PL-Ri-D-012-00 “The Icon of Judgement”
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“The Icon of Judgement”

Main Sequence Corrupted


“On the eve of the holiest night, when masses gathered to wash their hands of their collective sins, the skies cried pale feathers as a bird fell from the heavens to answer the woes of the innocent. There can only be one head to bestow the world its righteousness. The night of judgement hath arrived. All must answer to who hath bitten from the forbidden fruit.”


Risk Classification



Affinity: Judgement



Attribute: Righteousness



Origin: Disorder     Status: Archived 



Means the Corrupted now resides within the Nexus either as a book/tale/chapter within the Advent of Civilization - the Eternal Library.


Main Sequence

Refers to a unique Corrupted that contributes to the overarching tale/story of a book that deeply resonates with one of the Archetypes and Floors of the Nexus. They are extraordinary and incredibly dangerous.


Description: 012-00 resembles a bipedal humanoid bird with an estimated height of 1,500 meters, and a width of 2,000 meters when its wingspan is extended to its maximum size. Pale feathers make the majority of its form while its lower half appears to be draped with white cloth of an unknown origin.

012-00 has exactly 12 wings and was hence given the nickname of the ‘Dozen Winged Bird’ until confirmation from the Arbiter. It possesses a faceless head and is accompanied by the presence of a shower of pale feathers, each shed from its vast wings.


Managemental Procedures/Protocols: 012-00 possesses no such protocols as it is contained within the Floor of Judgement, inside of the Nexus itself. It remains under the care and control of the Arbiter; the Archetype of Judgement.

Its powers are currently intertwined with the Arbiter, hence her 12 wings.


Story/Origin: Chapter of the book: The Price of Paradise. It is highly speculated to be related to the Kingdom of Puritas and the regime of the 13th Order in the Grandis Region in light of their atrocities, namely within the mega city of Paradise.



Paradise Lost [335 PA]

The following is a report based on eyewitness accounts detailing the events of the loss of the city of Paradise.

012-00 appeared on the night of the King of Puritas’ birthday directly in the centre of Puritas’ capital: Paradise. Subject’s presence devastated its immediate vicinity, wiping out approximately 200,000 individuals out of a million.

Subject began showering Paradise with its feathers, causing the mass disappearance of an estimated 600,000 more throughout the night. Contact with the feathers was deemed certain death.

At midnight bells were heard ringing from an unknown location. Inhabitants of Paradise disappeared whenever a trumpet sounded. Those that confessed their deepest sins to 012-00 were temporarily spared before they spontaneously combusted.

Scarlet Logic Fodders as per their protocols were sent to the scene. 36,000 Scarlet Logic Fodders were slaughtered at approximately 12 kilometres from Paradise by unknown causes. Midnight teams composed of Blood Moons (10) and Red Giants (2) were dispatched before the Ateliers mobilized to deal with 012-00.

All Blood Moons and Red Giants sustained fatal injuries upon reaching the 2-kilometre radius from 012-00. Survivors were replicated and found to bear ‘wounds of the soul’, permanently disfiguring, and killing the Blood Moons and Red Giants. Manager of the dispatched Midnight Team expressed that they heard a voice that demanded they confess to achieve penance. 20 minutes later the Red Giant Manager (Unnamed) was untethered from Scarlet Logic’s Replication cycles, confirming their death (2 days following the events of Paradise Lost).

A full multi-Atelier mobilization was made effective, resulting in the total combined deaths of 15,000 non-Scarlet Logic employees before the Beholders were dispatched.

By dawn the city of Paradise had disappeared. Its ruins and mountainous regions were flattened. Beholders sustained an estimated 2 hours of combat before they deemed the Corrupted to be an ‘existential threat, and not something we Beholders can feasibly face.’ (Descartes, Beholder of the Atelier: CogitO).

At daybreak 012-00 abruptly disappeared with no known cause. The mystery remains unsolved (350 PA). That day served as a wakeup call to warn the world of potential Corrupted that not even the Beholders of the Nexus could defeat.

A unanimous report states that the Arbiter emerged at the base of the disappeared 012-00. The Arbiter revealed herself as an Angel with 12 wings and 7 tails. She bared a shocking resemblance to the Icon of Judgement leading to the massacre of 45 Exalted upon the false pretence that she was hostile (See Aftermath for the report).


Aftermath [335 PA]

Paradise Lost was a failure on multiple fronts and not solely a record of an insurmountable foe. It resulted in the spontaneous creation of the Nex Megalopolis; a fortress built to defend the Nexus from land, sea, and airborne threats.

Grandis was permanently labelled as a zone forbidden for the Blessed to enter, and all facilities of the Ateliers were immediately dissolved, leaving Grandis to defend for itself against arising Corrupted.

Since the loss of Paradise, the term ‘Paradise Lost’ became synonymous with the total loss and annihilation of hope. The following adage was then formed:


“Abandon all hope those who enter.

Forfeit the aspirations of life for those that remain.

And be damned to those that wish to flee.”


Directly after the events, exactly 45 Exalted mistook the Arbiter as a more humanoid form of 012-00. All Exalted (30 of the Golden Index, 15 from the Nexus directly) were erased upon revealing their hostility. It is not known what methods were employed to remove them. However, their clothing, prosthesis, artificial organs, and Atelier Items remained completely intact.

Until there is proof that another Paradise Lost event will never occur, the Nexus must remain vigilant.

