Chapter 4: welcome to fluffy wonderland
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"Knock Knock."  Someone knocked on the door, pretty loudly too.

"Ugh....what time is it?" I said, but not too loud. I'm trying to find my alarm clock, only then realize that I'm far from home.

When I want to reach for the light switch, I notice that my arm is being held prisoner by Nanako. She's hugging my arm like a pillow. She must be partially awake now, since her nose is nudging my shoulder and her soft furry ears are brushing against my chin.

And sure enough the psychic person on the other side of the door says with a raised voice "Ma'am. It's now 5.30. Major Hayes will visit you in half an hour. Departure is at 7. Do you understand?"

My eyes open wide and I'm instantly awake. Amazing how she speaks so clearly through a closed door. "Understood!" was all I said, but I startled Nanako at the same time.

"Heeeey......why the yelling? It's still dark." The still half-awake fluffy one said.

"Not anymore." When I finally managed to free my arm, I switched on the LED lights on the ceiling, which are bright enough to wake up even the best of sleepers.

"Chino! How many times do I need to tell you...that HURTS!" Nanako still sounds half asleep.
I'm already half-dressed when she finally managed to say that. 

"Who's Chino?"

"Huh? Oh...right....I'm here.....not at home." She does not sound happy. "She's....", she yawns for at least five seconds straight, " maid. She always opens the curtains...flooding my eyes with sunlight to tease me. She's pure evil."

"Ha ha ha, you're welcome, Nanako."

"I didn't mean it like that!"

"I know. Get dressed, Hayes will be here soon."


Those were the magic words, and she and I were dressed in no time, which gave me some time to apply a bit of lipstick to our lips. Yes, she was very impressed with the result.

"Do all women have to wear that?" She's touching her lips, probably trying to determine whether it's blood or paint.

"No, we can decide for ourselves if we like to use make-up or not. But sometimes, in formal settings, it just looks a bit better."

"I have to agree. We have something similar, but never in this bright red color. It looks strange...but also pretty somehow, I can't really explain."

"You just did." 

"Ha ha ha...seems like it."




Someone just beat the life out of our door, startling the both of us.
"It's Hayes!" Hayes' voice, no doubt about it.

"You may enter!" Nanako said, speaking in a regal tone of voice.

"Good morning you two, I come bearing gifts." He's holding a tray with a few sandwiches and two cups. That probably explains why he had to bang on the door. Could have asked the guard, though.

"Ahh...breakfast, thank you!" I motioned him to put it on the small table which was intended for two people to sit at. And still we three managed to squeeze our chairs together and sit comfortably.


After finishing our breakfast, Hayes subtly changed the topic of our conversation to the trip ahead of us. Nanako didn't get the hint though, so she kept talking to me.
"So those soldiers back at the portal, are they like guards?"

"No...they are well trained and very capable in combat." I find it difficult to explain these things to her. Yes, they are guards, but also...much more than that.

Hayes is again trying to put the conversation back on track. "Well said, Essie. Sounds like you're part of the Air Force already."

"But I am, right? Even as a civilian?"

"Ha ha doubt about it. Welcome to the club. Essie, let's focus on your mission. I would rather have you wearing a combat outfit while out and about, but diplomacy demands that you'll be wearing a dress. However...we won't let you go without at least some form of supporting gear."

"Like what?"

"A light backpack for you to carry. It has water and food for the both of you, for two days. There's also a radio to contact me and a relay for you to install."

"Em....relay? Not sure that I understand?"

"It's simple, really. Your radio will work about 100 feet from the portal, so we can still have a conversation using that. But that's not very convenient. I mean...If you're only 100 feet away, you could just walk through the portal, right?"

"Yeah...that makes sense."

"Exactly. The relays are solar powered, so simply hang one somewhere sunny near the portal. While it has to be within 100 feet of the portal, it can receive your signal for two miles without any issues. This way we can contact each other without us having to step onto their lands."

"Yes, we agreed you should not do that. The Phantoms will easily find people outside the cities. It's just too dangerous." Nanako confirmed without a doubt that Hayes had no say in the matter.

"Exactly, and we will respect your wishes, Lady Nanako."

Lady? Why again so polite? I'm not calling her that, and she doesn't even mind. Maybe she only demands this to annoy Hayes a bit?

Hayes continues. "You have four relays in the bag. Use them to create a solid connection. You probably only need one or two. Save the others for the unlikely event that one should stop working. We will do a regular radio check, just to see if the connection is still online."


"Very well. You will also find a gun inside your bag."

"Em...I'm not sure about that, Hayes." My expression reflects my concerns.

"Trust me...we value your safety. We'd rather let a team join you, but unfortunately that won't happen. You two will be on your own out there. If something should happen, I want you to be able to protect yourselves. While it isn't a P90, which requires proper training, it might still work as a last resort.  Nanako has promised to keep you safe and teach you all about their defenses against the Phantoms, but until you learn such you know how to use a gun?"

Well, the obvious answer is no. So Hayes demonstrated the workings of the gun. It was only to be used in emergencies, and I immediately confirmed that I had no intentions of using it for fun.

"Alright, then this briefing ends right here. Soon you will participate in some target practice and training in basic military protocols, Essie. You're on your own there...only you and our new friends. So stay safe."

"I'll do my best, Hayes. Gosh, it's still so unreal. Another I really awake?"

"Sure are. Now get going, it's time for you two to leave."


Hayes wished us well and one of his team guided us to a Blackhawk helicopter which was waiting to bring us back to the portal and the park in which it is hidden.



It's now around 7.30 am and we're approaching the location where the portal was discovered only a month ago. One of the reasons why it's already this late, is the need to teach me about communications. They gave me a callsign and a crash course on how to handle radio messages, during our flight. Nanako couldn't hear anything, since she had to cover her ears again. 

After a brisk walk, since they still need to create a road here, we arrived at a rather big, dark green tent. Soldiers led us through a security checkpoint and then, after making sure that we were cleared to use the portal, they finally showed it to us.

There it is...the portal. Instead of a stone monument with a vortex inside, I only see a calm image of a forest on the other side. It's like looking through a glass window, only the occasional shimmer reminds you that this thing is hardly a piece of glass. And it's surprisingly wide too.

Suddenly I see something walking on the other side...a deer, I think. It startled me, but then ran off. It's definitely like a deer, but it's fluffy, reminding me of a sheep.

Nanako looks amused at my reaction. "It's harmless," she said.

"Nanako....from here on...I'm trusting you. Keep me safe."

"I will, Essie...that's a promise." She patted my arm a few times.


The soldiers then gave me my backpack, and it's not too heavy, thank god. But still, calling it light like Hayes did, isn't entirely accurate either. " does this thing work?" I ask a nearby soldier, while pointing at the portal.

"Just step through it. While it looks a bit like a mirror, you can still simply walk right through it."

"Okay....please tell Hay....Major Hayes that we used the portal at...7.34."  Yep, they even gave me a watch, which also shows the estimated time on the other side. Surprisingly, daylight seems to correspond to Earth, for the most part, which should help to avoid jet lag.

"Yes, ma'am." Is all he replied.

Nanako takes my hand and just pulls me along and before I know it....I'm already there. I didn't feel a thing. No energy sensations, no tingling nothing.



"Welcome to my world, Essie. It's called Negawa. And our city is called Arkhan." She spreads her arms wide to show me that all of this is part of their city.

"Arkhan, huh?" Sounds like a genuine isekai name to me. I turn back and see the soldier on the other side. I can't hear anyone, but we could easily talk using gestures, or sign language...good to know. I wave at him and surprisingly he salutes. Okay, time to go. "So, Nanako, where are we going?"

"We're going to the Palace, where we will welcome you properly."

"The Palace? Wow......okay. So...are we safe right now?" So far I don't see any Phantoms in this forest, but looks might be deceiving.

Nanako shows me her necklace and puts it on the palm of her right hand, as if it were a compass. 
"No, we are safe. This gem will glow brightly, and hum as well, if it detects a Phantom nearby. Don't worry, it's one of the best gems."

"Okay...I need to get used to that. Can I.....get one of those?"

"Perhaps....they are really expensive." Nanako starts walking when I ask her to wait.


"Is something wrong?"

"No, but I need to install a relay here."

"Yes, Hayes mentioned that. Can't it wait?"

"No, I promised...and I must keep a promise."

"Yes, you should. Can I help?"

"No, it won't take long."


I open the backpack and first look for the radio.'s now working. Setting to channel....16....okay. My callsign is "Merlin..." someone must have had a fun time thinking about that. Whatever, I don't have a choice. The soldiers on the other side of the portal...on Earth...are called Sentry. Well, hardly an original name, but it's easy to remember, right?

"Sentry, this is Merlin..comm check, over."

"Me.... Se..y, ..ignal....elay......ver. shhhhhhhh." Lots of noise could be heard during the transmission.

I motion her to follow me...back to the portal. I can see the portal again, the guards on the other side as well. We're about...80 or so feet away. At this position I stop walking and try again.

"Sentry, Merlin, comm check, over."

"Sentry here, signal at 40%. Install relay, over."

"Copy. Merlin out."


Nanako looks at me. "Do you really have to talk like that? It sounds like children talking."

Yeah, do I have to remind you who had to help you shower and get dressed? Better not say that. But she must have seen me frowning.
"Yes, it's very useful during combat. People know when to talk and when not. Trust me."

"I have and will." She said with a big smile, also curious to see what I'm about to do.

While looking for the relay in my backpack I winked at her, to show her I appreciated her remark.
"There you are! You can't hide from me!"

"Essie? Who are you talking to?"

"Huh?'s a human thing, I guess. When machines don't want to cooperate, we tend to talk to them. It's silly, I know."

"I see....."

Luckily the relays are already unboxed, ready for deployment. I only need to open a panel.....and find a nice spot....right....there. Only moments later am I climbing a nearby tree and pushing the relay into the bark using its pins. Installing it at this height should prevent people from playing with it. Where's the sun? There....okay......adjusting the solar panels...and....done! From up here I can see the soldiers back home looking at my tree climbing skills. My dress is now a bit green here and there....well...too late to worry about that now.

A small red light blinks a few times to indicate activation, then stops to conserve energy. I jump down and do another comm.check.

"You can climb trees as well?" She looks surprised.

"Yup, all humans's the getting down part that is difficult. Can't you?"

"Yes...but..I'm.....not supposed to." She looked sad when she said that.

Okaaay.....she's avoiding the question, whatever. "Sentry, Merlin, comm check, over."

"Sentry here, signal at 100%. Excellent spot, the relay should now work for 2 miles, over."

"Copy. Will check later again, over."

"Roger, out."



After walking for a few minutes I had to stop for a moment. Now that I think about it....this place is exactly like Earth. Same sky with fluffy white clouds...same or similar sun.....except for some weird looking animals now and then....this is just like Earth. The air smells cleaner somehow, but even that can be subjective. This place is beautiful. But one thing is missing.

"Is something wrong?" Nanako asked, sounding concerned.

"No, I just realized, why didn't you bring any guards?"

"Em....more than two people walking together is dangerous, Essie. The Phantoms, remember?"

She points into the direction of the city ahead of us, and motions to speed up.

"Oh, I forgot. Better step on it then."

"Step on what?"

"Yeah...just ignore that. much farther?"

"About half an hour walking. Maybe a bit less."


While walking, I see a wall in the distance.

"Essie, that is the outer wall. It marks the beginning of our actual city. The Palace is at the center."

"Okay, does it work? Can I just walk inside like this?" I point at my human ears.

She puts her hands on her cheeks for a moment. "Oh nooo......totally forgot about that! You can't! what? Nobody may see you, they would believe that you are...I don't know...something dangerous. My people have never seen humans before! Only your team, and they remained near the portal at all times. We visited them there, so that's when I crossed over to your world."

"Okay, so that's what happened. Am I really the first human who ever walked this far on your lands?"

"Yes, as far as I know....yes."

"So now what? Should we go back? We have clothes...robes...whatever you call them. They would hide my face."

"We have robes here as well. That might just work, but I need you to stay away from the city. I'll draw the attention of some guards, and have them send a carriage."

"Okay, but I rather not have you walk alone, it goes against Hayes' orders."
When she looks at me, I instantly know not to go against her wishes. "As you wish...just tell me when to hide."

"I will. Oh no no.....Essie...hide...NOW! Those bushes now! Trust me!" The gem on her palm is glowing very brightly. Without asking why, I rushed to hide behind the bushes she pointed at only moments ago.


She looks at me a few times, making sure that I stay put. Then I see what she meant, two Phantoms are slowly creeping up towards us. But why isn't she hiding?

She throws the gem far away, then rushes over to me, hiding next to me.

At this point I'm seriously considering that I've lost the last of my remaining sanity. Why did she throw the gem away? Wasn't it supposed to be really expensive? That doesn't make any sense! "Shhh....stay down." She whispers next to me.

I quietly open my backpack and take the gun, the one I swore not to use. Click...clack...
The safety is now off, and the magazine loaded...armed...ready to go. There are only 10 shots in each magazine, so I should be careful with these. And shots are only one at a time...not a submachine gun as Hayes called those rifles. Somehow I doubt that I will be lucky a second time, let alone when faced with two of those creatures and only using a simple gun.


One Phantom slowly approaches me and I can hear it sniffing. It's moving in closer....and closer....almost spotting me. I'm dead....soooo.....dead. If there's a god above....pleeeeeeeease help? Hayes...I want a P90, now!!!!!

A strange smell suddenly reaches my nostrils, and I have to be careful not to sneeze. Through the bushes I see lots of dark smoke, coming from the direction Nanako threw the gem in.

Almost immediately after I smelled that foul stench, the Phantoms took off. And surprisingly....they just flew away without using wings! Crap....they can fly too?!!! 

Before I realize it, Nanako is hugging all life out of me.
"No, stop! The gun, it's still armed!"

She carefully lets go of me and waits for me to put the safety on. 
"It's okay now, the gun is safe again. What....what happened?"

She looks apologetic.
"I should have known they were close. Run, talk later!"


She starts running towards the wall, but it's at least five minutes away, even when running. This might not be the best time to admit that my endurance isn't really that good. But still, the concept of my imminent death is a remarkable stimulant to keep me going.


When we finally reach the safety of the wall, she stops and starts breathing heavily, motioning me to wait.

"Hayes....he..he....he..." she's out of breath, panting, ".... might be right."

"How?......." Is all I can reply since I'm beyond panting...still feeling the fear of imminent death.

"They seem attracted to the portal. I used my only gem to confuse them, but they will be back soon in greater numbers. They know that only us, the Kitsune, use those."

" now what?"

"You hide...somewhere....and I'll find a robe. I'll be back in a few minutes. I'll send guards your way, just make sure they can't see you."


"Em....good point. Just hide, okay?"

She waited for me to nod, then rushed towards the city's entrance, perhaps the only entrance in the entire wall.


At this point I decided to drop my backpack to facilitate my breathing, but only after taking out the radio. "Sentry, this is Merlin, over."

"Merlin, Sentry, standing by. Signal at 95%, over."

"Relay to Viking, over." That's Major Hayes' creative callsign. I chose to ignore the signal strength info for now.

"Standing by for a message to relay to Viking, over."

"Message reads....ambushed...2 Phantoms. We're safe right outside the city wall. Probably won't make it back to the portal often. Nanako used a one-time-use gem to scare them off, which might be worth investigating. Also, I can't approach the city looking human. She's fetching guards and a robe. Beware of Phantoms nearing the portal. End of relay message, over."

"Message received, relaying now. Standby, over."

"Roger, over."  


It's a good thing that I have a solar powered battery to recharge my radio. Something tells me I'm going to need it a lot today. I do have a spare one, but better keep it for emergencies only.


After five minutes, I received word back from Hayes through our Sentry.

"Merlin, this is Sentry, do you read, over?"

"Merlin here, signal loud and clear. Any word from Viking, over?"

"Relaying message from Viking. Message reads...understood, take cover. Next time, Bravo-unit will join you, despite protests. Confirm when safe inside. End of relayed message, over."

"Copy that, wilco, over."

"Roger, out."



"Can you please tell me what that babbling meant?" 

"Ahhhhh!!" Nanako is standing next to me, carrying a red robe. She startled me good, making me fall on my behind.

"Surprised? I could have been a Phantom. Didn't I ask you to hide?" She's grinning evilly.

I stand up and look at her while massaging my behind.
"Yeah......" I'm looking at my shoes. Why do I even feel guilty?

"So what was that about?"

"Yes, it means a unit...em.....our armed guards..soldiers...will join me next time. I told them we were almost safe."

Nanako is tired of waiting and simply puts the robe around me, and puts the hood over my head. She simply put it over my backpack, so I must look pretty weird with that hump on my back. She binds the robe together beneath my chin, and then takes my hand to pull me forward.

And so I followed Nanako towards the city, while wearing a robe and hiding my radio. I'm surely resembling a priestess by now. At least it hides the absence of my fluffy ears and ditto tail.

"Essie, now hurry. And regarding your soldiers....they can't! They are not allowed! It's too dangerous!"

"They are allowed now, Nanako. Things aren't safe here, and I don't have any experience shooting with that gun. It might work, or I might harm you...can't take the risk. We almost died back there! Besides, thost are Hayes' orders."

"I'll worry about that another day. We have arrived. The gem should stop smoking anytime now. This was too close for comfort, Essie."

"Thanks, Nanako."

She nods. "That's what we do, we help each other. Just like you saved me. You don't know these lands as I do, so it's only fair to help, right?"

She drags me inside the city and then stops, only to start grumbling. 
"Grr......this is not good. Where are my guards? I talked to them not even a few minutes ago!"

"Maybe something happened?" I said after which she simply shrugs, while still looking annoyed.

"Who knows. We'll be safe inside our city, and on the walkways between trees, it's the traveling that's dangerous. I'll ask if we can give you one of these gems. But they are very expensive.

Their price is what limits traveling outside our cities. But all our cities are interconnected like this one, otherwise we couldn't get anywhere. Only the path to the portal is in the open. Traveling in groups of 2 is considered safe, but as you can see...not always. That's why we want them gone. We're happy to have found an unexpected ally in humans."

"I think I'm starting to understand."

I see many people walking in the distance.

Suddenly my radio clicked. "" Nanako looked at me, telling me non-verbally to stop playing around. It's a quiet signal to get my attention. Not a bad idea when you need to hide from Phantoms.


I ignored her and pushed the send button a few times, telling them I'm ready to receive.

"Sentry, Merlin here."

"Merlin, the 2 Phantoms near the portal have been disabled, over."

"Copy that, good news, over."



"Finally! Essie, the guards have arrived!" She pointed at a group of medieval looking soldiers.

At this point I see the soldiers rushing out towards us. Soldiers wearing old-fashioned armor and carrying swords instead of rifles. No doubt about it....the cavalry has arrived, and in moments they have surrounded us.

It surprised me that I couldn't understand them, but then I remembered that Nanako learned English...somehow. They are speaking in a mysterious sounding language, and Nanako seems very pissed at one of them, even slapping him on the cheek. Pretty hard too. All of them are bowing to her...multiple times.

Only moments later do I see a carriage approaching our location. This thing could have been sitting at a museum somewhere, but I guess it's really their form of transportation. But instead of horses, a lizard-like beast is pulling the carriage. Suffice to say that I'm flabbergasted. It's like a dinosaur, just...smaller.

The carriage itself is glossy black, pretty compact and is about SUV-sized. A golden crest adorns the backside. It looks like a feather with a circle around it. The four wheels are made out of wood and the whole contraption just tells me that they haven't invented shock absorbers yet.

"Essie...get inside....please." Nanako says with urgency in her voice, probably because I have been staring at the carriage for a few moments.

When I look inside, I find nobody else seated there, so I climb aboard. Once Nanako joins me, after the carriage's doors are closed, I immediately and covertly take the radio and signal our friends. I whisper "Sentry, inside the city, over."

"Copy that, over."

"Roger, Merlin...out."



With a jolt, the carriage starts to move. 

"Wow.."  I could barely hang on, grabbing the interior walls to keep me from falling.

"Ha ha ha.....not used to this, are you?"

"No....I never travel in style...usually only in a Ford."

"What is that?" She tilts her head and looks confused, frowning too.

"Just an old car, nevermind. This is nice."

"Yes, it is. Enjoy the view, you won't be seeing much of this for a while. Perhaps a different robe will be better for you, but for now it works. Lucky for us the guards have those available for important guests, in the unlikely event when it rains. It should be pretty new by the looks of it."

"Thanks, Nanako. I trust you."

She smiled when I said that.


Our trip to the Palace would take at least five minutes, mainly because the guards outside needed to be able to keep up with the carriage. This unexpected delay allowed me to take a peek at the daily life of commoners around me.

When looking outside the carriage's window, I noticed something odd. Instead of finding a typical medieval scene, I basically see a forest. There are paths underneath the numerous big trees, and the lowest branches have been cut away to allow people to walk under them.

The paths are shielded by branches and dense foliage everywhere I look. You wouldn't be able to see the sun from any spot on the ground. Between all the trees I see narrow wooden bridges, or walkways, held together with many ropes. People seem to be living in structures around the trees, but also in single story homes on ground level. This is beyond isekai...this place is...mysterious

It wouldn't surprise me if I spotted an Elf somewhere around me, but I doubt they live here.

As we're traveling underneath the many walkways, I notice that this city appears clean, as far as medieval societies can be. Not that I have witnessed many of those, since I only have memories of anime shows to guide me. A part of the ground level is paved, but there doesn't seem to be a real road for traveling on. Instead everyone just walks and rides wherever they please.

The few low buildings around me are all made out of stone, and they seem built to last. Only the window shutters appear to have been made from wood. It makes one wonder....they do have window shutters, but not doors? This truly is a different world.

The clothing is what you'd expect from a society in this level of development, just like in the stories. Men are wearing pants or robes and many men have beards. Women are all wearing dresses, mostly combined with simple head scarfs. It's like watching a documentary, since these outfits could have been used on Earth back in the day. It's amazing really, to see so many similarities with Earth's history.

Some people are doing the laundry in the streets while people are selling goods right next to them. It's a bit disorderly, but I bet that there's always something interesting going on around here.

The people seem kind, working hard, yes, but their expressions seem kind. It's actually funny to see so many fluffy tails swaying about the place, and those ears are just begging to be scratched.


Suddenly Nanako pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Essie, we are approaching the Palace. They will ask you to remove the robe there...don't. I will keep you safe."

"As you wish."

"He he he."

"Why is that funny?"

"You are so polite. At least most of the time. Oh, that reminds me. When you are inside the Palace, I will bring you to your room. Everyone will be kept away from you, except for a few people. All of them are sworn to protect guests of the Royal Family."

"Royal Family...amazing. So you really have a real King and Queen here?"

"Of course we do. Don't you have those on Earth?"

"Well...we do....but mostly symbolic. They don't govern the lands, at least not anymore."

"Amazing." She's shaking her head, probably having difficulties believing that.

The carriage then rides over a drawbridge...everything exactly like an isekai scenario of a medieval world. I can't believe this is really happening. But there's no way back for me now.


The carriage finally stops with another jolt and someone dressed in fancy clothes offers his hand to help me exit the a very polite way. I already feel like a princess myself!

Because he speaks to me in their language, I can't reply at all. It's Nanako's job to keep me safe, and she does. For a moment she raises her voice again, and once more people seem afraid to displease her. Is she really so influential? Ah, of course! She must be the Royal advisor, like a Secretary of State...better not say anything now.

"Take my hand, Essie...I'll guide you to safety."

I can't resist looking up and then see that this Palace is taller than the treetops, making this a great landmark for people. It basically looks like a real castle, with defensive walls and all. If I remember correctly, Hayes told me that the Kitsune need to deal with Phantoms regularly, so it would make sense to keep things hidden below the treetops. But still....the Palace isn't exactly hidden.

We enter the Palace, but I can only look down, not more than taking an occasional glimpse of my surroundings. She guides me up the stone stairs....and more elevators here....that's pretty obvious. It feels like we're climbing the stairs in a circle, like a big stone spiral staircase.


Finally we seem to have arrived.

"You can remove your robe now." Nanako said with a reassuring voice.

I do as she asks and hear someone behind me taking a deep breath...probably from surprise.

"Shhhh..." Nanako tells them to remain silent.

That person is a woman, not much older than I am. Perhaps she thought I was like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, because I simply wore my robe over my backpack. For now I just ignore her, expecting Nanako to introduce me first.

Where I would expect a door, I only find a beaded curtain, giving me that 60s or 70s vibe. But these don't support a 1970s retro-look, but instead show a beautiful flower pattern....when hanging perfectly still.

She takes my hand and pulls me inside the room.

I quickly scan the room and feel comfortable already. Most things are recognizable, either by what I had expected to find, or by being similar to what we use back home.

First, you don't see the stone wall, the walls are covered in wooden panels. A small table and a chair with an opening in the back....ahhhh...that explains a lot. Those tails wouldn't fit comfortably in the chairs back home, so that's why she was petting her tail all the time.

A small vase with some blue flowers adorns the table and a few strange objects resembling pencils are lying there as well. No idea what they are for though. A painting with a golden frame shows some kind of serious looking noblewoman. Yeah......not for me, but I like how those furry ears make them look less intimidating somehow. There's no bed in here, but I don't see a sleeper either. The green carpet on the floor is nice. See? They have green stuff here as well....better not complain.


I gently drop the backpack on the floor and look at Nanako who appears to be amused.

"Well? What do you think?"

"It looks...nice..comfortable. Relaxing. I think I can get used to this."

"See? Told you you would like my world better!"

Em...I didn't say that!


She continues speaking to the other lady, and once more I don't understand a word of what they're saying.

The lady from before, who was surprised at my appearance, is dressed in a black maid's uniform with a short, white apron. She bows to Nanako and rushes down the stairs. Well, can't say they don't get their daily exercise around here.

"Essie. Do you trust me?" She asks.

"Sure I do, why ask?"

"Because Gina is fetching a potion for me right now. It will help you learn our language. Just drink it, enjoy the fruity taste and trust it to work."

"Eh...I don't know about that, Nanako." I feel a bit conflicted. Should I even drink the water from this place? Is it really safe? I mean....these are medieval folks. Do they have the plague thing going on around here? Never thought about that before.

"Then what are you going to do? Don't eat and drink while you're here?"

"'re right...I should trust you. You never lied to tell me what to do."

Again she smiles. "Thank you, I will. But you are not here to do my bidding. You are here to improve the relationship between our people."

"Yeah, I know that. But you also know what I meant."

"I do. Sorry, I couldn't resist teasing you. This is my home after all."

" live here as well?"

"Of course I do! But.....ah, Gina has returned already." Nanako steps aside to let Gina approach me.

Gina walks over to me, and I can see fear in her eyes. She stops and looks at my human ears, and the lack of fluffiness on top of my head. Her ears are constantly twitching and her tail is standing straight. She must be afraid of me...or terrified might be a better word.

"Gina." I said with a smile. "Giiiiina...Essie." I point at myself.

"Essie?" She said, very carefully.

I nod and smile. "Essie. Nice to meet you." I made sure to sound kind and anything but threatening.

She frowns and tilts her head, more than humans can. OMG it looked so cute, like a dog waiting for a cookie! Finally she bows to me and stretches her arms out to give me a flask.

I take it and study the thing for a moment. A glass flask, so that means they have mastered the art of glass craftsmanship already. A cork on top...I get it. The liquid itself is bright blue, but the bubbly stuff inside makes it resemble a soda.

I slowly remove the cork and look at Nanako, then at Gina. Both are nodding and gesturing to drink it. When I smell the liquid, I can really smell the fruity aroma.

"Glug...glug...glug..." Gina demonstrates what I'm supposed to do...and makes the sound as well. God, so cute. Thanks, but I'm not that dense.

"Okay, here goes nothing. If it doesn't was an honor, Nanako."

"What?! Of course it will work! This room will be yours. Once you have mastered our a day....maybe will be taken to his majesty."

" I a prisoner?" Did I miss something?

"What? No of course not! Let there be no misunderstanding. This is only for your safety. We.....I want you to be safe!"

I nod and take a sip at first. "'s cold and tastes like strawberry." And before I know it, my treat is already gone.


"Essie, ukana ma ha....wataname yutaniri havinala hee?" Nanako said something weird.

"Sorry, not making any sense." I replied.

"Gina...matava jihana mika re." She instructed Gina to do something, and nodded my way...then she left us alone.


Gina keeps talking non-stop in that weird language of theirs. What am I supposed to do? Do they really think that listening to her all day long will make me learn the language eventually? If so, then this is going to be a looooong mission.


After a few minutes, I felt a headache forming, so I sat down...on the green carpet, since I have no idea what is considered polite to sit on. Sure, the chairs might work, but they seem a bit uncomfortable. They don't even have cushions on them, just plain wood.

It's also dangerous to assume anything, those chairs might have even been reserved for someone important for all I know.

"Jatama ukana me, fanamira urani me heh." She's smiling and talking about god knows what, but she seems to enjoy telling it...with passion. Perhaps it's a story?

"Namahi, jana cavehi working menia kuhane."

Suddenly I interrupted Gina by raising my hand for a moment, standing on my feet again.
" just say....working?" I'm frowning, hoping she gets my question.

Her mouth is agape and she's blinking...
"working...yes...working....umani hena toho?"


I motion her to keep talking.
"Jena tehina working in matahira Palace mekana dahurani. Then I katamina hired to jihuma. But I'm still not married. So here I am blabbering to a wild stranger from goddess who knows what kind of weird world, gawking at my every word. Yes, yes, I can keep talking forever."

I kept motioning her to continue, even though I now seem to understand her words perfectly fine.

"The question is why this strange being is now my responsibility. Did I do something wrong? Am I being punished? It's really ugly, only some hair on top of her head. She has no ears, nor a tail. Can I trust her, goddess? I mean, is she at least a woman? Why does she keep staring at me like that? Is she hungry...does she want...oh my goddess.....she might want to eat me..but if I leave now....master will punish me. Goddess help me please."


"Yes? That is my name. Not very difficult, is it?" It sounded a bit sarcastic.

"No, pretty easy. Nice one too."

"I see. can....understand my words?" Suddenly her face turns red from embarrassment.

"Sure I can. Do you really think I'm ugly, and that I would eat you?"

She immediately bows to me and says "forgive me, stranger, I ...I...."

"Gina? Look at me."

She stands straight again, peering through her half closed eyelids, seemingly preparing herself to be flogged for being disrespectful.

"Gina...will you please relax? I am NOT going to harm you. For the love of god, what do you think I am? I don't have a tail, so what? Look at my's almost the same as yours. Look at my I really a mean beast?"

" are not. Please don't punish me."

"Gina...I would never. Always speak your mind...I will never punish you...ever."

"Thank you, your grace."

" me Essie. I'm a commoner."

" are?"

"Sure I am. Do I look like a noble to you?" I made sure to smile, showing her I was sincere.

Now a smile forms on her lips as well, and then she laughs really loud, covering her lips with her hand. "Ha ha do not. But you you are from a far away land."

"Well, I am of course. From a really, really far away land. I guess Nanako will get me other clothes soon."

"Don't speak her name like that! Oh, sorry....I should not say that."

"She told me that's how she wants me to call her."

"I see...then I won't mind."

"Gina...what is going on? How can I even understand you?"

"The potion you helps one learn a language. It usually takes three or four bottles...but you only needed one. But yes, some only need one, but it is quite rare for that to happen. It was a gift from his expensive gift."

"Yes...and one that he wishes to be used." A familiar voice behind us said.

We turn around and see that Nanako has returned. She's wearing a beautiful dress...or...more like a gown. "By the goddess, can understand us...after drinking only one bottle?"

"Wow....nice dress. But the same happened to you, right? One bottle only?"

She blushes a bit. 
"Thank you. Yes....true. But it took longer to work for me. Anyway....I wanted to let you rest until the potion would start to work....but now......I don't see why I shouldn't introduce you to the royal family right now."

"The....are you crazy, Nanako? Why would you do that? I'm here to help you."

"Ha ha will make sense soon, just follow me. I'll be there with you, you don't have to worry about making mistakes. You helped me, now allow me to help you."

"Wait, don't I need to change clothes or anything?"

"No, just be Essie. Let them see your sneaking shoes and your...Earth dress." She looked at my dress as if it were something really strange to wear.

"Sneakers....and at least let me clean them! There's mud all over them!"

"Allow me." Gina quickly made me sit down on the chair, then cleaned my shoes within a minute. 

"Thank you, Gina."

A warm smile tells me she likes the compliment. 
"You are welcome, Essie. I will sleep in the room next to yours. So if you need my assistance, know that I'm always near you. Just shout or use the whistle." She points at the table.

Ah....those are whistles? "Em.....sorry, I'm not going to use the whistle, you deserve more respect." She's not a dog!

Somehow I think she knows exactly what I meant, and bowed to me once more.


After putting my robe on once more, I nod and follow Nanako down the stairs while Gina holds the door-curtain open for us.

Halfway down the stairs Nanako says "Gina will be your maid while you remain in the Palace. She will see to your every need."

"My maid? Are you kidding?" My every need....okay....could be worse.

"No, it's.....required...a courtesy.......we know what we do, Essie."

"Okay....then thank you."

"You're most welcome. Please keep your robe on until I'll ask you to remove it. His Majesty is not seeing any other guests right now, so he will appreciate meeting you. The staff however should not see our special guest."

Why is she speaking so formally now?



While walking through the now narrow stone hallways, apparently heading for the throne room, I hear Nanako tell the guards to step aside and let me pass. I can't see much from this Palace's interior since I'm forced to hide my face by wearing this red robe. The robe Nanako gave me could easily be used as an additional blanket at's pretty warm to wear.

"Essie, meeting them is considered a great honor, which only few people are bestowed upon. It's an even rarer privilege for commoners to experience, so please understand what this means. Only speak when asked a question. You are strong minded, direct, like men are, but ladies in our Kingdom are usually more reserved. It's just the way things are. Please keep that in mind."

"Ah...I understand. I will try, as much as possible."

"That's all I ask from you. Now relax, you'll be just fine! The fact that you are the liaison from another world....makes you special. Please don't expect to see them frequently, it's against protocol. Even I don't get to see them that often."

", what is your job in the Palace then?"

"You'll see in a minute."

Okay....I'm not replying to that. Why not simply tell me now? She can't be a princess, because nobody in their right mind would have sent a princess to another world....right? Right? Riiiiight?


-comm.check: a check to confirm that the radio signal is still working, so people can contact each other when needed.
-call sign: a combination of letters/numbers which identify a military unit, used when exchanging messages by radio.