Chapter 30: A Perilous Road
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The carriage wheels hummed a steady rhythm against the rough road, the sound mingling with the distant calls of birds and the rustling leaves. As we ventured further, the landscape slowly transformed. A few villages came into view, spaced out by stretches of open fields. The countryside unfolded in a patchwork of newly cultivated lands, the rich earth turned over and dotted with the green sprouts of early crops.

To our left, the dense expanse of the forest ran parallel to the road, a vast sea of trees that stretched as far as the eye could see. 

I wonder if Tom is taking good care of my cave…

Ryone sat next to Sodel, conversing in low tones about the road ahead. I trailed alongside the carriage, my large form drawing curious glances from those we passed. Despite my size, I moved with ease, my presence now an accepted part of this small traveling ensemble.

Sodel proved to be an informative companion, sharing tales of the road and insights into the regions through which we traveled. His knowledge of trade routes and local customs was extensive, and Ryone listened intently, absorbing every word. 

As the day progressed, Sodel's demeanor remained warm and engaging, yet I noticed him occasionally casting quick, calculating glances my way. His curiosity seemed to grow as the road stretched behind us, until finally, he could no longer contain his questions.

"So," Sodel began, turning slightly in his seat to face Ryone more directly, "your companion... She's quite remarkable. What exactly is her species? I must admit, I've traveled far and wide but have never seen anything like her."

Ryone hesitated for a moment, glancing back at me with a mixture of fondness and contemplation. Choosing honesty, she replied, "I actually don't know her exact species. She's been with me for a while now, and she's incredibly intelligent, more than many people I've met."

Sodel nodded thoughtfully, his eyes flicking back to me with renewed interest. "Oh, she's intelligent alright," he said, his voice carrying a hint of something deeper, almost as if he knew more than he let on.

The conversation hung in the air for a moment before Ryone caught on something unexpected. "Wait, you said 'she'. How did you know she’s female?" Ryone’s question was tinted with surprise and curiosity.

Sodel chuckled softly, the sound rich with amusement and perhaps a touch of mystery. "Call it an old dolmir’s wisdom," he replied vaguely, his smile broadening. "Sometimes, you learn to see the essence of beings, not just their outward appearances."

Ryone pondered his words, her expression shifting to one of thoughtful consideration. She hadn't really thought about whether I had a gender, perhaps because our bond was based more on mutual respect and shared experiences than on any typical understanding one might have of an animal companion.

I also couldn’t help but notice Sodel had used the term “dolmir”, and I wondered if that was the name of his race, or maybe his profession.

As the carriage continued its journey, the morning sun slowly climbed higher, casting longer shadows over the road. Looking at the path ahead, three cloaked figures emerged from the direction we were headed. They moved with a purposeful stride, yet there was something unsettling about their approach.

Sodel, who had been engaged in an anecdote about Gearford's market dynamics, trailed off, his eyes narrowing as he observed the advancing figures. The atmosphere within the carriage shifted, a subtle undercurrent of tension weaving through the previously relaxed air.

Sensing the change, I watched closely. While the figures could have been ordinary travelers, their choice to cover their faces and the mysterious aura they exuded felt distinctly out of place when compared to others we had encountered. Most travelers greeted each other openly, faces bared, sharing the road with a nod or a smile.

As they drew closer, instead of veering to the side of the road to let us pass, they stopped directly in front of the carriage. Sodel pulled on the reins gently, bringing the carriage to a halt to avoid a collision.

"Excuse me," Sodel called out politely, his tone cordial yet firm. "Could you please step aside so we may continue our journey?"

The figures remained motionless, their silence hanging heavily in the air. After a brief pause, one of them slowly pulled down their hood and slightly opened his coat. The reveal was startling, beneath the cloak was a mokmire clad in studded leather armor, reinforced with metal plates strategically placed over his joints and vitals. His gaze was hard, and his stance spoke of readiness and not of peaceful intentions.

Sodel's hand moved subtly to the side, likely reaching for a weapon or a means of communication hidden from view. Ryone's hand went to her mouth in a gasp, her eyes wide with apprehension.

The mokmire's voice was gravelly as he finally spoke, breaking the tense silence. "Greetings, dolmir. We happen to be acquaintances of your traveling companions and would like to have a word with them in private,” his gaze shifted to Ryone. “If you and your beast would be so kind as to follow us… it will just take a moment," he concluded as he pointed off the side of the road, making sure his sheathed sword was in full display.

Sodel grunted, “You do not look like an official from Gearford, therefore I apologize, but unless my companion wants to speak with you directly, we shall be on our way.”

The mokmire's eyes narrowed at Sodel's response, and his posture stiffened, escalating the tension. "This is not a request, dolmir," he said, his voice low and threatening. "You will follow us, or we will use force if necessary."

I could see Ryone's anxiety spiking at the threat, her eyes darting towards me. I gave her a determined nod, trying to reassure her with my presence. Despite the uncertainty of the situation, if they wanted to drag us closer to the forest to have a talk, I would welcome the advantage.

Ryone, reassured by my gesture, turned back to Sodel with a resolve hardened by the danger now clear in front of us. "Sodel, please, don't worry about us," she said quickly, her voice firm yet tinged with concern. "I don't want you to get hurt because of us. You should keep going, and we'll meet you in Gearford."

Sodel paused, weighing her words. He glanced back at me, his eyes searching mine for a few long moments, as if looking for an answer in my steady gaze. Then, he turned back to face the cloaked mokmire, his expression set into a mask of resolve.

"We will all go together, or none at all." Sodel said firmly, surprising both Ryone and the mokmire. 

The mokmire seemed taken aback by Sodel's declaration, his eyes flicking between the three of us, reassessing the situation. After a tense moment, he nodded curtly. "Very well, have it your way. Follow us, and let us resolve this matter quickly."

The mokmire led us away from the main road, his companions following closely behind, maintaining an intense vigilance over our group. We moved deeper into the countryside, the dense border of the forest looming just to our left. Instead of plunging into the thick woodland, however, our guide stopped at the base of a large oak tree, far enough from the road to be hidden from the casual glance of any passersby.

As we gathered around the tree, the tension was palpable. The two cloaked figures swiftly moved to encircle our group, their movements deliberate and menacing. The lead mokmire, the one who had initially confronted us, turned to face Sodel with a grim expression.

"Your presence here was an anomaly, and unfortunately for you, this is where it ends," he declared coldly. His tone suggested a chilling promise of imminent violence. Before acting, he turned towards Ryone. "If you and your beast stay out of this, you won't get hurt."

Ryone stiffened, her eyes darting between me and Sodel, uncertain yet ready to defend if necessary. Just as the atmosphere thickened with the impending threat, Sodel reached into his coat, pulling out a small, metallic object. To my surprise, it resembled a pistol, but not quite like any weapon I'd seen, it was bulkier, designed more crudely.

Sodel wasted no time. With practiced ease, he pointed the device skyward and pulled a pin at the back. A moment later, it discharged with a loud pop, firing a bright white flare into the air. The flare shrieked as it ascended, drawing our eyes upwards. After a tense few seconds, it exploded into multiple smaller flares that scattered across the sky in various directions, except their light didn’t extinguish, and they continued to travel far from our location. It was a dazzling display of light and sound.

The effect was mesmerizing, but the mokmire’s reaction was immediate and furious. "Bastard!" he roared, his earlier composure shattering as he charged toward Sodel with a drawn sword.

Ryone cried out, stepping back as the mokmire advanced. I positioned myself between her and the attackers, my instincts taking over. My scales bristled, ready to shield her from any harm.

As the larger mokmire drew near Ryone, warning her to stay still, I could see Sodel struggling to maintain his ground against the aggressive assault. They had underestimated Sodel's combat skills, but he was gradually being pushed back, forced to defend more than attack. 

My attention quickly shifted back to the mokmires blocking my view. Drawing upon my Phytomancer abilities, I focused on the natural surroundings that they had unwittingly chosen for this confrontation, mainly lingering on the large oak that stood behind us.

I’ll make you regret bringing us closer to the forest.

The ground beneath was rich with life, the large oak's roots sprawling deep and wide. Channeling my energy, I commanded the roots to respond. With a rumbling growl beneath the earth, one of the massive roots tore through the surface, surging towards the smaller of the two mokmires. The root struck with the force of a battering ram, catching the mokmire completely off-guard. His body was hurled through the air, crashing into the underbrush with a thud that left him dazed and struggling to get up.

With one threat momentarily neutralized, I turned my attention to the larger mokmire. He had witnessed his companion being flung by the root and now eyed me with a mix of confusion and fury. His hesitation was all I needed. Summoning another root, I prepared to strike, but this time he was quicker, sidestepping the lunging root with a grunt.

As he was distracted dodging my attack, I pounced forward and swiped at him with my claw. The burly mokmire noticed my strike, yet he didn’t seem bothered by it. Just as my limb was about to connect with his flank, he raised his arm and a large shield made of red light appeared around it.

The shield materialized instantly as my claw collided with it, producing a jarring clang that echoed through the clearing. The force of the impact sent vibrations up my arm, and the mokmire didn’t budge, seemingly unfazed by the force of my hit. Just as the realization started to sink in, I felt the resistance increase, until with a loud grunt he shoved me off his shield, and I jumped backwards, putting some distance between us.

Summoning a shield? Is that one of his class abilities?

The mokmire steadied himself, his shield now fully visible, he brandished a large sword that gleamed ominously in the dappled sunlight filtering through the tree. The sword, unlike the shield, was not a summoned weapon, yet it seemed to hum with a quiet energy.

And that is not a normal sword either…

As I formulated a new plan of action, I met the mokmire's eyes, and in them, I saw nothing but sheer concentration and a deadly resolve. He didn’t speak a word, yet none were needed to convey his capabilities or his intent. He was a warrior through and through, and every move he made was calculated to end the fight in his favor.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed movement in the brush where the smaller mokmire had been thrown by my root. He was back on his feet, and he unsheathed two short swords from beneath his cloak, brandishing them at his sides as he proceeded towards us.

The realization hit me sharply. These were not mere thugs or opportunistic slavers. They were trained, well-equipped soldiers. Underestimating them any further could be a fatal mistake. 

Behind the two, Sodel was still engaged with the other soldier. He was somehow holding his own, yet something told me that the other mokmire wasn’t taking him seriously.

Hold on Sodel, I’m coming to help.

This was a battle of survival, and I was ready to show them just how dangerous a dragon could be.


My upload schedule will be shifting to Tuesdays and Fridays, with the occasional third upload on Sundays if time allows it.

Thanks for reading!