The journey through the forest towards Gearford was marked by a quiet contemplation for both of us. As we moved through the dense woodland, I was grateful for my Trailblazer abilities, my mental map easily allowed me to keep going in the right direction.
As the morning sun climbed higher, its rays filtering through the canopy and the sounds of the forest grew louder around us. Birds chirped overhead, and the occasional rustle in the underbrush reminded me of the other inhabitants of the forest watching our progress with wary eyes.
The terrain gradually shifted as we approached the edge of the forest, the dense trees giving way to a patchwork of clearings and thicker brush. I noticed Ryone’s pace slowed slightly, her gaze lingering on the open sky visible through the thinning canopy. I could sense her mixed emotions, the freedom of the open road appealing yet daunting after what we had escaped. “We’ll hit the main road soon,” she continued, adjusting her bag. “From there, it’s a straight path to Gearford.”
As we finally stepped out of the forest, the landscape opened up before us. The road, as Ryone had predicted, stretched northward, a well-trodden path marked by the passage of many travelers.
I scanned the horizon, taking in the new environment. The road was bordered on one side by a small river, its waters gleaming under the sun, and on the other by rolling hills dotted with the bright colors of wildflowers. It was a picturesque scene, vastly different from the dark corners of Kyrekeep’s streets.
“Drakmore only allows merchants to go through their border freely, so we probably won’t encounter many travelers around here. We should get going.”
As she took a step towards the trodden path, I kept anxiously scanning our surroundings to make sure we were alone. My only other experience with civilization had been quite dramatic, so I wasn’t excited at the thought of meeting more people.
Ryone seemed to sense my hesitation to step onto the road. She paused, looking back at me with an understanding smile. “We don’t have to stick to the road if you’re not comfortable. We can keep to the edge, use it as a guide rather than a path.”
Grateful for her consideration, I nodded, and we adjusted our route to follow the road from a safe distance. This allowed us to use the road as a guide without fully exposing ourselves to the more frequented paths.
As we traveled, I took the opportunity to observe Ryone more closely. The ordeal in Kyrekeep had left its marks, both physically and emotionally, but her resolve seemed only strengthened. Her eyes, when she spoke of Gearford, lit up with a mix of hope and determination.
As the day wore on, the road began to show signs of increased traffic. We spotted merchants and travelers, all moving with purpose, yet we didn’t stop to investigate and just kept our distance, out of reach and out of sight.
Our pace was steady, and by late afternoon, we had covered significant ground. The outline of a small town appeared on the horizon, a waypoint on our journey to Gearford. Ryone stopped to gaze upon the horizon. “That’s not Gearford yet, just a small town where we can resupply and rest,” she explained.
The prospect of entering a populated area again brought a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Would this town be another Kyrekeep? I certainly wasn’t keen on getting chased around by mokmire all over the place.
Once again, Ryone seemed to sense my discomfort and continued. “Don’t be too worried, we are not in Drakmore anymore, the people here should be less wary about our… unusual appearance,” she finished with a smile, looking up at me.
Umph, you should look at yourself in the mirror girl, your eyes might as well be flashlights.
Resigned, I went along with Ryone. As we neared the town, the sounds of life growing louder with each step
We proceeded toward the town gate, the wooden palisade standing strong and manned with alert guards. Unlike the neglected walls of Kyrekeep, these were well-maintained, reflecting a community that valued security and order. The guards stationed at the entrance shifted into a more defensive posture as they noticed our approach, their eyes specifically lingering on me with a mix of curiosity and caution.
Ryone caught my glance and gave a slight, playful smirk. She gave me a look, almost as if saying, “See? I told you you were unusual”. But the lightness of her expression did little to ease the tightening in my chest as we drew closer.
As we reached the town entrance, a group of guards stepped forward, their hands resting on the weapons at their belts, but not drawn, a sign that while they were on high alert, they were still open to talking. I scanned the guards around us, their distinctive green skin and pointy ears confirming that they were mokmires. Their equipment looked decent, they wore studded leather armor and wielded swords or spears.
"Halt! State your business," one of the guards, a broad-shouldered man with a no-nonsense expression, called out firmly.
Ryone stepped forward, her posture relaxed but confident. "Good day to you! We’re just travelers looking to resupply and rest. My companion might look daunting, but I assure you, she’s harmless," she explained, gesturing towards me with a reassuring smile.
The guard's eyes narrowed slightly as he surveyed me, taking in my large form and the amber scales that marked me distinctly from the creatures of their usual encounters. His gaze then shifted back to Ryone, assessing her words against the sight before him.
"You don’t look like a merchant, yet you came from Drakmore. What are your circumstances?" The guard asked, his tone still commanding, yet slightly more curious.
Ryone seemed taken aback by the question.
“We were… attacked on our way back here… Some bandits from the forest took our wares and carriage and… my companion and I managed to escape! And here we are, looking to resupply and rest!”
I looked at Ryone, who looked like she was sweating buckets, then looked at the guard, who narrowed his eyes at her explanation.
He’s totally not buying it Ryone, say something else!
Before she could scramble some other lie, the guard continued. “Tell me about your creature, I’ve never seen anything like it around these parts.”
“Of course! This is my trusted companion, you might see the resemblance, and you would be correct in assuming she is…” Ryone took a brief pause as she sensed my burning gaze upon her shoulders. As she turned, we briefly locked eyes and I gave her the most undignified and offended look I could possibly muster.
“... definitely not a gemtail! It is actually a common mistake. It is a creature… from the… highlands to the north! That’s right, and it served my family long before I was born.”
I looked at the guard, who was staring at Ryone with a deadpan face, before he spoke again.
“Little girl, you are a terrible liar.” He quickly gestured towards the guards, who began to slowly encircle us from the sides.
“Now tell me the truth, or I will have no choice but to restrain your creature and take you in for further questioning.”
Ryone's face blanched as the guards tightened their circle around us. The tension was palpable, and it was clear that our situation was quickly deteriorating. However, just as the guard motioned for others to move in, Ryone reached into her leather bag with a determined look.
"Wait, please, let me show you something that will explain everything!" She pulled out the sealed letter, holding it out towards the guard with a hopeful expression. "This letter guarantees that we are not enemies. Please, just look at it."
The lead guard, still skeptical but willing to stall for a moment, took the letter from Ryone. His eyes widened in surprise as he noticed the sigil on the front. He called over to one of the other guards, instructing him to fetch a specific tool from the guardhouse.
A few tense moments passed before the other guard returned, holding what looked like a stamp. He brought it over and pressed it against the seal on the letter. For a few seconds, everyone fell silent, all eyes fixed on the stamp as it glowed blue, casting a soft light over the faces of the gathered guards. After a couple more seconds, the glow faded, and the guard let out a sigh of relief.
"It's authentic," he announced, the tension in his voice easing. "Stand down, everyone."
The other guards, upon hearing the confirmation, relaxed and slowly backed away, though their eyes remained fixed on us with a mix of curiosity and newfound respect.
The lead guard handed the letter back to Ryone with a nod. "My apologies for the misunderstanding," he said, his tone now markedly more respectful. "We've had troubles with bandits and other… less savory types lately. Can't be too careful, you understand."
Ryone nodded, tucking the letter safely back into her bag. "Of course, we understand completely. Thank you for your diligence."
"Given the seal on that letter, I assume you have important business," the guard continued, glancing between Ryone and me. "You're free to resupply and rest here as you need. If you require any assistance, feel free to ask."
Ryone smiled, relief visible on her face. "Thank you, truly. We appreciate your hospitality."
As the guards dispersed, returning to their posts, Ryone turned to me, her smile widening.
What the hell just happened?
Ryone looked back at me with a relieved tone. "See? It worked out after all. Now let's go find an inn and a stable."
Right, guess finding a room that I can fit in would be too much to ask.
We proceeded into the town, the atmosphere markedly lighter. The townspeople, who had been watching the interaction from a safe distance, began to go about their business again, though many stole curious glances in our direction.
The town was small, and soon enough we located a cozy establishment that promised good food and a place to rest. As we approached, the sign outside the inn read “Prancing Thralion”, and right to the side were the stables.
As Ryone headed into the inn, I had no choice but to stand awkwardly outside the small door. My large form couldn't possibly fit through the quaint entrance designed for humans and smaller creatures. I could hear Ryone's voice from inside, her tone cheerful as she inquired about accommodations.
"Good evening, I'll need a room for myself and a spot in your stable for my companion," Ryone explained to the innkeeper. The muffled response floated through the thin walls.
"Three glims for a night, or seven with two meals included," the innkeeper offered.
I tilted my head, processing this information.
Glims? So that's the currency around here…
Moments later, the innkeeper, a small man with a bushy beard, emerged from the inn to guide us to the stable. What surprised me the most is that he looked human, albeit quite short.
Is this a human? He looks like a dwarf… is he a human with dwarfism or just a regular sized dwarf?
As the questions piled up in my head about fantasy races and possibilities, the dwarf led us outside towards the stable. "And for your... uh, companion," he said, eyeing me with a mixture of curiosity and caution, "it's one glim per night, and we take care of refilling the trough once per day."
Did he just say trough? On second thought, this might be a bad idea…
Upon entering the stable, the pungent smell of hay and animal musk hit me immediately. The space was filled with a few thralions, their large bodies and fluffy tails occupying most of the clean spots. The innkeeper gestured to a corner filled with fresh, albeit scratchy-looking hay.
"There you go, nice and cozy!" he declared, his voice overly cheerful as if trying to sell me on the idea.
I glanced at the hay, then at the thralions, and the indignity of it all welled up inside me.
Sleep in the hay? Eat whatever scraps they bring out here? See you tomorrow Ryone, I’ll find myself a nice tree somewhere!
The thought was too much. Without a word, I turned and walked straight out of the stable, the door banging against the wall as I left.
"Wait!" I heard Ryone call out after me, her voice laced with worry and surprise.
The innkeeper stood frozen, his mouth agape as he watched me stride away. Ryone hurried after me, leaving him to scratch his head in bafflement.
"Wait, please, just come back. We'll figure something out!" Ryone pleaded, catching up to me with a few quick steps.
Despite my inability to speak, my body language must have screamed “no way”. Ryone understood, her face falling for a moment before she brightened up with determination.
"Okay, okay, let's try something else," she said, her eyes scanning the surroundings as if a solution might appear out of thin air. "Maybe there’s a larger space or even a courtyard where you could stay. Let me talk to the innkeeper again."
With a resigned sigh, I stopped, allowing Ryone to lead me back towards the inn.
Alright but it better be a nice little courtyard or I’m going back to the forest!
Pov: Marshal Olog
The cool night air was thick with the scent of damp earth and pine as I stood at the edge of the forest, overlooking the small town where my target had sought refuge. The soft glow of lanterns illuminated the streets, casting long shadows that danced across the ground with the gentle night breeze. Beside me, my three trusted retainers stood in silent vigilance, their eyes sharp and their bodies tensed for action.
"Rutgerd," I whispered, turning my gaze towards the hulking figure to my right. "Confirm with your tracker ability. Does the trail end here?"
Rutgerd’s eyes narrowed as he focused on the lingering energies that only he could sense. After a moment, he turned back to me, his voice a low rumble in the quiet of the night. "Aye, Marshal. The girl and the beast's trail leads straight into the heart of this town. It ends here."
I let out a slow breath, my mind racing with possibilities. This was the break we needed. "They're heading to Gearford," I murmured, more to myself than to my men. "That much is clear from their path and their urgency. We'll let them rest tonight, I don’t want to risk trouble with the guards. Tomorrow we will ambush them after they leave."
The plan was simple yet effective. In the early morning, when the town still slumbered, we would position ourselves along the likely routes out of town. The element of surprise would be crucial.
"Morten, Sylas see to the preparations. I want us ready to move at first light," I commanded, turning to another of my retainers, a wiry man known for his cunning and agility.
Morten nodded, a flicker of excitement passing over his features as he turned to begin preparations to make camp. Sylas, ever the silent shadow, followed without a word, his steps as quiet as the falling night dew.
I turned back to the town, my eyes scanning the quiet streets one last time. The stakes were high, not just for the capture of the girl and her unusual companion, but for what it represented. Success here could mean a significant shift in power, a chance to reclaim my position and influence within the higher echelons of power.
As the night deepened, I allowed myself a moment of quiet contemplation. The game was set, the pieces were moving, and soon, very soon, I would take back my rightful place in Ulv.
Hopefully Olog's obsession blinds him to the danger and he underestimates his prey enough that Juniper and Ryone can escape and continue on their journey.
Why escape ? Juniper need to kill the guy the moment she can
@Stonelight Might not be a good option as he is part of the country's military.
@Talmus Who will know ? They are ambushing them outside, if they die there and even if they are seen killing them, it would be the same than defending against bandits to anyone who see it and it will stay to that unless someone search for info on him, something no one will do probably.
So I underestimated the abilities of tracking, woopsies! But I still think he is a fool for his 'planning' capabilities
When did Ryone learn Junipers name?
That was an oversight on my part! I have corrected it, thanks for pointing it out
time to f*cking feast on some slavers