Under the shadow of the old oak, the air was thick with tension, and the ground beneath us bore the weight of impending conflict. I steadied my stance, the forest’s energy pulsing at my call, ready to rise in my defense.
As the smaller mokmire charged towards me, twin swords gleaming with a cold light, I summoned the roots to intercept. A massive root surged from beneath the ground, aiming to strike him mid-charge. With agile grace, he leaped to the side, landing swiftly undeterred. I commanded another set of roots to snake towards him, attempting to halt his advance. He hacked at them, moving with calculated precision trying to avoid becoming entangled.
Meanwhile, the larger mokmire squared off against me, his red shield held high in front of him. I lunged, my powerful legs propelling me forward with great speed. My claws aimed for his midsection, a strike meant to test his defense. As expected, he moved the shield, absorbing the impact with a shimmer of red light that seemed to pulse with my strike. The force threw me off balance momentarily, but I recovered quickly, my tail sweeping low to catch him off-guard.
He sidestepped my tail, bringing his sword down in a downwards arc aimed at my flank. I twisted away, the blade missing by mere inches, and countered with a snarl, snapping my jaws near his extended arm. The mokmire reacted swiftly, retracting his limb just in time to avoid being caught in my powerful bite and taking a step back.
In the brief respite, I scanned the area, noting Sodel's struggle. The older mokmire was skilled, but Sodel managed to parry each thrust with desperate precision. Ryone, armed only with a stick, kept her distance, her eyes wide with concern as she slowly backed away towards the large oak.
Turning back to my own opponent, the larger mokmire advanced again, his sword held high, the edge of his blade aimed for a decisive blow. I ducked under the swing, feeling the whoosh of air as the blade cut above me. Using the low ground, I surged upward, headbutting him in the stomach with the crown of my head. The impact sent him staggering back, his breath huffing out in a pained grunt.
As I prepared to strike again, my senses sharpened as the noise from the mokmire struggling through my web of small roots had ceased. I quickly jumped backwards to put some distance between my opponents just in time to avoid one of the short swords that flew past me.
I regained my balance, heart pounding as the thrill of battle surged through my veins. Just as I was about to launch another attack, thinking I had gained the upper hand with the smaller mokmire now wielding only one sword, a faint hum alerted me to a new threat. Turning sharply, my eyes widened in surprise as I saw the discarded short sword slicing through the air to return to its master's hand.
This unexpected maneuver caught me off-guard, forcing me to dodge once again as I reassessed the smaller mokmire's capabilities. The sword flew back and settled securely in his hand. As he readied his stance, I felt the rage and annoyance in his gaze as he prepared to strike.
What? Can’t handle a couple roots tough guy?
The fight resumed. The smaller mokmire, now fully engaged, darted towards me with lethal precision. I countered with a swipe of my claws, aiming to disrupt his rhythm, but he was quick, parrying with one sword while the other continued its relentless assault. Our dance was dangerous, each step fraught with deadly potential. Meanwhile, the larger mokmire circled, waiting for an opening. His shield was again aglow, the red energy humming softly, a constant threat looming at the edge of my vision.
He’s fast, too fast…
In a swift exchange, the smaller mokmire exploited a gap in my defense. As I stumbled back, he threw one of his blades, which sank deep near my hind leg. The pain was sharp and immediate as the metallic scent of my own blood filled the air. I roared in pain and frustration, the sound echoing through the clearing.
Before I could recover, the larger mokmire charged, his shield leading. The impact was brutal, the force of the shield bash staggering me. My head spun as I stumbled, the ground tilting dangerously. With a grunt, I fell, the earth catching me heavily on my side.
Condition: Wounded |
Condition: Poisoned (minor) |
Of course his blade was poisoned, how creative…
From the ground, the world seemed to wobble, the edges blurring into greens and browns. I shook my head, trying to clear the daze, as I pushed myself up on trembling limbs. The mokmires didn’t waste a moment, closing in, their weapons ready to end the battle.
With a deep growl, I activated my Spore Cloud ability, a skill I had seldom used but knew to be effective. Almost instantly, spores seeped out of the ground around us, expanding rapidly into a thick, obscuring cloud that enveloped the entire area.
Visibility dropped to near zero within seconds, and I quickly sidestepped, sinking deeper into the cloud to conceal my movements. Each step sent a sharp jolt of pain from the wound along my side, the sensation sharp and biting. Gritting my teeth against the agony, I focused on remaining silent and undetected.
Though the cloud had blinded me as well, I wasn’t without resources. I called upon my Phytomancer abilities to connect with the plant life surrounding us. Every blade of grass, every stirring leaf became my eyes on the ground. I could sense every disturbance, every footstep the mokmires took as they cautiously moved through the cloud, trying to locate me.
The smaller mokmire, more agile and seemingly adapting quickly to the reduced visibility, moved with cautious steps, his presence disturbing the grass in a pattern that told me he was sweeping the area, likely trying to flush me out. The larger one was slower, more deliberate, his movements betraying a slight hesitation.
“Sylas what in Gharn’s name is this?” I heard the larger mokmire as he finally spoke out.
“I don’t know, but stay sharp, I wounded its leg with Netherbloom poison, it should be lethal for most creatures.” Another voice rang from the mist, and I knew it came from the smaller mokmire, apparently called Sylas.
Lethal?! But the notification only defined the condition as minor…
I remained still for a moment, using the sensory feedback from the plants to pinpoint their positions accurately. The pulsing pain from the poison reminded me that I needed to end this quickly.
As the smaller mokmire neared, I launched a surprise attack. With a swift motion, I swept my tail through the area where I sensed his next step would land. The tail connected, its impact solid against what felt like his leg, sending him stumbling with a grunt of surprise and pain.
Just as I prepared to strike again, I heard the charge of the larger mokmire, likely alerted by the commotion.
The ground trembled slightly under the larger mokmire's reckless assault. Using the moment to my advantage, I anticipated his trajectory and swiftly manipulated a thick root beneath the surface. As he blindly charged, the root snaked out just in time to catch his foot. With a tremendous crash, the large mokmire tumbled forward, face planting into the damp earth with a muffled thud.
His fall sent a cloud of spores swirling, obscuring my vision momentarily. I shook my head, clearing the haze, and refocused on the smaller, more agile mokmire, who had regained his footing and was circling cautiously now, dagger in hand.
Despite the cut burning at my side, I narrowed my eyes and tensed, preparing for another engagement. The smaller mokmire darted forward, his movements quick and erratic, designed to disorient and outpace. I waited, biding my time as he closed the distance, then pounced with precision. But he was quicker than I expected; he sidestepped deftly, the blade of his dagger flashing in a quick arc, slicing another shallow line across my flank.
Pain seared through me as I gritted my teeth once again.
Damn it, how is this guy so fast?!
With a deep, grounding breath, I channeled my focus, the earth beneath me seeming to pulse in sync with my heart. There were only so many roots I could use from the single oak that towered behind us, so I had to make them count.
Just as I prepared a new plan of action, I noticed, much to my annoyance, that the cloud of spores was beginning to dissipate. In a hurry, I tried to mentally activate the ability once again, yet nothing happened.
Oh please System, don’t tell me there’s a cooldown for things like this.
Clarification. User has utilized all of the spores in the surrounding area. Please relocate to utilize your ability immediately. |
Shut it System, I don’t have time for this!
As I dismissed the annoying notification, I heard footsteps from a third presence stepping through the faint mist. As he approached, I quickly recognized him as the mokmire that was engaged with Sodel, and I thought the worst had happened to the valiant dwarf.
“How very interesting…” He said as he inched closer, “You have proven to be a tough opponent for my men, yet your time is about to run out.”
He positioned himself in front of me as his two companions took position at my flanks. “You are clearly no ordinary creature, it would be a shame to take your life here, so yield now and I may yet spare your life.”
As he finished his piece, he turned to look through the dissipating mist, towards the oak where Ryone was taking cover. “I need the luminar girl alive, but nothing prevents me from ending you now and hanging your head as a trophy in my office, so choose wisely.”
I looked over my three opponents, then towards Ryone. I sank deeper into my thoughts, remembering how far Ryone and I had come. Giving up now wasn't an option.
I slumped my shoulders and lowered my head, feigning defeat. The boss mokmire nodded in satisfaction and turned to his subordinates. “Don’t just stand there. Rutgerd, Sylas, bind the creature,” he commanded with a smirk.
The two mokmires hesitantly stepped forward. As they approached, I connected with the forest’s intricate web of energy that surrounded us. Though not as potent as when I faced the Seraphyte, I still felt the pulsating support of the sparse plant life that surrounded me. As I let it course through me, I once again became part of the forest itself.
I bided my time as the larger mokmire, Rutgerd, approached me. Just as he entered within my striking range, I sprang my trap into action.
Sorry Rutgerd, but it won’t be that easy.
I commanded all the roots around me to sprout rapidly in a protective circle. The roots shot up, weaving into a thick barricade that caught Rutgerd and Sylas off guard. They stumbled back, surprised by the sudden barrier that rose from beneath their feet.
The head mokmire, who had been watching from a distance, drew his sword in frustration, his face contorted with anger. "Clever tricks, creature," he spat out, his voice seething with contempt as he circled my barrier of roots.
As I prepared for the next clash, I felt a familiar warmth weaving through my body. I looked at my limbs and I noticed my claws glowed with the same verdant light that I last saw when fighting against the Seraphyte.
As I concentrated more, I could feel it. The deep, resonant heartbeat of the forest pulsated around me, grounding me in the moment and the memories of countless hours spent training with Tom. The forest wasn't just a backdrop for my struggles, it was a part of me, a partner in this fight of survival.
The mokmires, now more cautious, watched warily as I drew deeper into this connection. The verdant glow from my claws not only illuminated the dim underbrush but also cast a spectral light on their determined faces. Once again, I locked eyes with the boss mokmire, my gaze piercing through like a beam of sheer will and determination.
Come at me then, I’ll take you all on!
Why not immediately kill Rutgerd after tripping him, before Sylas fully recovered and attacked again?
Why feign submission and build up the power and control for a surprise attack when they get close, only to not attack and instead just make a circular wall? What is that even supposed to achieve?! Buying like 5 seconds before they cut it down, or making them turn towards Ryone who is currently alone and unprotected?
Why has she not attempted a single lethal plant attack, or demonstrated the multi-tasking ability like she did with the crabs, able to entangle them with many roots and vines all at once?
Repeating myself from the last chapter, why is Juniper suddenly a useless little shit? It's like all the previous chapters of her learning to control plants and fighting never happened! What was the point of them, if they were meaningless?
Unfortunate. The problem here isn’t making the fight tense and exciting, it’s how it was done. As you have said, all of what the MC has done seems to have been thrown out of the window just for plot reasons.
If you wanted something to challenge the group and the MC, make the enemies stronger, not the MC weaker (strength, skill, magic, whatever else).
It is not like the MC just started fighting; being inexperienced doesn’t mean being almost completely new.
Amusingly, the MC was written as being smart, tactical, and cautious. I don’t see any of this at all in this battle except hot-headed blindness. Huh; maybe it has to do with having a dragon’s physiology? But then, that will have to be explained with why it had not happened before and why it is only coming up now.
re: "The fight resumed."
hmm, authors often have people talking in the middle of life and death battles and I find myself wondering if they've ever experienced a significant amount of adrenaline
Seems like Juniper fit off a lot more than she can easily chew hopefully the price is not too high for her overconfidence.
Even winning this immediate fight still leaves her the poison to deal with and the fate of Sodel.
“I don’t know, but stay sharp, I wounded its leg with Netherbloom poison, it should be lethal for most creatures.” Another voice rang from the mist, and I knew it came from the smaller mokmire, apparently called Sylas.
I thought their boss wanted the creature (Dragon) alive?
Correct, alive if possible. But who’s to say they don’t have the antidote, or a skill to heal poisons
@Micolash sneaky they are, hopefully they are consumed by the forest as nutrients