Chapter 4: A Date in the Town of Hudgel
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As we made our way into town together, holding hands, Yuki started pointing out different shops. “That’s a blacksmith run by Mr. Howard; he is a dwarf, so don’t be surprised by his size, okay? He is a little gruff, but otherwise, he is a very nice man. He is the one who made my staff. When you want a custom weapon, he is the best in town.”

“Wow, he must be really good if you vouch for him. Is that where we are going to get a weapon?” I asked, my bunny ears flopping, and tail twitching excitedly.

Yuki giggled at my response, “As much as I would like to do business there, I want to learn what weapons you are most suited for first, and you must be of a high level to even equip Mr. Howard’s weapons. So, we will be going to Ms. Klare’s general store. Mr. Howard gives her the weapons for low levels to sell in her shop, and we can also get the necessities you need there.”

“Oh, okay. I don’t have any memories, though. How will we know what kind of weapon I would be suited for?” I asked, my ears twitching curiously.

Yuki gave me a smile and said with complete seriousness, “I will buy one of every weapon and two daggers, and we will test them out in combat tomorrow.”

“Won’t that be a lot to carry? Wait, more importantly, won’t that be too expensive?” I cried out in surprise.

Yuki laughed and said, “No worries, I want to make sure you have a weapon you are most suited to, and the best way is to have you use them all in combat. Besides, I have item storage, so we won’t be carrying anything.”

Seeing the proud smile on Yuki’s face, I couldn’t refuse. I just giggled and kissed her on the cheek, saying, “Thank you, Yuki, for not just thinking of me, but for everything.”

She blushed and replied, “Of course, I will do anything for you. I am your w...wife after all.”

“Yuki, you're so cute~” I chimed while hugging her.

Yuki laughed and said with a slight blush and loving smile, “Come on, let’s go before the shops close.”

“Mmm!” I answered as she held my hand, and we continued walking to the general store.

When we reached our destination, I saw a large wooden building with a sign hanging that read “Karol’s Goods.” When we walked in, a woman with short red hair and ruby eyes who was in the middle of stocking a shelf greeted us. “Welcome, feel free to look arou...” However, before she finished her sentence, she looked up and saw me and Yuki, and paused.

“Yuki, it’s so good to see you,” she said as she got up quickly and came over to us. When she reached us, I noticed she looked at Yuki's hands, and a bright smile appeared on her face. She said, “My, my, Yuki, you got yourself a cutie with you too. I was wondering when you would find someone.”

Yuki and I both blushed at Karole’s teasing, and Yuki replied slightly irritated, “I was just waiting for the right person, you know. I chose to be single all this time.”

Karole laughed and said, “So you're saying this girl here is the one you have been waiting for?”

Yuki started blushing even more, “Yes, that’s how it is. I have been waiting for her. She is my destined one.” I blushed and hugged Yuki’s arm as my bunny ears flopped happily as she continued while looking at me with a gentle smile, “This is Lily. Please don’t tease her too much; she is a little shy.”

“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Lily desu,” I said to Karole with a slightly squeamish smile.

“It is nice to meet you too, Lily. I am Karole, and I am the owner of the store, and I am also this girl here's friend,” Karole replied with a smile while patting Yuki’s back.

‘Karole seems very fiery and funny,’ I thought to myself as I laughed, watching Yuki argue with Karole.

Yuki sighed with a happy smile and told Karole, “We are looking to get Lily her daily necessities, and I would also like to buy two daggers, a shield, and one of each of the remaining weapons.”

Karole whistled, “You girls going to war or something?”

I giggled and said, “No, I told her she didn’t have to spend so much, but she wants me to find the weapon I have the best compatibility with.”

“I don’t want you getting hurt for using the wrong weapon,” Yuki said while rubbing my ears, causing me to lean my head on her shoulder.

Karole laughed and said, “It’s hard to believe you two met recently, especially since you two are giving my shop a pink atmosphere.”

Yuki and I blushed a little, realizing we escaped into our own world in front of someone.

Karole told us that she would go and gather the weapons while we get my necessities.

After we got what I needed, we met Karole at the counter, and Yuki asked, “Karol, do you still have some of your famous fried pies left? I forgot I promised Lily I would get her something sweet.”

My eyes started sparkling at Yuki’s mention of sweets, and my little bunny tail twitched happily.

Yuki and Karole giggled at my reaction, and Karole replied and asked, “Of course, I only have chocolate left though, is that okay?”

“Mmm, that sounds good,” I answered happily.

“Thank you, Karole, you are in for a treat, Lily; her fried pies are amazing, and the chocolate ones are the best,” Yuki said with an excited smile as well.

Karole gave us both a warm smile as she tallied up the costs and said, “The pies will be on the house as congratulations for you two getting together. As for the weapons and goods, that will be 10 gold.”

Yuki paid Karole and replied, “Thank you, Karole. Do you know if Sue’s clothing shop is still closed?”

Karole thought for a second and answered, “I believe it is. I heard she sent a letter saying her travel coming back got delayed, but she should be back tomorrow.”

“Okay, thank you again for everything,” Yuki replied with a satisfied smile.

“Thank you, Karole. Have a good day,” I said while waving as Yuki and I started leaving the store.

“You two as well. Come back anytime,” Karole replied.

When we got back onto the main road, I asked Yuki, “What should we do next?”

“Since the clothes store is closed, we can come back tomorrow,” Yuki answered before she thought for a second and continued with a bright smile, “Before we head back home, there is a place I want to show you.”

“Really? Where?” I asked, my ears flopping with curiosity.

“It’s a surprise,” Yuki answered before grabbing my hand and leading the way to the destination.

As we walked to the town square, I showed a bright smile and could only say, “Wow~, It’s so pretty.” What I saw before me was a magnificent fountain in the center of the town.

Yuki giggled and said while squeezing my hand gently, “It really is. This is one of my favorite spots to visit in town.”

As I looked at Yuki, I saw a warm smile form. She looked so radiant as the gleams from the evening sun hit her at just the right angle, and her eyes sparkled, the view of the fountain reflecting in her eyes.

“You are so beautiful,” I said in nearly a whisper as I was awestruck by her presence.

Yuki, who noticed a difference in my attitude, looked at me and noticed what I was talking about. She started blushing and said, “I could say the sa...same about you, you know.”

My ears flopped up and down happily from her compliment, but I didn’t want it to end there. I leaned towards her with a slight blush and tilted my head and said, “Please, kiss me...”

Yuki blushed a little before putting one of her arms around me, pulling me closer, and then she kissed me as the sun began to set and the water flowed from the fountain. It felt as though fireworks had set off around us. The only thing I could hear was Yuki and my heart beating in sync.

‘I love her. It is so soon, but I love her so much,’ I thought to myself as I became lost in the moment.