Lexi has a terrifying encounter while in an abandoned asylum... She's strangely compelled to investigate and discovers a cute monster.
Thanks to my editor: BlueTinge, who works very hard to keep me in line.
Cover artwork by TheSundaeSundae (see her patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thesundaesundae/posts and her webtoon: https://www.webtoons.com/en/creator/sundae )
Short and sweet, with an emphasis on sweet. I'll preface this by stating that it was the early horror angle that drew me in, and that even though those aspects didn't stay too long, the characters were what kept me here. Each of the main cast were well writen and didn't feel one dimensional, even with the short time we had with them. This was an enjoyable read through and through and I'm really looking forward to the sequel.
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