Chapter 11 I’m an Orphan.
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Lancy was looking out at the sprawling city, her eyes filled with anxiety and a sense of guilt. Suddenly, her mobile phone rang and she quickly retrieved it, only to see that her sister was calling. Hastily, she answered the call.

“Sis, where are you?” She queried.

“I'm downstairs, just catching you up.” The woman replied.

“Okay, I'm arriving soon.”

After some contemplation, the woman responded, "No, simply inform me of your location, and I will make my way there."

She quickly responded, "Sure, meet me in my office on the eighth floor." After ending the call abruptly, Lancy returned to the window, muttering to herself.

‘Ley, despite your mother's faults, it's important for you to realise that she acted out of influence from your father. I hope you possess a strong sense of fairness and can distinguish between right and wrong.’

Knock Knock

Out of nowhere, there was a sudden knock at the door, prompting Lancy to quickly rise and greet her sister. As the door creaked open, two women entered the room - one youthful-looking on the left, and the other in her mid-forties on the right. The woman on the right had a veil covering her face, and her pair of dark brown eyes emitted a sense of aloofness. Her body resembled an hourglass, and her flowing hair cascaded onto her shoulder. She had F cup round busts and wore a stunning, form-fitting red dress that accentuated her captivating curves, making her appear incredibly beautiful.

“Have a seat sister.” Lancy gestured at the woman.

“Hmm. So how have you been?” The woman gave her a hug and sat down.

“Everything is fine sister. Willow, did you miss your aunt?” She asked her niece.

"Hi auntie, I've really missed you lately. My days have been so dull without you." Willow greeted her aunt in a playful tone. 

After a moment's reflection, the woman replied to Lancy, "Lancy, I have a limited two-week vacation so we must make the most of every opportunity during this brief period."

“Yes sis don't worry, I have made the arrangements.” She nodded.

The CEO of Ice Corporation is Victoria, but she prefers to keep a low profile, so not many people are aware of her position. Despite appointing Lancy as the acting CEO, Victoria is the one who runs the company behind the scenes. Victoria is a successful business tycoon, conducting all her operations discreetly while Lancy handles public management. The company's current value is estimated at 5 billion, and Victoria also oversees branches in other cities.

Afterward, Victoria faces her daughter and inquires, "Willow, I have something important to reveal to you that I've kept secret until now."

Willow was confused when she noticed her mom acting cryptically and asked, "What's going on,mom?"

Victoria rose from her seat and approached the window. Observing the city before her, she declared, "The moment has come to reunite with my beloved son."

“What?” Stunned Willow gasped.

“Yes, my dear, I have a son who is not biologically related to me, but he is my foster son. However, both he and I never considered each other as stepmother and stepson. When he was thirteen years old, he was incredibly adorable, shy, and always respectful towards me. I cherished him like a precious gem. Unfortunately, circumstances forced us to separate, and I ended up marrying your father and giving birth to you. From that point on, our paths never crossed again. Regrettably, due to my own selfish desires, I didn't make an effort to find him or even inquire about his well-being. I have no knowledge of his current situation or what he is doing. However, through a strange encounter with your aunt at the Jonas family, I have discovered his whereabouts.”

“But mom, why did you hide it from me?” Surprised, Willow asked her mother.

“That's because you were not mature enough. Actually, I didn't even tell your father. If I had informed him, he wouldn't have hesitated to throw a missile at him. He harbours a deep hatred towards him." She sighed.

“And, why mom?”

“Because of our own selfishness. Your dad and I have different views when it comes to fostering your brother. While I have love for him, your dad still holds a grudge.”

“Mom, what's the name of my brother?” Curious, she asked.

With a proud gleam in her eyes, she declared, "Ryan Ley, the son of the deceased David Ley."

Willow looked at her mom's feelings and exclaimed, "Ryan Ley, hmm. Mom I'm absolutely ecstatic to have a brother. Before, I used to experience constant boredom, but my situation has changed since I gained a brother from out of nowhere, hehe. Rest assured, Mom, I won't utter a single word to dad."

As Victoria gazed at her daughter's radiant smile, she couldn't help but let out a sigh of mixed emotions. She proceeded to express, "However, he has transformed completely. He now confidently pursues his own journey, unaffected by the opinions of others. I heard he now is like a lone wolf, observing his surroundings with both patience and a hunger in his eyes. I'm unsure if he will acknowledge you as his sister, but let's remain hopeful for a positive outcome.Tomorrow we shall set out early for his whereabouts.”

Jonas Villa.

After my recovery, I was brought back to the villa because staying at the ICU ward had become tedious. When Monday arrived, I had my classes starting at 8 am, so I quickly got out of bed and got ready. As I descended the stairs, Shanaya looked at me and inquired, "What are your plans for the day?”

“Wife, I had missed classes, so I now need to buck up.” I replied innocently.

"Are you alright? I mean, your wounds haven't completely healed, have they?" she asked worriedly.

‘Why are you so concerned for my well-being when you treat your own husband as if he were asubservient servant?' My bitter smile emerged as I contemplated her apparent care for me.

"I understand your concern, but there's really no need to worry, dear. This is just a small matter and it shouldn't bother you too much." I casually shrugged.

When she noticed my lack of interest, she frowned and got up. Subsequently, she came towards me, took hold of my shirt collar, and stared intently, demanding, "What do you mean by showing no concern for you?”

Smiling, I replied, “Wife, I'm being late, so please let me go.”

“Don't you think you are being too audacious before me, huh? And how dare you speak in such a tone with me? Ryan Ley, did you forget that I'm your Wife,” she shouted angrily.

“Sorry Wife, if I had hurt your pride.” I apologised, smirking.

“Hmm… Huh, how dare you talk to-?” Before she could finish her sentence I interrupted her.

“Wife, I'm running late. If I don't make it to my classes on time, I'll have to deal with the anger of my professors. We can argue when I return, alright? Bye." I quickly gave her a gentle push and dashed out.

With a sense of playful mischief, she murmured 'How dare you act so cockily before me? Since you refuse to defy your wife, I have no other option. For I am your ultimate wife and your queen. My poor honey, I have a big surprise for you today, so please come home early.' She couldn't help smirk at the direction I left.

Later, she ventured to a nearby store specialising in adult products. At this shop, she made some purchases including a collection of BDSM lingerie, a cock ring, and blindfolds. Afterward, she discreetly stowed these items in her cupboard.

'Today we will have a great time, sweetheart. I know you dislike that position, don't you? Well, I'll engage in that position to remind you that you should obey and respect your wife.Your arrogance, calls for me to assert my authority and discipline you accordingly.' She thought assertively

Ding Dong

Out of nowhere, the doorbell chimed and the maid swiftly answered the door, only to find three women waiting on the other side. Taken aback, the maid inquired, "Excuse me, but may I ask who you are?”

Lancy stepped forward and proclaimed, "Hi, I'm Lancy. Please inform your ma'am that I have arrived to see her.”

The maid nodded and went upstairs to inform Shanaya, who was currently looking at her new belongings. She got distracted by the knock on the door.

“Come in.” She ordered.

"Madam, there are certain visitors inquiring to see you, including Miss Lancy," responded the courteous maid.

"Aunt Lancy? Okay, I'll be there shortly," she dismissed her.

Afterward, she grabbed her cellphone and proceeded to send a text that read, “Honey, remember to purchase a box of chocolate-flavoured condoms, without fail on your way home.”

Meanwhile, Victoria stood in the hall, scrutinising every detail of the villa. She then approached a photograph of Shanaya and Ryan strolling along the beach. Even though she had never met him past these years, her curiosity grew. Meanwhile, Lancy and Willow settled themselves on the couch, patiently waiting for Shanaya.

Tap Tap

Suddenly, sounds came from the staircase, catching their attention. As they turned their heads, they were met by the sight of a stunning gothic woman making her way up the stairs. She resembled a devilish creature from the depths of hell and her presence outshone the beauty of

Willow and Lancy. While Lancy couldn't help feeling envious, she still managed to force a smile. However, Willow's jealousy was palpable. Victoria, on the other hand, was slightly taken aback but managed to put on a sweet smile upon seeing her daughter-in-law.

“Aunt Lancy, how have you been?” Shanaya hugged Lancy warmly.

"Dear, there's nothing to worry about. Let me introduce you to my sister Victoria and my niece Willow," she said, presenting them to her.

"Good day, Aunt and Willow. Kindly take a seat," she politely greeted, proceeding to instruct the maid to prepare some refreshments.

“Yes aunt Lancy, how may I help you?”

“Well, Shanaya, where's Ryan, is he not home?” Lancy probed her.

“No aunt, he left to go to his classes. You're aware of how dedicated he is when it comes to his studies hehe.” Shanaya giggled

"Oh, now that he's not around, let's get straight to the point. In fact, we came here to talk about something concerning Ley," she said with some caution.

“Hmm?” Shanaya frowned upon listening to her remarks as she is very sensitive to any information regarding her husband. Seeing Shanaya's frown, Victoria couldn't help but a smile crept on her face. As she heard about Shanaya's possessiveness towards her son from Lancy.

“Actually, Victoria is Ley's mother and she came here to meet him.” Lancy took a deep breath and said calmly.

“What? But I heard he lost-” Shanaya gasped while looking at Victoria.

"Who claimed that she is my mom?" Just as Shanaya was about to complete her sentence, an angry voice resounded from outside. 

When the sound caught everyone's attention, they witnessed a casually dressed man strolling into the living room. This man possessed attractive facial features and a strong physique, as he nonchalantly held his backpack with one hand and kept the other tucked inside his pants pocket. He had a grim expression when he looked at Lancy. 

Then I turned to Shanaya and said, “I lost my mother during my birth."

I glared at Victoria and confessed, "And I'm an orphan."