13- Training Begins
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                The following morning after their introductions Velle was up and moving first. She had already planned out the days activities when she saw the second person to arouse- Alicia. Followed shortly by Pat who seemed insistent that Alicia needed to answer some questions that Alicia couldn’t answer. Velle had taken the quiet of the morning to create a fourth building: a kitchen and eating area. The two early risers walked over to it and sat down without even realizing it was new. Velle brought them both food, and they continued their conversation as if this was all normal. It wasn’t until Velle sat down next to them that either was aware of the change. “Hey Velle, aren’t you getting breakfast?”

                Velle shook her head. “I already ate, I’ve been up for a while. I even had time to make a new building.” She smiled.

                The other two suddenly looked around. “Wait, when did this get here? It wasn’t here yesterday.” Said Pat.

                Velle laughed. “Yeah, I built it when I got up because I realized they only had spaces for training- whatever this place was, food was an afterthought. I fixed that though. I was actually surprised you came in here, I guess humans really are very adaptable.” She seemed pleased.

                They heard the siblings swearing up a storm loudly outside. Apparently, they noticed they were the last ones up and had gone looking for the others in the known buildings. They finally waltzed into the kitchen building, Eiler leading the way. “I told you idiots the new building would be food. What am I going to do with you two.”

                They sat down at the end of the table, and Velle got up. “Let me go get your breakfast.” She said, the three sighed.

                “Thank you.” Said Eiler with an annoyed tone.

                Velle came back with three more plates of breakfast. Eiler was eager to get to work. “So, what’s on the schedule for today’s training?” She asked.

                Velle smiled. “We’re going to start with physical stamina and strength for everyone, then I’m splitting it up. You three should focus on history and looking at how the church used to fight, since it’ll be strong against both monsters and people. Alicia, you’re with me we’re studying the sciences- physics, biology, chemistry. Pat- I don’t know if I’m supposed to train you or just keep you around when we go out on missions, but you’re welcome to join in with whoever.”

                Everyone nodded. Alicia raised her hand. “Are we going to do any actual fight training?” She asked.

                Velle gave an evil smile. “Oh, oh yes. You will see.”


                The first month of training pass quickly. The group had grown massively under Velle’s strict training regime that she had participated in as well so the others could not claim it was unfair. Near the end of the month Cardinal Conroy arrived again to take command of the group officially. He found the base he had left them looking very different thanks to Velle teaching Alicia how to build additions as part of her training. He was impressed they were already fighting like a coordinated group that had experience. He praised the holy knights for their impressive displays. After he had been there a week Velle announced they were starting live combat training to show what they had learned to the Cardinal.

                Eiler raised her hand first. “Live combat? What are the teams?” She asked, the others nodded, not wanting to fight each other.

                Velle smiled. “Well, lucky for you I have a better enemy.” Her ear-to-ear grin made everyone else feel uncomfortable.

                After their breakfast Velle invited the cardinal to watch the training battle. They all gathered in the center of the circle of buildings when Velle clapped her hands. “Let’s begin.”

                Behind her a small black cloud began to form, and it slowly expanded revealing a massive landscape behind her. When it was big enough, she turned around and waved for everyone to follow her. Once inside the portal closed behind them. Velle began her explanation. “This is a battlefield from my memory. This was one of the battles I fought alongside the holy church against a possessed legion. You will be joining my army in this as the tip of the spear into the enemy lines. You have one goal: Survive the battle for forty-five minutes. If you are killed in here, it will simply spit you back to where we came from. At the end of the forty-five minutes, we will all teleport back out.”

                Pat raised her hand. “What do I do? I’m not combat-capable, really.” She sighed.

                Velle smiled. “I have a job for you, one of the features of this battle was the use of an artefact I created that can help Identify the leader. In history it worked fine, but if you want to join in, I will create a problem with it and you have to solve it. If you can do that in under the time limit, then everyone else gets an optional second objective- Kill the demon commander.” She seemed pleased about this.

                Cardinal Conroy nodded, impressed. “And what will I be doing?” He asked, curious.

                Velle turned to face him. “You and I can watch from up here. I won’t engage until I did in this battle in history, which is about half an hour in. So, everyone else, when you see me start to fight that is your fifteen-minute signal. Ready?”

                Everyone nodded, both excited and terrified. Velle was happy. She summoned up the two camps and sent her team down to join her ranks. She had changed the course of events so her army would welcome the newcomers. They went down and she painted across the sky a timer with the countdown. As soon as everything was set, she launched the signal and the timer started. She saw her trainees sprint across the battlefield to a small position with some raised terrain to give the twins better vantages on defense. She saw Alicia and Eiler run ahead of the other two and start launching attacks at the enemy line to draw attention as the armies closed the distance between them.