Chapter 38 Good and Evil cannot Coexist.
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“Surrender or Die!” She bellowed at the top of her lungs. 

"Ay, woman, you really ought to back off from this affair, for you have no business handling this mess. But let me warn you, that our boss has directed us to surround this station until she arrives.” The group's leader, Sam, approached her and spoke gravely. There was no trace of fear or respect in his eyes for Revati. Because he was aware that she was an honorable and committed woman who would not cower or submit to evil. 

"How dare you question my authority on my territory? I am Revati Hoffman, a morally-responsible police officer, and anyone who opposes won't end well. Still it's quite surprising to accept that you dared to cause havoc here without an ounce of fear, huh?" Revati stood there, fiddling with her service cap. 

“Haha. Is that so? Your territory? Everyone, look, this law-abiding woman is threatening us with her service cap. My, my, I am thoroughly disappointed in your methods of threatening because they have no weight. Furthermore, do you know why there is such a sense of peace and tranquility throughout this city? Do you really believe that Nivea City is free of violence and chaos because of you? Then it's a straight NO. I heard a few days ago that you are a woman of great intelligence; now I will give you a chance to rack your little brain and figure out who is behind the harmony and concord among millions of people who live here?" He then stepped aside and sat on the concrete wall, a cigarette dangling from his lips. 

Revati stood there perplexed, reflecting deeply, ‘Indeed. However, who has the power to alter both the city's structure and atmosphere? How could there be so few transgressions in the city? Strange, yet appealing. But who's behind the scenes?’

A black Range Rover Velar, drove into the police station and pulled up directly in front of Revati. ‘Who would be so indolent as to visit the police station?’ Revati wondered. But, the next moment, her jaw dropped as she observed a gorgeous lady stepping from the car as she placed her foot on the floor. Beside her were four guards clad in black, each holding an armed weapon. They were staring at Revati with an emotionless expression on their faces. 

Revati was astounded to see the sophisticated and stunning woman emerge from the car. Her dark cherry-red lips and goggles adorning her face like a she-devil sent to create chaos in the mortal realm. She looked stunningly gothic in her dark two-piece suit. Revati swallowed hard, as if her eyes were glued to her. She just could not take her eyes off of her, not because she has a different sexual orientation. As she was startled and curious, the woman approached her and cleared her throat, saying, "Well, I heard my man has been detained here due to being wrongfully accused. And I'm here to bail him out as well as file a complaint against the complainant.” 

"Pardon me?" Revati asked her as if she had been struck by lightning, because she had previously met with Natasha at Stephanie's villa, so how come another woman popped out of nowhere? As a result, she was vigilant when she asked, "May I ask how you are related to him? I have previously met with his wife, and you are clearly not his lawful wife." 

"Wife?" She smirked, and her eyes turned red with jealousy and hatred for Natasha. So she said coldly, "Wife, my foot! You are wrong; the woman you met earlier is just a bitch who is pursuing my ex-husband right now. Ever since our divorce, she has been pestering him to get his attention. Also, I am not here to answer your ridiculous questions, but to bail him out. Therefore, arrange the procedures immediately.” With that, she walked into the police station, leaving her no room to argue. A man representing her lawyer trailed closely behind her. Revati was dumbfounded, as she thought, 'My God, such dominance? Is she the one who deployed the mob to girdle the station here? How could she pull off such a stunt? Nevertheless, since it's my territory, I will demonstrate the law to you rather than the other way around.' Smirking, she dashed into the station. However, as soon as she entered, she began to cough violently because the air was thick with tobacco mist. She became enraged as soon as she turned to face the source and yelled, "Hey you, how dare you smoke here? Didn't you see the bold letters there?” She pointed to a board on the wall that read, "Smoking here is prohibited." 

“Who cares? Rules are made to be broken. Anyway, hurry up; I am running out of time. Zayn, shove the papers in her face." She addressed the lawyer standing behind her. The attorney going by Zayn was literally drenched in sweat and constantly kept wiping away his cold beads of sweat. Revati was furious because she thought this domineering woman was undermining her authority. Clearly, she didn't show any respect to her; therefore, she walked up to her and aimed her gun at her. “You are on my turf, my area, and you still dare to disrespect me? How dare you? Even though I thought Ryan Ley was a very sensible yet an introvert, it appears that he made a wise decision in divorcing you. Women like you should not marry an innocent and gullible man like him. Because you should die as a virgin, hmm." 

Revati was truly engulfed in fury, as she just couldn't stand Shanaya who would go against her. There were particularly two reasons: first, the former before her was parallel to Natasha and was way beyond her in terms of beauty. Second, she was much more dominant and controlling. Thus, she could not keep her cool as Shanaya's action hurt her pride. As a righteous officer, she could not tolerate atrocities on her turf, so she pointed her gun at her without hesitation. Furthermore, it goes against nature for good and evil to coexist. Instead of blowing her mind with the bullets, the only purpose was to intimidate her. Because if she, erroneously, pulled the trigger, that would only put her another stress, thus she was both cautious yet daring. 

What she was unaware, that Shanaya detested having a gun aimed at her. Her face grew frosty as the temperature in the room dropped because Revati chose to attack her at the most pivotal point: her love for the man and the traumatic divorce. Knowing that Ryan Ley was a taboo, the men behind her began to tremble with fear at that moment. They were aware that their boss wouldn't let him go, even after the divorce. As he was the apple eye to their boss, they immediately hung their heads low, terrified just by thinking about the bizarre consequences. Shanaya, on the other hand, had the most creepy smile they had ever seen. She smiled, yet her expression betrayed. That was the smile that disrupted the tranquility in Nivea City, as it only meant, “Face the Wrath of Shanaya Jonas.” 

She eyed Revati for a split second before waving her hand in the air. All of a sudden, Revati was surrounded by guns. Not to mention, they began to break the furnitures, surveillance, as they threatened, “Officer, put your gun down or we won't hesitate to pull the trigger.” 

“Gun down.” The room reverberated with a loud roar. From their eyes, they were trying to convey the message, ‘You damn woman, apologize to her or she would burn down the station. Don't you love your dear life? We implore you to put your ego aside and surrender, or we have to oblate ourselves to appease her bloodthirst wrath.’ With puppy eyes, some even pleaded by folding their hands, to make her realise the gravity of the situation. 

Revati was dumbstruck as she gazed at the men; she was confused by their gestures and requests. She never expected that the tables would be turned, and she was just a lamb in the face of wolves preying on her. By the time she could pull the trigger, she would lay on the floor, riddled with bullets. There was so much to experience in her life, such as being promoted to higher scale, marrying her love, having children, and so on, but how could she cherish those when her life was hanging by a thread because of this damn woman? As though incapable of handling this chaos, her brain went into hibernation mode, which she created by herself. Previously she didn't think rationally, but when faced with several high-tech guns pointing at her, indeed she felt a little scared. She was forced to make a compromise, something she had never done in her professional life. 

She slowly dropped her gun and placed it back in her holster. Despite her reluctance, she had no choice but to accept defeat. Her feelings of self-loathing spiked when thinking about it. In contrast, Shanaya smiled as she removed her goggles to reveal a pair of hazel blue eyes. She was ecstatic with the outcome as she wanted to trample on her dignity. As a result, she stated, "Well, I like those who obey my commands, you know? And I see, you are a woman with a brain." After a few rings of exhalation, she continued, "But I only give them one chance, and if they do not cherish it then I will have to wash my hands with blood, which I hate doing, but I am bound to, since it’s my occupation." 

She stood up and approached Revati, who was already terrified of her gaze: 'What gaze are those, there are no emotions.' Just as she was engaged in her train of thoughts, Shanaya stood before her as if she was looking down on an annoying fly. Revati stepped back and stammered, "Who... who are you? What are you trying to do? Keep in mind that this is a police station.”

Shanaya moved closer to her, whispering in her ear, "I know, you do not have to remind me. But let me warn you: one word against my love, and you'll meet your maker. In short, never judge my relationship. Ryan Ley is my man, my precious baby, so don't arrive at the conclusion when you are nothing, but an annoying pest.”

Threat! Blatant threat! 

Revati only nodded, not daring to look into her eyes. Subsequently, Shanaya murmured, "Also, are you into women? To be precise, are you a lesbian? Because your gaze is something peculiar from the ones who fear me.” 

“Huh? What…What are you saying? I… I am truly a straight woman, and I am into men. But why are you asking about my sexual orientation?" Her face flushed beetle red, a blush crept on her cheeks, and she felt embarrassed. Shanaya chuckled and said, "Well, I can see through your eyes. Or is it just a coincidence that you find me attractive? And if you are, then I'll refrain you from going further, because I'm not into women.” 

Revati was unable to comprehend anything Shanaya was saying to her. Because it wasn't like what she was being portrayed. Shanaya, on the other hand, mistook her gaze at the entrance for being leered at by this woman, giving her the impression that she was of another sexual orientation. Consequently, Revati chose to mum herself as she felt there was no need to elaborate the former's doubts, since explanation is quite troublesome. Would Shanaya believe her even if she persuaded her through all means? Negative. She won't, for the time being. 

Inside the interrogation room, Ryan on the other hand was surprised as faint noises were reaching to his ears as he muttered, “Why is the station being so noisy? Or did Nashy come to my rescue? Yes, that must be." As a result, he stepped outside the cabin and was taken aback by the commotion at the station. For he didn't expect there were men crowded in the station. It resembled a fish market more than a station. Men there were gossiping and some were playing games on the mobile. However, he failed to notice that they were devoid of firearms. Since Shanaya knew Ryan was being held a captive here, she was more vigilant in keeping her identity in check, as she was worried of getting exposed. Thus, prior to Ryan's arrival, she instructed her men to throw their weapons in their cars. 

Ryan was surprised to see a gothic woman talking to Revati with her back to him. When he approached them and coughed to attract their attention, they both looked at him. The unexpected presence of Shanaya at the station caught him off guard, causing him to freeze and become silent. Shanaya was on cloud nine as she scrutinized every inch of him. She gently cupped his face and asked, "Honey, are you all right? You know I was worried to death the moment I heard you were detained. Thus, I came here promptly to bail you out from this terrible cubicle.” She was genuinely behaving like a devout wife who was filled with nothing but joy upon witnessing her husband's well-being.

Taking a step back, Ryan cleared his throat and said, "Um, Shanaya, we are divorced. And you should refrain from entering my life. You know that your mom warned me not to pester you, right? Don't fret; my fiancée is on her way to rescue me. Anyway, thanks for stopping by." Revati was looking at both of them the entire time, filled with curiosity. How can a good-looking man be surrounded by ethereal women everywhere? But when she heard his statement, she inwardly blessed him because she had a grudge against Shanaya. Revati sneered, as she thought, ‘Hm, weren't you being haughty earlier? Now where's your pride? But unfortunately, your lover didn't give you a face. Serves you right.’

Shanaya experienced a wide range of emotions in those few seconds, including rage, hatred, jealousy, and obsession. Indeed, Shanaya has an obsession with Ryan; as a result, she grabbed his hand tightly and growled, "How could you disregard me simply because we are no longer together? I remember telling you not to get along with other women out there, right? Is it because you're getting bolder because of your sister, huh? Also, how could you be so cold towards me? Honey mark my words: just because we are temporarily divorced, you still belong to me and only me, understand?" 

“There you go wrong; for he is mine, not yours, Shanaya. Also, don't flock around my hubby.” When an assertive voice unexpectedly echoed from outside, everyone turned to face the source, and they gasped, "Another Ethereal Beauty."

Yes, it was none other than Natasha who walked into the station with a few of her comrades. Then she walked over and grabbed Ryan's waist, pulling him towards her and gently pecking his cheeks, "Baby, I am extremely sorry, but I went to settle the matter with your friend, Mina. Thus, I was a little late.” 

Provocation! Blatant Provocation!

Shanaya's rage drove her to the verge of explosion. As she couldn't fathom seeing her lover, being snatched right under her nose by a vixen. Thus, she yelled at her men, "Everyone out!" 

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