Christoper Brise should be dead. He knows that just as well as everybody around him. But apparently, somebody in the fate department isn’t doing their bloody job properly.
Or are they?
An explosion that finally seems to do the job only has him waking up in a hospital in… the body of a girl?
Turns out that for reasons unknown, Christopher Brise and Zoe Campbell switched bodies. But that’s only where trouble starts because both of them seem to suddenly be manifesting incredibly strong superpowers. In spite of their seemingly opposite personalities, the two become friends and start their new lives as going-to-be Superheroes.
But Fate isn’t done with them yet. Christopher and Zoe are made to be opposites and soon, their entangled destinies are going to tear them apart.
I don't usually write reviews, but I felt like this story deserved one. The characters are what I most enjoyed in this as by the end of the story I felt that the main cast were all full people in this setting.
I did make the mistake of getting a little too attached to some characters and ended up crying so if you are reading this I guess be careful of the tragedy tag, but its not a full cast wipe or anything so maybe not (sorry for rambling here)
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