Chapter 10 – Familiar Conversation
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Chapter 10 is finally released.  From now on, it will go to a weekly, released at 12:01 AM on Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.  In the original draft, before I turned it into a short story/novel, there were a total of eight different models.  So there may be more than ten when I am finished.  This story is not over yet.


"Here." Evelyn put the cup and saucer on the side table, and returned to the kitchen for her own cup, as well as a plate with two biscuits on it. She sat back down, and picked up her sketchbook.

"Now, you said you saw my ad online?" Evelyn asked. Roberta nodded.

"Yes." Roberta picked up the cup and took a tentative sip. "It's real good." She said in surprise. Evelyn smiled, reminded of Eva's first conversation with her.

Evelyn began to sketch, casually watching the woman, and putting her impressions on the paper. Roberta swallowed a lump in her throat, as she wasn't sure she should interrupt her.

"Continue." Evelyn urged her. "You would like a room. Mind if I ask why?" She asked in that smooth silky voice of hers. Roberta looked at her and blushed a bit.

"Sorry, I did stop, didn't I?" She cleared her throat. "My boyfriend found a new girl, and kicked me out. Changed the locks, and didn't let me take a single thing." She lowered her eyes. "All I have is my phone, my purse, and the clothes on my back." She sniffed a bit.

"I wondered why your eyes looked a bit sad." Evelyn said softly. "I do have a room available." Evelyn lifted her eyes, and showed her the sketch. Roberta was shocked. It happened so fast, and right in front of her, but she couldn't see how Evelyn was able to sketch her, and make it look so pretty.

"Oh." Roberta's mouth fell open a little, and that small sound made Evelyn smile.

"The room is available for the right person. Female only.  Food and a monthly allowance for essentials, with a minimum of a six month stay." Evelyn smiled gently. "The only price is that you pose for me."

"Pose?" She asked quietly, and looked her in the eyes earnestly. Her sadness had cleared, and now, there was only a clean and clear look of awe.

"I will sketch you daily, and sometimes multiple times a day." She said, and sighed a bit. "If you want to look around, you can find the sketches I did of my last lover. She even posed for my sculpture in the hall." Roberta turned, and stood up. She walked quickly to the hall, and stared.

"She looks so real." She said in a soft voice. Roberta turned towards her. Evelyn stood up.

"Eva came to me, starved and fearful, with eyes like that. I've always remembered her eyes, and how beautiful they were." Evelyn said softly, and approached with that elegant walk of hers that caught Eva's eye. "As she lived with me, she recovered, and the shadows in her eyes faded. At the peak of our relationship, I wanted to preserve the beauty I remembered." Evelyn sighed sadly.

"Unfortunately, like some other lovers in the past, time and circumstances have taken her from my grasp." She walked up to Eva, and lightly kissed her on the lips. "I sometimes lean up against her, and look into her eyes for hours, wishing she could hear me, or see me." Roberta blushed.

"I think I can understand." Roberta said, but lowered her eyes. "To tell you the truth, even though I have had boyfriends, I've never had the kind of relationship that you just described." Her cheeks grew warm, and Evelyn turned towards her.

"There is no obligation, Roberta." Evelyn said firmly. Roberta frowned and lifted her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand." She said, and did look confused. Evelyn lost that iron look in her eyes, and smiled gently.

"Sorry. I said the same thing to Eva when she moved in. I provide room and board, and an allowance every month. The minimum obligation is six months. I require you to pose for sketches, and nothing else." Evelyn sighed a bit, and rolled her eyes. "Like I said to her, it's room and board, not 'food for sex'."

"Oh." Roberta said, as she was surprised by Evelyn's anger. She was just a little shocked, and unable to respond, which is why she said 'oh', as nothing else came to mind. Evelyn thought it was quite cute.

"Come. First thing we should do is let you go have a shower. I'll show you around the house, let you use some of Eva's clothes that might fit you, as she left them behind when she left." She looked her up and down. "But it seems that I'll need to give you an allowance to go pick up some tops." Evelyn smirked and headed for the stairs.

"You're built a little more substantially up top than she was." The soft wisps of Eva's consciousness looked out of her eyes as the two women left her sight.

If she could have heard Eva's final thoughts, Evelyn might have regretted her actions for the rest of her life, instead of looking at Eva with fondness.

'She has moved on. I am so tired. Let me sleep.' Those soft wisps of her consciousness dissipated gently until there was nothing left behind.

More than week after she was mummified, Eva finally died.


* * *


Roberta showered, changed into a robe, washed her clothes in the washer, and found a change of clothes on the dryer. It was still warm at night, and during the day, so she put the shorts on, as well as a button up shirt.

"Hm, looks like it doesn't fit, as I expected." Evelyn said behind her. Roberta blushed brightly, as the shirt was over her shoulders, but could not be closed. It covered her large long breasts, but that cleavage was free and clear.

"As much as I would like to sketch your beauty in its entirety, I do not want anyone else to see it so casually." Evelyn turned away.

"If you're hungry, supper will be ready soon."

Roberta rolled her eyes, and felt her chest. Her breasts shook a bit as they fell outside of the shirt that she couldn't button up. She bit her bottom lip a bit.

"Did she want to see my boobs?" Roberta asked. "That was a roundabout why of doing it." She had no idea how patient Evelyn was, or how her gaze was filled with longing. Not desire, or hunger, but a longing for a connection, like she had with Eva.

Evelyn would not push things quickly, even to satisfy her desire to have sex with this ample chested woman. If they didn't make a connection, or find intimacy to the point that she wanted to preserve her beauty, nothing would happen.

She's already rejected dozens of models who wanted to sit for her. Her sketches and paintings were not popular, but she did enjoy a small amount of notoriety. The sketches appealed to a special kind of customer, as did her paintings.

Now that her art portfolio had grown larger, with both Eva and Roberta being added to the list, her client base was growing by the day.

Even with her large sagging breasts, large areola, and thick nipples, Roberta was in a category that even Jill resided in.

Not yes or no. Both were only a 'Maybe'.


* * *


Evelyn put the plates on the table, dished up some pasta to each plate, and slid some sliced carrots beside the pasta. As Roberta came down the stairs, Evelyn put a small dipping bowl beside each of their plates, and added some sweet vinegar based salad dressing to the bowls.

"I didn't know if you liked chicken, or beef. I made a chicken stir fry to go over top the pasta, but didn't want to choose for you." Evelyn said. Roberta looked down at the plate, and back at her. "What's wrong?" Roberta folded her arms over her belly, and Evelyn could see the problem immediately.

"He controlled how much you ate, didn't he?" She asked. Roberta shook her head.

"He belittled me for being fat. A lot." Roberta said in a soft voice. Evelyn frowned.

"Fat?" She walked over, and to Roberta's shame, she pulled up her shirt. Her hand went onto her belly, and shook her head. "There is very little fat here, and barely enough to suit your frame. Sit. You need to eat a bit more than you do." Evelyn put a trivet on the table, and the fry pan on the trivet, along with a scoop. She ignored the soft sniff from Roberta, as she knew the way she behaved could make others quite emotional.

"If you want to eat this meal, then eat, Roberta." Evelyn said gently, which drew the woman's gaze. Evelyn smiled and looked at her with a naughty grin. "Though I am a little disappointed you didn't wear the other shirt."

"It didn't fit." Roberta said simply. Evelyn's grin grew wider.

"I know."