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/ Series / In the light of the stars
In the light of the stars
In the light of the stars
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Glossary entries are edited shortly before the chapter goes up. You might get spoiled if you look here on the weekend.

... Uh you also might get spoiled if you aren't caught up lmao but c'mon you knew that already


The viewpoint character. A Solea capable of opening "rifts".

The scientists call her "02".


Eiri's twin brother. Apparently her "polar star". Or maybe that should be former polar star.

... anyone gonna explain what a polar star is in this context? No? Well, it was only said in a mysterious dream sequence. It's probably a metaphor.

Also he has some kinda ability to "see", and we don't mean with his eyes.

The scientists call him "01".

Pandora Lorana

A hammer-wielding Solean woman who smashed the heck out of the lab complex and rescued the twins.

... If you haven't worked it out by now, she got isekai'd to this world from modern-day Earth. Obviously she wasn't Solean back home.

The scientists, or possibly someone working for them, are calling her "Target Outlaw".

Araceli Calderon

A Solean tailor running a clothing shop in Snowfall. She thinks it's a good idea to nose in on Pandora's business, and curiously, Pandora doesn't seem to disagree.


Someone who briefly appeared to Eiri in a dream vision and told her to become a "polar star" for someone.

They didn't name a name, but you can probably guess who they had in mind.

"Sir" Richmond Lebrook

An Averean noble of the minor house of Lebrook. Doesn't like """"animals"""", including Solea, and will swing an axe around to show his displeasure.

He's got a bunch of unnamed lackeys, too.


An Aver back in Brooktown who runs an inn, as you might've gathered. A simpering sort of dude, but he's decent enough to recognize that swinging axes at people unprovoked is good grounds for removing a man from your establishment. And based enough to know not to talk to the cops.

The world

A flat world, at least according to Araceli. Not that planets don't exist, but they're not currently on one. What exactly it is is apparently not yet known.

Being flat, it has no seasonal cycle, so nobody here measures things in years.

The lab complex

A science facility where the twins were kept and studied, until Pandora smashed it up and took them out.

Pandora calls them the "whatever institute" because she doesn't respect them. And also because she doesn't know their actual name. Because she doesn't respect them.


A nation containing the towns of Brooktown and Greenfield. Generally fairly cosmopolitan and low-umbra, at least according to Araceli's impressions.

A town in Ebraria, not too far from the lab complex, where Pandora and the twins initially decided to set up their home base. That didn't last.

Apparently an exception to Ebraria's otherwise-cosmopolitan nature.
A snowy forest nation the town of Snowfall resides in. Apparently high in umbra, at least compared to Ebraria.

A town in Clauton, containing an inn, a library, and Araceli's shop, among other things. Populated primarily by Solea, about which fact Yui is justifiably excited.


A nation that might or might not be home to the whatever institute. Araceli seems to think so, anyway, and Pandora didn't contradict her.

The people of Clauton apparently don't respect them. Araceli certainly doesn't.


A desert nation, an ocean away from Clauton, Ebraria, and Peflein.


A thing Eiri can do, tearing a hole in the fabric of space-time that leads somewhere else in the world. If you're an unethical scientist, this is clearly worth studying at an unethical science lab.


A near-standard species of sapient humanoids, with the addition of triangle ears and meow meow. They apparently also have better hearing and cold tolerance. ("Better than what?" Better than you. Also better than me.)


A standard-issue sapient humanoid species. Pandora called them 'humans' back home and so would you, though one imagines nobody here would recognize that word.


A form of energy that fluctuates from night to night. On high-umbra nights, umbral beasts show up.

It also varies from region to region, which is so unfair.
Umbral beasts

Vicious beings that appear on nights when the umbra is high.

Time and date in Clauton

In Clauton — and possibly some other regions, but not in Ebraria — time is typically measured in "degrees", of which there are 3,000 each day, just like in a circle.

I'm gonna break the fourth wall a bit here and just tell you that days are conveniently the exact same length in this story's world as they are on Earth, which makes a degree a bit less than 30 Earth seconds.

A back page of an atlas from Clauton
An artless rendition of a political map displaying four regions; three on one side of the map, the fourth on the other, a sea in between.

Listen, I'm no artist or cartographer, okay? Obviously it looks better than this in-universe. And the scale is probably more accurate. Also, it has a scale. ...Still, this rendition is probably closer than what you were imagining with no visual aid.

Mountain grey is Peflein, wintry blue is Clauton, plains green is Ebraria, sandy brown is Ashana, and the ocean blue is the ocean of course.

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    Status: c1.3

    There is a lot of mystery to be uncovered here, and the author does an excellent job of giving out just enough clues to keep the reader hooked. The dialogue is the strongest part of the story in my opinion. Each character has their own unique voice that helps make them distinct from one another.

    The story is short for now, but there is a lot of room for development for those willing to invest time into reading. 

    Lots of cat people, too, so a definite read if you're a fan of that as well!

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