Little Catia hadn't decided on what she wanted out of life yet. She was only six years old afterall! But when her mother takes her on a trip to Japan, she sees the Symbol of Peace, All Might!
After that she has a purpose.
She has something she wants.
She wants All Might dead.
I obviously own nothing regarding the MHA universe nor its characters
I do claim my MC.
The cover is mine.
To read ahead, check out my patreon.
It's a fan-fic and I have no familiarity what-so-ever with the source material. I mention this because for the most part I have been able to follow along though I often don't remember a character or their powers just by name, something which it seems fans of the source material will have less issues with. Whether the author is adding more context or I am just finally catching on, this has become less of an issue as I read more of the story.
The story itself has been really engaging the whole way through. I would say it is primarily character driven though their have been clear story threads right from the beginning with consistent progress being made such that I have never felt it was getting bogged down. Even knowing nothing about the source material, there are several events being built towards which I am excited to see play out.
The characters are all excellent and this is the strongest point for this story. The MC is a somewhat rare protagonist in that she genuinely justifies both the "anti-hero" and "Evil protagonist" tags. She certainly doesn't think of herself as evil and absolutely has a moral code but revenge and pragmaticism have blinded her to the evilness of her some of her acts. Overall she is very interesting to read about. All the supporting characters so far have been similarly interesting perhaps owing to the source material, though I don't know to what extent, and that takes nothing away from the authors ability to transfer to that into his work.
The grammar is good enough that I don't notice flaws and the story gets bonus grammar points for incorporating a unique mannerism/tick into the main characters speech that I originally considered somewhat cheesy but now find to be a great reminder of the main characters cat-like nature which complements her other cat-like behaviours.
Now for the negatives which are distinct but none are severe enough to detract from my enjoyment of the story and I'm not particularly forgiving about these things.
Firstly is the inconsistent POV which only happens a few times in all of the dozens of chapters that I have read so far but is still jarring.
Next is a more abstract criticism but it's something along the lines of their not always being enough detail/description for me to really understand what is happening in a scene. When I first realised this was bothering me it took the form of the author describing a building in which I believe a whole few chapters took place as merely a large building with lots of windows. I am using this as just one example of scenes lacking enough detail to be able to picture with any clarity. I don't know what shape the building is, I don't know if it is a tall or wide building, I don't know what it is made out of, I don't know if the windows have curtains or some other feature to prevent people from looking straight in. I'm not saying all these details need to be included but I definately think there needs to be a bit more than just a large building, and I apply the same criticism to much of the story overall. I will concede that since from my understanding the source-material includes images it might be assumed that the setting is already familiar in the readers mind.
I thought I had a third thing but I can't think it of it anymore. Instead I will say that I highly recommend this story even with its flaws and if the author improves on those then it will easily be one of the best I have encountered on this site in its genre.
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Very Gud and unique fanfiction! Pace is not too fast and not too slow, the author take advantage of her her quirks in order to draw out her cuteness and arouse our imagination of FLUFF. A Gud read overall!
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