Chapter 29 I’ll be waiting for you, Honey.
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Finally, they each held the copies of the divorce decree at the Civil Records Office. Shanaya kept glancing at me with red teary eyes, as if she wanted to say something but couldn't due to her mother being on the call beside her. 

"Dear, let's go. There's a good news for you." After hanging up, she said to her.  

“Mom, you head to the parking lot. I'll be back in a minute.” She summoned her courage and told her mother. 

Kayla nodded and walked alongside Willow and Lancy. Victoria was at the parking lot, and she was so sad to see her son and daughter-in-law going their separate ways. She was lost in thought when Willow abruptly drew her aside and said, "Mom, what's wrong with you? You do not appear well. Finally, they got divorced.” She looked as happy as if she had won the $100 million lottery. Her heart hurt as she slapped her daughter hard after witnessing her happiness. 


She did not expect to receive a hard slap for expressing her concern to her mother. She was perplexed about why she slapped her. Bewildered, she inquired, "Mom, why did you slap me?" 

"Willow, I was at fault for spilling the beans to a snake. You are just like your father, who only knows how to stir up trouble, then disappear, leaving me to clean up the mess you both created.” 

"Mom, what are you saying? Instead of circling around the issue, could you not just get right to the point?” Saddened, she shrieked. 

“You still have the nerve to blabber again, huh? By driving a wedge between them, what did you stand to gain? I was aware that you had always felt inferior in comparison to Shanaya's beauty, but who gave you the authority to ruin their relationship? If it weren't for the fact that I was thinking of employing Ryan in our company, I would have skinned you alive, stupid lass.” 

Lancy hurriedly approached them, hoping to calm her sister's nerves. She then pulled Willow aside, who was already weeping quietly. "Sis, what's wrong with you? And why are you hitting her? I am aware that the reconciliation plan has failed. But you must understand that Ryan is no longer the same gullible child that he once was. You saw how rude he is to us, and you are still on his side?" 

"Lancy, are you both dumb, huh? Previously, I allowed you to approach Kayla for Ryan's sake, not for monetary gain or networking. But you, on the other hand, were unable to ease the relationship and ended up becoming a homewrecker twice. You know, I thought of placating Ryan through Shanaya so that he could forgive us on her account. Because Ley fears her, and if she puts good words on him, eventually someday he will surely let the bygones go. But what did you do? What did you do? You both broke my last straw. Now tell me, to whom should I approach and convince him? Stephanie, she'll kill me without batting her eyelids. You both are the dumb creatures after that asshole, Joseph.” 

"So, what should we do now? I didn't believe the situation would escalate to the point of divorce. Trust me sis, Ryan's recent remarks had infuriated me, that's why I lost my cool. You only tell me, from where did he get the audacity to confront his own wife and his mother-in-law?” Lancy sighed and asked after assessing the complexity of the problem. 

"He is David Ley's son. Remember, Ryan is a gullible and an honest guy, but when provoked, he can turn the tide. He's also backed by Stephanie Ley. There is no other way to approach Ryan, but I can't just let it go. I cannot afford to bear the heavy burden of my past deeds to my last day. Sigh, I guess I have to think for the time being." 

As all of this was going on, Shanaya approached me, wiping her tears and said bitterly, “You must be happy to gain your freedom now, right? It is said that when one breakthroughs the darkest of nights, the next day is filled with light that shines in all directions. You must be feeling light and warmth now that we are no longer together in some parts of your heart. You never seemed to believe me, but did you know that I truly did love you from the bottom of my heart? Furthermore, you simply assumed that I would treat you like a toy boy, just like Jessica did, but I never thought that way.”

“What's the use of saying those words when you couldn't even stand against them when I needed you? I apologize for being direct, but you are the one who consistently took their side. Tell me, have you ever let me take a deep breath at any point since the beginning? No, you were constantly plagued by fear that you would lose me. And ask yourself, have you ever been fair to me before? No, you always treated me like a lapdog by suppressing me. Still, I chose to endure those, because you saved me back from the clutches of Kelly. I'm grateful to the people who showed me kindness. You know, Shanaya, although I have always respected you and your family, what did you do just now? Disregarded Stephy on my face. That clearly indicates that you never respected me as your husband. I never had a motherly figure, in my life; yes, Miss Victoria was there, but for my father's wealth. Only Stephy stood by my side, despite herself becoming an orphan. She could've abandoned me, but she didn't. She is my everything, from mother to best friend, with one exception: Wife. To be honest, I never thought this relationship would work because no woman in this day and age would choose a poor man. Yet I thought of giving it a go, but day after day you just disappointed me with your overbearing attitude. At this age, women only like men in their flourishing moments but not on their tough days. Joseph, my nemesis attempted to kill me, but you kept quiet while I fought with those beings, remember? I didn't want you and your mother to be separated due me, but all I wanted was your Trust, which you couldn't even give me. Now say, what would you do if you were placed in my shoes?” 

“I know I was wrong, but you didn't understand my intentions. I stood against you, because I didn't want to lose you in the upcoming conflicts between you and Joseph. If you just went along with my plan, I would have offered his head to you no matter what. But you stayed on the tough side. Also, when didn't I trust you ? You fooled behind my back with Jessica, have you forgotten?Won't I be upset, or should I applaud you for successfully cheating on me. Yes, I agree that I was harsh at times, but I never treated you as a gigolo. And regarding your sister, I do respect her, but due to your infuriating remarks, I lost my rationality and uttered whatever came to my mouth. It's not that I hate her, and why should I, when I know she's your sister? But let me tell you, Mr. Ryan Ley the day you get a job, I will chase after you, because you're only mine. Keep it in your mind.” 

Hearing her threat, I was stunned as I refuted, “ What do you mean by chase after me?” 

“Haha. Let me remind you again that if you're thinking that you could just dump me after taking my precious thing, then it's a big NO. Don't consider me as your plaything. Also, I didn't refute my mom, when she mentioned the divorce because, indeed, you're just a student and can't earn now. So I just accepted it for a while, but that doesn't mean that I'll spare you forever. As you said, at this age, no one likes a man to live off a woman. Right, as everyone knows, men have huge inflated egos, and I, being your wife, can't bear to hear that my husband is living off a woman. Also, I'm not a gold-digging lady who leeches the money from my husband. If I were so, then I wouldn't have married you at first sight. So, I'm warning you, that the moment I learn that you are employed, that day you will take the initiative to come to me, and make a proposal to my mom for remarriage. And if I don't see the results, then prepare for the consequences.” She pointed her fingers and asserted. 

“Shanaya stop claiming yourself as my wife; we have been divorced. Also, as I said, I love women who have both a gentle and a domineering aspect. But what you lack is sheer amount of equity. Furthermore, why must I pursue you when there are so many fishes jumping in the water to be caught?” I shot back since we were no longer in a relationship. 

Shanaya gritted her teeth, as she warned me, "If you dare look at other chicks, then you'll regret not heeding my words. Remember, I'll be waiting for you, honey; don't disappoint me. Goodbye.” With that, she sat in her car, staring at me like a grim reaper, eagerly awaiting the judgment day. 

I shuddered and thought, 'Damn! She is still as domineering as she used to be. Sorry, Shanaya, you are flawless in every way, except for your irrational attitude, which really annoys me.'

Blue Rose Bay Community

I sat on the couch at Stephanie’s villa, contemplating the past events that had transpired. While I was pondering a suitable plan for Joseph, Stephy came over and sat down next to me, with some instant noodles. Then she gave me a prod and said, "Ley, you seem to be lost in thought? Is it because of Shanaya?" 

“Huh, um, no, no. It's not about her, but Joseph Smith.” 

"What about him? Ah, indeed, the incident almost slipped my mind. So first, take off your clothes and show me your wound.” She asserted. 

"But... but it's alright.” Because of my foolishness, I have a scar on my chest, and I was honestly afraid of what Stephy would think of it—not because she is the opposite gender. 

"Well, when did you start to ignore me, huh? Furthermore, why are you uncomfortable with me as your older sister? It was as though I had never seen you in your underwear. Have you forgotten that you used to play around in just your shorts when you used to get home after school?” Looking at me, she chuckled. And that made me smile as well. Indeed, when I was younger, I was a calm, happy boy who enjoyed playing without any worries. 

Upon removing my shirt, she discovered a roughly 3-cm dark reddish scar that was still healing. Stephy cast a quick glance at that, scowling. "Were you dumb, huh? "She yelled as she gently touched the scar. 

“Is it painful? Your stubbornness may have cost your life; then, what would I do? You know, back then, dad decreed me to protect you with my life, and you did this? Idiot.” 

Her eyes were full of tears, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. Taking her hand, I said, "Why worry, when you are by my side?" 

“If you ever do something imbecile, you will face grave consequences; mark my words.” She said this, giving me a glare and pinching my ears. 

"All right, I won't." I surrendered to her possessive nature. "Tell me the ins and outs of the situation," she then asked me. To which, I began to relate the entire story. As I was wrapping up, I noticed that Stephy was enraged, balling her hands into fists and swore, “Joseph Smith, you won't die so easily until I inflict the pain of hundred stabs, to torment you to the extent of begging your life every minutes." 

Stephy called Leona and said, "Leona, report to my villa right away. Also, bring Natasha along with you.” She then turned and winked, “Soon you'll get a surprise, but first let's deal with this asshole, by making a proper schedule.”