12 – Cool down
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The alchemist’s eyes fluttered open. As an insulting smell invaded her nostrils she immediately moved to crack a window. She got up quickly realising that she was not in fact on her bed. Finally she clocked the mess of sleeping bodies littered all over her shop floor.

Finally, she recalled what had transpired. She looked around feverishly for the dog that had sent her shop into chaotic disarray. He finally saw him, he was tucked alongside and short dark-skinned girl and Hayune. She had only managed one session with the dog and therefore she had the most recovery time hence the first to wake up.

She put her haughty attitude aside as she began to worry about the women who took part. Were they hydrated enough? What about pregnancy worries? She quickly began filling up glasses of water and rousing the participants one at a time. She intended to send them home for a proper rest.

The alchemist had cleverly sprinkled some powder that nullified the chance of pregnancy into the water so as long as everyone had a drink, there was no reason for anyone to be worried.

As the women were slowly woken up, they sipped the water and looked at the beast-kin. He’d sufficiently cemented himself as someone who would go down in history amongst the women of the city.

Eventually she came round to waking the warrior woman. She had by far received the most action and was sleeping heavily. She required another adventurer to give her a reasonably violent shake in order to wake her up.

She could hardly believe the scene in front of her. It was like a war camp of recovering soldiers, they were all sitting around receiving glasses of water from the busy alchemist, talking in quiet voices about their experience.

She looked around for the doggy that had caused it all. She finally found him nestled on the floor. She looked at his handsome face first, a rosy blush and a sultry smile donned her face. In her peripheral vision she noticed something. Her eyes drifted downwards before she inhaled sharply. She drew a few looks which eventually figured out what she was looking at.

Puppy’s dick was hard again. The women all looked at him in disbelief. There was more talking, a few laughs and others who could only look silently at his object.

Puppy slowly woke up, he was instantly overwhelmed by the smells and covered his nose. He looked around quickly to figure out the situation only to find dozens of eyes staring at him.

He hurriedly woke up Hayune and Arivarea who were significantly better in these sorts of situations than he was. He noticed his standing member and looked around to see most of the women with raised eyebrows.

“It’s just what happens to men in the mornings…” he said shyly as he shook the only two people still sleeping. Arivarea and Hayune woke at much the same time Arivarea kissed Puppy greedily, still unaware of their surroundings. Hayune on the other hand was quick to get her bearings. She could also feel her little wet arsehole still leaking a little bit of cum. It hadn’t been all that long since their session had stopped.

The alchemist brought them water which startled Arivarea into full recognition.

“Oh wow,” she said as she looked around the room. “Is everyone alright?” she asked. There were nods all around and a few vocal confirmations. She looked at Puppy for an answer too.

“I’m fine…” he said hesitantly. He felt very odd surrounded by women he’d just had a very intense orgy with.

Arivarea looked around again. “Thank you for the help everyone, as you can tell, we needed it,” as she said this she looked at the alchemist in a prideful manner. She had hoped it would go this way as soon as the alchemist had insulted Puppy’s bedroom abilities.

She continued. “If anyone has anything they want to say feel free to do so but otherwise, I will organise payouts at the Guild first then each of the brothels after, I just…” she smelled herself and grimaced. “Need a wash first,” she said with a laugh. Many felt the same way and eventually women began to file out after getting reasonably dressed.

Finally there were only a few left. The alchemist as it was her shop, Arivarea, Puppy and Hayune. However, there was also one more. The warrior woman, the one that had managed the impossible and fully consumed Puppy’s shaft.

Arivarea had not witnessed this herself but as the warrior woman stood to her full height, she began to see how she managed it. She stood at least two heads taller than even Puppy.

“Hello,” she said quietly.

Puppy stood up, he remembered this woman well. He especially remembered just how incredible she was. “Good to meet you,” he said as he held out his hand. Neither of them were fully clothed. They had only thrown on the bare minimum.

The others watched this exchange in bewilderment. How could two people who had just ravenously fucked the whole night have such a tame and gentle greeting.

The two stared at each other for a while, upon realising that neither of them were confident enough to talk to one another, Arivarea interjected.

“Name’s are always a good start,” she said as she elbowed Puppy lightly.

“Right,” he said, still shaking her hand. “I’m Puppy,” he stated simply.

“I’m Thistle,” she said in reply. She was severely shy and it had taken all she was capable of to stick around.

Arivarea, seeing this was going nowhere decided to carry this forward a little. Clearly they both liked each other and she was somewhat a fan of her low-key, shy personality. It greatly contrasted her own. Not to mention she was quite a physically unique addition to their future harem.

“Thistle, if you want… You could spend some time with us today?” she asked. Thistle only blushed harder and nodded. Finally Puppy let her hand go.

“I’d like that too,” he said.

“Glad that’s sorted,” continued Arivarea. She could see the alchemist was dying for them to leave so that she could clean her shop. “How much do we owe you?” Arivarea asked the alchemist. She sighed and shook her head with only a little bit of hesitation.

“Nothing, it was my lack of professionalism that caused this debacle so we’ll just leave it at that,” she said. She was not mentioning that she considered the mind blowing shag she received as payment enough.

“If you say so, thanks for the hospitality Ms. Alchemist,” the alchemist just shrugged weakly.

“It was my pleasure…” she said. “Out of curiosity, what was it that you came here for?” she asked, unable to hold back the question anymore.

“You want to know?” asked Arivarea. The alchemist nodded intensely. Arivarea approached her and whispered something in her ear. Hayune, thistle and Poppy were completely out of earshot. They watched the alchemist nod her head and finally sigh understandingly.

“Do you still want it?” she asked Arivarea.

“Actually, I think I’ll leave it how it is for now. Thank you,” she smiled as they walked out the building. There was a small crowd of only a few people that had witnessed dozens of women exit the alchemist's shop and were wondering what exactly happened in there.

After agreeing to meet up again at the guild they each departed, Puppy and Arivarea made their way back to the inn.

“Well, that was quite something,” said Arivarea.

“Indeed, I’m sorry you had to see me like that,” said Puppy a little shamefully. He had no intention of going so wild and considering his relationship with Arivarea was still so new, he was not sure how she would feel about what they’d just taken part in.

“Sorry? What for? I felt like I just got a glimpse into the future of our harem life. Isn’t it exciting, I can’t wait for it. Looks like I need to start stepping up my seducing game if we’re going to get enough women to keep you satisfied,” she said with a laugh. Puppy was left a little in awe but eventually took it in his stride.

“I wonder if Thistle would like to join. Would you be alright with that?” he asked.

“Alright with it? Puppy you are surely saying some silly things today. You saw her, she’s magnificent. A tall busty beauty that can handle everything you throw at her, undoubtedly a tank on the frontline of battle and in the bedroom. I’m insulted you even asked.” Puppy was left a little stunned but regained his composure.

He’d been put in a bit of a sensitive position and was unsure of how everyone would react to his nature being exposed but, he stood a little taller after Arivarea shared her mindset.

“You’re right. I’m being silly,” he said with a shake of his head. “I wonder how much all of that is going to cost…” he said. Finally Arivarea stopped in her tracks. She clasped her hands to her head and rubbed her scalp furiously.

“We finally made some money and we spent it all in one night!”

“I think the next orgy will have to be a little more cost effective, don’t you agree,” said Puppy. His smile had fully returned. Arivarea only whimpered in agreement.

They met Hayune and Thistle at the guild a little later. Thistle was dressed in large plate armour, a humongous shield almost the size of Arivarea was attached to her back and a one handed sword hung from her belt. She was chatting with Hayune who was dressed in her usual guild guide attire.

“You are rather over equipped for a drink, don’t you think?” laughed Arivarea as they approached.

Thistle became shy all of a sudden and panicked. “Oh!” she exclaimed softly. “Is that what we’re doing, I just thought…” Arivarea, seeing that she had made her uncomfortable approached her and patted her on the back. This turned out to be quite difficult to do considering the woman’s height, Arivarea had to stand on tippy toes so that she didn’t smack her arse accidently.

“Don’t fret, I was just joking,” she said hurriedly. “I definitely need a stretch after last night,” she smiled. Thistle was especially weak to her tease and looked down, only a tiny nod showed she agreed.

“I’m afraid I’ve been hired today,” interjected Hayune. “So I can’t join you. I’ll recommend someone good.”

“Sure, thanks,” said Arivarea before walking to the quest board to choose what they’d be doing that day.

“I need to get out…” said Puppy suddenly.

“Get out?”

“Of the city,” he specified. “Just for a bit, so can we choose one that takes us out?”

They began to search for quests that met the parameters set by Puppy. They settled on a rather simple sounding quest. Arivarea read it out to the other two with glee when she found it.

“Liberate the dew baths!” she said with excitement. She was pointing excitedly at the pools of water surrounded by mountains drawn onto the quest paper.

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