Hello! I'm mirroring my webnovel The Jade Veterinarian (Yu Shou Yi Shi) here. I publish once a week on Thursdays. The main page is http://yushouyishi.com
Last Active: | -- |
Birthday: | Oct 22nd |
Gender: | -- |
Location: | -- |
Homepage: | http://yushouyishi.com |
Hello! I'm mirroring my webnovel The Jade Veterinarian (Yu Shou Yi Shi) here. I publish once a week on Thursdays. The main page is http://yushouyishi.com
Series: | 1 |
Total Words: | 188,505 |
Total Pageviews: | 71,980 |
Reviews Received: | 5 |
Readers: | 530 |
Followers: | 32 |