Long ago in a galaxy far far away...
A young girl is brought into the Jedi Order to be raised as one of their own. A young girl with memories from another time, another land. This girl's goal is to get a comfortable position within the order, but with war looming on the horizon, and distasteful acts across the galaxy, much work must be done as she comes into her own as a Padawan of the Jedi Order.
I'm quickly growing fond of this author.
His portrayal of Tanya isn't a cardboard cutout and reasonably plays into her previous life with deft hands.
The Jedi spin on knowledge beyond their age is quite intriguing. I love the methodical and political mind of Tanya showing just how much of a sociopath she really is (not psychopath, sociopath, as in she has no regard for the wellbeing of others as long as they do not affect her plans which is a holdover from her initial life as a Japanese businessman specifically assigned with the firing of employees a position that usually is filled by some sort of sociopath by necessity).
The interactions of the characters feels fairly organic considering the stiffness of the Jedi Order as a whole. The dialogue is great and free-flowing without that stilted feeling from awkward uncharacteristic plot-driven drivel. The world-building is a bit lax, but I'd blame the lack of chapters rather than a lack of effort. Word flow is absolutely wonderful, at no point does it feel too slow or too rushed.
Overall, I'd recommend this author and their works for a smooth and entertaining read.
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Welp. Starts off between the first and second movies and details Tanya’s progression. Her internal dialogue is hilarious. It gives off an overall unhinged vibe, and I absolutely love it.
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An incredible story that appeals to fans of both Saga of Tanya the Evil and Star Wars; stays true to both and combines the absurdity of both in a harmonius blend perfect for fans of either. A story most certainly up there amongst the greats with Sublight Drive.
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The story so far is quite excellent, I am very excited for where the story goes, as well as the changes that will take place in the cannon.
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