills'. Mainly because Arc believes that being given isn't as rewarding as getting them himself.

He only appreciates the new knowledge he gained from the system and easily stores them in his Memory Library. Happy that the more knowledge he knows, the more things he can learn and improve himself.

'But....' Now, Arc now ponders to himself about what to do with his life, thinking that without any orders from the system, he doesn't know what to do in his 3rd life.

Finding a hobby felt meaningless to Arc as he would grow bored of it after learning how to do and after mastering it, he felt tired of the repeated process of improving himself.

While the novelty of new things is what drives Arc to improve, he knows that it would eventually wear down his interest and would completely grow bored of it.

He also didn't want to improve himself anymore, seeking something that he wants to do and wants to live a life, a lax life that he can just relax and not work himself hard.

'Oh, I think I remember listening to a song which made me relax and wanted to know who was the singer behind the song. I couldn't look through that person's name since I was too busy doing the system's work that I completely forgot to do it.' Remembering that he has free time now and his curiosity drove him to start looking for that singer. He started searching the internet for her and suddenly remember something important.

"Right. I believe she hasn't even sang it yet since her popularity isn't as high in the future stages of her life. She might not even..." Arc began to ponder and sighed since he believes that the timeline was still too early and thinks she might not even exist yet.

He just stop searching for the song but was curious about the singer as he remember what her channel was and ended up discovering that she actually exist at this time, even discovering that she's currently debutting at time which surprised him.

But then...

[Um...please take care of me...] Arc's eyes widen as a sudden feeling in his chest began to accelerate.

He didn't know what happen then, just the fact that he suddenly subscribe to her that day and instantly started following her streams.

He didn't know that not only he became one of the founders in her fanbase but also became a guardian that guards her and her group to which causes sensation all around the world.