34 Tobi’s Consequences
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The Majority agreed on the new setup of two Mangekyou Abilities. I post on four different sites. Two vocal disagreements in WN. One vocal agreement in SB. One vocal agreement in WN. Two hyped comments in chapter 33 in FF which doesn't really specify if they liked the new setup, but I mentioned it anyway. Lots of positive reactions to SH, seems they are ok with it. So I guess, we are going to roll with it now. There is no going back, fellas!!

As Obito plummets from the Hokage Rock, the world blurs around him. In that brief moment of unconsciousness, a jolt of realization strikes him like lightning. His memories of the split personality flood back into his mind, crashing against his consciousness with the force of a tidal wave. When he blinks open his eyes, the realization hits him again, sharper this time. He's still suspended in mid-air, falling with alarming speed.

“Tobi, that f-ing idiot…”

Panic surges through him as he attempts to activate his Sharingan, but it remains dormant, unresponsive. It must be on cooldown, he realizes frantically that this might be related to Tobi somehow. With desperation gripping his chest, Obito employs the Body Flicker Technique, kicking at the air in a futile attempt to alter his trajectory. The ground rushes up to meet him, unforgiving concrete looming closer with each passing moment.

Finally, he lands with a bone-jarring impact, the force knocking the wind out of him. He lies sprawled on the ground, limbs splayed in a tangled mess. "Tobi!" he calls out, his voice strained with urgency, but there's no response. His split personality remains elusive, refusing to manifest when he needs it most.

A sense of defeat washes over Obito as darkness edges into his vision. With one final effort, Obito reaches out, his fingers curling in desperation. But it's too late. Consciousness slips away, and he succumbs to the void, his world fading into blackness once more.

Broken bones, and torn muscles… they hurt like a bitch.




Obito opens his eyes, seeing the familiar white ceiling. He understands immediately that he is in the hospital. Rin’s voice calls to him. She holds Obito’s hands with a worried look in her eyes.

"Obito, you're awake!"

Kakashi spats vindictively beside Rin, "Of course, he is awake."

Rin tells Kakashi, "Don't be like that."

Obito struggles to sit up, wincing at the pain shooting through his body. "Rin, Kakashi... what happened?" His voice is hoarse, barely a whisper.

Rin's eyes fill with relief. "You fell from the Hokage Rock, that’s what I hear. Thankfully, the nearby police patrols saw you, or else you might have died from your injuries, broken bones, several— three ribs, and both of your limbs. If you didn’t die from the shock, you could have died from your rib piercing your lung. You've been unconscious for days!"

Kakashi chimes in, his tone sharp, "You almost got yourself killed, Obito."

Obito winces, guilt and frustration intertwining within him. "I... I don't remember much. Tobi... he..."

Kakashi interrupts, his voice cold, "Tobi? Who is that? You need to get it together."

Rin interjects, her voice is soft but firm, "Kakashi, enough. Obito needs rest and support right now, not criticism."

Obito nods weakly, feeling a wave of gratitude towards Rin. "Thank you, Rin."

Rin gives him a gentle smile, squeezing his hand reassuringly. "You're welcome, Obito. Just focus on getting better."

Kakashi sighs, relenting slightly. "Fine. But don't think this means I'm going to go easy on you next time."

Obito manages a small smile, despite the pain coursing through his body. "Wouldn't expect anything less, Kakashi. But thank you too…"

As Rin and Kakashi continue to fuss over him, Obito's mind races with fragments of memories, and the looming specter of Tobi. He knows he needs to confront his past, or in this case, his future.

Though Obito knows that there is something wrong with him, he has always procrastinated on confronting it. He reminds himself that he should never talk about his ‘split personality’ with his friends. Last night has been brutal… and as Obito examines his memories, he only becomes more and more convinced that ‘Tobi’ is more than meets the eye.

Transmuting the Sharingan of another into his own eyes to forcibly create an Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan regardless of prerequisites is unrealistically impossible already. But more than that, the fact alone that Tobi can use a second Mangekyou Ability is enough to make Obito spiral into paranoia.

Noticing his quiet, Rin calls to him. “Are you alright, Obito?”

“Huh?” Obito has droned off so much that he lost his friends in their conversation. “What is it?”

Kakashi replies, “If we should go to Minato-sensei’s house.”

“Why?” Obito frowns, and there is no helping him at all as he is out of it.

Rin sighs and scolds Obito for not listening. "Obito, we were just discussing going to Minato-sensei’s house," she says with a hint of exasperation.

Kakashi supplements, "Because Minato-sensei is currently under house arrest."

Obito's brows furrow in confusion. "House arrest? Why?"

Kakashi rolls his eyes. "I give up on explaining anything to you. Your attention span is less than a goldfish."

Obito bristles at the comment. "Save it, Kakashi. You're just being a sourpuss because you lost to me in the Showdown Test. Sissy."

Rin breaks off the bickering duo, her expression worried as she looks at Obito. "Guys, let's not argue. Obito, are you truly okay?"

Obito takes a deep breath, his frustration simmering beneath the surface. "Yeah, sorry. I'm just... a little out of it."

Rin's eyes soften with sympathy. "It's okay, Obito. We're here for you."

Obito tries to shift the subject. "How's my grandma? Is she okay?"

Rin and Kakashi fall silent, exchanging a glance that Obito doesn't miss.

"What's wrong?" he presses, a knot of dread forming in his stomach.

Rin takes a deep breath, her voice gentle but solemn. "Obito, your grandma... she's passed away."

Obito's heart drops like a stone. "What?" His voice is barely a whisper, disbelief coursing through him.

It is real and it seems Tobi did kill his grandma… or in this case, killed Madara who has been pretending as his grandma. Obito doesn’t know what to feel anymore. On one hand, he is thankful to Tobi for saving him from being trapped in a Tsukuyomi. On the other hand, Obito is annoyed by Tobi taking full control for a moment and going so far as to exterminate a whole clan while Obito is suppressed.

Obito feels his stomach turn as he recalls the memory of Tobi single-handedly slaughtering the Shimura Clan. After he has incapacitated the Shimura Clan Jonins, what did he do next? His eyes narrow down, focusing on particular snippets of memory. His eyes tremble in fear and self-disgust as memories of him killing babies, children, and the elderly rewind in his mind. Obito feels like puking, but he resists.

“Obito!” Rin comes to him, offering her hand to rub at his back.

“I am fine,” Obito has seen worse from the shared memories he has with Tobi in the alternate future. “Don’t worry about me, Rin. I am fine…”

If it is to some consolation, Itachi from the distant future has also massacred a whole clan, and worse, it is Itachi’s whole family… Unfortunately, the thought of it did not console Obito.

Reviewing the events of last night, Obito realizes Tobi has been very careful in hiding his tracks… In fact, Tobi has done a great deal to induce a picture of ‘Minato Namikaze’ who has slaughtered the entire Shimura Clan.

What the fuck, Tobi? Did the fucking abomination just frame his Minato-sensei?

“Just a random ask, what is the reason for Minato-sensei being on house arrest?” Obito feels his dry throat and realizes he is having a hard time talking.

Rin helps Obito with a cup of water, noticing his dry throat and his difficulty in talking. "Here, Obito, drink some water," she says gently, holding the cup to his lips.

Obito takes a few sips, grateful for the relief it brings to his parched throat. "Thanks, Rin," he murmurs, his voice still strained.

Kakashi takes a deep breath before explaining, "The Konoha Military Police Force is prosecuting Minato Namikaze for the familicide of the Shimura Clan."

Obito's eyes widen in shock. "Minato-sensei? But that's... that's impossible," he stammers, disbelief evident in his voice. Of course, it is impossible. It is ‘Tobi’ who did it after all.

Before Kakashi can respond, someone in a police uniform approaches them. The officer has white hair combed strangely, the hair accumulating and pointing in the front. It's a peculiar sight, and Obito can't help but stare for a moment before focusing on the officer's face.

The officer's expression is stern as he addresses them. "I'm here to speak with Obito Uchiha regarding the incident at Hokage Rock."

Obito's heart sinks at the reminder of his fall. He nods, steeling himself for whatever questions or consequences may come. "That's me," he replies, his voice steady despite the turmoil within him.

Kakashi and Rin look at each other, thinking about whether to leave or not.

Obito quickly chirps in, “I’d like them to be with me if it is possible.”

The officer gestures for them to follow him to a quieter corner of the hospital room, away from the bustling activity. Once they're out of earshot of other patients and medical staff, he speaks again. "I need to ask you a few questions about what happened."

Kakashi and Rin stand side by side of the recovering Obito who is still wearing a patient’s gown.

“So, first, let me give you my name,” with a fake cough to clear his throat, the ninja then introduces himself. “My name is Yashiro Uchiha from the Konoha Military Police Force.”

Obito nods, bracing himself for the interrogation. He knows he needs to be careful with his words, especially considering the delicate situation with Minato-sensei's arrest and the suspicions surrounding him. If Obito doesn’t know any better, he is almost certain at this point that ‘Tobi’ is trying to get him killed.

The officer starts with the basics, asking for Obito's account of the events leading up to his fall from the Hokage Rock. Obito recounts the moments as best as he can remember, trying to piece together the fragmented memories in his mind.

Yashiro listens intently, occasionally jotting down notes, as Obito recounts the events leading up to his fall from the Hokage Rock. His expression remains stern and focused, occasionally nodding as Obito speaks. Once Obito finishes his story, Yashiro takes a moment to collect his thoughts before speaking.

"So let me get this straight," Yashiro begins, his tone serious. "You were planning to blow off the nose of the Second Hokage Tobirama Senju, and in the process, you accidentally slipped and fell, is that correct?"

Obito shifts uncomfortably under Yashiro's scrutiny, feeling the weight of the officer's gaze bearing down on him. "Um, well, yeah," he replies hesitantly. "I was... thinking of using Explosive Tags combined with a Fire Release technique..." Though they are all a lie, at the back of his mind, Obito admits that he is honestly entertaining such thoughts… sometimes.

Yashiro sighs exasperatedly, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Obito, do you realize the severity of what you were planning to do? Attacking a Hokage, even in jest, is a serious offense. And endangering yourself in such a reckless manner is equally concerning. No, no, no… This here can be counted as attempted terrorism. Do you think we can let you go with this one as simply a prank misdemeanor or something? No! Fuck no!"

Obito's cheeks flush with embarrassment as he realizes the gravity of his actions. "I... I know, Yashiro-san. It was stupid of me. I wasn't thinking clearly. But come on, I just kicked everyone’s ass in the Showdown Test… I kind of want to celebrate with explosions. Don’t you know? Explosion is art!"

Yashiro's expression softens slightly, though his tone remains firm. "You're lucky to be alive, Obito. Falling from the Hokage Rock could have easily resulted in far worse injuries or even death. I hope you understand the consequences of your actions and will think twice before attempting something so foolish again."

Obito nods earnestly, a sense of guilt weighing heavily on him. "I... I do, Yashiro-san. I'm sorry for causing trouble and for putting myself in danger."

Yashiro gives him a nod of acknowledgment. "Good. I'll make sure to include your testimony in my report. But remember, Obito, your actions have consequences, not just for yourself but for those around you as well."

Obito bows his head in understanding, silently resolving to be more cautious in the future. "Thank you, Yashiro-san. I'll keep that in mind."

With the interrogation concluded, Yashiro nods to Obito before turning to leave the room. "Take care of yourself, Obito. And try not to get into any more trouble."

As Yashiro exits the room, Obito lets out a heavy sigh, feeling a mix of relief and remorse wash over him. He knows he's lucky to have survived the fall, but he also realizes the need to be more mindful of his actions moving forward… and also to be extra careful of Tobi.

Kakashi raises an eyebrow incredulously. "Blow the 2nd Hokage’s nose?"

Rin's expression shifts to one of disbelief. "That’s wrong… in so many ways."

Obito's cheeks flush with embarrassment as he stammers out an explanation. "I know, I am sorry, okay? It seemed funny to me at first. It is not my fault I want to blow him! It is not like I want to, but some part of me just feels like to!" He finishes with a nervous chuckle, hoping to diffuse the tension with a touch of humor, though the crimson hue on his cheeks betrays his embarrassment.

It is a weak excuse in actuality, but because it is 'Obito' who is saying it, it is most likely that he is not lying.

Kakashi shakes his head, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips despite his attempts to maintain a stern facade. "You never fail to surprise us, Obito." It is weird how Obito can picture Kakashi smiling despite the mask.

Rin shoots Obito a sympathetic glance before turning to Kakashi. "But let's focus on what's important now. We should go visit Minato-sensei. He needs our support, especially given the circumstances."

Obito nods in agreement, grateful for the change of subject. "Yeah, you're right. Let's go see Minato-sensei… I need to get discharged…" And for him to go see his grandma for one last time. He doesn’t know what to feel exactly as he is reminded by his ‘Grandma Madara’ again, and the fight last night.

Tobi just made Darth Vader proud.