Addendum: Corrupted and Ourselves
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Addendum to the Corrupted Codex:

Corrupted that are now found to have originated directly from the Corruption of COGNITIVE beings will now be designated with suitable graphemes as a prefix. The following are the new designations:


  • (C) Corruption (Unarchived).


  • (P) Persona (Archived).


  • (R) Realized (Corrupted having returned from Corruption, changing considerably and/or preserving aspects of themselves).


  • (U) Unrealized (Cognitive beings able to manifest their personal Corrupted Personas through Heightened Emotional States).


Note: The Head has kindly offered their insight into the Corruption phenomenon. Please do not attempt to misuse this information. Failure to comply will result in the immediate dispatch of the Head’s Eclipses.

In the worst case, you will substitute as the next material for systematic Corruption according to the Repentance Act (351 PA) 1st Round of the Arbiter’s Council.


Citation: Repentance Act (351 PA) 1st Round of the Arbiter’s Council.

Contents: All parties found guilty of: Treason, defiance, intolerance, desertion, betrayal…, and unreasonable violence that violates the Nexus’ Code of Conduct without adequate explanation will be subjected to immediate investigation by the Minu Auditors of Time Reverberation.

If found guilty by a High Judge of Justica Arms, then level of Repentance will be determined solely by Oboros Infinitas, unless the Head (and relevant parties such as that of the Archetypes) has decided to personally arbitrate.


This information may never leave the minds of those who read this.


The Corruption is no longer an external threat. Beings with adequate cognitive abilities have been discovered to now be susceptible to the Corruption phenomenon.


May you never lose sight of yourself.

And may you never heed the ticking call from beyond the void.


You have already reached Salvation once, after all.


– Enoch, The Artificer of Rupturing (T-4 Artificer, Clearance Level 0)

