Chapter 1 Wife
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Never thought that someday I would be facing a brazen punishment with my hands tied and my abdomen chained with my head hung low. Blood dripped from the corner of my lips and there were fresh bites on my right neck. This meant that the craft had been performed just moments ago, as the blood was fresh and there was a strong, excruciating smell. The warehouse was dark, with only a small amount of light squeezing through the holes from the roof.

'Yes, I was kidnapped.' The first thought came to mind. 

The excruciating pain that was spreading throughout my body made me feel like I was on the verge of losing my life within seconds. Despite this, I bit my tongue to remain conscious. Through my blurred vision, I noticed a fading silhouette rummaging through a box nearby.

 I blinked my eyes slowly three times and finally managed to open them fully. I saw a woman, around 25 years old, dressed entirely in black, slowly approaching me with a box and a file. 

" Who are you?" I asked the woman, who sat a few meters away from me on a stool. 

" Your Wife" She threw back at me. 

Stunned, I asked further, " My wife?" I mean, what the hell? There were lots of questions but due to the severe pain and thirst I was experiencing, I couldn't pull out any longer. 

She handed me a glass of water and untied my hands. After quenching my thirst, slowly I felt a little better. At least, I can clearly see every particle around the corners. 

"Yes, I am now officially your wife," she nodded. She handed me the marriage certificate, and as I looked at it, I noticed my thumbprint instead of a signature. I was shocked and struggled to adapt to this new reality.

As I slowly raised my head, I saw her taking out a box of cigarettes and light one. She blew a few small smoke rings, which floated in my direction. Instinctively, I held my breath and lowered my head. She smirked at my reaction and flicked the cigarette into the ashtray.

She ran her burgundy wavy hair through her fingers, the sunlight catching on its glossy surface. Her skin had an Asian undertone, enhancing her attractiveness and her curvaceous figure. Her hips swayed as she walked towards me, her alluring backside capable of seducing any man. Moving up, she possessed a pair of D-cup breasts. Her hazel blue eyes and dark red lipstick completed her stunning appearance, making her look like a temptress straight out of hell. Finally, she caught my attention by snapping her fingers.

"I know you have many questions, but first let's treat your wounds." With that said, she took a cotton soaked with Dettol and applied it near my lips and on my wounds. 

"Why did you kidnap--" Before I could finish my sentence, she wrapped her fingers around my mouth and said, "Shush, keep quiet."

Her domineering aura startled me so much that I kept my mouth shut. After she finished bandaging me, she unlocked the chains, and finally, I was free.

"It's done. Now I'm ready for you to proceed with your interrogation, and I'll be cooperative," she stated casually, drying her hands on a towel.

"So, why did you marry me?" was the first question I asked her.

"Well, that's a long story, so let me give you a quick summary. One day, I went to Nivea beach to relax amidst my hectic schedule. Suddenly, I noticed some commotion, when a kind man rescued a woman who was drowning. Surprisingly, instead of being grateful, the woman turned out to be arrogant, accusing him of inappropriate behaviour. I considered helping the man deal with this snobbish woman, but then I overheard him saying, "I saved you not because of your looks, but out of humanity. So stop being hypocritical and if you don't appreciate it, I can simply throw you."

"His response left me shocked momentarily, but by the conclusion of the chaos, he had genuinely captured my heart. In that instant, my heart raced, imploring me to claim him as mine and keep him exclusively for myself. From that point forward, I acknowledged that he would be my husband and my true love. And that extraordinary man is none other than You." She said affectionately.

"Oh but, I believe there are numerous men who would be willing to financially support you. So, why did you opt for a mere postgraduate who possesses nothing?" Puzzled, I asked her.

Surmising my argument, she inhaled deeply and gently touched my cheek, expressing, "Hmm, you have a valid point. However, I don't desire a man with immense wealth, an imposing physique, or excessive ego. All I truly want is loyalty, generosity, and respect from my partner. Everything else, whether it's money or something equivalent, will naturally come in due time."

"But" I hesitated

"No buts, my love for you is unconditional and though I may have imposed my love by forcefully marrying you, which may be seen as my selfishness. However, my actions were driven by the sincere feelings within me. But one thing my dear, always bear in mind to never betray me under any circumstances. If I were to discover such an act, I apologise, but you will be confronted with grave repercussions." She hinted in a sweetly menacing manner.

"Trust me I'll give you everything that you desire but your only duty is to shoulder your responsibilities of being my husband. If you face darkness, I'll be there in a form of light. If you feel lonely, I'll cuddle you with my might." She gently patted my cheeks and stood up.

I timidly inquired, "And how would you like me to address you?"

In a commanding tone, she directed her words towards me, saying, "Only wife." After that, she pivoted and proceeded to move forward.

"Okay so-" before I could finish she interrupted me.

"Shush, no more words." She firmly grabbed my cheek and pushed me. I was so scared that I remained silent.

"Let's go home." She then forcefully dragged me towards the car and threw me into the co-passenger seat.

'It's a universal truth that when a man gets married, his life undergoes a profound transformation. However, I am perplexed as to why this woman, whom I am unfamiliar with, is so controlling?' I pondered and relied on my intuition to contemplate what actions I should take in the future when facing her.