|WATTPAD FEATURED| A rainy day encourages Teuila's father to take her out on the Oceania, but what will happen when their boat flips, and they're left stranded in the Atlantic Ocean?
Teuila just wanted a peaceful summer break, after her first year at College of Charleston. However, peace in her family never happens with her father's sailing blood. As an attempt to grow closer to his little girl, he takes her out on the family's Laser, the Oceania, on a rainy day that mimics a special one nineteen years earlier.
When the Oceania flips and leaves father and daughter stranded in the Atlantic Ocean, they must work together to return to shore, without the buff lifeguard girls running out to rescue them. Teuila has to see past her father's sailing personality and find the one she grew up with, before she and her parents ran aground in the Charleston Harbor.
With the help of the current, love, and just a little bit of imagination, Teuila and her dad's fight for survival becomes nothing more than a mere Disney Channel movie. Not only that, but Teuila learns a secret-the truth behind why she carries such an unusual name.
"Why does a daughter love her father so much? It's because she knows there's one man who will never hurt her." - Anonymous
*Written for my dad, who shared this adventure with me.*
⭐ Featured on @beauty | Feel Good Stories Reading List (February 4th 2023).