362 Views 1 Favorites 1 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 5 Readers 0 Reviews 3.4k Words Jan 4, 2025 JKhub This book is a science fiction fantasy set in 2050 where children switch from an actual classroom to a virtual classroom at the seventh-grade level. Josh found some of his friends in the same virtual class mixed in with other students they didn’t know. On the second day of class, the teacher froze up in the middle of a sentence. The kids didn’t know what to do. They found they couldn’t exit the program. Josh opens the rear door of the classroom, hoping to find help, not knowing this is not for their use. It looks harmless enough, like school hallways they had seen in their analog grade school.
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It was a network communications highway that served the many virtual rooms lining the walls. Viruses were known to travel along hallways looking for unlocked doors so that they could attack the program, which in this case was the room.
After they entered the hallway, the door closed and locked on them. Josh and his friends had no choice but to find a door that was not locked. When they did, they met an old man who was a programmer who helped them get entry back into their class. After that everything seemed normal again, and everyone assumed it was just a glitch. Josh thought there was still something not quite right when it happened again. The group tried discussing the events with parents and the school system, but neither had time for their problems. They came to believe a network virus had infected their classroom program, judging by something the old man said to them, and they needed to find a way to defeat it. He also said viruses can disguise themselves to avoid detection. Was the teacher the virus or the old man? Either could be disguised to fool them. They realized they were on their own. Their adventure takes them to several other virtual settings inside open doors they find on their adventure. With the help of the old man, they do fight back, but was it too late? Was the old man somehow involved in it from the beginning?
They don't know it yet, but an unbalanced mirror memory, or classroom in this sense, can cause time dilation, where the time inside the unbalanced classroom slows to crawl in comparison to the ultra fast communication highway known as the hallway here.
One time the kids and the man encountered viruses in the hall, and he had to destroy the three of them. Josh followed the teacher several times after class ended and saw her transform into a virus, which was represented as a large ant-like robot. He continued to try and get Mike, the old man, to help with the class problem. Mike was reluctant until the kids discovered a large colony of thousands of the virus robots. Mike became worried and threw in with the kids to deploy a new atomic antivirus. It wipes out the colony and also the actual program room.
Afterward, all seems to return to normal, but Josh had developed suspicions about Mike and wondered if he was somehow behind the whole thing. You see, they found out that Mike actually died in his pod some five years earlier, but his consciousness continued on in the virtual. He might have caused this whole scenario to have some company. This question remains and is not concluded. But Mike has a pair of glasses sent to Josh’s home that can detect viruses that were disguised. What Josh finds is a horror.