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Mexican Campione!
Mexican Campione!
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Heretic God

De mitos y leyendas, nacieron. La esencia del mundo y más allá, esto es lo que comprende el núcleo sobrenatural de ellos, dando así forma a estas existencias, los dioses. Pero para algunos dioses, las formas y la naturaleza de sus mitos se convierten en una carga, y se rebelan contra ellos, manifestándose en el mundo, escapando de los mitos y leyendas, también conocidos como el Dominio de la Inmortalidad, como Dioses Herejes, y trayendo consigo el desastre.

Lo que determina el poder de un dios hereje no es su fama, o cuán poderoso fue retratado en sus mitos, sino más bien su propia voluntad y determinación.

También hay algunos casos en los que los dioses herejes pierden parte de sus divinidades como resultado de ser heridos o sellados. A veces, estas piezas perdidas se han puesto en el Grimorio. En estos casos, se muestra que experimentan cambios en sus personalidades. El ejemplo de esto se puede ver en cómo Verethragna, Sun Wukong y Lancelot mostraron cambios en sus personalidades una vez que recuperaron todo su poder y Athena, que perdió sus recuerdos y personalidad después de que parte de su poder fuera absorbido por Metis (solo anime). Recuperar la pieza perdida hará que el dios hereje vuelva a su estado normal.

Poderes y habilidades: Los
dioses herejes están dotados de poderes divinos y armas llamadas Autoridades, que encarnan su derecho a gobernar en los mitos. Estas autoridades a veces pueden ser muy diferentes de la versión moderna del dios, remontándose a los orígenes y la historia de los mitos y leyendas de los que nació el dios hereje. Por ejemplo, la mirada petrificante de Atenea, que comparte con su identidad alternativa de Medusa, o el poder de Apolo sobre los lobos.

Los dioses herejes son seres sobrenaturales, por lo que son invisibles para la gente normal. Solo los magos, las brujas, los sacerdotes, Hime-Miko y aquellos con algún toque sobrenatural pueden verlos según el anime, aunque las novelas ligeras parecen contradecir esto. Sin embargo, "confirma" que los dioses herejes pueden elegir si quieren ser vistos o no.

Los dioses herejes también pueden realizar magias con mucha más facilidad que los mortales, incluso sin usar sus autoridades, como demostró Atenea cuando hizo que las personas que la rodeaban no la notaran, y por las acciones de Sun Wukong.

Los dioses herejes son inmortales y viven para siempre a menos que sean asesinados. Sin embargo, incluso si es asesinado, un dios hereje simplemente regresará a los mitos y leyendas que los engendraron, y puede regresar al mundo humano con el tiempo. Mientras existan sus mitos y leyendas, también lo hará el Dios Hereje de alguna manera, ya que los mitos son parte del Dios Hereje mismo, y el Dios Hereje es solo la manifestación o extensión de estos mitos. Además, los dioses herejes son inmunes a todas las armas mortales, ya sean espadas, garrotes, pistolas, veneno, químicas o biológicas. Solo las armas mágicas o hechizos más poderosos pueden dañarlos, y mucho menos matarlos. Los dioses herejes pueden incluso sobrevivir sin un cuerpo físico. Esto sucede cuando han agotado la mayor parte de su poder, o han sido heridos gravemente, pero no mortalmente.

Los dioses herejes pueden incluso poseer a las personas, aunque se desconoce si los poseídos deben cumplir con algún requisito para ser elegibles para esto.



Campione are those humans who have slain a Heretic God and stolen their divine Authorities.

When a mortal slays a Heretic God, they take upon themselves the Authorities of that Heretic God, and they become Campione.

Generally, a Campione will only acquire one Authority from the God they slay, which is influenced by the personality, compatibility, and skill of the Campione. Though there are rare exceptions such as the seventh Campione, Godou Kusanagi, in that case, the Authority adjusted to fit his own nature. Often losing elements or gaining limitations or requirements for use that the God didn't have.

Because of their divine Authorities, Campione are automatically designated the rulers of whatever territory they call home. In that area, among the supernatural, their very word is law itself. Only another Campione dares contradict them.

Campione are called the "Bastard/Illegitimate Children of Epimetheus", Titan of hindsight, because only someone who, like Epimetheus, acts without thinking of the consequences, would face a Heretic God rather than run away.

Campione, due to the method of obtaining their rank, are depicted as evil tyrannical monsters from everyone in the magic world. It is also assumed that every magician fears their wrath and serve out of fear of the frequent evil they pursue. However, this judgement is technically false.

Campione's are indeed dangerous and destructive, but that is only due to them fighting, or abusing their power. Some are indifferent of others' concern at their goals, but most of the magic world forget that Campione are human in nature. This disregard puts a lot of sophistry and bias in view that all Campione as the same. Each of the 7 are different in their traits, but, because of persecution and fear, individuality on them is ignored until it is too late.

These human attributes are basically the key to defining what Authorities they have or will have. Also, it doesn't matter if they have any Magic or martial arts skills, a Campione is terrible not only for God slaying, but because their traits allowed for their success, such as Sasha Dejanstahl Voban, Godou Kusanagi, Madame Aisha, as well as Smith proved through hunger, friendship, kindness, and repression, to achieve kingship.

Campione in all have displayed signs of arrogance, bloodlust when attacked, cunningness, ambition, leadership, idiocy, and a tendency to find amusement at pathetic arrogant worms attempting on their life. In a spectrum of ruling, they either revel in their tyranny (Voban and Luo Hao), attempt to become good rulers (Alec and Smith), or are indifferent about their positions (Aisha, Salvatore Doni, and Godou). 

All Campione tend to have or develop some form of mania, somethig they become almost obsessive about. Voban's is fighting powerful foes, Luo Hao in mastery of her skills, Aisha's is traveling, Alec's is theft of object's for Holy Grail research, Godou's is being normal, and Doni's is having fun. Even John Pluto Smith's split persona act is considered an obsession. 

Since they posses great power, or because of it, Campione can be seen as clumsy, as their powers cause unintentional damage.

But regardless of their flaws Campione's are grand kings. Most of the magic world revere them for the achieving the impossible. So much so that all magic organizations have deemed attacking or threatening one of them to be courageously suicidal, or completely, downright stupid. Anyone who does such a thing gets admiration for bravery or being labeled an even bigger idiot than the kings they challenge. Their power serves as a necessary evil. Heretic Gods are disasters, Campione limit the disaster by about 67%, and the fact that their selfishness indicates the human will to live. Which is why they are either determined, reckless, intellectual, or charismatic, lucky fools.


Magic is an omnipresent mass of energy that permeates the universe and all its dimensions, fundamentally and intrinsically woven into the very fabric of existence. This energy, which could be compared to what in scientific terms is called dark energy, is a mysterious and poorly understood force that humans are only beginning to perceive and understand.

Nature of Magic

Magic is the primordial essence that underlies all things, visible and invisible. It is not limited to one plane of existence, but flows through multiple dimensions, connecting worlds, beings, and matter itself in an interconnected web of infinite possibility.Features and Operation
Omnipresence: Magic is everywhere, from the vast voids of space to the smallest particle of matter. There is no place in the universe where magic is not present, making it a universal constant.Incomprehensible: Although omnipresent, magic is largely incomprehensible to the human mind. Its nature is so complex and its operation so far removed from known physical laws, that understanding it completely escapes our current ability to understand.Dark Energy: Magic can be conceptualized as analogous to dark energy in physics. Just as dark energy is a force that drives the expansion of the universe in ways we do not fully understand, magic is a force that drives possibilities and realities beyond our conventional understanding.Manipulation and Use: Although essentially mysterious, certain individuals or beings have developed the ability to manipulate this magical energy. This manipulation allows for effects that defy scientific explanation, such as altering matter, time, and perception, and even affecting the laws of nature.Unlimited Potential: Magic has unlimited potential, offering those who can access it the ability to perform feats ranging from the subtly influenceable to the monumentally transformative. This potential is only limited by the user's understanding and will.

Origin of the Campiones

Divine Problem

In ancient times, gods from the Mythical Realm descended to the mortal world without caution or consideration for the consequences of their actions on the environment and living beings. Since gods are immortal and possess capabilities vastly superior to any other entity, their mere presence in the mortal world could alter the natural balance and cause disasters, often without them being aware of the impact of their "Authorities"—unique powers that reflect their domains and divine aspects.

Intervention of Pandora

Pandora, a goddess from the Mythical Realm with a deep disdain for the negligence of the gods and a genuine love for humans, decided to act to balance the scales between the divine and mortal worlds. Using her divine power and understanding of the world's fundamental principles, Pandora created a special ritual, a safeguard mechanism designed to protect humanity from the whims and neglect of the gods.

The Campione Ritual

Conditions of the Ritual The ritual established by Pandora comes into effect under a very specific condition: a mortal must manage to kill a Heretic God under circumstances relatively similar to those stipulated in the ritual. This feat, extraordinarily difficult to achieve, requires not only exceptional strength and skill but also an unbreakable will and, often, unique preparation and circumstances.

Act of Pandora

Once the condition is fulfilled, Pandora personally intervenes to facilitate the transition of divine power from the defeated god to the victorious mortal. This process involves "stealing" the Authorities of the god and transferring them to the mortal, transforming him into a Campione—a godslayer. This act not only grants the mortal the divine powers of the fallen god but also frees him from normal human limitations, endowing him with a much longer life and physical and magical capabilities far beyond those of ordinary humans.


What is a god in Campione?

In the universe of Campione!, a god is a powerful supernatural entity whose existence originates from the beliefs, myths, and legends of human civilizations. These divine beings cover a broad spectrum of domains, ranging from natural elements and cosmic forces to abstract concepts and aspects of the human condition. Although they are immensely powerful, their relationship with the human world and their influence on it can vary significantly, especially when considering traditional gods versus Heretic Gods.

Origin of the Gods

Birth of Magical Spirits Initially, gods were magical spirits born from the flow of magical energy that permeated the world at its dawn. These spirits, though unaware of their own nature, possessed immense power that, inadvertently, caused disasters and inexplicable phenomena in their surroundings.

Worship and Humanization

To appease these beings and mitigate the disasters they caused, humans began to worship them, granting them identities, roles, and narratives. Through this process of worship and mythification, the magical spirits transformed into the gods of the various mythologies we know today, rooted in cultures around the world.

Creation of the Mythical Realm

The accumulation of faith, beliefs, and narratives about these gods eventually led to the creation of the Mythical Realm, a parallel dimension that serves as home for these divine beings. This realm is both a product of human belief and an autonomous space where gods reside, interact, and wield their power.

Heretic Gods:

A Twist in the Divine Narrative Heretic Gods represent those gods who, feeling constrained by the narratives and roles imposed by human beliefs, choose to rebel against these limitations. Their power does not derive from worship or fame, but from their own will and determination to transcend their original mythology and act independently of human expectations. In doing so, they challenge conventional notions of divinity and can cause significant changes or even disasters in the human world.

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