Hamat is 28 years old who worked for a struggling firm. Over 1 year after COVID-19, his company was forced to close down.
He struggled since then. He then found out his girlfriend had been cheating on him behind his back. He was also beaten by his girlfriend's new boyfriend. One day, he helped a poor old lady. Then, something happened.
This story has potential but I believe it would need a rewrite. There are a lot of time skips. While it's not a bad thing on it's own, it feels to me like the MC doesn't exist between them. We only know that he steals attributes when he can and that seems to conclude his whole day. It doesn't look like he even considered normal training methods as a means to improve himself only relying on his ability.
I don't know whether he can steal attributes like intelligence, stamina or speed but nowhere it says that he can't. Another thing, in the street fighting arc he doesn't do a no-brainer and steal from his opponents mid-fight.
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So I read it is good till the ch 30 (since it is latest chapter).
There is a thing you should consider before reading it.
The chapters are too short and that's all.
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