I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar landscape. There were trees as far as the eye could see and towering mountains with their peaks shrouded by white clouds. The air was fresher and richer than what I was used to, and I could feel a cold, rough sensation in my palms, which had considerably shrunken in size for some strange reason. I looked down to assess the mysterious object, only to find something that resembled a wooden branch.
Is this supposed to be a bow? I asked myself, ignoring the 101 other questions I had for my sanity's sake. I began to thoroughly inspect this "bow," if I could call it that, to distract myself from my dilemma. "No strings, huh? Makes it look like a boomerang," I muttered to myself. My voice was several pitches higher than usual, but again, I didn't want to dwell on that. How did I get here? I wondered, and as I recollected my thoughts, I started remembering all the events that led up to that moment.
I was a twenty-year-old college student. My parents were divorced, and I was the oldest of three siblings. We had to fend for ourselves, doing whatever it took to survive. Of course, I also remember doing some things I'm still not proud of, but I tried to be an upstanding citizen most of the time. Besides, my heart was in the right place, so I guess that counts in the grand scheme of things, right?
I had taken up a job at a nearby fast-food establishment to earn some extra money for that month. Although I hated the job with every fiber of my being, I needed all the money I could get for my rent, as I was already receiving threats from the landlord. So, I flipped burgers, mopped the floors, and dealt with annoying customers all day. That was the usual routine, yet that day was different.
I remember walking back to my miserable apartment after an exhausting day at work. I stopped at the traffic lights, and whether it was by fate, chance, or some old man upstairs, I happened to notice a hole in the sky. My eyes widened in shock, and I tried to alert everybody to the looming threat that towered above us, but it was like they had all gone deaf. Stranger still, they couldn't even see it, or me, for that matter. The next thing I knew, I was floating at ever-increasing speeds toward the hole. I tried to scream as it was sucking me in, but my voice would no longer come out. Then, I lost consciousness and woke up in this body.
As my situation dawned on me, I suddenly felt an urge to bawl my eyes out. Luckily, I managed to stop myself. What would crying solve anyway? I tried to be brave, but it wasn't working. All the signs pointed in one direction, a direction I was familiar with already from all the novels I read. I have been transported to another world, I thought, In a different body...
It was quite clear, really. My line of sight was much lower than it used to be. My hands were smaller. My voice was different, and I couldn't feel 'it' down there. At this last thought, I felt the tears bubbling up from inside, and this time, I didn't fight it. I mourned the death of my lil buddy that day as I set out to start exploring my immediate surroundings.
shockingly, the girl in the cover is actually the main character this time
What does this mean, can someone tell me about this?
@Try_1102099 its just that usually you see novels with cool girls in the cover, but they're usually just some side chick of the average-looking self insert male mc
@PancakesWitch average-looking self-insert male mc
@Kureous i see
@PancakesWitch Now i get it. Thx for the info
I hate when they do that, or, put female protagonist or female lead in the tags, but the primary character is a male, and the female is like the main female party member or love interest. The worst ones are the ones that dont even include a male lead or male protagonist tag alongside the female one
@masemunejm you immediately know its a harem when that happens, cute/sexy female in the cover with no sign of a male, but the description talks about "him" and "he" so you instantly can tell its about some self insert loser and not the cute girl
@PancakesWitch exactly. Its so hard to find female MCs by covers due to how prevalent that is
@Try_1102099 generally the girl on the cover is just another brainless harem member on isekai novels.
@PancakesWitch OMG You have no idea how mucht this pisses me off.
@Demerval sometimes the girl on the cover isnt even in the story, like MC can be described as red hair and blue eyes but the cover art can be red eyes with black hair and its like..... bruh, this isnt even the same person, open paintnet and recolor it at the very least
even worse if cover is like, a demon girl with horns but the story doesnt even have non-humans in it, like who??
@Nari Yeah this is just the art of clickbait covers