Chapter 44: An Avatar is freaking out; A Rogue teaches his friend Makeup.
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Kylie was the first to notice the dark cloud hanging over Jack. "Oh are you worried about what I said at the end there? Don't worry, I take birth control potions from the magic district. I'm sterile for the month, so you don't have to fear me popping out a kid."

Veronica sat up and looked at Jack a little concerned "Did you not have fun My Lord?"

"Did I have fun? Did I have fun? I don't fucking know. Frankly I'm confused at what the fuck happened. I don't know why I did that, I felt like I had no choice in having sex. Did you do something to me?" Jack said feeling off.

Narrowing her eyes, Kylie said "No, I did nothing to you. I don't appreciate you insinuating that I coerced you. You could have said no at any point."

"What about that smoke? Did you drug me?"

"Hardly, it's a very mild aphrodisiac; You have to smoke it directly to have any effect. Are you so embarrassed at having sex with me that you are accusing me like this?"

Jack examined the pipe with his skills and found the remnants of the aphrodisiac in the pipe. It was weak, it would have had no effect on Jack, he wasn't even sure his avatar could be affected by drugs anyway. But the pipe was nearly empty, a stronger drug could have already been used up, thus explaining why he returned to control.

"My Lord, are you okay? I'm sorry, with the way you were looking at us, I thought you would enjoy playing." Veronica said looking concerned and reached out to touch Jack.

Freaking out a little, Jack created a system window in between them to stop Veronica from touching him. "Don't touch me." Jack said, then caught himself. "I need time to think about this." Jack pulled out the inn room key and tossed it to Veronica. "Here, I'm going to get another room. I need to be alone for awhile."

"My Lord?"

"I can't stand to look at you right now. I'll talk with you tomorrow." Jack said leaving the stunned looking Veronica. Exiting the room, he quickly headed down the hall. Through his connection with Veronica, he could feel she was hurt and saw Kylie was starting to comfort her.

Passing the Medusa, Jack went outside, and he felt some bile rising and he threw up into some bushes near the entrance. Wiping his mouth, he quickly left the Red light district and began to walk aimlessly. Reviewing what he saw through Veronica during the incident, he had to admit that he was leering at them. Through Veronica's eyes, nothing he did looked like he was being forced.

The only thing he noticed was that Veronica did get some enjoyment from telling Jack what to do to Kylie. Did Kylie drug him? If she did, nothing of the drug remains in his body. Though that could be because of his strength, he could have already burned it all out of him.

Was it some sort of magic? Something else? Jack was terrified at the possibility of losing control again and being made to things worse then sleeping. Was Veronica in on it? He assumed that his increased libido was from him descending as an avatar, but it did coincide with Veronica. Has she been affecting me longer?

Wandering the streets, he decided he needed to think about something else for awhile to calm him down. He still needed to confront Lady Niadas tonight, and he didn't want to walk into another trap of hers. So Jack took a look at one of his users to see how they were doing.

Feeling a bit groggy, Nicholas woke up in his bed still feeling sore from the battle yesterday. There was also a heavy feeling on his chest. There was a also a sticky wet sensation flowing down it. Confused he pulled aside the blankets and found a nude Frankie was lying on top of him drooling.

Frankie must have crawled into his bed sometime after Nicholas had went to bed. He was tired after the extensive plans he had made, so he went straight to bed. He did see Frankie was sleeping on the couch when he went to bed. Now she was in his bed letting out a odd snore, and gripping him tightly.

"Oh Nicholas, take me you dashing rake, make me your woman." she muttered sleepily.

Feeling his lower body start to react, Nicholas threw Frankie aside and said "What the hell Frankie! Get up!"

She slowly woke up and rubbed her eyes, "Oh good morning Nicholas. Huh? What am I doing in your bed?" She was startled and looked down realizing she was naked took the sheet and wrapped it around herself. "Did you carry me to bed?"

"No, Frankie I did not carry you to bed. I thought I locked my door." Nicholas said. Taking a deep breath, "I will go and take a shower. After I that I will tell the plans I came up with." Nicholas stood and went to the door, opening something fell out onto the floor. Looking down he saw it was a pair of lockpicks. Looking back he saw Frankie looking away embarrassed.

A little annoyed, Nicholas went to his bathroom and undressed. Turning on the cold water to cool his head, he stood for several minutes under the cold water to get his mind focused on the job. Frankie is under a curse. This is the only reason she is acting like this. It would be wrong to accept her advances. Nicholas kept telling himself.

Feeling himself focus, he felt the Divine Energy within him stir. He recalled when he had entered that pillar of energy, he had been on the verge of death. He had several bones broken, and something was wrong in his chest, he could feel liquid in his lungs. Then he was in the pillar, and the energy began to tear him apart and rebuild over and over again.

It seemed to go on forever, until he awoke, and there was Frankie looking down at him concerned. Nicholas heart had skipped a beat, and it was then he knew he was falling for his changed friend. A disturbing thought came to him about not helping Frankie change back, but he crushed that as soon as it appeared. However, he was struggling in holding himself back around her.

"Hey don't use all the hot water in there, I would like to take a shower sometime today." her voice called through the door.

Shutting off the water, he took one of his towels and wiped his body down. Checking the mirror, he made sure he looked alright. He wrapped his lower half in a towel and stepped out. He nearly turned back into the bathroom when he saw Frankie. She was wearing only one of his large shirts. With her height it managed to cover all the important bits.

"Frankie, what are you wearing?"

"Oh, since I'm going to take a shower, I didn't need to get fully dressed. This fit me great!" She did a twirl, flashing her ass at Nicholas.

"Fine, wear whatever. I'll get you some clothes and put them by the door for you. I only used cold water, so the hot water is still good for you."

With a teasing look in her eye, Frankie said "Oh? Did seeing me in the buff get you all hot and bothered? Needed a cold shower to cool down." She reached out with her hand and trailed a finger down Nicholas chest.

Nicholas advanced on Frankie getting her up against the bathroom door. "Frankie, your burning me, if you keep playing with fire, your going to get burned."

Shocked, and gulping a bit Frankie blushed and opened the bathroom and ducked into it, closing the bathroom door hard. Frowning at how he behaved, Nicholas went into his bedroom and got dressed in a pair of simple trousers and a button up shirt. Going through his female clothes, he picked out a outfit that would be good for Frankie, leaving near the bathroom door.

Going down to the kitchen, he began to make a meal for the both of them. It was already afternoon, so he decided to make lunch. Making a few sandwiches, he began to grill them on the stove. Some time later after he was done making the sandwiches he heard Frankie call down to him. "Um Nicholas could you come up and help me for a second?"

Turning off the stove, he went upstairs to find her in his room. She was sitting in front of his dresser, from her face it looked like she attempted to apply some makeup, however it was quite the mess. "What are you doing Frankie?"

"I wanted to apply makeup, but I messed up. How do you make it look so easy?"

"With a lot of practice. Why do you even want to apply makeup? We will be going through the woods, and will get pretty dirty. That's why I picked out those pants and shirt for you." Frankie was wearing a pair of brown slacks and a tight black shirt.

"I know, but I just wanted, I don't know what I wanted." Frankie looked dejected.

"Frankie this is probably coming from the curse, It's probably best not to go along with the curse. It might make it worse for you."

"Please Nicholas, can you please help me? I know it's asking a lot, and you have done so much for me, but this would really make my day."

Silent for a moment, Nicholas sighed "Alright, I will help you, but I think you will regret this when you become a man again."

"Thank you Nicholas. I won't regret this at all."

Nicholas went and got two bowls of hot water. Dipping a cleaning cloth in one, he began to rub make-up remover on Frankies face until all the makeup she had put on was off. Then he cleaned off her face. Her skin felt hot under his hands. "Before applying any makeup, you have to make sure your face is clean. Honestly Frankie you are beautiful, I don't think you need it."

"Please, keep going."

"Well skip exfoliating today, your skin looks really clear as it is. Let's apply a moisturizer as a base. Your skin is a bit dry, so this will help out." Placing the cream on his hands, he carefully massaged it into Frankies face, making it feel softer under his hands.

"You will only need a bit of primer on these specific areas" Taking a bit of the primer, Nicholas applied it with an applicator brush, and worked it into Frankies skin.

"That tickles a little."

Nodding Frankie pulled out several tubes and began to compare them to Frankies skin. "Alright, this is concealer, this will help conceal small marks and the like. It also helps make the face look more even. You don't need to much, so I will only apply a bit." Dabbing a few marks onto her cheeks, then blended it into her skin.

"Looking good so far. Now we move on to the foundation." Taking a foundation that he thought would suit Frankie. He applied a bit to his hand, then used a brush to start to apply a thin layer onto Frankie. "This needs to be a thin layer, or it will look cakey. Keep it thin to make it look natural."

Finish layering it on, "Okay Frankie lift your head, I need to apply it to your neck as well." Lifting her head, Nicholas began to apply it to her neck making sure it matched her face. Then taking a damp blender tool, he blended the foundation into her skin.

"Doing good Frankie, are you following how I'm applying the makeup?"

"Yes, thank you for teaching me. Wow, I look amazing!"

Taking another look at Frankie, Nicholas thought that yeah she did look amazing, with or without makeup. "Next we will move onto bronzer, then we will start to work on your eyes." Taking a nice bronzer, he began to apply it, making Frankies face look a bit sun-kissed. Satisfied with his work so far, he said alright let's begin working on your eyebrows.

"What about my eyebrows?" Frankie asked.

"They need some pruning to be honest. It's not bad if your going for a au naturle look, but with makeup they kind of stand out." Taking out a tweezers, Nicholas said "This will hurt a bit."


Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I have added a few characters to the Glossary.