Chapter 29: Sodel Dhurek
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The first rays of dawn gently brushed against the cobblestones of the inn's courtyard, casting a soft golden glow that crept up to where I lay. The night had passed peacefully, far better than I had initially feared. After Ryone's negotiations, the innkeeper had agreed to let me stay in the courtyard for two glims, with a promise that I would be on my best behavior. The space was open, allowing me to stretch out under the stars, and I was just happy to not have to suffer through the cramped, musky stable.

I awoke to the sound of the town slowly coming to life; the distant clatter of pots and the murmurs of early risers starting their day filled the air with a comforting normalcy. Stretching my limbs, I shook off the remnants of sleep, surprisingly feeling more refreshed than I had in days.

Ryone emerged from the inn just as I was contemplating a morning stroll around the town. Her hair was tousled, evidence of a hurried start, yet her smile was bright and her eyes sparkled with the promise of a new day. She carried a small tray with what smelled like freshly baked bread and a couple of fruits.

"Good morning! I hope you found the courtyard comfortable," she greeted me cheerfully, setting the tray down near where I lounged. "I brought us breakfast. Figured we'd eat together before hitting the road."

I perked up at the idea of eating something different than the usual forage of the forest. The food was simple but inviting, the bread still warm from the oven. As I nibbled on a piece, the flavors of grain and a hint of honey delighted my senses. It was the first time I ate bread after being born in this world, and I was enjoying every second of it. Ryone watched me with amusement as I savored each bite, her own meal momentarily forgotten.

"So," she began once I had slowed down, brushing crumbs from her lap, "we'll head out after breakfast. Gearford isn't too far now, the innkeeper says just 2 days of travel if we keep a good pace." Her tone was casual, but I could sense the underlying tension about the road ahead.

I nodded, understanding the gravity of our journey. Gearford wasn't just another destination, it was a beacon of hope for Ryone, a chance for safety and a new life. For me, I was mainly interested in exploring this new world, and perhaps getting some answers to my burning questions along the way.

As we finished our meal, Ryone packed up the small belongings we had brought with us. 

Finally ready, she stood and stretched, her gaze meeting mine. "Ready to see what Gearford has in store for us?" she asked with a hint of excitement mingling with her nerves.

I responded with a gentle nudge, my way of showing my readiness and reassurance. With a final glance at the inn that had offered a brief respite, we stepped out of the courtyard and into the morning light. 

The streets were busy with the morning hustle. Despite it being a small town, vendors were setting up their stalls and early shoppers were browsing through goods. As we made our way toward the town gate, I spotted a row of shops on the side of the road. One particular storefront caught my eye, a tailor's shop. The colorful fabrics displayed in the window reminded me of the tattered clothes Ryone was wearing. 

I stopped, turning towards the shop with a deliberate movement. Ryone, a few steps ahead, turned back in surprise as she noticed I had veered off our path.

“What is it?” Ryone asked, jogging back to me, her eyes following my gaze to the tailor's shop. I nudged her gently towards the store, trying to convey my thoughts. She looked down at her worn shirt and pants and then back at me, a slow realization crossing her face. 

“I probably don’t have enough glims…” She murmured, looking a bit embarrassed. 

Determined to help, I pulled out a satchel filled with coins and handed it to her. I had taken the small bag from a slaver in Kyrekeep, the same slaver that had beaten her and torn part of her shirt, so it felt fitting to use his glims to pay for her new clothes. 

Ryone hesitated, her eyes widening at the gesture. 

“No, I can’t take this,” she protested, trying to push the satchel back towards me.

After a brief moment, seeing her reluctance, I nudged the satchel closer to her again, more insistently this time.

Just take it, you are traveling with a mighty dragon after all. You can’t be wearing those tattered rags anymore.

Understanding my determination, Ryone finally took the satchel, a grateful smile breaking across her face.

“Thank you,” she said softly, her voice carrying a weight of gratitude. 

With a final unsure glance at me, she walked into the shop. I positioned myself near the window where I could keep an eye on her. Inside, Ryone spoke with the tailor, pointing at some clothes and then at the coins in the satchel. After a few moments, she selected a dark purple shirt and a black cloak, which she tried on. 

Finally, Ryone emerged from the shop wearing her new clothes. The dark purple shirt complemented her bright eyes, and the cloak enveloped her small figure nicely, giving her a look of a determined adventurer. She approached me, the bag of glims in her hand.

“These are yours,” she said, offering the rest of the coins back to me with a smile. “Thanks to you, I feel a bit more like myself again.”

I nodded towards her with an expression that I hoped conveyed my pleasure at her happiness, the simple gesture of helping her shop somehow strengthening the bond between us.

“I tried to pick something that wasn’t too expensive but still sturdy enough for traveling. I spent 10 glims for the cloak and 5 for the shirt…” She added while pointing at her new attire,  “and there are 20 glims left in the bag.”

One again, I nodded at her remark. It seemed appropriate that the cloak cost more. While it wasn’t anything fancy or fashionable, it looked thick and durable, with plenty of pockets sewn on the inside. Overall, it seemed like a good choice.

As Ryone and I approached the town gate, ready to embark on the next leg of our journey to Gearford, a familiar voice halted us in our tracks. Turning around, I saw the guard we had met the day before hurrying towards us, a friendly smile on his face. Beside him walked a short, stout figure whose presence piqued my curiosity instantly.

The short man's features, human-like but marked by a bushy beard and shorter stature, reminded me of the innkeeper we had encountered previously. This sight stirred in me a flicker of excitement and wonder. 



Is there really a dwarven race in this world, like those in the fantasy tales of Earth?

The guard, now close enough to engage in conversation, waved enthusiastically as he introduced his companion. "This is Sodel Dhurek," he announced with a hint of respect in his voice. "A renowned merchant from the Dhurek family of Gearford."

Sodel Dhurek extended a hand, his grip firm and his face breaking into a broad, welcoming grin. "Pleased to meet you both," he said, his voice deep and resonant. "I heard you were heading to Gearford. As it happens, I’m traveling there myself today. Perhaps we could journey together?"

Ryone hesitated, exchanging a quick, uncertain look with me before responding. "Thank you for your kind offer, Mr. Dhurek," she said, her tone polite yet firm. "But we prefer to travel alone at this time."

Sodel's bushy eyebrows rose in surprise, a hint of disappointment flickering across his face before the guard chimed in, his tone both confused and slightly reproachful. "But why would you not want to travel with someone as respectable as Mr. Dhurek? Especially since he's from the same family that issued your letter of introduction."

At the mention of the letter, Ryone's eyes widened, darting toward me with a mix of surprise and confusion. It was clear from her expression that she was unaware of any connection between her letter and the Dhurek family. Caught off guard, she stuttered a response, "I—I uhm… right, Dhurek, of course! How could I have forgotten… The sigil on the letter was from your family Mr.. Dhurek."

Ryone you are a terrible liar! 

Her reply trailed off into an awkward silence, punctuated by Sodel's understanding nod. He quickly stepped in to ease the tension. "No worries at all," Sodel said with a gentle smile, turning to dismiss the guard with a gracious nod. "Thank you, but I'll take it from here."

Once the guard had left and was comfortably out of earshot, Sodel turned back to us with a slightly amused twinkle in his eye. "So, little girl, you had no idea the letter was issued by a Dhurek? That's quite the oversight."

Ryone shuffled uncomfortably, her words stumbling out in a jumbled rush. "Yes, well, I got the letter from a merchant in Ulv, and uh, he didn’t really mention... that is to say, I didn't catch the family name, or rather, it wasn’t emphasized, and—"

Sodel raised a hand, cutting off her rambling with a chuckle. "Relax, there's no harm done. It's just a letter, though an important one at that." His tone was reassuring, but he leaned in slightly, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Just make sure to keep it safe. While guards might want to verify its authenticity along the way, remember, it can only be properly opened at the Dhurek household with specialized tools."

Ryone nodded earnestly, her earlier embarrassment fading into a mix of gratitude and curiosity. "Thank you. I’ll be more careful with it."

Seeming satisfied with her response, Sodel straightened up, the businesslike demeanor returning. "Now, considering the circumstances and the protections needed for such a letter, perhaps reconsider traveling with me to Gearford? I assure you, it’s not only safe but could prove to be quite beneficial for you."

Ryone exchanged a glance with me, a silent conversation passing between us. I slightly nodded towards her.

If the guards and your letter confirm that he’s a respectable merchant, then I don’t see why we shouldn’t.

Before Ryone could voice our silent agreement, Sodel spoke again, his observation sharp. "You seem to be looking towards your peculiar companion quite a lot," he noted, his gaze shifting to lock onto mine.

As I met his eyes, I sensed an almost imperceptible glint within them, as if capturing and reflecting some unseen light. For a long, stretched second, time seemed to slow, and the air around us thickened. His stare was intense, almost penetrating, as though he was attempting to read the very essence of my being. Under his scrutinizing gaze, I felt an unsettling mix of visibility and vulnerability, wondering if somehow, he recognized the true nature of my race.

Just as I began to feel overwhelmed by the intensity of his examination, Ryone’s voice sliced through the tension, grounding me back to the moment. "Yes, traveling with you sounds like a prudent choice, Mr. Dhurek. We appreciate the safety and the company," she said, her tone carrying a mix of decisiveness and relief.

Sodel’s eyes finally broke away from mine, returning to Ryone with a satisfied nod. "It’s settled then, and call me Sodel,” he responded warmly, as he put his hand out. 

“Please call me Ryone,” she said while returning the handshake.

The dwarf nodded once again. “Let’s make preparations to leave at once. Gearford awaits, and I assure you, the journey will be as enriching as the destination itself." As he mentioned the last part he stole another glance towards me, before turning back in the direction he arrived from.

“Please wait here while I collect my carriage, I will be back in a few minutes.”

I watched him walk away and disappear into the town, before turning towards Ryone with a somewhat disappointed look.

“What? I had no idea about the whole Dhurek thing going on with my letter!” Ryone responded to my silent question  with a sheepish grin, shrugging slightly.

I nodded, the subtle movements reflecting my thoughts. Things were becoming more interesting, and while the unknowns were daunting, they were also invigorating. As we waited for Sodel to return with his carriage, the early morning sun began to climb higher, casting long shadows on the cobblestone path and illuminating the bustling life of the town.

Ryone paced slightly, her new cloak swishing with each step. Neither of us knew what awaited us in Gearford, but the promise of discovering more about her mysterious letter was enough to keep us tethered to this newfound ally.

The sound of carriage wheels rolling over stone soon announced Sodel's return. He appeared around the corner, a large, sturdy carriage in tow, drawn by a robust looking thralion.

"All set?" Sodel called out as he reached us, the carriage coming to a smooth stop. He hopped down with a brisk energy, his face beaming with a trader's canny anticipation of the road ahead.

Ryone turned to Sodel with a determined nod. "We’re ready to go."


Gearford is probably the town I have developed the most in my world-building efforts, and I am excited for Juniper to finally reach it.

I am curious to hear your thoughts, would you like for Juniper to linger in Gearford for a while and unveil its secrets, or would you prefer more adventures around the world?

As always, thanks for reading!