At four years old, Izuku Yagi is diagnosed as quirkless while his twin sister Izumi has powerful telekinesis. It is also when he's four years old that his parents start to forget about him.
But that won't stop him from achieving his dream of becoming a hero.
Nothing will.
Not being forgotten by his parents.
Not being beat by his sister and childhood friend near daily.
After all, All Might says that anyone can be a hero.
"It's nice to have a dream, but keep it realistic."
Abandoned once again, this time with his dream crushed, he takes his childhood friend's advice. 'Take a swan dive off the roof and pray for a quirk in your next life!'
The only problem? It doesn't work.
Now. How will the audience react?
(The cover is not mine. I obviously do not claim rights to BNHA.)
This is, hands down, one of the most entertaining MHA fics I have read. And I've read quite a few.
The story almost immediately diverges from Canon with unique twists and new characters, while the original characters are still believably portrayed and, dare I say, many of them more interesting as a result of it. The Author explores and develops those that are mostly ignored by the Canon story into arguably better-written variants of themselves that slot perfectly into the new narrative while keeping enough of the old to still give you everything you'd normally come to a MHA fic to read and not leave you annoyed. I honestly have nothing but glowing appreciation for what the author has managed to create, and it still impresses the heck out of me with every chapter. I'm trying really hard not to spoil anything with this review, so I'm afraid I'll have to leave it at that with an encouragement to pick it up for yourself and give it a try.
The only thing that might turn people away is the 'introduction' arc, which admittedly runs for a good few chapters and is dark as hell. I'd be more upset about it, but it paved the way so perfectly for so much that comes after that I've accepted it as a necessity, even if it's difficult to swallow strictly because of the themes involved. The author has somehow managed to marry comedy and trauma and pack both into a pseudo-villain that actually makes you root for him the entire time, which is near-impossible and rare to the point of this story sticking out like all-might's funny hairs. The action is as well-written as the relationships are complex, the quirks are creative and utilized well, and the MC hasn't once gone past the point of edgy, psychopathic cruelty that usually turns me off of villain stories. If I had to compare Midoria to anything, the closest resemblance would be Deadpool.
Actually, if you like Deadpool, you're almost certain to love this fic.
Wallow through the introductory depression/neglect quagmire, and you'll find yourself in an incredibly interesting and fun adventure. Seriously, this fic deserves so much more attention than it has gotten. I can only assume that the first bit turns people off, but it is so, so worth it once the actual story begins and backstories have been set up. I can't recommend this enough.
Update/Edit: As of chapter 52 (current), the story has only gotten better. Not sure how the author has managed a constant uptick in quality whenever it was already awesome, but here we are, and I'm certainly not complaining.
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As of c10 this book is good at keeping my attention, the perspectives keep the story interesting and the feedback from the audience ties it together nicely. I feel this is the best way to use perspectives as it revolves around the MC and fleshed out his story unlike other books where its just garbage filler.
Tldr read it, worth your time
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This could potentially be in my top 3 MHA fanfics, the author manages to incorporate both tragedy and comedy in a suprising combination this is like deadpool if he was betrayed by his parents and sisters and practically nearly everyone anyway if you ignore the depression inducing beginning you will come to love it
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Honestly this is probably one of the best fanfics I've ever read. It's so dark but it doesn't needlessly indulge to make it edgy. The story is believable compared to the canon. Like what if things had been just ever so slightly different? How would they have turned out then? The story is composed well, it grammatically flows very easily. There isn't useless info dumps that bore you to death, the author is well aware of when it's time to cut certain acts. Can't wait to read more. Thank you for writing this.
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It's really amazing. And I really like it and I really hope for more
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MHA: Undying is a story following characters from (what I'm assuming the anime MHA universe. And them meeting the God of Chaose. There we see them looking at the story of a very different Villain Deku. One who after being diagnosed quirkless, is neglected by his family. Eventually causing him to kill himself. We see the consequences of his families neglect. The people around himself reactions. And more as Deku further falls into villany, while having a relationship ship with Himiko Toga
Been loving this story so far. If you're weirded out by the watcher perspective, or just don't like it altogether. Then don't worry it gets better. As of rn, idk if author just soft got rid of it. Or I haven't known it, but it's gone by the I think Late 30s. Also TW for Gore, Abuse, Neglect (no idea if that falls under a use already), Gore, Suicide, and (so far only one) scene of self harm over guilt. If you're worrying about the self harm scene, it comes up only once. And is more of a reinforcer for how bad the character feels so you could skip it if you wanted. But if you can't stand gore. Skip, there's plenty of descriptions of heads popping, blood gushing, etc. So if you're weak stomached, be warned. Other than that, it's solid. Oh yeah, so far no smut. And as I said in the beginning there is romance. So author PLEASE add a romance tag. There are plenty of people on this site who exclude stories no matter how good cause of certain tags (smut a good example) but there's also the opposite. I generally almost exclusively look for romances. So me reading this was just dumb luck. So please add it. It let's people who don't want to see romance avoid it, and those who do to see it more. That is all.
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Interesting premise for a really messed up universe. The plight of quirkless is horrible, but not surprising since in real life handicapped people are also intentionally or unintentionally shamed into hiding themselves from society. (People give harsh looks, poorly veiled workplace discrimination, criticism for appearing in public near children, etc.) This story has merit for that and for exposing the hypocracy of many who proudly demonstrate their “public service” while expecting praise and rewards. My only criticism is that the chapter releases are not very fast, but the quality is good and they’re free... so, thank you author!Keep up the great work!!!
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I tend not to like stories that are needlessly dark. That being said this isn't. It starts with a few of the cannon characters reacting to the prompt of what would make Izuku turn into a villain and it goes through showing what it is. The answer was abuse. Typically would have dropped a series if it was just miserable but having the perspective of the audience eased me into the premises and allowed me to read a story that I enjoy.
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