Chapter 3: so very fluffy
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Nanako and I were assigned temporary VIP quarters and are now taking a few moments to look around. We're in a room without windows, which is probably intentional. The bright lights on the ceiling resemble old fashioned factory lights, but are in fact LED lights, hence the too bright for comfort brightness in here.

Two one-person separate beds are placed next to each other, both with Army green blankets neatly folded near the foot of the bed. Don't ask me why they gave us green blankets and not Air Force blue ones, but at the moment it's not important. Otherwise the room is spartan at best. 

There's a 40-ish inch flatscreen TV, so there's that. A computer with a corded keyboard and mouse is placed on a compact desk opposite of the beds. After checking the few doors inside, we discover that the room has a toilet and shower area as well. A poster of two fighter planes is used as decoration, to at least make the room somewhat resemble a bedroom instead of what feels like a prison. There are no plants in this room, and the air conditioning seems just plain quiet.

I sit down on one bed and watch Nanako pacing in the room.
"Are you alright, Nanako?"

"No, I don't like your world. Perhaps I should go back right now." Her tail looks lifeless, hanging behind her as if her batteries ran out of energy. But I guess they are the real deal after all.

"Why don't you sit down for a minute? We could talk about stuff, maybe have them bring a pizza?"

She smiles and sits down on the other bed, facing me. 
"I like that about you. You're calm, and make me feel at ease. I was right about choosing you. Are you sure you want to accompany me to my world?" For some reason she now sounds informal again, using "I" instead of "we." Switching between those words is a very mysterious way of speaking if you ask me.

I'm scratching my back, because the training suit is a bit itchy.
"I think it's a bit too late for doubts, but yes, I'm sure. Besides, you convinced Hayes to let me do exactly that."

"Good." She looks around, taking in the room and I decide to give her some time. "Essie? Are you happy in this world?"

"Em....yeah.....I only have this world, so not much of a choice?"

"No, I mean.....are you really happy? So far all I have seen of your world is soldiers everywhere. And you are the only person who's treating me like I'm used a person. The others think I'm fragile, or perhaps they think I'm a child?"

"No, that's not true. You have only seen the worst, I think. Life on Earth has so much to offer. I can show you about our world on that TV. It's like......I dunno....let me show you later, okay?"

"Yes, I would like that. My people don't have any of your Hayes called it. Did I pronounce it properly?"

"Yup, very accurate."

Again she smiles. "All those words, machines, none of those make any sense to me. And I have heard so much in so little time, it's like you humans don't need to rest. Everything is going so fast, I don't even know where to look. It's what made me feel.....insecure earlier. Thank you for helping me through that, Essie. I'm not usually like that." She looks at the blankets near her and touches them to see if they are soft.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I can relate to how you're feeling."

"I appreciate that. Just wait until you see our world, it will make you want to forget about this one."

"Really? Now I'm curious to see it for myself. Tell me...does everyone look the same? I mean, your tail and ears?"

"Yes, we do. We do have animals like your birds of course, but my world's people are all Kitsune."

"At least we have that in common. For a moment I thought your world sounded like a classic isekai story."

"What is that?"

"Ah....many humans love to read, and some of the books know what books are?"

"Yes, we have those too."

"Thank god. some books are written as stories for children. But adults also like to read stories, but they are a bit more difficult to understand so adults can appreciate them."

"I see, go on."

"Isekai stories tell about other worlds where a person arrives, usually unprepared and unexpected. Sometimes magic is involved, or perhaps someone dies and is given new life by a goddess. In many stories people have tails and ears like yours, and they are often called Kitsune."

"Yes, that is the name for our people. How odd....perhaps someone has learned about us and wrote those stories?"

"Don't know, might be nothing more than a coincidence."



Once more the conversation ends in silence for a minute, until she asks "Essie...can we get a proper dress? I can't go home looking like this, it would be very....unbecoming." She pulls at her pants in a very unladylike fashion.

"Ah....yes, I was wondering about that as well. Before we left, Hayes whispered to me that they would have a dress ready for us in the morning. It won't be anything fancy, but it will have to do. I'm happy that they at least considered providing one."

"That is good news. So....where do we sleep? I don't see any sleepers?"  She once more looks around, trying to find the thing she's referring to.

" would help if you could explain what sleepers are?"

"Oh do I tell you?'s like an.....oval shaped box....roughly half the size of these beds as you called them. But the box is very soft and warm. Either the sleeper itself is soft, or it contains hides, blankets or.....grass. It all depends on how much you are willing to spend. Back home we also have blankets, like these, but we rarely use them. I just don't understand why these are so ugly green, instead of having nice patterns like ours. Sorry, I didn't mean to insult you. Those must be very expensive, right?"

"Ahhh, like that. I understand and no...this is hardly standard or expensive. Don't ask me why these are green, but they can be bought in any color and many patterns as well. Back home we have blankets too, but mine have pictures of birds on them.

You and I are both sitting on a bed. There are so many forms of beds to choose from, these are only basic ones. The blankets are also...basic, so please don't think that humans don't have a refined taste in these matters."

"Ha ha was my assumption so far, yes. But what purpose do beds have? Is it for sitting, like we are doing now?"

"Oh, are our equivalent of your sleepers. We lie down on them and use the blankets to keep warm at night by spreading them out over our bodies."

Her eyes go wide. "You actually sleep in these?" She waits until she sees me nod with a smile. "Nuh-uh...not possible. We curl up at night and our backs need to feel either a wall or some other material around us. We can't the open."

"Oh.....I see. Don't worry, we humans are a creative bunch so I'll think of something before bedtime."

"Thank you....I really appreciate that."



After switching on the TV and reassuring her that the images are just that....images....and not real people, she's flipping through many channels like a pro. It should keep her occupied for a while.

"I'm going to call my parents, perhaps you wish to take a shower?"

She looks at me, glaring. "No! I already had that! It smelled disgusting!"

"No no no! Relax! That was not a shower. That was decontamination.....a shower is relaxing and very private. Nobody will be doing that to you again, I promise."

"Oh.....I'm sorry for assuming......" She stopped talking when she noticed I wasn't offended.
"Can't we just take a bath? It would make me feel more relaxed?"


I stand up and look again in the shower area, but don't find a bath. I mean, not that I had expected to find one in an Air Force building. 
"No, this building doesn't seem to have baths. I suggest that you take a long, hot and very relaxing shower. Then you get dressed in those clothes again. When you're ready, it's my turn. This way we will save some time in the morning, since we will be leaving early."

"I see...very well. And thank you for letting me bathe first. It's customary to let our guests bathe first back home. It seems we're sharing at least some traditions."

"Wait, let me show you how the shower works first."

I explained how the shower works, and then reminded her again that her old clothes would not be returned because of the goo on them. She said...reluctantly...that she would accept the new clothes as compensation for her loss. At this point I can only hope that she will like them.


And just before she was mentally preparing herself to take a shower, someone knocked on the door.


"One moment, please." I walk over to the door and open it.

A woman in camouflage uniform, about my age, brought our clothes ahead of schedule.
"Your dresses as ordered by Major Hayes, ma'am. If you need anything else, or if they are not to your liking, please call me, I'm on guard duty right here."

"Ahh, perfect. Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, ma'am." She smiles, then closes the door behind me and I walk over to Nanako who still seems to doubt whether to take a shower or not.

"Our dresses have arrived, Nanako. Want to have a look?"

"Are used?"

"Oh, that's actually a good one. I don't know to be honest, but I do know that they are very clean. I trust Major Hayes, he would never provide his guests with unwashed clothes."

"I will have to do."

Both dresses have a label with our names attached to them, so we won't be fighting over them.


After a few moments, both dresses are spread wide on the bed, so we can look at the patterns. Not that I care anymore at this point, but still...these look better than expected. I'm not a big fan of dresses, so I usually wear a skirt or pants.

Nanako's dress is a soft pink one, but doesn't appear cheap, if that makes any sense. The floral patterns make it look somewhat refined at least. When she holds it in front of the mirror to check how it will look on her, she seems pleased.

My dress is a light blue one, a bit too simple for my taste, but it's all I have.

"A pink dress? This one's for me?" She asks. "It seems nice...and my tail won't have any problems with this design. I have to admit, there's still hope for your world. Why don't all women wear dresses around here?"

"Some do, but not when they are soldiers. It's...I don't know....just the way the military works I guess. Oh, and that's fresh underwear for you to wear. When you step in the shower, put the underwear you're wearing in that box. People will take care of it...someday." I hope she won't have any issues with these ones either, since they are not exactly designed with a tail in mind.

"Someday....I see. Essie, I trust you. Just tell me if I'm doing something silly. I don't want Hayes to think I can't dress properly."

"Don't worry, I promise. Heeeey....look what I found."

I returned her necklace, but didn't find my cell phone or watch, still this is nice of them.

"What is that?" She looks at the one remaining item in my hands with great interest, taking some time to study it as if it would reveal its secrets that way.

"A make-up kit, hidden between the clothes. Want to see how women in this world make themselves pretty?"


"Ha ha're going to be sooo jealous."

"My people have no need for that, Essie. We share what we have, we don't even have doors as you call them."

"Wait....what? You don't have doors?" Now it's my turn to look surprised.

"No, all rooms are open. It's great for security and you never feel alone that way."

"Yeah.....for security...I think I prefer doors. Go ahead, and take that shower. Time is running out."

"Yes, but..."  

But I interrupted her. "No buts, you're shoo!" I motion her to go already.

She shakes her head and smiles for a moment, then retreats into the shower.



I put the TV on standby and take a few deep breaths, then walk to the telephone which is mounted on the wall. parents both have a cell phone, but I don't even know their numbers. While pondering how to get her number, since the Air Force will send my phone back home with the car, I noticed the pc. "That....might actually work. Mom's shop....she should be there right now."

After browsing the web for a minute, I found the phone number... bingo. I pick up the receiver and immediately hear a computer voice. "All conversations are being monitored. This line is not secure, if you need a secure line, report to your commanding officer. International calls are currently blocked. Dial zero when ready, then the desired phone number."



I dial the number and wait for the phone to ring.

"Milly Whitfield Esoterica, how may I help you?" Yes, that's mom's voice and that's her shop's name!


"Essie!!! How nice of you to call your mother!" 

"Yeah...about that." I put a few stray hairs behind my ears, as I always do when I'm a bit nervous.

"Wait...something happened, I can hear it in your voice. What's wrong, dear?"

"Mom, I had to cut my holidays short and I won't be returning home for some time."

" what? Why? Something happened to the car? Do I need to pick you up?"

"Mom.....relax...all is well. I got into a weird situation. I'm with the US military right now, they have offered me a gig...and I took it."

"WHAT?! You got drafted?!"

"Whaa????? Hell nooo! Listen mom, they offered me a good job and I took the opportunity. I'm just calling you to tell you I'm fine. They will contact you soon, so please don't think something has happened when they knock on the door. They're returning the car for me and will be doing some paperwork and stuff, whatever. Point is, they are good people, mom, let them inside and trust them."

"Okay...I will, but your father is not going to like this one bit. You know how he feels about them."

"Yeah, I do. And still...they...are good people. Now once more....I won't be home for a few weeks or so. Maybe I will, maybe I won't....I just don't know yet. Ah, cancel next week's dentist appointment for me, will you?"

"I will, Essie. But you will be back, right? Promise me? Are they sending you somewhere to fight for them?"

"No, mom! It's a desk job...perfectly safe. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so I took it. They said they would pay me a decent amount, and I trust the officer here."

"Tell me at least where you are, honey."

Only now do I notice a small wall-mounted camera with a tiny blinking red light. It's fixed to record the person using the phone, so no privacy concerns otherwise. Can't deny that I used the phone now, or can I? Better be careful, the words the computer voice said earlier, and Hayes' warning are still haunting me.
"I can't, mom. I'm perfectly safe and sound here. Tell dad I called and said hi."

" honest.........does this mean you are moving out?"

"What? Moooom, what the fuck...who told you about moving out? I'm just.....nevermind. I'll call you when I can, okay?"

"Don't curse, Essie, it makes your aura murky...and promise me that."

"Ahhhh! Sheesh, I promise to call you soon. Happy now?"

"No....but reassured...yes. Stay safe honey."

"You too, mom. Hope to be home soon." Click.



I put the receiver back on the device, only for it to ring immediately, so I answered it.
"Essie Whitfield, VIP quarters?" Let's be polite, it might be important.

"Essie, well done." It's Hayes.

"Wow, you guys are fast. You really listened to that?"

"Yes, as was the deal, remember?"

"I do. So I'm good?"

"More than good. How are the dresses?"

"They seem fine. Our furry VIP seems as happy as I am. Better than a training suit."

"Ha ha ha.....that's good. I'll be off-base for the remainder of the day, so when you two are hungry, order something by asking the Airman guarding your quarters. I'll join you in the morning for a few last minute words."

" no mess hall?"

"Afraid not. The area you two are in right now, is being kept isolated. I hope you understand."

"Yes, of course, but it doesn't show much respect to Nanako."

"That can't be helped. Tell her that we're working on improving our ways, should she ask."

"Understood. So...see you in the morning?"

"Will do. And Essie.....good work so far." 


Click. He disconnected the line.


When I look back at the shower area, I see Nanako standing there...naked. Behind her a puddle of water has formed, easily traceable all the way back to the shower. Her tail looks like a dead cat and her ears are twitching.

"" Is all she said, making me immediately feel like hugging her, but I resisted.

At this point I could barely hold a laugh..."ha ha ha.....awwwwwww......sorry....."  I rush over to her, then drag her back into the shower room where the temperature is really, really hot. Steam is forming all around me.

"This is not funny. I heard you talking to Hayes. What does furry mean?"

"My god, Nanako.....are you hurt? Was the water too warm?"

"No, it was perfect. Now answer the question, please."

I take two white fluffy towels and just dry her off, as if she were a young child. She kinda does look like one at the moment, pouting too.

"In this case it means something like....fluffy.....comfy...cuddly....cute...does that help?"

" a good thing?"

"Yes, I like furry tails."

" do I."


This is becoming one heck of a strange conversation, so I just nod and continue drying her off until she's as dry as possible. "Are you dry? Your tail...ears...?"

"I'm fine." She emphasized the fine as if she were afraid to admit that she actually wasn't fine. "Just...water in my ears....I need small...em.....towels?"

"You mean tissues? Sure, here you go." And sure enough a box of tissues is not exactly hidden, but she must not have recognized it as something of use to her.

"Ahhhhh......much better....thank you, Essie." She said after using three tissues....for each ear. She then offers them to me, expecting me to take them.

"No, I don't need them back...throw them away....yes, good."



" what?" She's getting a teeny tiny bit on my nerves now.

"What's this?" She points at a bra they have provided us with. 

"God, Nanako....a bra....don't you use those back home?"

"If you tell me what they are for, I might be able to answer your question." She gives me a smug smile.

"'s to...em....your breasts....these things..." I had no other I just pointed at mine so even if she couldn't understand me, she still would exactly know what I meant.

"Ah.....why didn't you tell me?"

"God, Nanako...really? Do you want to wear them or not?"

"I'll pass..thank you."

"My god...then why ask! Sheesh!" I throw her bra on the bed and let her stand there for a moment.

"Easy, Essie. I think you need to showering now."

"Yes, I will take a shower...AND I'll wear a don't know what you're missing out on."

"" Don't tell me she doesn't know how to wear bras? Well, now that I think about it, she didn't seem to wear one when we went through decon.


I spent the next few minutes partially undressing her, after getting her dressed only moments earlier. The ladies responsible for our dresses must have used superhuman powers, for they are almost a  perfect fit. Almost, but that's why we can adjust them, right? It seems to fit her just fine...not exactly super comfy...but fine, so no complaints.

Finally she's in her dress, wearing that damn bra, and wearing those cheap looking sneakers. Yes, it's not fashionable, but much better than wearing a training suit.

"Essie......thank you. And sorry. It feels..strange....but also better somehow."

"It's okay.....I'm just tired from what happened today."

"I too. we sleep in these?"

Then I facepalmed, which doesn't seem to be a thing in their culture.

"What was that?" She looks at me, blinking, not understanding the gesture at all.

"Nothing, means I forgot. We will be wearing the dresses in the morning. At night we will have either pajamas, or we use the training suit from earlier. Sorry, you'll have to get dressed again in the morning."

"I don't mind. You helped me, so it almost felt like back home."

"You have people dressing you every time?"

"Yes, of course. Don't you have......a.....oh...right....Hayes mentioned that you're a commoner. Forget I asked... forgive me, I didn't mean to....apologies."

Her ears are flat on her head and her tail appears lifeless. She really seems to feel bad for telling me that. So I did the only reasonable thing I could do...I hugged her.

"Ahh!!" It seems I startled her.

When I was about to release the hug, she embraced me as well....really tight...then she let go. 

"Sorry, Essie."

"Don't be. Guess you needed that."

"Yes....I did. You really have no idea how many of your mannerisms remind me of home. Are you sure you were born as a human?"

"Yeah...that's what my mom told me."

"Ha ha ha ha..." Now it's her turn to laugh. Guess she's finally relaxing.
"Essie? Do your parents worry for you?"

"You heard the phone call...em...heard me talking, right?" I see her nod. "They'll be fine. I told them that I would be away from home for some time, they'll understand. It's normal for adults to live their own lives away from home, but I think my parents didn't expect it to happen so abruptly. Anyway....I'll take a shower now. How about you watch some Youtube? Ah...I mean....I'll show you how to use the...nevermind. Let's do that later."

"If you say so. In the meantime I'll watch that box for you." She pointed at the TV.

For me? "It's called a TV, Nanako. It's meant as entertainment. Don't believe everything you see, okay?"

"Then how do I learn about the real Earth?"

"Watching TV is probably boring anyway, so Youtube.....later......just relax now, and I'll explain what you see. It will help you understand our world a bit better. Much better than only talking and talking."

" those moving paintings from earlier? But now with explanations?" My god, what did Hayes show her earlier?

"Yes....sort of..but better, I guess. I will tell you the difference between what's real and what's entertainment. Can you survive without burning down this VIP room while I take a shower?"

"I don't know, can I burn it down?" She's grinning. "Go take a shower, I'll be a good furry VIP."

"Ha ha ha.....see? You are adjusting perfectly! See you in a moment."


After showering, I used the hair dryer and of course had a visitor standing next to me, curious to see what was making that noise. Sure, after decon we used one too, but it didn't nearly make this kind of noise. And I didn't want to use it on her hair earlier, afraid to startle her.

Suffice to say that she giggled as loud as a three year old when I directed the warm air at her a few times. If Hayes had only known earlier, he could have entertained our guest without much effort. At least my reflection in the mirror now shows that there's still hope for my hair after the rough decon treatment they gave us.

Nanako liked the attention I gave her when I brushed her hair. I didn't dare touch her tail though, afraid she might bite me.



We spent the afternoon browsing the web, where I took my time explaining what each picture stands for. When I noticed that she was comfortable with the pictures, I switched to videos. We had lots of fun watching funny animal clips.

Around 4 pm I ordered a single large pizza and some tea, not really wanting to be a bother to the Air Force people. I know I love coffee, but I think tea is better for her. Now that I think about it...she didn't seem to mind drinking the coffee earlier with Hayes after putting lots of sugar in it.

The pizza took some explaining as well. No cutlery needed, just a barbaric eating style. And yes, I even had to explain that humans usually do have proper manners. But for Nanako, all is new. I'm just happy that she trusts me, because I could have easily lied to her. Something tells me that she would have known that, but I wouldn't lie to all is well.



And so bedtime has arrived. It's 9 pm and I dimmed the lights a few minutes ago so we could get ready for bed. Speaking of comes the next challenge.

"Go ahead, curl up, Nanako. Yes....oh...I'm so jealous." She's now holding her long tail like a plushie, using it as a pillow. I offered her a pillow earlier, but she says she's fine like this.

I take the folded blankets on her bed and make a wall of blankets around her, pushing them against her back. "Are you happy?" I asked.

"Very....just like home."

"Thank god." I switched off the lights on the bedside table between our beds, and prepared for sleep.


"Essie?" But unfortunately she has other plans.


"We Kitsune usually sleep together....never alone."

"You're not alone now. Go to sleep. You're a big girl."



Only one minute later. "Essie?"

"God....yeah...?" I was almost asleep! Almost...

"Your men are...aggressive."

"Really? No, the ones you met are soldiers, of course they are...a bit..assertive, it's their job. Besides, they only want to protect you."

"Oh...that makes sense. Can you please.....sleep here?"

Is she for real? "Are you teasing me? I'm really sleepy."

"No...we never like to sleep alone. One sleeper will allow at least two...sometimes four people at once. It makes me"

"Do you want a plushie too?"

"What is a plushie?"

"Nevermind...move over."

I almost stumbled over a few blankets on the floor, which must have fallen from her bed. As tired as I am, I fix the wall of blankets and join her in her nest, for that's what it must look like right now. I'm lying next to her, spooning, cuddling all curled up.



"If you ask for more...I'm going back to my own bed."

"Sleep well."

" too. Sweet dreams."